Aflame With God's Love

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Siena College, Inc.

Quezon City
Integrated Basic Education Department
AY 2020-2021

Aflame with God’s Love

Jesus’ Call to Build God’s Kingdom
God’s Plan of Love for

Table of Contents
 Unit I: God’s Plan of Love for Humankind

o Lesson 1- God’s Plan of Love in the Old Testament

 The Promise of Salvation

 God is Faithful to His Promise

 The New Covenant of Love

o Lesson 2- God’s Plan of Love Fulfilled in Christ

 The Covenants Fulfilled in Jesus

 The New Covenant of Love

o Lesson 3- God’s Plan Continued by the Church

 The Church, The Universal Sacrament of Salvation

o Lesson 4- God’s Plan and the Human Person

o Lesson 5- Mary and Her Fiat In God’s Plan of Love

 Mary’s Fiat

Lesson 1: God’s Plan of Love in the Old Testament

Grasp the idea that God’s plan was concretely visible in the early pages of the book of Genesis ; See in your mind's eye the connection between the Old Testament
and the New Testament concerning God’s plan of salvation and Be sensitive to the signs assuring us that He is always with us.
 We always search for God, but God has always been there for us
 Sometime we just don’t notice Him because we are too preoccupied with many worldly things
 God is present in our lives everyday. All we have to do is be sensitive to the signs assuring us that He is always with us.

The Promise of Salvation

 God never leaves His people because He is a faithful God as shown in the Old Testament. Two Ways to Read the Scripture
 In the Book of Genesis God showcases His almighty power. 1. Literal Sense- On its literal sense/form
 He created Human being out of love. 2. Spiritual Sense- Allegorical/reading between the
 He made man in His image and likeness lines
 Man has the ability to think, decide and to love.
 He gave man dominion over His Creation.
 When the man woman disobeyed God, He punished them but He promised salvation to His people.
 God’s love and mercy for them and for the coming generations who will bear the consequence of the sin they committed, are expressed in the promised
of salvation He made in Genesis 3:15.

“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring's and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heels.’ Gen. 3:15
Protoevangelium comes from the two Hebrew words:
“Proto” meaning First and “Evangelion” meaning Gospel or Good News.

Breakdown of Gen 3:15 -The First Gospel-

I will put enmity between you and the woman
o I = God (Adam, Eve and God) God Is Faithful to His Promise
o Enmity = Gap, battle/feud between God has always been faithful to His people from the beginning of the story of the first Man and Woman to the
0000000 Adam and Eve vs God) prophets
o You = Satan  Abraham gave his unconditional obedience even if God’s commands were very difficult
o Woman = Eve (Old Tes) Mary (New Tes)  God asked him to leave His native country to go to a strange land where he does not know
And between your offspring and hers anyone
o Your offspring = Eve = Cain and Abel  The greatest test of Abraham’s obedience was when God asked him to sacrifice his only son,
o Mary = Jesus (The Promised Messiah) Isaac, for Him
 The obedience and fidelity of Abraham was rewarded by God- He established a covenant with
 God promised that He will give him a land where food grows in abundance and that he will be the “Father of all Nations”

God’s loving plan of salvation continues to unfold in the story of Moses and the people of Israel 10 Plagues of Egypt
 The Israelites, the descendants of Abraham ended in Egypt as slaves. 1. Water turns to blood
 He called Moses to deliver the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt 2. Amphibians (Frogs)
 Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go 3. Gnats (Lice)
 God send plagues to force Pharaoh to let the Israelites go 4. Flies
 God protected them all throughout their journey
5. Disease on Livestock
 He made them cross the Red Sea to protect them from
6. Unhealable Boils
 the Egyptian Army
7. Hail and Fire
 God gave them food when they are hungry
8. De Locusts
9. Darkness
The New Covenant of Love 10. Death of all First Born
 God appointed the Kings to rule Israel
 Saul = 1st King
1. Second King- David Fell into Sin:
- greatest kings of Israel - Wives are Pagan
- Prioritized God: returned the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem - Idolatry
- By his great act, David’s descendant will be the Messiah (Jesus)
Fell into Sin: 3. Jeremiah “Weeping Prophet’
- Sent out the husband of the woman he loves to go to war - Youngest prophet
- Delivers the Prophecy of the New Covenant/Christ OR Covenant of
2. Solomon Love
- The one w/ a dream
- son of David
- Asked for Wisdom
- Story of two women and a child
- Built the temple in Jerusalem

Lesson 2: God’s Plan of Love Fulfilled in Christ

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