Differentiate Global Integration

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Differentiate Global Integration (left) to Regional Integration (right).

In the middle, write the similarities

of the two.

Regional Integrations were

usually based on Global integration is the
geographical considerations degree to which the
as reflected in the official company is able to use the
name of most regional same products and methods
groupings, less attention in other countries. Local
was paid to differences in responsiveness is the degree
socio-political facts and to which the company must
economic orientation customize their products
among member countries. and methods to meet
conditions in other

2. Describe the role of these following organizations:

 GATT- The main purpose of the GATT was substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade
barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.
 WTO- World Trade organization (WTO) has a crucial role to play in the international trade, global
economics, political and legal issues arising in the international business because of the
globalization. The goal of WTO is to provide a fair platform for its member countries to help in
services like exports, imports and conduct their business in a peaceful manner.
 EU- The EU’s employment and social affairs policies are designed to create quality jobs
throughout the EU; help workers to find jobs in their own or another EU country; promote skills
and entrepreneurship; coordinate and modernize social security schemes; create better working
conditions through common minimum standards; support social inclusion and combat poverty;
and protect the rights of people with disabilities.
 NAFTA- The North American Free Trade Agreement's purpose is to reduce trading costs,
increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global
 ANZCERTA or CER- The objectives of ANZCERTA are to strengthen the broader relationship
between Australia and New Zealand develop closer economic relations between the Member
States through a mutually beneficial expansion of free trade between New Zealand and Australia
eliminate barriers to trade between Australia and New Zealand in a gradual and progressive
manner under an agreed timetable and with a minimum of disruption develop trade between
New Zealand and Australia under conditions of fair competition.
 ASEAN- Played a central role in Asian economic integration, signing six free-trade agreements
with other regional economies and helping spearhead negotiations for what could be the
world’s largest free trade pact.
 APEC- Create greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced, inclusive,
sustainable, innovative and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration.
 TPP- facilitates the development of production and supply chains, and seamless trade,
enhancing efficiency and supporting our goal of creating and supporting jobs, raising living
standards, enhancing conservation efforts, and facilitating cross-border integration, as well as
opening domestic markets.

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