Skills & Abilities: Heliopolis

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Although raised as a princess in Orb and taught to be proper, sophisticated, and elegant; Cagalli is

far from it, for she has been shown to be quite stubborn, rebellious, masculine, and often free
spirited. Cagalli is also shown to dislike being called a princess and when someone calls her one
she instantly tells them not to call her that again. Despite rebelling against both her father and her
responsibilities as a princess, she is quite loyal to her country and more than willing to give up her
life to save it. In Destiny, Cagalli becomes the leader of her country in place of her father. However
she is shown to be reluctant in speaking against the pro-Alliance leaders of Orb and had trouble
difficulty in handling situations when it involves her country's future. Eventually she discovers that
she is a capable leader and both her people and herself regained their trust in her.

Skills & Abilities

As the ruling Princess of Orb, Cagalli is shown to have competent diplomacy skills when dealing with
foreign policy. While fighting with the Desert Dawn in Egypt, it is presumed that she is skilled in basic
combat training and the usage of firearms. In MS combat, Cagalli is seen as a decent mid-range
combatant, but needed an AI program to assist her during her first sortie with the Strike Rouge. This
is ironically in contrast to her lover Athrun Zala, who has a penchant for hand-to-hand MS combat.
Although she is a Natural, Cagalli is capable of going into SEED mode in battle like Kira and Athrun,
as evidenced when she avenges the deaths of M1 Astray pilots Asagi Caldwell and Juri Wu Nien, by
destroying the Strike Daggers that took them out.[1] So far in the Cosmic Era, Cagalli is the only
Natural to have gone into SEED mode.
Gundam SEED
Cagalli is first seen, though not named, in episode 1 of Gundam SEED. After learning that her nation
is aiding the Earth Alliance in secret, she travels to the Orb Union's Heliopolis space colony to see
the evidence for herself. She meet Kira Yamato as the ZAFT forces attacks the colony and Team Le
Creuset raid the base, She runs in search of the mobile suits that was said to have been developed
for the Earth Alliance by Morgenroete, Inc. at Heliopolis with Kira trailing after her in worry. When her
fears are justified and she discovers that there really were new mobile suits built by Morgenroete she
is upset by this, enough for her legs to cave in as she asks out loud how her father could betray
them, Kira merely stands to the side, baffled at her outburst. Later as they run for cover, she is
pushed by Kira into an evacuation shelter prior to the destruction of the colony.
With the Desert Dawn
Cagalli reappears in episode 15, as a member of the Desert Dawn resistance group in ZAFT-
occupied Northern Africa. Though the group is led by Sahib Ashman, Cagalli is nicknamed the
"Goddess of Victory" because of the strong role she plays within the group. She is accompanied by
Ledonir Kisaka.
Cagalli reunites with Kira Yamato, now a pilot for the Archangel, a warship of the Earth Alliance
Forces. At the Desert Dawn's frontline base, Mu La Flaga asks for the formal name of the "Goddess
of Victory", and Sahib Ashman unwillingly replies with "Cagalli Yula."
After ZAFT BuCUEs under the command of Andrew Waltfeld destroy the town of Tassil, Cagalli and
several other members of the Desert Dawn chase them. Outmatched, several resistance fighters,
including Cagalli's friend Ahmed El-Fasi, are killed. Ledonir Kisaka manages to protect Cagalli until
Kira arrives. She and Kira quarrel over her actions, ending with Kira slapping her across the face.
Cagalli is later bequeathed a green stone by Ahmed, who had unrequited romantic feelings towards
In episode 19, Cagalli and Kira are sent to gather supplies, but are accidentally caught up in a Blue
Cosmos attempt to assassinate one of their adversaries,General Andrew Waltfeld, nicknamed "the
Desert Tiger". Andrew knocks Kira and Cagalli prone to protect them, and Kira keeps one of the
terrorists from shooting Andrew throwing a gun at the terrorist and then kicking him.
Waltfeld brings Kira and Cagalli to his headquarters. Though they want to leave, he wants to thank
them. Waltfeld's girlfriend Aisha takes Cagalli away to be cleaned up. Andrew has a conversation
with Kira until Aisha brings in Cagalli in an elegant dress, much to the Cagalli's dismay. A humorous
exchange between Kira and Cagalli is had after the formers states something about her being a girl.
Both adults find their verbal battle a little humorous.

Andrew then reveals he knows Kira is with the Earth Alliance Forces. He points a gun at Kira and
Cagalli and asks how the war will end, if it will be after all enemies are dead. He also says he does
not know why Kira, a Coordinator, is fighting his own kind, but as long as he pilots the GAT-X105
Strike, they are enemies. Andrew then lets them go, since Kira has previously saved his life. In this
encounter with Andrew, Cagalli learns Kira is a Coordinator.
In a battle between the ZAFT forces, lead by Andrew, and the Archangel with the aid of the Desert
Dawn, seeing that they are outmatched in terms of numbers, Cagalli commandeers the spare FX-
550 Skygrasper. She is shot down but lands safely and the ZAFT forces retreat.
After the battle, the Archangel leaves Africa, heading for Orb. Cagalli and Ledonir accompany them.
While traveling on the Indian Ocean, she comforts Kira, who is upset about the deaths of people he
failed to protect, and Andrew, the first person he killed who he knew personally. Flay Allster, whom
Kira seems to have a convoluted and complicated relationship with, is clearly jealous of Cagalli's
closeness to Kira.
First encounter with Athrun Zala
Over the Indian Ocean, Cagalli chooses to pilot a Skygrasper once again, aiding the Archangel in
battle against ZAFT forces. She finds a ZAFT transport ship and engages it in battle but is shot
down, but not before shooting down the transport that just happened to be carrying Athrun Zala and
his mobile suit.
Both end up being marooned on the same island, with Cagalli finding Athrun first. After being
shooting at him resulting to an armed conflict between the two and having to deal with the awkward
position of confirming that she was, in fact, a girl, she is taken by Athrun as a prisoner. She has her
wrists and ankles bound and had to watch from the sand below as Athrun throws her only weapon
away, her gun. While trying to get to Athrun's mobile suit in her tied up stage, Cagalli accidentally
ends up almost drowning in a small but deep puddle made by the rain where Athrun rescues her. An
exchange of humorous banters is had between them that results in Athrun setting her free because
she seemed like she couldn't be any serious threat to him. While waiting for retrieval, the two talk.
Their viewpoints about the war clash, but they listen to each other with Athrun being the one to give
up first knowing that it would get them nowhere. He falls asleep on her, giving Cagalli an opening to
steal his gun that she eventually throws away, resulting to it misfiring with the bullet grazing Athrun's
side. This eventually leads to a mutual truce between them and they exchange names. They later
rescued by their respective forces. Neither tells anyone about what happened on the island.
In episode 25, the Archangel with Cagalli on board, reaches Orb, though for political reasons the
country claims the ship was driven off. When the Archangel enters Orb territory, she reveals that she
is Cagalli Yula Athha, the daughter of the Orb Union's Chief Representative Uzumi Nara Athha. She
is clearly upset with Orb's secret weapons development on Heliopolis and blames her father. She
tries to help Kira by reuniting him with his family, but he refuses to see them. Cagalli's concern over
Kira culminates in her embracing him just before he leaves Orb with the Archangel, telling him not to
die and to come back to see her again. These actions clearly distress her father and his parents.
Second encounter with Athrun
In episode 31, Cagalli and Orb forces find Athrun lying unconscious on a beach after an intense
battle that supposed to have killed Kira and his friend, Tolle Koenig.
Athrun regains consciousness on the Orb transport ship, where Cagalli points a gun at him and
demands to know what happened to Kira. Athrun is upset about killing his friend, but justifies it by
saying that Kira had killed several ZAFT comrades, including his friend Nicol Amalfi. Cagalli repeats
her father's teachings, saying that killing for vengeance will never bring peace but simply more
conflict. Both are reduced to tears.
Before releasing him back to ZAFT, Cagalli gives Athrun a red stone pendant sacred to Haumea (the
goddess of fertility and childbirth worshipped in Orb), and says she does not want anybody else to

In episode 37, the Archangel returns to Orb after defecting from the Earth Alliance with Kira, now
piloting the ZGMF-X10A Freedom, on board. Cagalli reacts very emotionally when she finds out Kira
has survived and he recounts his side of the battle with Athrun.
Rise of the Three Ships Alliance
In episode 38, Muruta Azrael, leader of Blue Cosmos, directs an attack on Orb, trying to force the
nation to concede to the Earth Alliance. Athrun joins the fight in the ZGMF-X09A Justice. He was
originally ordered to retake or destroy the Freedom, but instead he helps Kira and the others stave
off the Earth Alliance. After doing so, a tearful Cagalli runs up to Kira and Athrun as they meet face-
to-face and hugs them both.
This reunion is ruined when the Earth Alliance attacks again. Cagalli's father, gives her a photograph
of her and Kira when they were babies—in the arms of their birth mother, Via Hibiki—and tells her
that although she is leaving her father, she will not be alone, for she will be with her brother.
Cagalli then takes off on board the Kusanagi and watches in horror as her father and other Orb
leaders sacrifice their lives detonating the Kaguya mass driver to prevent the Earth Alliance from
capturing it.
In the final episodes of Gundam SEED, Cagalli pilots the MBF-02 Strike Rouge as a member of
the Three Ships Alliance, which is trying to stop the genocidal intentions of the leaders of both
sides, Patrick Zala and Muruta Azrael.

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