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hello my name is wilder david contreras perez, I

remember a while ago when the last saga of the

twilight movie was extreme, my brother and my
sister went to see her on the day of her extremity
they extirpated him at midnight, the movie started
when The protagonist gave birth to her daughter,
the protagonist was not yet a vampire but at the
time of giving birth, her partner almost died, she
bit her so that she could bear childbirth, the girl
obtained powers more powerful than all and had a
special power to protect to their loved ones,
although later the vampires had an epic fight with
other vampires, it was just like taking a look at the
future since at the end of the battle the leader of
another side saw how he was beheaded and his
existence would end although the film was very
Well, some scenes I did not like as they would say
a lot of filler for me that night we left the cinema
at three in the morning, we did not have a car, the
only thing we had to do was walk and comment
on the scenes that we had. Yes we liked it with
my brothers, my parents were waiting for us in the
room worried about the late hours that we arrived,
but we already had the best time now because of
the pandemic, only to be able to watch the movies
on TV.

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