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BCE – Case Study

Launching the new product

Production manager
Sales Domestic Manager
Sales Export Manager
Manager Director
Marketing Manager
Purchasing Manager

Manager Director: Good Evening everybody, today we will have meeting about launching our new
product. There are three options, Option A Choco ice-cream with teddy bear shape, Option B ice cream
with multivitamin bars and Option C Ice-cream with champagne truffle bar, I gather you here to hear your
opinion which one a new product in a document that I have given earlier to choose.

Marketing Manager: OK! Based on previous report, it shows that our ice cream is focused to chocolate
flavored and sweetness, our main target in the market are children. So I will agree with option A.

Sales Domestic Manager: Your idea sounds good, but I should add some. I think teddy bear shape is too
childish, it will difficult to sell it to the market because there’s possibilities only kids will buy it. I think
option C will be a good choice. Adult people will choose this product and they will like it because with
this ice-cream they can reduce their stress, and the taste won’t make the customers disappointed.

Managing Director: Ok! I want to show my opinion, I think I can’t agree with the Sales Domestic
Manager opinion to choose C product, because based on my though we should not produce the product as
it will make our company’s name bad.
We know in our country the champagne will be against our people. So I more agree to choose B product.

Marketing Manager: Sorry but, based on the marketing tactics that we usually used, there is focused to
model or the shape and the chocolate flavor. It has proved that it can interest the children. I think if the
base ingredients is chocolate, the most important thing just the viscosity fitting and the flavor fitting, that
is enough to produce it.
Production Manager: Ok your opinion sounds good, but I think if B product interest the adults that is the
good point, the adults can take care of their health and if they have a children they want to maintain health
of their child, so off-course they will choose the B product.

Sales Export Manager: But I think B product will have the High price, why? Because we should mix
the vitamin from the 10 kinds of fruit and we make ice-cream with low fat. The product will just be buy
by the people who can afford it. We can see previous product at some company their price are above
average. So I should recommend you to choose the C product. It can give more opportunity to gain big
profit with export it to the other country. Especially Europe because for them champagne has become a

Purchasing Manager: I prefer to choose A product because ingredients of A product are cheap and easy
to find, Now let we see C product ingredients there’s a champagne and choco truffle, we know that
champagne and Choco truffle are expensive and we must import it from other country and add an
additional cost for freight in cost. But if we choose option A, with the same cost, we can buy a premium
chocolate from local farmer and also have profit, first we show to the world about ice-cream with Indo
flavor and second we help our farmer commodity and also help our economy.

Sales Export Manager: but although the ingredients are expensive we can calculate it and add it to the
selling price from each of product, so we can’t get loss.

Production Manager: OK, but we produce not just for sale but for the domestic too, as much as possible
our product must be flexible for foreign and domestic so we can expand our marketing place.

Sales Domestic Manager: Yeah I Know Teddy bear ice-cream is more tasteful than B product, but the
shape and ingredients are too ordinary and not have a unique thing and not variable, Product C is more
variable and has luxurious impression. So I choose product C to produce.

Production Manager: but we have varied taste because this product contain a wide variety of fruits, so
consumers who consume will not feel sick.

Purchasing Manager: Not all people consume A product every day and parents limit their children to
buy chocolate ice-cream.

Sales Domestic Manager: If it like that our profit will decrease because our customer decrease too so our
company can’t be better.
Sales Export Manager: Yeah I agree with Sales Domestic Manager’s opinion, So A product is not
effective to be our new product. It is too ordinary to become the new product.

Managing Director: OK I agree with you all. In the next month we will launch the C product that is Ice-
cream with champagne truffle bar, why? Because I think this product can give us profit and make our
company growing up.
[Small pause]
Now the meeting has ended please go to your respective department for further continuation of work.
Thank you and Happy Hours.

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