Advanced Hibernate

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Advanced Hibernate

Mike Calvo
Citronella Software
• Custom Types
• Inheritance Models
Custom Types
• Sometimes you don’t want the default
mapping Hibernate associates with your
• Reasons
– Combine two fields into one column
– Numbers and dates stored as strings
– Data encryption
Creating a UserType
• Implement the org.hibernate.usertype.UserType interface
• returnedClass()
– Tells Hibernate what type of value to expect for your Type
• sqlTypes()
– Tells Hibernate what JDBC types you are mapping to
• Key conversion methods
– nullSafeGet
– nullSafeSet
– Have access to
• JDBC resultSet
• Column names for property
• Owning object
Example UserType
• DateAsStringUserType converts dates to
Strings formatted as yyyy-MM-dd
Other UserType Methods
• equals and hashcode
– Make sure you check for nulls
• isMutable
– Are objects of the returned type mutable (Strings are
• assemble and disassemble
– Prepare for/extract from caching
– Strings can be cached as is (simply return)
• replace
– Handles a merge
– Return the first parameter on immutable items
Using The UserType
• Annotate the property with the @Type
• Specify the fully qualified classname for
your UserType implementation in the type
Inheritance Models
• There are times when your Hibernate-
mapped classes participate in inheritance
– Patient extends Person
– Physician extends Person
• Hibernate provides three strategies for
simulating inheritance in the relational
database mapping
Hibernate Inheritance Strategies
• Table per class hierarchy
• Table per subclass
• Table per concrete class
Table per Class Hierarchy
• All of the data representing the properties
of every class in the Hierarchy are stored
in one table
• Requires that fields in subclasses be
• Uses discriminator column to determine
the type of object represented a row
– Each subclass must declare the discriminator
value for the type
Table per Class Hierarchy Example
• Patient and Physician extend Person
Patient and Person
Resultant DDL

Has fields for both Patient and Physician

Table per Subclass
• Each subclass in the hierarchy gets its
own table
• Parent class fields are in one table
• Primary key in subclass tables refer back
to the parent class table
• Use joined-subclass configuration
Table per Subclass Example
• CreditCardPayment, CashPayment, and
CheckPayment all extend Payment
Payment Subclasses
Table Per Subclass DDL
Discriminator w/Table Per Subclass
• Table per subclass also supports the use
of a discriminator
• Not required
Table per Concrete Class
• Each class in the hierarchy gets its own
• The parent class fields are duplicated in
each table
• Two approaches
– Union subclass
– Implicit polymorphism
Union Subclass
• Map the Parent class as normal
– No discriminator required
– Specify parent class properties
– @Inheritance(strategy =
• Map each of the subclasses
– Specify a table name
– Specify subclass properties
Implicit Polymorphism
• Parent class is not mapped using
– Annotate with @MappedSuperclass
• Each of the subclasses is mapped as a
normal class
– Map all of the properties, including the parent
Implicit Polymorphism Example
• Car and Truck extend Vehicle
• SUV extends Truck
Vehicle Parent Class
• Class not mapped, but properties are
Vehicle Subclasses
Implicit Polymorphism DDL

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