Logic, Ch-3

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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

Chapter III Example: Fallacy of affirming the

Informal Fallacies K…D
3.1 Fallacies in General If Mohammed Amin was killed in a
Fallacy: is a defect in an argument plane crash, then Mohammed Amin
that consists in something other is dead.
than merely false premises. Mohammed Amin is dead.
Therefore, Mohammed Amin was
A fallacy is a bad argument. killed in a plane crash.
Conversely, any bad argument is (It is fallacious, because the
bad because either it contains a argument has true premises and a
fallacy or because it has one or false conclusion.)
more false premise or both.

Informal Fallacy: is the one that

It usually involves either a mistake can be detected only through
in reasoning or the creation of analysis of the content of the
some illusion that makes a bad argument.
argument appear good. Example: Fallacy of Accident
Whoever thrusts a knife in to
The tricks of fallacies fool not only another person should be arrested.
the listener but also the arguer. But surgeons precisely this when
operating. Therefore surgeons
Formal Fallacy: is the one that may should be arrested. (Hurley 129)
be identified through mere
inspection of the form or structure The fallacies in most, but not all
of the argument. deductive arguments may be
This will be studied in detail on the identified through mere inspection of
later chapters. the form.

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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

Example 1:
All factories are plants. 3.2.1 Fallacies of Relevance
All plants are things that contain
chlorophyll. 1. Appeal to force (Argumentum ad
Therefore, all factories are things Baculum)
that contain chlorophyll. Is also called (appeal to the stick)
(The fallacious nature of this It occurs whenever an arguer uses a
argument cannot be identified physical or psychological threat
through the mere inspection of the (force), which is logically irrelevant
form, but through analysis of the to the subject matter of the
content) conclusion, and is simply to
Example 2: convince its opponent.
All valid deductive arguments with
all true premises are sound. Example:
All sounds can be measured in bel
A teacher to a student:
or decibel.
“You should attend the lecture
Therefore, all valid arguments can
regularly. If you miss a single lecture
be measured in bel or decibel.
you will be dismissed from the
(Fallacious, because there is an
illusion in the meaning of the word
(Police inspector to suspected
3.2 Classification of Informal
You have committed the crime; if
Aristotle and other logicians
you do not accept this you will be
classified informal fallacies in to
tortured the whole night.
many forms.
The major categories are fallacies of
2. Appeal to Pity (Argumentum ad
relevance, weak induction,
presumption, ambiguity and
grammatical analogy.
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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

It occurs whenever an arguer communism. Therefore, it is logical

attempts to convince the listener or to accept Marxism.
reader by evoke pity.
2. Indirect Approach:
Example: In this case the arguer directs his
A tax payer to judge: Your Honor, I appeal not to the crowed as a whole
admit that I declared thirteen but to one or more individuals
children as dependents on my tax separately, focusing up on some
return, even through I have only aspect of relationship to the
two, and I realize that this was crowed.
wrong. But if you find me guilty of
tax evasion, my reputation will be Three forms:
ruined. I will probably lose my job, 2.1. Bandwagon Argument
my poor wife will not be able to have The idea is that you will be left
the operation that she desperately behind or left out of the group if
needs, and my kids will starve. you do not accept it.
Surely I am not guilty. (Hurley: 118) Example:
3. Appeal to the People Of course, you have to vote the
(Argumentum ad Populum) Social democrats, because majority
3.1. Direct Approach: of the people vote social democrats.
Occurs when an arguer, addressing
a large group of people, excites the 2.2. Appeal to Vanity
emotions and enthusiasm of the It attempts to persuade people by
crowed (arouse mob mentality) to associating the idea with a certain
win acceptance for his conclusion. celebrity who is admired and
Mob mentality usually created pursued.
through mass media. Example:
Example: You should buy Kangaroo foam
Communism is a political system because it is the mattress that Haile
where by men become the master of Gebresillsie uses.
itself and Mr. Marx is a fighter of
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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

2.3. Appeal to snobbery It occurs when the second person

It attempts to persuade the responds the first person’s argument
individual to accept the idea by by discrediting the opponent’s
making feel he/she is among the argument by alluding (referring
few best. indirectly) to certain circumstances
that affect the opponent.
Example: Example:
Hummer automobiles are not for The dean's argument for 70-30
every one but only for the few rich, if policy is useless for he argues in
you qualify as one of the select few that way simply because he is
purchase it. member of the ruling political party.
4.3. The tu quoque (“you too”)
4. Argument against the person It begins when the second arguer
(Argumentum ad Hominem) attempts to convince by citing
It involves two arguers and is features in the life or behavior of the
occurred when one of the arguers first arguer that conflict with
attempts to convince the other not his/her conclusion.
by presenting convincing arguments; Example:
but through attacking the person by His son concluded that his father's
mentioning its weaker sides. argument against smoking is useless
Three forms: for his father smokes too.
4.1. The ad hominem abusive 5. Accident
It occurs when the second person It is committed when a general rule
responds the first person’s argument is misapplied to a specific case
by verbally abusing the first person. which was not intended to cover.
Example: Example:
Her argument for abortion is useless Property should be returned to its
because she argued that way for she rightful owner. The drunker man
aborted three times. who is starting a fight with his
4.2. The ad hominem opponents at the pool table lent you
circumstantial his pistol, and now he wants it back.
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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

Therefore, you should return it to reestablishing the military

him now. (Adapted from Hurely: government.
8. Red Herring
6. Straw Man It is committed when the arguer

It is committed when an arguer diverts the attention of the reader

distorts an opponent’s argument for or listener by changing the subject

the purpose of more easily to some totally different issue.

attacking it. Example:

Ato Belete is asked to report why he
has been late last night. He started
to talk about the amazing TV show
Wr/t Meron's argument for college
he watched that night, and smartly
love affair is useless. Obviously this
managed to change the attention of
love affair leads the students to
the requester.
unwanted pregnancy. And unwanted
pregnancy will definitely results in
N.B. While both Red herring and
college drop out, medical and
Straw man fallacies proceed by
psychological complications.
generating a new set of premises,
Therefore, her argument is useless.
but Missing the point draws
inappropriate conclusion from the
7. Missing the Point
original premise.
(Ignoratio Elenchi)
It occurs when the premises of an
3.2.2 Fallacies of Weak
argument supports one particular
conclusion, often vaguely related
They occur due to the weak
to the correct conclusion, is drawn.
connection between the premises
and the conclusion.
Democracy is a mock in most
African countries. The only
9. Appeal to unqualified
alternative is therefore,
Authority (Argumentum
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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

ad verecundiam) Therefore, majority of the students

It occurs when the cited authority or of AU are addicted to the drug.
witness is not trustworthy.
Example: 12. False cause
Our mathematics professor said that It occurs whenever the link between
Ethiopia had no written philosophy premises and conclusion depends on
until C 20th. Therefore, it is true that some imaginary causal connection
Zerayacob’s C17th philosophy can that probably does not exist.
not be considered as a written Three types:
Ethiopian Philosophy. 12.1. Post hoc ergo
prompter hoc
10. Appeal to Ignorance
It occurs just because one event
(ad Ignoratiam)
precedes another event and the
It is occurred when the arguer
arguer concluded that the preceding
concludes something to be evident
cause is the cause for the current
because noting is known with
effect ="after this on account of
certainty, and vice versa.
Noting is known with certainty about
During the past two months every
the existence of devil. Therefore,
Saturday a fox had crossed Ato
devil does not exist.
Adefris on his way for hunting and
he was unfortunate. Therefore, to be
11. Hasty Generalization
fortunate in his hunting task in the
(Converse Accident)
future Ato adefiris should change his
It is committed when a specific case
(sample not representative) is
12.2. Non causa pro causa
applied to a general rule which was
It occurs when what is taken to be
not intended to cover.
the cause of the something is not
really the cause at all.
Last year three students of AU were
found to be addicted to marijuana.
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Introduction to Logic (Phil 201) Lecture Notes, Ch-3

Best medical doctors are those who is committed when the analogy is
are paid salaries in excess of 10,000 not strong enough to support the
Eth. Birr. Therefore, the best way to conclusion. Example:
ensure Dr. Dereje will become the Object A has a, b, c and z qualities.
best medical doctor is to raise his Object B has a, b, c, qualities.
salary to at least 10,000 Eth. Birr. Therefore, object b probably has
quality z.
12.3. Oversimplified cause 3.2.3 Fallacies of Presumption
It occurs when a multitude of Arguments containing these fallacies
cause is responsible for a certain presume (guess) what they purport
effect but the arguer selects just one to prove.
of these and represents it as if it is Four kinds:
the sole (only) cause. 15. Begging the question
Example: (Petitio Principii)
There are more laws on books today To commit this fallacy some form of
than ever before, and more crimes phraseology be used that tends to
are being committed than ever conceal the questionably true
before. Therefore, to reduce crime we character of a key premise.
must eliminate the laws. (Hurley In other words, the arguer creates
140) the illusion that premises provide
13. Slippery slope adequate support by:
It is another variety of false cause. It 1. Leaving out key premise
occurs when the conclusion of an (Ignoring the questionably true
argument rests up on an alleged premise which is needed to make the
chain reaction and there is no argument valid.)
sufficient reason (not likely to Example:
occur) to think that the chain of Murder is morally wrong. This being
reaction will actually takes place. the case, it follows that abortion is
14. Weak Analogy morally wrong.
It affects inductive argument from (It ignores the questionably true
Analogy. It premise which is
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"Abortion is murder") 2. False bifurcation or Either-or fallacy

Restating the conclusion as a The arguer presents two unlikely
premise options as if they were the only ones
Example: available.
Anyone who does not have an innate Example:
ability could not be a great football Either you borrow me the money or
player. Therefore, any football player you don't deserve to be called my
has an innate ability. (The brother.
questionable [may be false] premise 18. Suppressed Evidence
says the same thing as the It is committed when the arguer
conclusion) ignores stronger evidence that
3. Reasoning in a circle Example: supports a different conclusion.
Democracy is the best political It occurs when an inductive
system. That is why it contains the argument ignores some important
most profound insights. Thus it piece of evidence that outweighs the
influences most countries in the presented evidence and entails a
world. Therefore, it is the best very different conclusion.
political system. Example:
16. Complex Question Typewriter repairmen have earned a
This fallacy consists in phrasing two good living in the past. Therefore,
or more questions in the form of a typewriter repairmen will earn a
single question and a single good living in the future.
answer is applies to both or all [It ignores a piece of evidence that
questions. computers have almost completely
Example: replaced typewriters in recent years.]
Have you stopped smoking? 3.2.4 Fallacies of Ambiguity
[If the answer is yes, it means the They arise from the use of
person has been smoking. If no, it ambiguous language in the premise
means the person at least has been or conclusion.
smoking.] 19. Equivocation
17. False Dichotomy It occurs when the conclusion of an
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argument depends on a word or a has at least the courage to admit her

phrase being used in two different own mistake.
senses. Example:
Example: "Kill him not leave him."
All valid deductive arguments with Based on this written message from
all true premises are sound. his boss a solider should conclude
All sounds can be measured in bel that he is ordered to kill the man in
or decibel. question.
Therefore, all valid arguments can 3.2.5. Fallacies of Grammatical
be measured in bel or decibel. Analogy
(Fallacious, because there is an They are called grammatical analogy
ambiguity in the meaning of the because they occur in arguments
word sound which has two different that are grammatically similar to
meanings in different senses) other, non fallacious arguments.
You can also imagine arguments 21. Composition
that contain words like obtuse, law, It occurs when the arguer
right, fan, etc. erroneously (wrongly) transfers an
20. Amphiboly attribute from the parts of
It occurs when an arguer something onto the whole.
misinterprets an ambiguous Example:
statement and then draws a Each atom in this piece of chalk is
conclusion based on the faulty invisible. Therefore, the chalk is
interpretation. invisible.
The ambiguous statement is made [The attribute invisible is wrongly
by someone other that the arguer. transferred from the parts on to the
The ambiguity arises from, a whole.]
mistake in grammar or 22. Division
punctuation. It occurs when the arguer
Example: erroneously (wrongly) transfers an
Almaz told workinesh that she had attribute from the whole of
made a mistake. It follow that Almaz something onto the parts.
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Salt is a nonpoisonous compound.
Therefore, its component elements
sodium and chlorine are
[The attribute nonpoisonous is
wrongly transferred from the whole
on to the parts.

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