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Characteristic of Part of Speech

Verb :

-Verbs are used to describe an action, feeling, thoughts, etc.

-A verb always has a subject.

-Verbs can have different form.

-Verbs can be divided into two characteristics (main verb,auxiliary/helping verb).

Example : Ani sings. Word “sings” was a verb

Adverb :

-Is used to modify a verb, an adjective another adverb.

-Express more detailed information about time, place, manner, etc.

-Adverb have other functions (modify a phrase, sentence).

Example : Bayu run slowly. Word “slowly” was an adverb.

Noun :

-Are commonly thought as "naming" word, specifically as the names of person, place, things.

-Many noun can recognized by their endings (e.g. _ment, _tion, _ness, etc.).

-Most nouns have distinctive singular and plural form, the plural form is formed by adding 's'.

-Noun is often recognized by its position in the sentence, it is often come after determine.
(E.g. a, an, the, etc.)

-Nouns have some function, it is subject and/or object .

Example : Heri climb a tower. Word “Heri” was a noun.

Adjective :

-Is a word that describes or modifies a noun.

-some adjective can be identified by their ending (_able, _ible, _al, _ful, _ive, etc.)

-Adjectives also take different forms to indicate their position on a scale of comparison,
which known as absolute, comparative, and superlative form (e.g. big, bigger, biggest, etc.).

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