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When everyone else is giving up, that’s when you push yourself
Even the pros get to a point in a workout when they just can’t go any
more, or there’s an exercise they can’t do. It happens to everyone. Some
people say, “That’s it, too hard.” Others say, “Okay, let me get at this.”
The first thing I ask is, “Why can’t you do this?” Is there a physical
problem? Are you injured or damaged in some way? If you are, you need
to respect your limitations. Talk to a doctor. Heed his or her advice. But if
it’s not physical, that means it’s mental. You’ve told yourself this can’t be
done, so now it can’t be done.
The only thing that can push you past this barrier is your own mental
toughness, your desire to keep going. Look, I understand sometimes that
box you have to jump on looks like it’s eight feet tall, and the weights
you’re holding feel like they each weigh a ton. If you can’t do something
because of physical limitation, you have to adjust. But otherwise, you
should be able to do all the exercises in this program. If something is too
challenging, rest briefly and continue. But no quitting—you’re finishing
every exercise even if you need rest as you go. If the sequence calls for a
ninety-second hold, and you can do only forty-five seconds, take a brief
rest and get back for the next forty-five seconds. If I ask you for fifteen
reps and you can give me seven, take a brief moment to recover, then give
me the other eight. You want to train like a pro? This is how we do it. We
finish what we start. However many breaks you need, take them and
finish. Most people give up. Be the one who doesn’t.

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