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How the Mouse House into an Entertainment Giant

(Data and Findings Part)

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Table of Contents
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings...........................................................................................2

4.1 Data Analysis.........................................................................................................................2

4.1.1 Quantitative Analysis..........................................................................................................3

 Disney Social media:........................................................................................................4

 Facebook data of Disney...................................................................................................4

 Pinterest Data of Disney:..................................................................................................6

 Instagram data of Disney:.................................................................................................7

 Twitter post of Disney.....................................................................................................10

4.1.2 Qualitative Analysis..........................................................................................................12

4.2 Business Segments of Disney..............................................................................................14

4.3 Discussion............................................................................................................................16

4.4 Limitation............................................................................................................................18

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings

4.1 Data Analysis

The section will illustrate a deep understanding on a huge number of data which are gathered
from various secondary sources from the World Wide Web. The images and related data are
posted in various social media platforms regarding the brand image of Disney (House of Mouse).
As an entertainment giant, the organization has significant amount of followers including adults
and children. The representation of the contents is so eye-catching and thus the organization has
numerous followers in social media (Harlow, 2015). The count of followers in the respective
pages is mentioned as follows:

Social Media Followers Likes

Facebook 50,315,672 51,368,385
Twitter 14,500,000 5,950,000

Instagram 13,900,000

Pinterest 512,730

From the table, it is realized that social media platform are being used as a significant tool to
enhance the brand of ‘House of mouse’. The Disney is using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and
Pinterest to market their products.

Company Logo
This logo is the current symbol of the Disney. However, over the ages the logo has been changed
may times and various attractive logos have been disappeared.

The logo is an important part of an organization, which helped it to get recognition in global
market. The logo of Disney is very simple yet attractive and thus it makes huge impact on all age

4.1.1 Quantitative Analysis

The approach collects several posts from different social media accounts which are published by
the Disney and shared and reviewed by spectators. These data are posted regarding promotion of
the movies or animation programs broadcasted in the TV channels. The marketing officials of
Disney use various contents such as image, video or graphics to maximize the revenue
generation of the organization. The strategy is followed in all the social media pages such as
Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. By examining all the collected data a clarity can be
developed regarding the brand principles of Disney.

 Disney Social media:

It is required for the companies like Disney manage the social media as well, and the company
must focus into it as it is one of the essential areas for the company. It can be seen that the
company is having around 300 million on Facebook, which is an excellent number for the
company (Zhang and Moe, 2017). On the platform like YouTube Disney has been published or
generated around 365 million video views. Disney analysed that they need to make the content or
the demographic should be for the 12 years old teen to late teens to cater their strategy. The other
reasons may be for this is the integration of many games on Facebook (Kupfer et al. 2018).

It has to be believed that if the company like Disney can get more likes and share on the social
media platform that means the people are taking more interest in these posts and the company
and its content (Ordenes et al. 2018). However, the likes and the shares are not considered as the
brand popularity of the company across the social media. Apart from that, Disney is focused on
the emotional experience with the audience. The majority of the audience for Disney is the
teenagers or the children, so it is required to connect with them in order to provide better
entertainment. If they will able to provide the better entertainment the company will
automatically get more likes in the social media.

 Facebook data of Disney

Table 1: Facebook details of Disney

(Source: As created by Learner)

Facebook Chart- Disney

number of people

8000 like
6000 comment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ost ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
p p p p p po po po po po po po po

Number of Post

Figure 1: facebook post details

(Source: As created by the learner)

It can be seen that the data which has been collected from the official Facebook page of the
Disney. There are many posts which show that the content of the company is very much liked by
its users the company well manages the content. It shows that the interest of the people regarding
this gait is very positive and the people loves its programs, as well as the content, is published
(Tiago et al. 2018). Many people are following the company on their official page.

Moreover, the company is able to contact them as they can provide information related to the
upcoming programs which they have posted on the page and it gets many likes and views. By
analysing this, it can be understood that the people are getting attracted by the post which they
are posting and it is turning the company more profitable (Yuki, 2015). It can be seen that there
are some of the posts which are not very well managed by the company which need to be more
attractive for the people to draw their attention.

 Pinterest Data of Disney:

Figure 2: Pinterest details

(Source: As created by the learner)

Pintrest Chart




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
st st st st st st st st st t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 1 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2
Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos

Chart 2: Pinterest Post details

(Source: As created by Learner)

It can be understood by the above data, which has been collected from the official page of
Disney Pinterest account. By analyzing the account of Disney, it could understand that the
popularity of Disney is very high among the children as well as in the young people. Moreover,
it can be seen that there are some of the posts which have been liked/pinned by the people
(Luangrath, Peck and Barger, 2017). In post number 2 and three which has been mentioned
above can be understood that the data has been liked by the people very much. More than 2000
people have pinned that post. It means the post has attracted many people on Pinterest. As
Disney has become the gait of the animation and movie market the company is able to hold the
customer by the post and the exciting things which they deliver to their customer with the help of
the movies as well as by the content that they are posting online.

 Instagram data of Disney:

Figure 3: Instagram data of Disney

(Source: As created by the learner)

Instagram Chart
Number of people

40000 Like
30000 Comment
1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
st ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
Po P P P P Po P o Po P o Po P o Po P o

Number of Post

Chart 3: Instagram Post Details

(Source: As Created by Learner)

Based on the above data it can be understood that the post on Instagram has been reached to
many people and the people found it very attractive. There are many posts which has been like
by around 90 k people which can be seen in the chart post number 5. These data have been taken
by the official Instagram post of the company (Tafesse and Wien, 2017). There is the little post
which has been disliked by the people; however, it is very less in the amount. The company
needs to focus on the post which can attract many people as it will provide the company more
business. The company is focused on the animation as well as the movies and variety of shows
which the company has been operating it will be the best platform for the company to promote
the various shows on the social media and it will promote the company and its brand.
 Twitter post of Disney

Figure 4: Twitter Data Details

(Source: As created by the learner)

Twitter Chart

Number of People

10000 comment

1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5
ost ost ost ost ost st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 1 st 2 st 2 st 2
P P P P P Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po

Number of Post

Chart 4: Twitter Post Details

(Source: As created by the learner)

The company has the official twitter post with around 5.95 million followers all around the
world. The company is doing great concerning promoting the various shows on to the social
media platform (Luarn et al. 2017). It can be seen that the number 8 post has been like by around
24000 people on the twitter which means it has attracted the better amount of people as the
content is found attractive by the people on twitter. People also rewet many times as the post
they have found is interesting and unique. There are many posts which are not like by the users
of Disney which they need to work on with. As it is required to have some of the better posts
which can able to draw the attention of the people as well as the new ones.
4.1.2 Qualitative Analysis

Such approach collects data from different but reliable secondary sources so that a quality
finding can be established. Such sources include official websites, authentic journals, reliable
web sources and annual reports (Palinkas et al. 2015). The finding will visualize various
branding strategies used by Disney and how the key elements have been changed over time. The
overall analysis is done by reviewing the merger activities and other commercial activities of

Merging of ABC network with Disney: On 31 July 1995, the broadcast channels of ABC
network is merged with Disney. The merger includes addition of theme parks and film studios
including ESPN. As the New York Based ABC Inc. is a creative entertainment organization and
deals with production and theme parks, the merger enhanced the creativity and broadcast
segment drastically. Further, after a decade, it was realized that the revenue had jumped
significantly, almost 70 %. The earnings per individual market also increased around 50%.

The ABC distributes various contents through air (radio), TV networks and online channels as
well. The unification of this network had helped to compete with various local TV channels. The
ESPN was the largest sport network in the period of unification and thus Disney had gained a
significant advantage over the business. With improvement of program contents and creative
presentation, the ABC network has successfully grasped the local market (Cassell and Bishop,
2018). ABC develops and broadcast several creative programs through the independent TV
stations and thus no mediator can interfere or take commercial advantage. With high-quality
transmission rate, the consumer base was pleased and the business expanded. In such a way, the
parent organization (Disney) also acquired high. With expansion of strong customer base the
brand image of ABC as well as Disney had been enhanced. Further, a huge section of the local
market of USA is ruled by the diversified contents of ABC and thus market share is secured. The
network also developed certain channels which are viewed through the electronic devices such as
laptops, computers, tablets and smart phones. In this way, the brand has gained significant
attraction from youth, children as well as adults.

Inclusion of Fox Family: Fox family is a popular network which develops various
entertainment programs for kids and family. In 2001 October, Disney acquired the network and
renamed it as ABC family. During merger, the Fox has numerous subscribers, who were
enjoying satellite television services as well as cable services. It is reported that more than 81
million subscribers were watching the Fox Family Channel around the world, whereas in Latin
America and Europe 24 million subscribers were seeing Fix Kids (Smith, 2015). This merger
was very much profitable and drastically enhanced the brand, as the network had plenty of loyal
customers in Europe, North America and Latin America. Moreover, the family entertainment
programs have enriched the existing creativity of Disney. Thereby the Disney has diversified its
TV programs which were most developed for the children. The strategy was a successful
implementation and various viewers liked the newly created programs. However, Disney had
improved the contents of the programmes and thus the loyal customer base has been expanded.
Moreover, with Fox Kids and other children based TV channels, the Disney had made a perfect
impression on the children as well the current generation, which makes it more than a brand. The
positive advertisements regarding various programs had motivated subscribers to watch the
contents. Due to astonishing presentation of those programs, the global audiences of Disney have
increased and thus the overall revenue increased (Bryman, 2017). The Disney channel, a quality
cable service was developed after this unification and it acquired a strong audience base on
global basis, which helped to spread brand awareness in various segments of the world.

Addition of Pixar Animation Studio: The Pixar is a major animation studio which is best at
their creating and high-quality story-telling features. The creativeness of the digital characters
designed by the studio is appraised many times by several critics. While Pixar and Disney
merged together, the brand and global positioning of House of Mouse has become strong
undoubtedly. The advanced technologies has been used by Pixar has added significant advantage
to Disney to create memorable feature films. Moreover, with excellent supervision of leadership
of Disney, Pixar has grown its creativity level and made certain unforgettable animation
characters. The merger has also increased the business of the resorts and theme parks, as they are
going to resorts to spend quality time with these characters (Bansal, Smith and Vaara, 2018). The
innovations of Pixar can be experienced in the various TV programs of Disney, which expanded
the commercialization.

Inclusion of Marvel: On 31st August 2009, Marvel Entertainment is purchased by Disney.

Marvel produces, publishes various animations, feature films as well as toys. The Marvel is
famous for its character-based entertainment and it has a strong fan base who is considering the
company more than just a brand. This unification had provided various famous characters such
as Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic 4 and Avengers to the creative hands of Disney. With
extraordinary story-telling and visual graphics, the characters had become unique brands in the
global media (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). The popularity of these characters had gone
beyond the culture, age and gender. The talented staffs of Marvel had strengthened the
competitive advantages of Disney, which helped Disney to increase its revenue in media
platforms and various geographical segments. Moreover, the trailers of new Marvel movies are
heavily viewed in the Youtube channels, which help to generate huge revenue and thereby the
brand positioning of the Disney is enhanced drastically. The Marvel studios are making various
popular films, which are sincerely developed by the quality technical staffs (Welch and Smith,
2016). The storyline of the movies are also very attractive, which easily gets popularity in the
commercial market. The MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) has a huge base of spectator who
always research regarding the upcoming films and the characters. Disney has used the concept as
a major advantage, they are creating various gossips or stories regarding the movies, and thus the
brad strength is regularly being increased. With decorative marketing and advertisements, the
entertainment giant is strongly competing with the other film production studios such as
Universal studios and Warner Bros Studios.

Addition of Lucasfilm: Disney purchased the Company on 30 October 2012. The company is
producing various original contents, which they use to produce feature films as well as computer
games. Star wars series is one of the memorable creations of Lucasfilm Ltd. These intellectual
properties helped to increase innovation level of Disney and thus they could develop various
original stories in distant future. The innovative storylines and quality experience of the products
including movies, TV programs or games will enhance the popularity of Lucasfilm (Hackenberg,
2016). Same strategy can be applied by Disney to enhance its reputation. Further, through
development of gaming for online platforms can increase revenue. All these features had added
advantage regarding development of quality brand of Disney.

4.2 Business Segments of Disney

The company was getting a stronger brand as the company has been increased their business
segments which allow the company to become a well-known brand in the market. The company
is getting is revenue from different business segments which has been started by Disney which
has been mentioned below:

Segment Percentage of Revenue

Parks and Resorts 29%
Walt Disney Studios 16%
Media Networks 46%
Disney Interactive 2%
Disney Consumer Products 7%

Table 1: Business Segments and its revenue generations

(Source: Aichner and Jacob, 2015)

The Disney Comprise of the five major business segments which are as follows:

Media Networks: Disney's significant revenue has been generated through the media networks,
which are around 46% of the company (Collier, 2015). The company comprised of a wide range
of broadcast, cable, radio and the digital businesses. The company has two divisions in which it
has grouped first is the Disney/ABC Television group, and ESPN. These things help the
company to be recognised as a brand for the market.

Parks and Resorts: the company started the Disneyland in Anaheim, California in 1955. The
company has created the park on the idea of quality time with the family and friends where all
the children and the parents can have fun together (Aichner and Jacob, 2015). The idea of
creating these parks was struck in the mind of Walt Disney when he has visited an amusement
park with her daughters. After that in 1966, the company has started to seek another site for
developing a new theme park, after that Disney world has announced the plans for making theme
parks, hotels for that the company has purchased thousand of arcs of land near Orlando, Florida.

Walt Disney Studios: for over 90 years the Walt Disney studios has been the foundation on
which the Walt Disney Company has built on. In the present time, the company brings the
movies, music and the stage plays provide too many customers all around the world. There are
many movies which have been created under this banner. There are many movies which have
been created under the following banners are the Disney which includes the Walt Disney
Animation Studios and Pixar Animations Studios, Marvel Studios, Lucas film and Touchstone
Pictures (Mergel, 2016).

Disney Consumer Products: Disney can be considered as one of the largest licensing deals, as
the company has many products and characters or the merchandise that require the license to the
various toymakers. Disney is one of the largest , and it provides the license to many of the
company or the toy makers to make and produce toys. These toys shipped all around the world,
and these provide considerable revenue to the companies as these license has been sold out to
these toy makers at huge prize money. Apart from that, the company has many Publishing
worldwide which has been the largest publisher of the children books and magazines and digital

Disney Interactive: it has been seen that the companies which able to provide the better
interactive is able to do great in a market also. There are many things which Disney is providing
to the target audience. The company is consists of Interactive entertainment games as well as the
educational material — all the products which has been released by the company on the various
platform like mobile, console games and the digital content (Colicev et al. 2018).

4.3 Discussion

With social media interaction and other marketing strategies, the Disney officials can interact
with the distributed consumer base of the company. Thus, they can know about various effective
opinions from the customers. After listening to the opinion or interests of consumers, Disney and
its subsidiaries can develop certain products as per their interest. With high-quality innovation
and business policies, the house of mouse has become a successful brand. The outstanding
products (movies, animation programs) or services are recognized and appreciated by the
potential consumers all over the world due to strong advertising contents. Moreover, this strategy
has increased the sales exceptionally. The official website of Disney is also designed with quality
graphics and decorations, which attracts the consumers (Zamawe, 2015). The magical
storytelling in the advertisements makes the child so curious that they think they could visit the
wonderland and enjoy a day. With this strategy, Disney invites the children and family to their
resorts and theme parks. In various occasions, the Disney also posts various gorgeous pictures of
the resorts in ten social media pages along with specific discount rates. However, the
management of the resorts provides excellent customer service to the visitors with quality food
and cleanliness. Thus, they generate positive impression on visitors and create strong brand.
Moreover, the policy also helps make enormous revenue in the process. By examining the
qualitative findings, it can be stated that the merger activities of Disney had given certain
advantages to the company. The takeover of these popular enterprises had increased the brand
strength as well as the sales are increased (Peters et al. 2016). The overall process was so
beneficial for Disney as it gained a widespread customer base in various platforms including
movies, games, educational contents as well as hospitality industry. The presentation of the
programs or independent contents had provided them a significant advantage over other
competitors, which helped them to develop as brand. The emotional attachment through the
strong storyline and character definition has encouraged the consumers to watch and like the

It has been seen that there are social media is one of the platforms by which the company Disney
is able to hold many of the consumers to its company. It should be understood that the branding
of the company is very vital for Disney. However, the company is focused on social media with
the help of the content, which they make. It has been seen that the company is able to make the
content for the target audience which is generally the teenagers. If they able connect the people
emotionally, then the people will automatically join and share the content of the social media and
it will able to provide better recognition to the brand name Disney.

The company has many spread its identity all across social media. The company has created
many official pages on various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. The
use of social media for the company like Disney is to provide the information related to its new
programs or movie which they are going to launch or its subsidiary is producing movies. The
company is trying to promote the various movies and shows. It is basically a promotion platform
for the company. It helps the company to create a reputation among the people and create a
strong brand. The company has a strong follower in the twitter with around 14.5 million. The
company also has a huge following in the Instagram with around 13.9 million followers, and on
Facebook, it has 50.3 million followers, and in the Pinterest, it is around 512730 followers. By
the calculation, it can be seen that the company is having a strong viewership and the fan
following. By analysing the data, it can be understood that the company needs to provide a good
amount of content in the social media in order to connect with their users. The company has
provided some of the promos of the movies which have thousands of likes and comments across
all the social media stages which have been provided. These posts help the company to get more
attention to its products, which are the movies and the shows. If the company is able to attract
more users, then the company will have more views which will lead to more sales of their

The company is also focusing on the business segments, which will be depended on the brand
and its popularity. The company has five major segments in the market to generate the revenue.
If the company is able to make movies like star wars it can also increase the sales of the toys and
many more which will help the company to sell its license in higher cost, the company can also
earn more by the theme parks and by the media network if they able connect with the target
audience. It will provide more revenue to the company, and it can be more useful to the company
and its partners.

4.4 Limitation

Even though the research has been through various web contents, journals and official
publications, there are certain limitations. The research is based on branding, but no direct
customer-based matrices and marketing strategies are not discussed, which are essential to
understand the basic concept of brand positioning. The discussion and finding are associated
with the emotional interaction of the consumer and its impact on the brand. Further, the
management issues during merger activities are not discussed which has influenced the
subsidiaries as well as the parent company (Disney). The mergers were undoubtedly effective
business decisions, but many business assets were lost such as intangible assets, patents and
certain management proficiency. Moreover, the pricing strategy of products is also not dicussed,
which can help to understand the brand positioning issues, as high rated products can decrease
the sales as well as popularity of a products in the global market. The financial statement is also
not discussed, which might describe certain issues or changes in the brand portfolio.

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