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Looking Back and Paying It Forward: The Story of Ralph, a

Former Sponsored Child

By Eira Maurice Erfe, Sponsorship Assistant
Sometimes, all we need to succeed in life is a gentle nudge that will push us to the right direction. For
Ralph, that nudge came in the form of Save the Children and his sponsor, who gave him a better fighting
chance at life.

He was only a teenager when he first joined the Sponsorship Program in Iloilo, a province in the central
portion of the Philippines. He is the eldest among five siblings, and both of his parents were
unemployed. But poverty did not stop him from dreaming of a better life. When he became a sponsored
child, he knew change is within his reach. He was ready for the Sponsorship Experience!

Ralph participated in the Adolescent Development Programs of Save the Children, and attended Life
Skills trainings, Sexual and Reproductive Health seminars, Peer Facilitation programs, and Youth Camps.
According to Ralph, the organization molded him into a better version of himself. He gained confidence,
and he learned that even as a child, he can be heard—that if you have something to say, you should
speak up. He believes that the Sponsorship Program created a lasting impact on his life because it
opened new opportunities for him, and it made him realize that he can do more and be more.

Years after being a Sponsorship Ambassador, Ralph finished his studies and is now working in an
international financial institution. Despite his success, his passion for helping others never faltered. He
knew in his heart that it’s time for him to give back and pay it forward. Apart from supporting his
parents and helping his siblings finish school, he currently organizes “Volun-tours.” Their activities strive
to help poor communities nationwide. He also supports a non-government organization by volunteering
as an academic tutor to children living in cemeteries around Manila. Of

For Ralph, having a sponsor was a pivotal moment in his life. He hopes that more people would sponsor
children like him:

“People should realize that they can give hope to others, so others will feel that the situation they are in
isn’t going to last forever. They should see that there are people who can maximize opportunities given
to them, and that they can be helped.”

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