Black Mirror: Nosedive: Analysis and Thoughts

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Black Mirror: Nosedive

Analysis and Thoughts

by Felix Zappe

IOT 5028 –
as held in
Innovation, Creativity and New
Digital Technologies

at the Edward de Bono Institute

on 24th May 2017

Kurs: Thema | Fakultät | Institution 04.08.2017 Felix Zappe


1 The Story

2 The social medium as an social instance

3 Interpersonal exchange

4 Emerging business models

5 The rules of behavior

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
2 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
1. The Story
Welcome to a crazy yet not so distant future

• A mixture of Tripadvisor,
Facebook and Tinder is the
new societal currency

• You can post pictures and

get rated for them
• You can create your own
profile and interact
• You can rate places and
persons you are nearby or
just encountered

• Your social status is your

average vote, a popularity

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
3 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
1. The Story
Meet Lacie

 Lacie Pound is obsessed with being well received and even has a rating of 4.2
 She lives with her brother Ryan, a 3,x and not worrying about it
 Their lease is expiring so Lacie wants to move to luxurious" Pelican Cove, Ryan is
 To move there she needs to pay a huge amount of money or can have a immense
discount when having at least a rating of 4.5

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
4 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
1. The Story
The big chance

 Lacie is in need of an increased rating, all of a sudden Naomi, a childhood friend

and 4.8, asks Lacie to be her maid of honour at her wedding, she sees a chance
to impress Naomi and her high class friends and gets some good rankings from
high ranked individuals
 At the airport she is told her flight has been cancelled. Available seats on another
flight require a 4.2 rating, unfortunately an earlier argument with Ryan and
several encounters with strangers led to an index of 4.183
 Lacie causes a scene by mouthing off the attendant and the security gives her a
24-hour punishment that temporarily lowers her rating by one whole point to 3.1
and all downvotes she receives will incur a double multiplier.

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5 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
1. The Story
The encounter

 Lacie has to go by car but can only rent a very basic inconvenient one, which she
cannot recharge
 Lacie tries to hitchhike, but nobody stops because of her low rating with some
even downvoting her for no reason.
 Eventually she manages to get a ride from a truck driver Susan, who reveals she
too was obsessed with ratings until her husband was passed over for vital cancer
treatment because he was a 4.3 rather than a 4.4.

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6 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
1. The Story
The nosedive

 Naomi calls Lacie and tells her she is no longer welcome at the wedding, as her
rating has now dropped to 2.6.
 Enraged, Lacie gets drunk and decides to go anyway, crashes the wedding and
performs her speech at first calmly, but then starts to embarrass herself
 All the guests subsequently rank her down until she has a ranking of 0, though
she is unfazed by this she threatens Naomi’s husband with a knife
 Having lost her sanity, Lacie continues to rant but soon security arrests her during
all technology is removed from her and she is imprisoned
 In her cell, Lacie begins to exchange insults with another prisoner as their anger
turns to delight about their regained freedom of speech

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7 04.08.2017
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2. The social medium as an social instance
The Analysis

 Despite its somewhat pervert and yet impossible

task of rating persons this social network has the
power to change social structures and replace
any value system by narcissism and obsession
 Everybody wants to get the best possible rating
which means a better live, ultimately this
results in mutual fives inflation and obsessive
rating at every moment
 Increase of superficiality & conformity on every
single being more over it kills individualism and
own taste in favor of societal norms
 This lust for impressiveness also results in
compulsive disorders such as cleaning or
investing in disliked things
 Ultimately it introduces a level of class and
worthiness into society

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
8 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
2. The social medium as an social instance
The Discussion

 Can you value a life, task or even service in a 5 star system?

 How would 5-star people be like?

 In a world of valued conformity, how do trends evolve and

innovations diffuse?

 How real is your rating when it is based on “staged” events

and how long can you keep it up?

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
9 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
3. Interpersonal exchange
The Analysis

 Lacie and her somewhat higher ranked co-

worker meet in an elevator
 The only way of socially accepted conversion is
introduced by Lacie panically scrolling through
the co-workers profile finally asking arbitrary
 The participants are alienated from the
conversation as they can only ask about info,
that is publically available
 Conversions become self-centered, just for the
sake of actually having said something to each
other and promoting oneself by taking on a false

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
10 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
3. Interpersonal exchange
The Discussion

 Would not conversing actually cause any harm?

 How similar is this scenario to professional get-togethers, job

interviews and professional social networks

 When does assimilation turn into humiliation?

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
11 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
4. Emerging business models
The Analysis

 The post truth of social media, supported by the

biggest attention or curated by the most known
influencer can make lies into facts
 The production of positive feelings has gotten on
the next level when holograms advertise
especially for you, even selling inappropriate
 The popularity of a higher social status is
 The higher your rank the more influential is your
rating, these mechanics lead to disciplines such
as popularity index optimization, based on
tactics such as nostalgia or cuteness

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
12 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
4. Emerging business models
The Discussion

 Would notyou
are told actually cause
Imagine to who to hangany
with and whom not,
would you go as far as dump your brother or best friend for a
 How
is this scenario to professional get togethers, job
interviews and professional social networks
 When advertising is ultimately personalized, does this
 When
assimilation turn into humiliation?

 Is the popularity index open to corruption?

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
13 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
5. The rules of behavior
The Analysis

 Social Media encourages emotionally instability

but in a societal acceptable manner
 Politeness and friendliness are valued so much,
that you actually can get severely punished by
not obeying to the rules
 Lacie’s and most of the other characters’
personas are made to impress, yet there are not
emotionally stable which leads to her downfall
 Even service clerks are not capable of actually
showing real emotions, but behave as they were
 Susan, as a symbol against the narcissistic rating
system does not obey & mocks these rules
 Lacie’s search for contempt is endless, however
she reveals her true self during & after the

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
14 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta
5. The rules of behavior
The Discussion

 Can you become ultimately contempt by the “grace” of

others / of a rating system?

 On what does your reputation rely on?

 Is freedom just another word for nothing left to lose?

 How to stand against a powerful system even if you know it is

not righteous?

 Is a restrictive rating system our future?

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
15 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta

Thanks for your attention!

And a warm ‘fuck you’ coming

from heart
IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta

Harry‘s Moving Castle, 2017. Black Mirror Analysis: Nosedive. [video online]
Available at:
[Accessed 02 May June 2017].

Yames, 2017. Black Mirror Season 3: Nosedive Analysis. [video online]

Available at:
[Accessed 02 May June 2017].

Butcher Billy, 2017. Black Mirror: Nosedive Golden Age Comic Cover. [image
online] Available at:
comic-covers-by-artist-butcher-billy/#9 [Accessed 02 May 2017].

IOT 5028 – Creativity & New Digital Technologies: Black Mirror – Nosedive
17 04.08.2017
Edward de Bono Institute | University of Malta

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