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Postdoctoral / senior research associate (Oberassistent) position in molecular


Institut, Seminar, Klinik / Institute, Department, Clinic

Department of Neonatology of the University and University Hospital Zurich.

Abteilungsbeschreibung / Description of UZH unit

The Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Professorship for Neurodevelopment, Growth and Nutrition of the
Newborn is based at the Department of Neonatology of the University and University Hospital Zurich.
Its main objective is to analyze the association between early nutrition, with special focus on human milk
(HM) feeding and the child neurodevelopment. Alongside a double clinical- (brain function and
morphology) and basic research track (neurobiology) this professorship points at a multidisciplinary
collaboration (medicine, biology, social sciences) in order to set up a comprehensive investigation
program on such a large question.

Aufgabenbereich / Responsibilities
Nutrition plays a major role in child development and HM fed infants seem to have a long-term
neurodevelopmental advantage over formula milk fed infants. While the mechanisms that mediate a
possible beneficial effect of HM on brain development and neurological outcome remain unclear, it is
hypothesized that HM components could directly or indirectly influence neurogenesis and effective
neurotransmission. We are seeking to appoint an outstanding neurobiologist to join and lead our
laboratory team as a senior research associate in collaboration with the chair.
The role holder will assume technical and organizational leadership functions within the team involved
in the basic research track:

- direct involvement in the experimental arm of the program and close collaboration with clinical
- full and co-responsibility for specific study projects and publication of scientific contributions;
- routinely conduction of assays using molecular and cell biology, as well as biochemistry techniques;
- active participation to the acquisition of third-party funds.

- train and supervise junior group members (PhD and master students);

- set up and maintain the laboratory in collaboration with the chair and a laboratory assistant.

Beschäftigungsgrad / Workload in %
100 %

Anforderungen / Qualifications
The ideal candidate will have an educational background (PhD) in neurobiology or related field. He/she
should have several years of relevant postdoctoral research experience and be familiar with molecular
and cellular biology approaches in developmental biology. He/she should be driven by strong
enthusiasm for interdisciplinary work.

Basic requirements
- strong interpersonal and networking skills;
- ability to work both highly independently as well as in a team;
- proficient programming skills with R (or equivalent statistics software).

Sprachkenntnisse / Language requirements

Written and oral communication skills in English mandatory (in German of advantage).

Spezielle Anforderungen / Special requirements

- strong project management skills;
- experience of directly supervising laboratory staff and lab-based research;
- relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Wir bieten / We offer

- Access to state-of-the-art infrastructure, a diverse and interactive scientific atmosphere;
- Possibility to combine basic and clinical research in the field of child neurodevelopment (close
collaboration with the Department of Neonatology of the University Hospital Zurich and the University
Children’s Hospital Zurich);
- Opportunities for professional development;

For additional information about an employment at the University of Zurich and the city of Zurich, please

Stellenantritt / This position opens on


Auskunft erteilt / More information

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. med. G. Natalucci:

Bewerbungen / Application
Please send your application as one single PDF file to (subject: Senior
Scientific Associate). Include in your application a cover letter with statement of motivation, publication
record, transcripts of BSc, MSc and PhD grades, CV (max 2 pages), and 1 letter of support (or the
names and contact details of 2 referees). (Prof. Dr. med. G. Natalucci, Department of Neonatology,
University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 10, 8091 Zürich)


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