Nursery News - Feb 11

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The month of January has just flown by and we are well and truly back to business as usual in
nursery. We would like to thank everyone for the gifts that we received at Christmas, your
kindness is appreciated.

Christmas Fayre

After a delay the Christmas Fayre finally went ahead and the sum raised at the nursery stall
was £97.35. Sam Campbell was the winner of the cuddly toy in the raffle.

Scottish Week

In nursery we have recently enjoyed our Scottish Week where the children joined in making
Leek & Potato Soup and Scones. The Ceilidh was great fun and everyone enjoyed taking

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will be offered in the last term for Pre-School children, the dates will be
as follows:
21/3/11 to 20/6/11 (excluding 4/4/11, 11/4/11, 23/4/11 & 2/5/11 – these dates being

There is a charge of £10 per child and we ask that £5 is paid by the parents and the nursery
will meet the cost of the other £5. Further information will be given out nearer the start date.

Parents Appointments

Parents Evenings started this week however if you have difficulty attending in the evening
please speak with a member of the nursery staff to arrange a day time appointment. At
Parents Evenings you will meet with the member of staff responsible for your child’s group
in the areas as follows:

Green Group Nursery Office

Red Group Nursery Playroom
Blue Group School Library
Lending Library

We have a shortage of help in the Lending Library and therefore ask that all books and sound
books are returned on a Tuesday as this is the only day we have someone available to assist

Nursery Updates

Please check the notice board in the cloakroom regularly for updates as we often have
important information to give you using this method. We would also ask that you try to
ensure that the children do not rub off the information written on the whiteboard.

Lost Property

We seem to be collecting a lot of lost property in nursery which we have put on the top of the
shelves at the Lending Library. Please check to see if any of your child’s property is there.

“Kidscape” D.V.D

We have in the past had the company “Kidscape” in nursery filming a D.V.D. This usually
takes on a theme e.g. Safari Ride and your child would be filmed individually for their own
special D.V.D for parents/carers to purchase. This has been very popular in the past and we
plan to do this on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd March 2011. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding this please speak with a member of the nursery staff.

“World of Work” Week – Can you help?

The World of Work week takes place on the week commencing Monday 7th March when
people from different work environments come in to speak to the nursery children about their
jobs and what they do. If you would like to take part in this event please speak with the
nursery staff for further details. The children really do enjoy these visitors to nursery and like
to ask many questions about the various jobs.

Diary Dates

Tuesday 15th February Dress Down Day

Wednesday 16th February In-Service Day (Nursery Closed)
Thursday 17th February In-Service Day (Nursery Closed)
Friday 18th February Public Holiday (Nursery Closed)
Monday 21st February Public Holiday (Nursery Closed

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