Theory of Architecture

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Architect of the Lever House, New York.

[A] John Urtzon [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D]
1 Lucio Costa and Oscar Niyemer c Correct

He was the architect of the 'Farnsworth House' by using Industrial Steel and Glass. [A] Louis Khan [B] Philip Johnson [C]
2 Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe d Correct

Architect of the sydnet Opera House. [A] John Urtzon [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D] Lucio
3 Costa and Oscar Niyemer a Correct

4 Styles are a Lie' is a dictum from [A] Antonio Gaudi [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Alvar Aalto b Correct

Architect of Solomon Guggenheim Museum. [A] John Urtzon [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril [D]
5 Lucio Costa and Oscar Niyemer b Correct

In the Post War Period, he was one of the founders of 'CIAM' which one purpose is to make architecture boost economy in
6 the post world war period [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Frank Gehry [D] Zaha Hadid b Correct

Architect of the Parliament Buildings in Brazil. [A] John Urtzon [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Skidmore, Owings and Merril
7 [D] Lucio Costa and Oscar Niyemer d Correct

8 He is also called as 'God's Architect' [A] Walter Gropius [B] Antonio Gaudi [C] Eliel Saarien [D] Kenzo Tange b Correct

Architect of the Bauhaus Building, Germany. (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] William Morris and John Ruskin [B] Le Corbusier [C]
9 Walter Gropius [D] Alvar Aalto c Correct

What did Otto Wagner wrote for his students which change his thiking about Modernism at Europe? [A] Le Modulor [B] De
10 Architektur [C] The 10 books of Architecture [D] Vitruvian Man b Correct

Architect of Chapel of Notre Dame. [A] William Morris and John Ruskin [B] Le Corbusier [C] Walter Gropius [D] Alvar
11 Aalto b Correct

12 Who is the architect of the 'Glass House'? [A] Philip Johnson [B] Kenzo Tange [C] I.M. Pei [D] John Utzon a Correct

13 Architect of Cultural Center of the Philippines. [A] George Formoso [B] Carlos Santos Viola [C] Leandro Locsin [D] Palafox c Correct

What could be the principle behind Zaha Hadid's Vitra Fire Station? [A] Constructivism [B] Expressionism [C]
14 Deconstructivism [D] International Style c Correct

Architect of Tahanang Pilipino or Coconut Palace. [A] Francisco Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De Castro [D]
15 Antinio Sin Diong a Correct

16 What is the character behind for the 'Burj Khalifa' Building located at Dubai? [A] Flower [B] Palm [C] Sails [D] Square a Correct

Architect of the Asian Development Bank, Philippines. [A] Francisco Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De
17 Castro [D] Antinio Sin Diong c Correct

Who is the 'Master' of Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe and Le Corbusier? [A] John Ruskin [B] Peter Behrens [C]
18 Louis Sullivan [D] Otto Wagner b Correct

Architect of San Miguel Corporation Building. [A] Francisco Bobby Manosa [B] Manuel Manosa [C] C.C. De Castro [D]
19 Antinio Sin Diong b Correct

20 Architect of Bank of China, Hongkong. [A] Minoru Yamasaki [B] I.M. Pei [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Skidmore and Owings b Correct

Architect of TWA Kennedy Airport, New York. [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero
21 Saarinen d Correct

Architect of AT and T Building, New York. [A] Walter Gropius [B] Loius Sullivan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Philip
22 Johnson d Correct

23 "Cube within a Cube". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen b Correct

Why did Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe moved to US from Germany after the closure of bauhaus? [A] Because of War [B] To
24 teach in the chicago school [C] Energetic Economy [D] More opportunities and liberal views d Correct

Johnson House' was made by? [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Philip Johnson [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Louis
25 Sullivan b Correct

26 What did Philip Johnson used in the Glass House? [A] Art Nouveau [B] Modern Movement [C] Minimalist [D] Prairie Style c Correct

Louis Sullivan has a credo, which places demands for practical use above aesthethics, what is it? [A] 3F's of Architecture [B]
27 Deconstructivist Theory [C] Harmony of Buildings and Nature [D] Expressionist Architecture a Correct
A kind of style that was used for Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe's Farnsworth House [A] Modern Organic [b] Modern
28 Structuralism [C] Modern International [D] Modern Constructivism c Correct

29 How did Frank Lloyd Wright designed Guggenheim Museum? [A] Inverted Cone [B] Cylinder [C] Circle [D] Ellipse b Correct

30 How did Kenzo Tange derived the form of Yoyogo National Gymnasium? [A] Temple [B] Town Hall [C] Pagoda [D] Torii c Correct

31 What lines are standing out for Yoyogi National Gymnasium? [A] Vertical [B] Horizontal [C] Geometric [D] Parabolic d Correct

32 "A bridge is like a house". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero Saarinen c Correct

"Function influence but does not dictate form". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] Robert Mailart [D] Eero
33 Saarinen d Correct

"Architecture must meet 3 requirements: Strength, beauty and Unity". [A] Marcus Vitrivius Pocio [B] Walter Gropius [C]
34 Andrea Palladio [D] Hippodamus of Miletus a Correct

"Form does not necessarily follow function". [A] Robert Mailart [B] Alvar Aalto [C] Frederick Law Omsltead [D] Antonio
35 Gaudi d Correct

36 "Art and Architecture, the new Unity". [A] William Morris [B] Walter Gropius [C] Peter Behrens [D] John Ruskin b Correct

37 "A house is a house". [A] Robert Mailart [B] Kenzo Tange [C] Minoru Yamasaki [D] Louis Kahn d Correct

Architect of Einstein Tower and is also a Expressionist Architect. [A] Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius [C] Philip Johnson
38 [D] Erich Mendelsohn d Correct

Founder of Bauhaus, School of Art (D.K. Ching p. 135). [A] Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius [C] Philip Johnson [D] Erich
39 Mendelsohn b Correct

40 The Architect of Chrysler Building in New York. [A] Philip johnson [B] Minoru Yamasaki [C] Van Allen [d] Kenzo Tange c Correct

41 Architect of Iglesia ni Cristo. [A] George Formoso [B] Carlos Santos Viola [C] Leandro Locsin [D] Palafox b Correct

A Filipino Architect whose philosophy is "the structure must be well oriented". [A] George Ramos [B] Philip Recto [C]
42 Caesar Homer Concio [D] C.C. Castro c Correct

43 Architect of Robinson's Galleria [A] Leandro Locsin [B] Antonio Sin Diong [C] Falapox Associates [D] William Cosculluela d Correct

44 "A house is like a flower pot". [A] Peter Luergi Nuervi [B] Richard Josef Neutra [C] Peter Behrens [D] Eugene Freysinet b Correct

45 "Less is More". [A] Robert Mailart [B] Le Corbusier [C] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [D] Frank Lloyd Wright c Correct

46 Formal Architecture, one of the principiles of composition. [A] Proportion [B] Balance [C] Rhythm [D] Unity b Correct

The falling water by Frank Lloyd Wright is also known as ________. [A] Kaufman House [B] Tassel House [C] Ennis House
47 [D] Honeycomb House a Correct

48 First President and Founder of PAS. [A] Tomas Mapua [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Antonio Toledo [D] Juan Arrelano b Correct

49 "Modern Architecture need not be western". [A] Minoru Yamaski [B] Louis Khan [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Walter Gropius c Correct

50 Architect of the National Library, Philippines. [A] Leandro Locsin [B] George Ramos [C] Philip Recto [D] Felipe Mendoza d Correct

51 Architect and Furniture Designer. [A] Alvar Aalto [B] Robert Mailart [C] Robert Venturi [D] Frederick Law Olmstead a Correct

52 First Registered architect in the philippines. [A] Carlos Barreto [B] Tomas Mapua [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Antonio Toledo b Correct

53 Architect of Manila Hilton Hotel. [A] William Parsons [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Welton Becket [D] Lucio Costa c Correct

54 "Form follows Function". [A] Inigo Jones [B] Louis Sullivan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Le Corbusier b Correct

The dominating personality who became an ardent disciple of the italian renaissance style. [A] Louis Sullivan [B]
55 Hennevique [C] Inigo Jones [D] Le Corbusier c Correct
He created the Dymaxion House, "The first machine for living". [A] Kenzo Tange [B] Buckminster Fuller [C] Frank Gehry
56 [D] Zaha Hadid b Correct

Architect of the Lung Center of the Philippines. [A] Antonio Sin Diong [B] George Ramos [C] Francisco Manosa [D]
57 Manuel Manosa b Correct

58 "A house is a machine to live in". [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] I.M Pei [C] Le Corbusier [D] Peter Behrens c Correct

59 Architect of the Chicago Tribune Tower. [A] Eero Saarinen [B] Eliel Saarinen [C] Louis Sullivan [D] Erich Mendelsohn b Correct

60 "Architecture is Organic". [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Philip Johnson [D] Le Corbusier b Correct

61 Invented reinforce concrete in France. [A] Eugene Freysinnet [B] Hennevique [C] Antonio Gaudi [D] Otto Wagner b Correct

62 First Elected U.A.P. President. [A] Juan Nakpil [B] Jose Herrera [C] Gabriel Formoso [D] Manuel Manosa b Correct

63 Designer of the Bonifacio Monument. [A] Tomas Mapua [B] Pablo Antonio [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Carlos Barreto c Correct

Scultor of the Bonifacio Monument. [A] Francisco Manosa [B] Leandro Locsin [C] Guillermo Tolentino [D] Answer not in
64 the Choices c Correct

Where "Constructivism" originated? It is primarily in sculpture but with broad application to architecture. The expression for
construction was to be the basis for all building designs, with emphasis on functional machine parts (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A]
65 Germany [B] Moscow [C] China [D] France b Correct

66 Expressionist Architect. [A] Robert Venturi [B] Walter Gropius [C] Philip Johnson [D] Erich Mendelsohn d Correct

Founders of the "Art Noveau" [A] Adler and Sullivan [B] John Ruskin and William Morris [C] Walter Gropius [D] Philip
67 Johnson b Correct

Scheme or solution of a problem in architecture; The basic scheme or concept for an architectural design presented by a
68 diagram (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Diagram [B] Parti [C] Composition [D] Design Principle b Correct

69 Architect of Batasang Pambansa. [A] William Parsons [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Felipe Mendoza [D] Carlos Barreto c Correct

70 Architect of Philippine Heart Center. [A] Gabriel Formoso [B] George Ramos [C] George Lucas [D] Felipe Mendoza b Correct

71 Architect of Rizal Memorial Stadium. [A] Carlos Barreto [B] William Parsons [C] Pablo Antonio [D] Juan Nakpil d Correct

The Architect of the Quiapo Church before its restoration [A] Carlos Barreto [B] William Parsons [C] Pablo Antonio [D]
72 Juan Nakpil d Correct

73 Architect of SM Megamall. [A] Henry Sy [B] William Coscuella [C] Antonio Sin Diong [D] Leandro Locsin c Correct

74 Central Bank of the Philippines, Manila. [A] Gabriel Formoso [B] George Ramos [C] George Lucas [D] Felipe Mendoza a Correct

In 1851, he was the architect who constructed Crystal Palace [A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha Graves Otto [C] Otto Wagner [D]
75 Adolf Loos a Correct

He is the architect who reacted againsts the excesses if Art Noveau, Published "Ornament and verbrechen", and believes in
76 his philosophy "ornamentation is a crime". [A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha Graves Otis [C] Otto Wagner [D] Adolf Loos d Correct

called as the architecture of borrowing and of free selection (D.K. Ching p. 133) [A] Functionalism [B] Brutalism [C]
77 Eclectisicm [D] Minimalism c Correct

An architecture derived from "beton Brut" or naked Concrete (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Brutalism [B] Minimalism [C]
78 Eclectisicm [D] Functionalism a Correct

In 1870 Newyork, the one who developed the first passenger freight elevator. In addition to this was the development of
79 techniques for manufacturing rolled steel. [A] Joseph Paxton [B] Elisha Graves Otis [C] Otto Wagner [D] Adolf Loos b Correct

Which of the following are true about Louis Sullivan [A] Form Follows Function [B] Studied for 6 months at Ecoles Des
80 Beaux Arts [C] Studied At Institute of technology In Massachusettes [D] All of the above d Correct
He is the architect who was the chief of construction for The world Columbian Construction, and has this philosophy "make
no little plans, they have no magic to stir mans blood" [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Joseph
81 Paxton [D] Le Corbusier b

He was the Landscape architect for the World Columbian Construction which was located at Jackson Park, Chicago [A]
82 Frederick Law Olmstead [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Otto Wagner [D] John W. Root a

He is the architect who has this saying "less is more" and formulated "cubism and Futurism" [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe
83 [B] Le Corbusier [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Adolf Loos a Correct

Auditorium building (1889), Wainwright Building (1890), and Guarranty Building (1894) are all made by: [A] Adler and
84 Sullivan [B] Le Corbusier [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Joseph Paxton a Correct

In Germany, it was the center of development and study. "Art and Technology, the New Unity", as it was established by
walter gropius who used "Functionalism" architecture back in 1920's (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Bauhaus [B] Les Ecoles Beaux
85 Arts [C] Art Noveau [D] Art Deco a Correct

86 IM pei is also know commonly for these types of structures [A] Square [B] Rectangle [C] Triangle [D] Circle c Correct

It is the trend away from the functional aesthetic of the international style and the severity of Brutalism (D.K. Ching p. 135)
87 [A] Modernism [B] Post Modernism [C] Functionalism [D] Eclectisicm b Correct

Robert Venturi has "less is bore", Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe has "Less is More" then what about "less is more only when
88 more is too much"? [A] Walter Gropius [B] Louis Khan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Le Corbusier c Correct

In the early 20th century, it is the first building that was made of reinforced concrete and glass [A] Crystal Palace [B] Ritz
89 Hotel [C] Tussel House [D] Eiffeil Tower b Correct

If Ecole Des Beaux Arts is all about architecture, and Loius Sullivan was one of the architects who studied there, then what is
90 Ecole De PolyTechnique? [A] Engineering [B] Drafting [C] Arts [D] Architecture a Correct

What is the Character for Roman Architecture? (D.K. Ching p. 130) (Wikipedia) [A] Vastness and Magnificence, Orientation
91 and Ornateness [B] Simplicity, Massiveness and Grandeur [C] Refinement of Details [D] Sober and Dignified a Correct

92 Designer of Crystal Palace, London [A] Sir Joseph Paxton [B] Sir John Cubitt [C] Sir Charles Fox [D] Sir Richard Turner a Correct

93 Architect of Sagrada familia, Barcelona [A] Antonio Gaudi [B] Paul Abadia [C] Von Fertsel [D] Victor Hort a Correct

94 Architect of White House at Washington DC [A] James Hoban [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] H.H. Richardson [D] R.M. Hunt a Correct

He is the second Filipino Registered Architect after the well known Tomas Mapua [A] Carlos Baretto [B] Antonio Toledo
95 [C] Juan Altiveros [D] Juan Villegas a Correct

Who said that "The magnificent display of volume put together in the light"? [A] Adolf Hitler [B] Louis Khan [C] Frank
96 Gehry [D] Le Corbusier d Correct

97 Who said "The will to epoch translated into space" [A] Adolf Hitler [B] Ching [C] Jamandri [D] Le Corbusier a Correct

Is the most famouse for the eye catching tower he constructed in Paris for the exposition universally of 1889 work for Eiffel
98 Tower [A] Alexandre Gustav Eiffel [B] Alexander Gustave Eiffel [C] Alex Gustave Eiffel [D] Alex Gustav Eiffel a Correct

One of the pioneers of the modern movement in American Architecture. Work for the Auditorium building, US [A] Daniel
Burnham [B] Louis Henry Sullivan [C] I.M. Pei [D] Brunelleschi
99 b Correct

Architect of the famous Twin Tower World Trade Center [A] I.M Pei [B] Yamasaki and Roth [C] Philip Johnson [D] Eero
100 Saarinen b Correct

One of the most sublime painters and scupture makers, and also one of the most influential architect and draftsman [A]
101 Michealangelo [B] Palazzo Ducale [C] Richard Kipling [D] Leonardo A Correct

The influential architect born in 1508 in Padua. He also designed the Palazzo Chierecati which is known as the grandest town
102 residence at Vicencia, Italy [A] Holland [B] Andrea Di Pietro Della Gondola [C] Andrea Palladio [D] All of them C Correct

Scottish architect and designer who was prominent in the Arts and Crafts movement in Great Britain [A] Charles Mackintosh
103 [B] Peter Behrens [C] Robert Adams [D] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe A Correct
Received the "Patnubay ng Sining ng Kalinanagan" award for the city of Manila [A] Philip Recto [B] Tomas Mapua [C] Juan
104 Nakpil [D] Antonio Toledo B Correct

In 1989, he received the Pritzker price commonly referred to as "The Noble of Architecture" the loftiest recognition. It is a
lifetime achievement award granted to living architect whose body of work represents a superlative contribution to the field
105 [A] Minoru Yamasaki [B] Renzo Piano [C] Frank Gehry [D] Kenzo Tange C Correct

His first designs where drawings of fantastic architectural visions in steel and glass, as well as costume and poster design [A]
106 Norman Foster [B] Frank Gehry [C] I.M. Pei [D] Erich Mendelsohn D Correct

Much of his works has been described as post modern, since he rejected the excessive abstractionism of archiects such as Le
Corbusier and Strove instead to incorporate the valid elements of older style [A] Louis Khan [B] Maxwell, Fry [C] I.M. Pei
107 [D] Lucio Costa A Correct

Spanish Architects, one of the most creative practitioners of his art in modern times. His style is often described as a blend of
neo gothic and art nouveau, but is also has surrealist and cubist elements [A] Marcel Breuer [B] Antonio Gaudi [C] Adolf
108 Loos [D] Lucio Costa B Correct

One of the world's first futurist and global thinkers. His 1927 decision to work always and only for all humanity led him to
address the largest global problems of Poverty, Disease and Homelessness [A] Kenzo Tange [B] Daniel Burnham [C] Frank
109 Gehry [D] Buckminster Fuller D Correct

In his practice he explores the use of indigenous materials infused with current technological trends to bring a new dimension
110 in design [A] Tomas Mapua [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Leandro Locsin [D] Francisco Manosa D Correct

Afterwards became deeply involved in the design and building of French Railways and bridges. He worked on structures
such as bridges across the Garonne River, Train Stations at Toulouse and Again in france [A] Gustave Eiffel [B] Norman
111 Foster [C] Alvar Aalto [D] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe A Correct

He has actively promoted the use of native architectural forms and indigenous nationals such as bamboo, and thatch, in the
creation of distinctively Filipino Architecture [A] Philip Recto [B] Palafox and Associates [C] Francisco Manosa [D]
112 Leandro Locsin C Correct

This famous axiom "Each one sees whatever he wishes to see" belongs to [A] Daniel Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C]
113 Lucio Acosta [D] Peter Behrens C Correct

French born brazilian architect and urban planner [A] Daniel Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio Acosta [D] Peter
114 Behrens C Correct

This philosophy "When change needs, asks a stanger belongs to [A] Daniel Burnham [B] Oscar Niemeyer [C] Lucio Acosta
115 [D] Robert Adams D Correct

He was the architect in his time that recieves his license as an award at his 60's or at the age of 60 years old [A] Louis
116 Sullivan [B] Buckminster Fuller [C] Antonio Gaudi [D] Paul Rudolf B Correct

An imprtant scottish architect who was particularly known for his interiors based on classical decoration [A] Marcel Breuer
117 [B] Robert Adam [C] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [D] Paul Rudolf B Correct

To whom does this philosophy belongs to "where the architects task is to restore a correct order of values... It is still the
architects duty to attempt to humanize age of machines. But this should not be done without regard of form". [A] Peter
118 Behrens [B] Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto D Correct

His insistence on the importance of design and formal expression in our lives, and his adept handling of materials, light and
space, explained why he is one of the great architects of the 20th century [A] Peter Behrens [B] Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel
119 Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto D Correct

He was called "Masters master" where his students are architects like Gropius, Breuer and Van De Rohe [A] Peter Behrens
120 [B] Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto A Correct

A german architect who uses more representational styles which has been called "scrapped classicism" [A] Peter Behrens [B]
121 Oscar Nieyemer [C] Marcel Breuer [D] Alvar Aalto A Correct

122 Architect of the Reliance Building in Chicago [A] Eero Saarine [B] Eliel Saarinen [C] Oscar Niemeyer [D] Daniel Burnham D Correct

A style of fine and appied art current in the late 19th and 20th century, characterized by fluid, undulating motifs, often
123 derived from natural forms (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Arts and Crafts [B] Art Noveau [C] Bauhaus [D] Les Ecoles Beaux Arts B Correct

It is the italian version of Art Noveaum named after the firm of liberty and co. in London (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil
124 [B] Stile Liberty [C] Sezession [D] Modernismo B Correct

The spanish particularly Catalan version of Art Noveau (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] Stile Liberty [C] Sezession
125 [D] Modernismo D Correct
The austrian version of Art Noveau, so named because its adherents succeeded from the official academy of art in Viena
126 (D.K. Ching p. 134) [A] Jugendstil [B] Stile Liberty [C] Sezession [D] Modernismo C Correct

A school of design establish in Welmar Germany in 1919. moved to Dessau in 1926 and closed in 1933 as a result of Nazi
Hostility. It characterized by the synthesis of technology, craft and design aesthetics with an emphasis on functionalism.
127 (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Bauhaus [C] Art Deco [D] Arts and Crafts B Correct

A style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century. Characterized by an emphasis on formal structure,
reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents. (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Brutalism [B] Cubism [C] Modernism
128 [D] Abstract Expressionism B Correct

A movement in architecture and decorative arts that developed in 1970's in reaction to the principles and practices of
modernism, especially the influence of International Style, encouraging the use of elements from historical vernacular styles
and often playful illusion, decoration and complexity (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style [C]
129 Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism A Correct

A functional architecture devoild of regional characteristics, developed in 1920's and 1930's in Western EU and US and
applied throughout the world. Characterized by simple geometric forms, large untextured, often white surfaces, large areas of
glass and general use of steel and reinforced concrete (D.K. Ching p. 135 (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B]
130 International Style [C] Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism B Correct

A deliberate philosophical and practical enstrangement from the past in the arts and literature occuring in the coarse of the
20th century and taking form in any of various innovative movement and styles (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B]
131 International Style [C] Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism C Correct

Movement In experimental non representational painting by originating in U.S. at 1940's. embracing many individual styles
marked in common by freedom of technique, a preference for dramatically large canvesses and a desire to give spontaneous
132 expression. (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Post Modernism [B] International Style [C] Modernism [D] Abstract Expressionism D Correct

A philosophy of architectural design that emerge in the early 20th century, asserting that a building should have a structure
and plan that fulfills its functional requirements and harmonize with the natural environment. One prime example of this is
"Falling Water" (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Organic Architecture [B] Gothic Architecture [C] Vernacular Architecture [D]
133 Medieval Architecture A Correct

A group of U.S. Architects active c1880 - 1910 and known for major innovations in high rise construction and for the
development of modern building construction design (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Ecoles Des Beaux Arts [B] Bauhaus [C]
134 Chicago School [D] Liceo De Manila C Correct

A design movement that evolved from seceral previous movement in EU in the early 20th century. Advocating the design of
buildings, furnishing or the like as direct fullfillment of functional requirements. One great architect in this time is "Louis
135 Sullivan" (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Brutalism [B] Minimalism [C] Functionalism [D] Cubism C Correct

A style of decorative art developed originally in 1920's with a revival in 1960's, marked chiefly by geometric motifs,
streamlined and curvilinear forms, sharply defined outlines, often bold colors and use of synthetic materials. It is also called
136 as Style Moderne (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D] Ecole Des Beaux Arts B Correct

Metropolitan Theater at Manila is considered as (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D]
137 Ecole Des Beaux Arts B Correct

Chysler Tower at New York is considered as (D.K. Ching p. 135) [A] Art Noveau [B] Art Deco [C] Arts and Crafts [D]
138 Ecole Des Beaux Arts B Correct

A group of nearly 20th century architects, notable Frank Lloyd Wright who designed houses and other buildings with
emphasized horizontal lines responding to the flatness of the midwestern prairie (D.K. Ching p. 138) [A] Les Ecoles Beaux
139 Arts [B] Prairie School [C] Bauhaus [D] Chicago School B Correct

The man of learning can fearlessly look down upon the troublesome accidents of fortune. But he who thinks himself
entrenched in defense not of learning but of luck moves one slippery path, struggling through life unsteadly and insecurely
[A] A new archirecture by Frank Lloyd Wright [B] The ten books of Architecture by Marc Vitrivius [C] Space, Time and
140 Architecture by Sigfried Gideon [D] The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin B Correct

An english architect who prepared plans for london i.e. St, Peter's and St. Paul Cathedral; proposed a network of avenues
connecting the main features of London [A] Leonardo Da Vinci [B] Leon Battista Alberti [C] Pierre Charles L` Enfant [D]
141 Sir Christopher Wren D Correct

Industrial Revolution [A] 12th to 13th Century [B] 15th to 16th Century [C] 18th to 19th Century [D] 21th Century to the
142 C Correct
Which become the first industrialized area in Manila? [A] Sta. Ana [B] Makati [C] Quezon City [D] Pandacan
143 D Correct

During the 1900's why does the laborers and workers did not build their house inside Manila? [A] Because of Manila Zoning
[B] Because of Himagsikan [C] Because of Local Ordinance [D] Because it's expensive to live there
144 C Correct

Industrial Revolution [A] Railroads [B] Canal [C] Elevator [D] All of the above
145 D Correct

146 What is used in floor plans and spot details? [A] Perspective [B] 2D [C] 3D [D] Sketchup 8 Google Pro B Correct

147 Comprehensive Planning is: [A] Short Term Goals [B] Vision Development [C] Long Term Plans [D] None of the above C Correct

148 Setting the vision is: [A] Vision Development [B] Research [C] Anaylsis [D] Theory A Correct

149 Strategic Planning is: [A] Vision Development [B] Small Scale Objectives [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation B Correct

Information about Otto Wagner, which is correct? [A] Jugendstil Architect [B] Rumbach St. Budapest [C] Majonga House
[D] All of the above
150 D Correct

Which color has the tendency of mitigating aggressive behaviour? [A] Violet [B] Pink [C] Red [D] Brown
151 B Correct

What is the role of the architect in Bidding? [A] Award the project to the contractor [B] Organize the Bidding [C] Choose the
construction manager [D] Be an obeserver
152 B Correct

Who gave the statue of Liberty to the US? [A] Spain [B] France [C] Great Britain [D] Philippines
153 B Correct

What do you call the corridor that radiates to the center? [A] Concentric [B] Radial [C] Radiocentric [D] Grid
154 C Correct

The optical correction made in column [A] Plinth [B] Entasis [C] Hypotrachelion [D] Metope
155 B Correct

A line is: [A] A shadow [B] has surface [C] Point that has direction [D] 3 dimensional figure
156 C Correct

A Spanish Architect who designed the Sagrada Familia [A] Walter Gropius [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Antonio Gaudi [D]
Otto Wagner
157 C Correct

A pritzker prize architect [A] Walter Gropius [B] Otto Wagner [C] Frank Gehry [D] Le Corbusier
158 C Correct

Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao, what kind of style? [A] International Style [B] Organic Architecture [C] Neoclassism [D]
159 Deconstructivism D Correct

160 The arrangement of forms [A] Massing [B] Composition [C] Articulation [D] Separation B Correct

The character where the design is continuous that can be found on the other parts of the structure [A] Harmony [B] Unity [C]
Rhythm [D] Scale
161 C Correct

What is the purpose of a fortress? [A] A military installation [B] To protect the owner from enemy attack [C] Start of
civilization [D] War and tactics
162 B Correct

Who was the architect commissioned by French President Francois Mitterrand in 1984 to design the full framed glass
structure that will serve as a museum? [A] Tadao Ando [B] IM Pei [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Norman Foster
163 B Correct

164 Element on both sides [A] Radial Balance [B] Unsymmetrical balance [C] Symmetrical Balance [D] None of the above C Correct

165 What influecens Contemporary Architecture [A] Building Materials [B] Existing Laws [C] Culture [D] All of the above A Correct

What was the reason why Otto Wagner veered from being "Classist" to "Modernist"? [A] He wants to reinvent himself [B]
He wants to teach his students In "Akadieme der Bildenden Kunste" at Viena Something new [C] He was commissioned for
the project by the Government [D] He just wanted to do something with what materials that are available
166 B Correct

In Germany, how was he influenced by the modern movement? [A] Sezzione [B] Stile Liberty [C] Jugendstil [D] Le
Moderne Style
167 C Correct

What was the greatest effect of Industrial Revolution? [A] Trains and Railways [B] Elevators [C] Suburbanization [D] All of
the above
168 C Correct
What kind of vaults was used in Bernini's Royal Staircase? [A] Cloister [B] Fan [C] Barrel [D] Groin
169 C Correct

What style was used in the facade of the entrance way? (Royal Staircase) [A] Romanesque [B] Renaissance [C] Gothic [D]
Gothic Revival
170 B Correct

Bernini is known for what style? [A] Romanesque [B] Gothic [C] Renaissance [D] Gothic Revival
171 C Correct

Le Corbusier , also known as Charles Edouard Jeanneret-Gris explicitly used the Golden Ratio in his Modulor System for the
scale of Architectural Proportion. How did you describe his architectural style? [A] Modern Classic [B] White Box [C] Neo-
Classicism [D] Minimalism
172 D Correct

Paraline Drawings are 3-D drawings where parallel lines remain parallel [A] What do you call a paraline drawing having
30/60 angle? [A] Oblique [B] Cabinet [C] Isometric [D] Cavalier
173 C Correct

Who was the architect of the dome of the rock? [A] Caliph and Al Malik [B] John Utzon [C] Shah Jahan [D] Imhotep
174 A Correct

Who was the architect of the Robie House? [A] Le Corbusier [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] Walter Gropius [D] Micheal
175 B Correct

Most works of Andrea Palladio are: [A] Radial [B] Symmetrical [C] Clustered [D] None of the above
176 B Correct

Who was the architect of Seattle Museaum? [A] IM Pei [B] Minoru Yamasaki [C] Robert Venturi [D] Louis Khan
177 C Correct

Who was the architect of the Bank of China, Louvre Pyramid, and Rock n` Roll Hall of Fame? [A] IM Pei [B] Frank Lloyd
Wright [C] Richard Rogers [D] Victor Horta
178 A Correct

What is the dominant feature of IM Pei's Works? [A] Glass and Steels [B] Squares [C] Triangles [D] Colors
179 C Correct

What shape is prominent in the Bank of China and Louvre Pyramid? [A] rectangle [B] square [C] Triangle [D] Circle
180 C Correct

Who was the architect of the Carpenter's Center? [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] Le Corbusier [C] IM Pei [D] Minoru Yamasaki
181 B Correct

Who was the architect of the Tjibao Cultural Center? [A] Francisco Manosa [B] Gabriel Formoso [C] Juan Nakpil [D] Jean
Marie Tjibao
182 D Correct

Who was the architect of the Kuala Lampur Airport? [A] Kisho Kurukh [B] Norman Foster [C] IM Pei [D] Louis Khan
183 A Correct

Who was the architect of the Quezon Memorial Pylon? [A] Lucio Tan [B] William Coscuella [C] Federico Llustre [D]
184 C Correct

Who was the architect of the Chapel of Holy Sacrifice? The First thin shell in the Philippines? [A] Francisco Manosa [B]
Gabriel Formoso [C] George Ramos [D] Leandro Locsin
185 D Correct

Who was the architect of the New Toronto City Hall? [A] Frank Lloyd Wright [B] John Utzon [C] Viljo Revell [C] Frank
186 C Correct

Who was the architect of Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao? [A] Otto Wagner [B] Frank Lloyd Wright [C] William Parsons
[D] Frank Gehry
187 D Correct

Who was the Architect of Zentralsparkasse Bank At Viena? [A] Otto Wagner [B] Antonio Gaudi [C] IM Pei [D] Gunther
188 D Correct

Who was the architect of Bank Of New York? [A] Louis Sullivan [B] Philip Johnson [C] Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker [D]
Skidmore and Owings
189 C Correct

Who was the Architect of Sony Center? [A] Minoru Yamasaki [B] Norman Foster [C] Helmut Jahn [D] Le Corbusier
190 C Correct

Who was the architect of the Notre Dame du Raincy? [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Auguste and Gustave Perret [C]
William Morris and John Ruskin [D] Walter Gropius

Who was the Architect of TWA Airport and the Dulles Airport? [A] Eero Saarinen [B] Eliel Saarienen [C] Gustave Eiffel [D]
Skidmore and Owings

A Pritzker Prize Architect Winner on the year 1987 [A] Philip Johnson [B] IM Pei [C] Kenzo Tange [D] Frank Gehry

Who is the architect of San Miguel Building? [A] Leandro Locsin [B] Manosa Brothers [C] Gabriel Formoso [D] George

Who was the third Filipino Architect? [A] Carlos Barreto [B] Juan Nakpil [C] Antonio Toledo [D] Tomas Mapua
Who designed the Metropolitan Theater of Manila? [A] Juan Arellano [B] Antonio Toledo [C] Tomas Mapua [D] Francisco

What is the Architectural Character of the Metropolitan Theater? [A] Renaissance [B] Art Deco [C] Gothic [D] Art Moderne

Deconstructive Theory of Frank Gehry at Bilbao: [A] Opera House [B] Bank of China [C] Falling Water [D] Guggenheim

This work is an example of Frank Lloyd Wrights Organic Architecture [A] Falling Water [B] Dulles Airport [C] Petronas
Towers [D] Chicago Tribune Tower

Distinctive feature of Frank Lloyd Wrights Falling Water [A] Overhanging Slab [B] Cantilever [C] Falling Water [D] Steps

In the Falling Water, what is the function of the Overhanging Slab? [A] Terrace [B] Living Room [C] Bedroom [D] Dining

IF the greeks introduced the concept of proportion during the classical period, who was the famous architect who introduced
the concept of proportion in modern times? [A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Eero Saarinen [C] Le Corbusier [D] Frank
Lloyd Wright

Famous structure designed by Le Corbusier in Marseilles France with rough cast concrete as steel frame proved too be
expensive in light of post war shortages [A] Villa Savoye [B] Unite D` Habitation [C] Notre Dame Du Haut [D] Pilotis

Who was the architect that made the Chek Lap Kok Airport where natural light, tensioned membrane and Anthropometrically
correct dimensions were emphasized? [A] Sir Norman Foster [B] Eero Saarinen [C] Richard Rogers [D] Fumihiko Maki

Who designed The Sagrada Familia? [A] Antonio Gaudi [B] Pierre Luigi Nervi [C] Leon Batista Alberti [D] Michealangelo

Who designed the interlocking thin shell, shark like concept that can be seen on the shore of Sydney, Australia? [A] Eero
Saarien [B] Norman Foster [C] Skidmore and Owings [D] Jorn Utzon

He is the father of Prestress Concrete [A] Frank Gehry [B] Otto Wagner [C] Romans [D] Eugene Freysinnet

Why do architects preferred to work in America? [A] Lots of oppurtunities to experiment and showcase their works [B] They
need more money to support their families [C] They will be granted License for work in America after being able to serve for
a number of years [D] Because Philippines suck

What type of symmetry is prominent in Villa Capra? [A] Formal [B] Informal [C] Radial [D] Bilateral

From the image of Villa Capra, what is the focal point? [A] Circle in Center [B] Rectangular Center [C] 4 Columns at Sides
[D] All of the above

It is the oldest inhabited city [A] Cairo [B] Beijing [C] Damascus [D] Manila

Structural innovation of the modern movement [A] Pre-Cast Concrete [B] Space Frame [C] Steel and Concrete [D] Glass and

What is the architectural style of the Museum of Modern Art? [A] Neo-Classicism [B] Functionalism [C] Constructivism [D]

Who said Less Is More? [A] Philip Johnson [B] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [C] Minoru Yamasaki [D] Kenzo Tange

It is a collective term for heritage schoolhouses built in the Philippines Between 1907 and 1946 that follow standard plans
designed by Architect William Parsons [A] Liceo De Manila [B] University of Santo Tomas [C] Gabaldon School [D]
215 Adamson University

It is the primary contribution of the Spaniards to the Philippines? [A] Government [B] Religion [C] Bahay na Bato [D] Law
216 of the Indies

When the spaniards came, they noticed that the house where easily destroyed during typhoons, what type of house was
introduced to them? [A] Bungalo [B] Bahay na Bato [C] Bahay Kubo [D] Teja Romana

Standing 100 meters away from the building, what is the focal point of the building? [A] The Dome [B] The Entrance [C]
The Colonnade [D] None at All

In site planning and consideration, what needs to be done to control noise? [A] Consider Buffers [B] Consider Slope
Conditions [C] Consider near Easements [D] Consider the Budget of the Client

What is the planning with 12 steps process in which all stakeholders are involved in every stage? [A] Linear [B] Cyclical [C]
Heirarchial [D] None of all
What is the most practical Hotel Room for a bedroom unit which will serve 3 - 4 members of a family or group of friends?
[A] Compartmentalized Toilet and Bath separate from Lavatory [B] Compartmentalized 2 Toilets [C] Use 1 Toilet and Bath
for 2 Bedrooms [D] Dont provide anything at all

What is used as a natural barrier between residential areas? [A] Barb Wire [B] Bamboo Poles [C] Trimmed Hedges as Fence
[D] Tesla Coils

A type of garden that is often primarily floral plants and completely free form in nature [A] Formal Garden [B] Informal
Garden [C] Chinese Garden [D] Japanese Garden

A type of garden that is neat, ordered, and laid out in carefully planned geometric and symmetric lines. [A] Formal Garden
[B] Informal Garden [C] Chinese Garden [D] Japanese Garden

A circle resting on x and y axis, which is extended along the z axis [A] Cone [B] Sphere [C] Dome [D] Cylinder

the side of the triangle is at the x axis and the long side is at the z axis. What will be formed if it is rotated abot the z axis? [A]
Parabola [B] Cone [C] Dome [D] Cylinder

When a plane is extruded in any axis giving the plane a new form that has orientation, direction, shape and form - what did it
created? [A] Line [B] Form [C] Visual Enertia [D] Volume

If the ends of an arc is resting at x and y axis respectively and is rotated about the z axis, what will it formed? [A] Sphere [B]
Geodesic [C] Dome [D] Lamella

A semi circular arch is cut in its central axis. If the remaining half of the arch is to be rotated starting from the axis of the
removed part, what will be created? [A] Wagon Vault [B] Pendentive [C] Dome [D] Sphere

If a semi circular arch is to be extruded in a straight line perpendicular to the direction of the arch line, what will be created?
[A] Dome [B] Barrel Vault [C] Pendentive [D] Arcades

It has 6 planes, different orientation [A] Pentagonal Pyramid [B] Cube [C] Sphere [D] Torus

If you draw a half circle along the x axis and rotated it along y, what shape will be formed? [A] Sphere [B] Cylinder [C]
Torus [D] Cone

Who is the proponent of Minimalist Architecture? [A] Frank Gehry [B] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [C] Le Corbusier [D] Sir
Norman Foster

What color is formed between two surfaces? [A] Black [B] White [C] Red [D] Blue

In the color wheel, what do you call the 3 colors that is located adjacent to each other having the visual effect of clear flow
and unity of color? [A] Complementary [B] Analogous [C] Triad [D] Monochromatic

Which color seem to advance as you look at it? [A] Red [B] Green [C] Violet [D] Black

What do you call the relationship of colors from the color wheel if each color is equally spaced of 3 colors? [A]
Complementary [B] Monochromatic [C] Analoguos [D] Triad

Which color seem to recede as you look at it? [A] Red [B] Green [C] Yellow [D] Magenta

What color will not be affected when placed at the centre of other colors? [A] Violet [B] Black [C] Red [D] Blue

How would you describe Achromatic Colros? [A] Tend to be unsaturated or Neutral [B] Colors related to overcast day [C]
Colros associated with daylight and sunset [D] Has huge amount of hues

Work of Le Corbusier that serve as a diplomatic ties between France and Japan [A] National Museum of Western Art [B]
Carpentre Centre [C] Unite D' Habitation [D] Chandigarh
What is so special about the carpentre centre of le corbusier? [A] integrated with 5 points of architecture [B] Presents
differently from different angles [C] Integration of Brise-Soleil [D] Located in green and organic environment

Carpentre Centre and National Museum of Western Art, Architectural Style? [A] Modern International [B] Modern
Contemporary [C] Modern Brutalism [D] Modern Constructivism

Where is Chek Lap Airport located? [A] Osaka, Japan [B] Hongkong [C] Beijing, China [D] Singapore, Singapore

The Architect of Chel Lap Airport is a proponent of? [A] Sustainablity [B] Structuralism [C] Deconstructivism [D] Critical

Which structure save Lord Norman Foster from being bankrupt? [A] 30 St. Mary Axe [B] The Shard [C] HSBC Building [D]
Louvre, Abu Dhabi

A Japanese Architect, that wwas categorized with a style of critical regionalism. One of his background is a boxer, truck
driver who followed works of FLW, Van De Rohe and Le Corbusier [A] Minoru Yamasaki [B] Kenzo Tange [C] I.M. Pei
[D] Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando, how would you describe his architectural style? [A] Beauty [B] Simplicity [C] Futurist [D] Monumental

A great american architect that is marked with a style with horizontal lines, flat or hipped roofs and broad overhanging eaves
[A] Ludwig Mies Van De Rohe [B] Louis Sullivan [C] Frank Lloyd Wright [D] Eero Saarinen

Frank Lloyd Wright was a majr proponent of what style? [A] Bauhaus [B] Chicago School [C] Prairie School [D] Les Ecoles
Beaux Arts

Frank Lloyd Wright is a critic of particular style which came from Industrial Revolution [A] Minimalism [b] Bauhaus [C]
Beaux Arts [D] De Stijl

What is the most strking feature of the Robbie House? [A] Cantilevered Roof Eaves [B] Art Glass Windows [C] Double
Whythe Roman Brick Wall [D] Chimneys on Top

How can you describe the form used for Robbie House? [A] Square [B] Rectangular [C] Triangle [D] Trapezoid

Art Nouveau in Europe, where did it started? [A] Deutschland [B] Osterreich [C] Francaise [D] Espana

The 'New Art' Jugendstil, was popularized way back in Italy in a Department Store, so, what is the difference of Italy's Art
Nouveau to Germany's Art Nouveau? [A] Jugendstil [B] Modernismo [C] Stile Liberty [D] Secession

During Revivalism, why did some architect's prefer the style of Art Nouveau over the other styles that flourished during that
time? [A] To reject floral style [B] Classical forms is expensive and hard to build [C] Unique, hard to copy [D] Simple and

Which Art Nouveau inspired structure by Antonio Gaudi remains to be unfinished In Spain? [A] Casa Batilo [B] Casa Mila
[C] Parc Guell [D] Sagrada Familia

When Otto Wagner was in Germany, how was he influenced by the Modern Movement? [A] Jugendstil [B] Secession [C]
Stile Liberty [D] Le Modern Style

The first structure that Otto Wagner made from moving away from Secession Art Nouveau? [A] Kirchie am Stenhof [B]
Karlsplats Stathbahn Station [C] Postal Savings Bank [D] Rumbach Street Synagogue

The Quarry' is a building designed by a Spanish Catalan Architect. Who is it? [A] Frederick Law Olmstead [B] Adolf Loos
[C] Antonio Gaudi [D] Walter Gropius

Architectural Character for Chrysler Building? [A] Pyramid [B] Crown [C] Ziggurat [D] Flower

What brought Bauhaus School to its closure? [A] World War II [B] Disagreement between directors [C] School was a failure
[D] There was no Architect Successors
What was the reason Bauhaus was closed by the Nazi Government? [A] Flat Roofs [B] Meyer used it as political tool [C] No
return profit from first year of school [D] No student studied in the school

Vermiculture is a simple and unusual way of using kitchen as rich castings for use in a garden. What is its main ingrident?
[A] Chicken Manure [B] Red Wriggler Worms [C] Animal and Human Waste [D] All of the above

It is the result when an arch is extended [A] Groin Vault [B] Cross Vault [C] Barrel Vault [D] Sexpartite Vault

What element in classical architecture creates lines and shadows? [A] Roof [B] Moulding [C] People [D] Columns

Greatest influence of Chinese Architecture [A] Environment [B] Politics [C] Government [D] Religion

The orientation of a Basketball court is located at [A] Northeast - Southwest [B] Northwest - Southeast [C] North-South [D]

A unit of measurement, usually 6 ft x 3 ft [A] Le Modulor [B] Tatami [C] Ken [D Golden Mean

Which is the least expensive? [A] 10 Hole Golf Course [B] 1/2 Hectare of Park and Playground [C] Cable hanging bridge [D]
270 All of the above

Which is the most expensive? [A] 9 hole golf course [B] 1/2 Hectaure of Playground and Park [C] Olympic Size Swimming
271 pool [D] All of the above

What element isolates vertical planes of an enclosed space? [A] Openings [B] Color of surface [C] Treatment [D] All of the

273 "Nakatuwad on his kness sign" what is it? [A] Pregnant woman [B] PWD [C] Senior Citizen [D] Children

274 It is a comparison showing differences, the opposite of similarity [A] Rhythm [B] Proportion [C] Character [D] Contrast

The most important kind of character in architecture is that which result from the purpose of the building or reason of
275 erection [A] Proportion [B] Contrast [C] Functional Character [D] Personal Character

276 Most elementary means of organizing forms and spaces in architecture [A] Balacne [B] Scale [C] Axis [D] Character

Characterized by an arrangement where all the part radiate from the center like the spikes in a wheel [A] radial [B]
277 centralized [C] formal [D] unsymmetrical

278 it means equality [A] Rhythm [B] Scale [C] Radial [D] Balance

279 It gives the feeling of grandeaur, dignity and monumentality [A] Balance [B] Proportion [C] Scale [D] Unity

When lines, planes, and surface treatments are repeated in a regular sequence [A] Balance [B] Contrast [C] Proportion [D]
280 Rhythm

A kind of character that came from the influence of ideas and impressions related to or growing out of past experience [A]
281 Associated Character [B] Character [C] Personal Character [D] Functional Character

It is evident by a comparison which the eye makes between the size, shape and tone of a various object or part of a
282 competition [A] Proportion [B] Scale [C] Balance [D] Rhythm

Deals with the relationship between the different parts of the whole to the various parts [A] Relative Proportion [B] Absolute
283 Proportion [C] Proportion [D] Balance

It bears a certain relation to the same attribute to the life of an individual [A] Functional Character [B] Personal Character [C]
284 Relative Proportion [D] Balance

These systems are based on the dimensions and proportion of the human body [A] Proportion [B] Balance [C]
285 Anthropometric [D] Anthropometric Proportion

The size and proportion of an element appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size (D.K. Ching p.
286 56) [A] Visual Scale [B] Generic Scale [C] Mechanical Scale [D] Human Scale

The kind of rhythm where equally spaced windows are introduced on the broken wall, then regular repetition is presented [A]
287 Accented Rhythm [B] Unaccented Rhythm [C] Rhythm of Motion [D] Rhythm
The size of a building element or space relative to the dimensions and proportions of the human body; The size or proportion
of a building element or space, or an article of furniture related to the structural or functional dimensions of the human body
288 (D.K. Ching p. 56) [A] Generic Scale [B] Human Scale [C] Visual Scale [D] Mechanical Scale

The art and science of a building design and construction [A] Architecture [B] Engineering [C] Consctruction [D]
289 Technology

290 That which the eye identifies, the mind perceives and interprets [A] Shape [B] Form [C] Texture [D] Orientation

291 With respect to an observer [A] Size [B] Orientation [C] Visual Inertia [D] Position

292 A series of form arranged in a sequence of Row [A] Clustered [B] Radial [C] Linear [D] Grid

293 A set of modular forms related and regulated by 3D grid [A] Clustered [B] Radial [C] Linear [D] Grid

Subtracting a portion of a form volume to create another [A] Subtracting Transformation [B] Subtractive Transformation [C]
294 Additive Transformation [D] Dimensional Transformation

This refer to the manner in which the surface of a form come together to define its shape and volume [A] Articulation of
295 Form [B] Clustered Form [C] Form [D] Architecture

A composition of linear forms extending outward from a central form in a radial manner [A] Linear [B] Radial [C] Clustered
296 [D] Centralized

A ourposed activity aimed at devising a plan for changing an existing situation into a future preferred state, especially the
cyclical iterative process compromising of the following phases (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Form [B] Articulation [C] Theory
297 [D] Design Process

A number of secondary forms clustered about a dominant, centra perceived form [A] Clustered [B] Radial [C] Linear [D]
298 Grid

One of more dimension are altered but will retain its identity [A] Subtractive [B] Additive [C] Dimensional [D] None of the
299 Above

A collection of forms grouped together by proximity or the sharing of one visual trait [A] Clustered [B] Radial [C] Linear [D]
300 Grid

301 Can be regular or irregular, primary characteristic that identifies [A] Size [B] Shape [C] Color [D] texture

It refers to a colors purity. Highly saturated colors, look clean and bright, like the color you see on the color wheel. As other
colors are added or mixed with these colors, the become less saturated. [A] Value [B] Hue [C] Saturation [D] None of the
302 Above

If you were to design what height of window suitable in designing kitchen? So, while youre washing your dishes you can see
the beautiful forest in the east side of the house [A] 1.20 meters from FFL up to window sill [B] 300mm from FFL up to
303 window sill [C] 1.60 meters FFL up to window sill [D] 600mm from FFL up to window sill

It is a color scheme consists of two colors that are opposite to each other on the color wheel. This scheme looks best when
you place a warm color against a cool color, for example, red versus green-blue. This scheme is instrinsically high contrast
304 [A] Triadic Color Scheme [B] Tetradic Complimentary scheme [C] Split complimentary scheme [D] Complimentary scheme

If your living room has different colors, different design and different proportions combined to create a new look that was
305 never there before, what design priciples does it have? [A] Proportion [B] Scale [C] Balance [D] Harmony

Interior spaces and their elements of enclosure, furnishings, lighting and accessories often include a mix of shapes, sizes,
colors and textures. How theses elements are organized is a response to functional needs and aesthetic desires. At the same
time these elements should be arranged to achieve a state of equilibrium among the visual forces projected by the elements?
306 [A] Proportion [B] Scale [C] Balance [D] Harmony

In landscaping, ground cover is represented by [A] grass and rocks [B] grass and plants [C] rocks and plants [D] animal and
307 plants

308 In colors, it predicts energy and activity [A] Yellow [B] red [C] blue [D] Green [E] Violet [F] Brown

What is the most suitable color for a kids bedroom? [A] Shades of red [B] Shades of Blue [C] Both A and B [D] None of the
309 above

310 Interior Design Elements that define space within a space. [A] Partitions [B] Walls [C] Floors [D] Ceilings

311 It is the degree of lightness or darkness of color? [A] value [B] hue [C] Saturation [D] Contrast
if you paint the brick, what appropriate color would you want? [A] Dark Color [B] Varnish [C] Light Color [D] all of the
above, depends on the taste

Social Contact and interaction in a pavillion would be promoted most by which of the following design decision? [A] Making
the dimensions of the pavillion small enough so the anticipated number of users would cross into each other's personal
distances. [B] Design branches around the support columns so people would have a place to sit and talk [C] organizing the
cooking and servicing area distinct from the dining area and entrance [D] Providing an informal variety of spaces of different
sizes, locations and uses.

A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual's perception of hue, saturation,
and lightness for objects, and hue, saturation and brightness for light sources (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Color [B] Form [C]
314 Texture [D] Shape

The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, arranged in order of wavelengths especially the band of colors
produced when sunlight is refracted and dispersed by a prism, compromising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and
315 violet (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Color [B] Spectrum [C] Hue [D] Saturation

The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less of the incident light, corresponding to lightness of the percieved
316 color (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Saturation [B} Chroma [C] Hue [D] Value

one of the three dimensions of color, the purity or vividness of a hue. Also called as intensity (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A]
317 Saturation [B} Chroma [C] Hue [D] Value

One of the three dimensions of color, the property of light by which the color of an object is classifed as being red, yellow,
blue or green, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Saturation [B} Chroma
318 [C] Hue [D] Value

The degree by which a color differs from a gray of the same lightness or brightness, corresponding to saturation of the
319 percieved color (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Saturation [B} Chroma [C] Hue [D] Value

Designating a color having low lightness and low saturation and reflecting only a small fraction of an incident light (D.K.
320 Ching p. 38) [A] Pale [B] Brilliant [C] Dark [D] Deep

Designating a color havinf low lightness and strong saturation esignating a color having low lightness and low saturation and
321 reflecting only a small fraction of an incident light (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Pale [B] Brilliant [C] Dark [D] Deep

Designating a color having light lightness and strong saturation esignating a color having low lightness and low saturation
322 and reflecting only a small fraction of an incident light (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A] Pale [B] Brilliant [C] Dark [D] Deep

A scale of acromatic colors having several, usually ten, equal gradations ranging from white to black (D.K. Ching p. 38) [A]
323 Lightness [B] Brightness [C] Greyscale [D] Reflected color

The dimension of color by which an object appears to reflect more or less of the incident light, varying from black to white
for surface colors and from black to colorless for transparent volume colors [A] Lightness [B] Brightness [C] Greyscale [D]
324 Reflected color

The dimension of color which is correlated with luminance and by which visual stimuli are ordered continuously from very
dim to very bright. Pure white has the maximum brightness and pure black as the minimum brightness [A] Lightness [B]
325 Brightness [C] Greyscale [D] Reflected color

Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by red, orange, or yellow. (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Warm [B] Cool [C] Tint
326 [D] Shade

Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by green, blue or violet. (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Warm [B] Cool [C] Tint
327 [D] Shade

Any set of colors as red, yellow and blue… regarded as the ones generating all colors (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Secondary [B]
328 Tertiary [C] Primary [D] Color Wheel

A color, as brown, produced by mixing two secondary colors, or a secondary color with one of its consituent primaries (D.K.
329 Ching p. 39) [A] Secondary [B] Tertiary [C] Primary [D] Color Wheel

A combination of three colors forming an equillateral triangle on the color wheel (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Complementary
330 Color [B] Split Complementary Color [C] Analogous Colors [D] Triad Color

One of a pair of opposing colors on a color wheel, percieved as competing or enhancing each other (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A]
331 Complementary Color [B] Split Complementary Color [C] Analogous Colors [D] Triad Color

One of Two or Three closely related colors on a color wheel (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Complementary Color [B] Split
332 Complementary Color [C] Analogous Colors [D] Triad Color
A relative light value of a color produced by adding white to it (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Tint [B] Polychromatic [C]
333 Monochromatic [D] Gray

Having only one color or exhibiting varying intesities and values of a single hue (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Tint [B]
334 Polychromatic [C] Monochromatic [D] Gray

335 Having exhibiting a variety of colors (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Tint [B] Polychromatic [C] Monochromatic [D] Gray

336 An intermediate value of color between tint and shade (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Shade [B] Gray [C] Achromatic [D] Tone

Having no saturation and therefore no hue, as white, black or gray (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Shade [B] Gray [C] Achromatic
337 [D] Tone

A relatively dark value of color, produced by adding black to it (D.K. Ching p. 39) [A] Shade [B] Gray [C] Achromatic [D]
338 Tone

The creation and organization of formal elements in a work of art (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Art [B] Design [C] Architecture [D]
339 Perception

The visual and especially tactile quality of a surface, apart from its color or form (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Form [B] Shape [C]
340 Texture [D] Line

341 The edge or contour of a shape (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Form [B] Shape [C] Texture [D] Line

The shape and structure of something as distinguished from its substance or material (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Form [B] Shape
342 [C] Texture [D] Line

The outline or surface configuration of a particular form or figure. While form usually refers to the principle that gives unity
to a whole, and often includes a sense of mass or volume, __________ suggest an outline with some empasis on the enclosed
343 area or mass (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Form [B] Shape [C] Texture [D] Line

The apparent texture of a surface resulting from the combination and interrelation of colors and tonal values (D.K. Ching p.
344 52) [A] Visual [B] Tactile [C] Fabric [D] Texture

The physical, dimensional structure of a surface, apart froms its color and form (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Visual [B] Tactile [C]
345 Fabric [D] Texture

A unified composition ot two dimensional shapes or three dimensional volumes, especially one that has or gives the
346 impression of weight, density and bulk (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Additive [B] Subtractive [C] Articulation [D] Massing

Of or pertaining to shapes and forms having an intellectual and affective content dependent solely on their instrinsic lines,
347 colors and relationships to one another (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Organic [B] Geometric [C] Abstract [D] Non Objective

Of or pertaining to shapes and forms which resemble or employ the simple rectilinear or curvilinear elements of geometry
348 (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A] Organic [B] Geometric [C] Abstract [D] Non Objective

The arranging of parts or elements into proper proportion or relation as to form a unified whole (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A]
349 Composition [B] Diagram [C] Design Principle [D] Parti

The manner of arranging and coordinating the parts of a composition so as to produce a coherent image (D.K. Ching p. 53)
350 [A] Texture [B] Detail [C] Form [D] Pattern

351 An individual, minute or subordinate part of a whole (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Texture [B] Detail [C] Form [D] Pattern

The state or quality of being combined into one, as the ordering of elements in an artistic work that constitutes a harmonius
352 whole or promotes a singleness of effect (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Unity [B] Balance [C] Emphasis [D] Harmony

Stress or prominence given to an element of a composition by means of contrast, anomaly and counterpoint (D.K. Ching p.
353 53) [A] Unity [B] Balance [C] Emphasis [D] Harmony

The pleasing or harmonious arrangement or proportion of parts or elements in a design composition (D.K. Ching p. 54) [A]
354 Unity [B] Balance [C] Emphasis [D] Harmony

Movement characterized by a patterned repitition or alternation of formal elements or motifs in the same or modified form
355 (D.K. Ching p. 55) [A] Rhythm [B] Unity [C] Harmony [D] Equilibrium

The comparative, proper, harmonious relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity or
356 degree (D.K. Ching p. 56) [A] Proportion [B] Scale [C] Equilibrium [D] Balance

The characteristic structure given to a surface or substance by the size, shape, arrangement and proportions of the parts (D.K.
357 Ching p. 53) [A] Texture [B] Detail [C] Form [D] Pattern
A certain proportionate size, extent or degree. Usually judge in relation to some standard point of reference (D.K. Ching p.
358 56) [A] Proportion [B] Scale [C] Equilibrium [D] Balance

An applied science concerned with the characteristics of people that need to be considered in the design of devices and
systems in order that people and things will interact effectivly and safely. Also called as human engineering (D.K. Ching p.
359 57) [A] Anthropometrics [B] Proxemics [C] Ergonomics [D] Economics

The size or proportion of something relative to an accepted standard of measurement (D.K. Ching p. 56) [A] Human Scale
360 [B] Mechanical Scale [C] Visual Scale [D] Generic Scale

361 Relating to or based in the sense of touch (D.K. Ching p. 57) [A] Olfactory [B] Haptic [C] Visual [D] Kinesthesia

362 Relating to or based in the sense of smell (D.K. Ching p. 57) [A] Olfactory [B] Haptic [C] Visual [D] Kinesthesia

363 An underlying framework or structure of connected parts (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Fabric [B] Pattern [C] Sign [D] Symbol

An artistic or decorative design, especially one having a characteristic arrangement and considered as a unit of which an idea
364 can be given by a fragment (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A] Fabric [B] Pattern [C] Sign [D] Symbol

A proportion between two dimensions of a plane, figure or the two divisions of a line, in which ratio of the smaller to the
larger is the same as the ratio of the larger to the whole of a ratio of approximately 0.618 to 1.000. also called as the golden
365 mean (D.K. Ching p. 56) [A] Golden Section [B] Golden Scale [C] Golden Proportion [D] Golden Compass

The study of the symbolic and communicative role of the spatial separation individuals maintain in various, social and
interpersonal situations and how the nature and degree of this spatial arrangement relates to environmental factors (D.K.
366 Ching p. 57) [A] Ergonomics [B] Anthropometrics [C] Proxemics [D] Sociology

A varialble and subjective distance at which one person feels comfortable talking to one another. (D.K. Ching p. 57) [A]
367 Comfort Zone [B] Personal Space [C] Thermal Zone [D] Public Space

The ability or freedom, or permission to approach, enter or use (D.K. Ching p. 57) [A] Access [B] barrier Free [C]
368 Terriotoriality [D] Egress

A method or manner of jointing that makes the united parts clear, distinct, and precise in relation to each other (D.K. Ching p.
369 52) [A] Additive [B] Subtractive [C] Articulation [D] Massing

The orderly , pleasing, or congruent arrangement of the elements or parts in an artistic whole (D.K. Ching p. 54) [A] Order
370 [B] Unity [C] Harmony [C] Rhythm

Any of the dimensions of the human body and its parts (D.K. Ching p. 57) [A] Functional Dimension [B] Static Fit [C]
371 Structural Dimension [D] Dynamic Fit

A fundamental and comprehensive concept of visual percetion for structuring a aesthetic composition (D.K. Ching p. 53) [A]
372 Design Principle [B] Design Philosophy [C] Architectural Design [D] Design

The exact correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane, or about a
373 center or axis (D.K. Ching p. 55) [A] Axis of Symmetry [B] Symmetry [C] Bilateral Symmetry [D] Radial Symmetry

A state of rest or balance between constrasting elements of opposing forces (D.K. Ching p. 55) [A] Balance [B] Equilibrium
374 [C] Symmetry [D] Rhythm

The state or quality being identical, homogeneous or regular (D.K. Ching p. 54) [A] Anatomy [B] Homogenous [C] regular
375 [D] Uniformity

Opposition of juxtaposition of dissimilar elements in a work of art to intensify each elements properties and produce a more
376 dynamic expressiveness (D.K. Ching p. 54) [A] Contrast [B] Anomaly [C] Contradiction [D] Heirarchy

A system of elements ranked, classified, and organized one above another, according to importance or significance (D.K.
377 Ching p. 54) [A] Contrast [B] Anomaly [C] Contradiction [D] Heirarchy

Abstract thought or speculation resulting in a system of assumptions or principles used in analyzing, explaning, or predicting
phenomena and proposed or followed as the basis of action (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Abstract [B] Principle [C] Theory [D]
378 Metaphor

An underlying organizationan pattern or structure for a design (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Idea [B] Scheme [C] Design Concept
379 [D] Analogy

A concept for the form, structure and featues of a building or other construction, represented graphically by diagrams, plans
380 and other drawings (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Idea [B] Scheme [C] Design Concept [D] Analogy
The faculty of seeing things in her true relations or of evaluating their relative significance (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Vision [B]
381 Perspective [C] View [D] Aspect

Any feature that produces or increases comfort, convinience or pleasure (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Amenities [B] Service [C]
382 Datum [D] Implement

A miniature representation, usually built to scale, to show the appearance or construction of something (D.K. Ching p. 58)
383 [A] Mock Up [B] Perspective [C] Model [D] Simulation

Characterized or produced by addition, accumulation, or uniting, often resulting in a new density (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A]
384 Additive [B] Subtractive [C] Articulation [D] Massing

A full sized model of a building or structure, built accurately to scale for study, testing or teaching (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A]
385 Mock Up [B] Perspective [C] Model [D] Simulation

Separating of a whoe onto its constituent parts or elements, especially as a method of studying the nature of the whole and
386 determining its essential features and their relations (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Analysis [B] Synthesis [C] Visualize [D] Process

387 A preliminary version of a plan or design (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Scheme [B] Parti [C] Draft [D] Concept

A fundamental and comprehensive law, truth, or assumption governing action, procedure or arrangement (D.K. Ching p. 59)
388 [A] Abstract [B] Principle [C] Metaphor [D] Analogy

The power of faculty of knowing without evident rational thought and interference (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Speculation [B]
389 Abiguity [C] Intuition [D] Serendipity

A though or notion resulting from mental awareness, understanding, or activity (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Creativity [B]
390 Imagination [C] Idea [D] Concept

Combining of separate, often diverse parts or elements so as to form a single or coherent whole (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A]
391 Implement [B] Synthesis [C] Develop [D] Visualize

To work out, expand, or realize the capabilities or possibilities of so as to bring gradually to a fuller or more advanced or
392 effective state (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Implement [B] Synthesis [C] Develop [D] Visualize

To Improve or elaborate in order to make more fine or precise (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Modify [B] Refine [C] Fancy [D]
393 Inflection

394 To form and idea or conception in the mind (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Devise [B] Contrive [C] Conceive [D] Envision

395 To form in an artistic or ingenious manner (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Devise [B] Contrive [C] Conceive [D] Envision

To form in the mind by new combinations or applications of existing ideas and principles (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Devise [B]
396 Contrive [C] Conceive [D] Envision

Evaluative information about an action or process promptly a return to a preceeding phase for alteration or correction (D.K.
397 Ching p. 58) [A] Evaluation [B] Reaction [C] Feedback [D] Re-Evaluation

An Assured, given or otherwise determined fact or proposition from which conclusions may be drawn or decisions made
398 (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Criterion [B] Datum [C] Program [D] Dynamics

An early and typical example that exhibits the essential features of a class or group and on which stages are based or judged
399 (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Type [B] Archetype [C] Ectype [D] Prototype

It is the first phase for a design process wherein the subject identifies a problemand its social, economic and physical context
400 (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E] Action [F] Re-Evaluation

It is the last phase for design process wherein the subject assess how well and implemented solution in use satisfies the
specified goals and criteria (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E] Action [F] Re-
401 Evaluation

It is the fifth phase for design process wherein the subject selects and implements the most suitable solution (D.K. Ching p.
402 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E] Action [F] Re-Evaluation

The second phase for design process where the subject collects and analyze relevant information and establishes goals and
sets criterias for an acceptable solution (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E]
403 Action [F] Re-Evaluation

Characterized or produced by removal of a part or portion without destroying a sense of the whole (D.K. Ching p. 52) [A]
404 Additive [B] Subtractive [C] Articulation [D] Massing
The third phase of design process where the subject discovers constraints and opportunities, and hypothesizes possible
alternative solutions (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E] Action [F] Re-
405 Evaluation

The fourth design process wherein the subject stimulates, test, and modifies acceptable alternatives according to the specific
goals and criterias (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Preparation [B] Initiation [C] Synthesis [D] Evaluation [E] Action [F] Re-
406 Evaluation

To ensure the fullfillment by means of a definite plan or procedure (D.K. Ching p. 58) [A] Stimulate [B] Evaluate [C]
407 Implement [D] Test

The original scheme for a design presented in the form of a sketch outlining its specific character, to be developed in detail
408 for later studies (D.K. Ching p. 59) [A] Parti [B] Scheme [C] Projet [D] Concept

409 The physical volume or bulk of a solid body (D.K. Ching p. 217) [A] Form [B] Shape [C] Mass [D] Space

410 The mood, character or atmosphere of an environment (D.K. Ching p. 217) [A] Place [B] Void [C] Ambiance [D] Emotion

A three dimensional field in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction (D.K. Ching p. 217) [A]
411 Mass [B] Space [C] Place [D] Form

412 A point or place which interest, activity or emotion focuses (D.K. Ching p. 217) [A] Point [B] Line [C] Space [D] Center

413 A central point of attraction, attention or activity (D.K. Ching p. 217) [A] Ambiance [B] Point [C] Focus [D] Center

Two spaces contagious with each other, having a common boundery (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Linked Space [B] Adjacent
414 Space [C] Interlocking Space [D] Embedded Space

Two spaces with a third party adjoining them in the center (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Embedded Space [B] Interlocking Space
415 [C] Linked Space [D] Adjoining Space

Two spaces, interwoven together and forming a zone of shared space (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Interlocking Space [B]
416 Embedded Space [C] Adjoining Space [D] Linked Space

Spaces extended, arranged or linked along a Line, Path or gallery (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Centralized Organization [B]
417 Linear Organization [C] Radial Organization [D] Grid Organization

Spaces grouped, collected or gathered closely together and related by proximity (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Clustered [B] Grid
418 [C] Radial [D] Linear

Spaces gathered about or coming together at a large or dominant central space (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Linear [B]
419 Centralized [C] Radial [D] Grid

420 Spaces arranged like radii or rays (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Radial [B] Clustered [C] Grid [D] Linear

421 Spaces with reference to rectangular system of lines (D.K. Ching p. 218) [A] Clustered [B] Radial [C] Centralized [D] Grid

A doughnut shaped surface generated by the revolution of a circle about an exterior line lying in its plane (D.K. Ching p. 220)
422 [A] Spherical [B] Torus [C] Elliptical [D] Conoid

423 It is the surface characteristic of a shape [A] Texture [B] Form [C] Volume [D] Mass

424 The prevailing unit used in Modular Design [A] Millimeter [B] Meter [C] Inch [D] Feet

425 Elements found on both sides [A] balance [B] proportion [C] Symmetrical [D] Unsymmetrical

The state or quality of being identical, homogenous or regular [A] Uniformity [B] Conformity [C] Somberness [D] None of
426 the above

427 State of partial or total darkness [A] Uniformity [B] Conformity [C] Somberness [D] None of the above

428 What color reflects more light? [A] White [B] International Red [C] Black [D] Yellow

The worst territorial reinforcement can a person do [A] 4" CHB Perimeter [B] 6" CHB Perimeter [C] Wood with Barbwire in
429 the perimeter [D] 0.50 meters setback

What is the best lanscaping element that can deflect wind speed? [A] Ground Covers [B] 3Feet Wood Fence [C] Trees [D]
430 Low Bushes
The best way to lessen noise, created by traffic [A] Ground Grass Cover [B] Tall Trees [C] 3 Feet Wall Fence [D] Low
431 Bushes

432 What form of organization combines centralized and linear elements? [A] Clustered [B] Grid [C] Radial [D] Centralized

433 Volumes put on together [A] Massing [B] Surface [C] Form [D] Composition

In articulation, there are certain changes in material color and texture. This is done by removing the corner and articulating it
thru change of material or lighting the form so as to produce tonal difference of form. [A] Additive Form [B] Surface
434 Articulation [C] Articulation of Form [D] Subtractive Form

When you apply colors to the surface of an object, what is done? [A] Juxtaposition of forms [B] Clustering [C] Surface
435 Articulation [D] None of the above

When the edge of a cube is chamfered, what is done? [A] Juxtaposition of forms [B] Form Articulation [C] Surface
436 Articulation [D] None of the above

What is formed when one or four enclosing planes is articulated? [A] Spatial Organizations [B] Spatial Relationships [C]
437 Linear Organization [D] Radial Organization

A unity of area of light, shade and color that defines shape or form in general outline rather than in detail [A] Illusion [B]
438 Illumination [C] Shadow [D] None of the above

It is the art and science of arranging and organizing the External Physical Environment to accomodate and support a variety
439 of Human Behavior [A] Site Organization [B] Site Planning [C] Urban Planning [D] City Planning

The individual personal space is Dynamite, it changes its dimensions, stress and anxiety can result from intrusion [A]
440 Personal Space [B] Defensive Space [C] Territoriality [D] Density

What color system is identified by two adjacent colors and its opposite in the color wheel? [A] Triad [B] Complementary [C]
441 Split-Compementary [D] Analogous

442 What form is non directional? [A] Line [B] Vector [C] Point [D] Ray

443 If a point is extended, it acquires length and direction, what is it called? [A] Plane [B] Dots [C] Line [D] Volume

When a point is duplicated many time in sequence in a number of rows, what is formed? [A] Line [B] Grid [C] Plane [D]
444 Volume

A series of points multiplied in uniform distances from each other and carried out in uniform distances [A] Line [B] Grid [C]
445 Plane [D] Volume

The dimension that a Dimetric Drawing has is usually around? [A] 15º / 30º [B] 45º / 45º [C] 30º / 30º [D] Answer not among
446 the choices

A line drawing projection with 45º on it's three sides is also called as? [A] Dimetric [B] Trimetric [C] Isometric [D]
447 Orthographic

Where do we usually us Trimetric Drawings? [A] Areal Perspective [B] Cabinet Drawings [C] Furniture Design [D]
448 Isometric in Areal View

449 Best kind of Perspective for Interior's [A] One Point [B] Two Point [C] Three Point [D] Any of the above mentioned

Not True regarding Two-Point Perspective [A] Conventional for Facades [B] Two VP's [C] Also for Interiors [D] Can see the
450 rear if viewed from the front

The drawing which lets you see many different views combining the flat and realistic ones [A] Axonometric Drawings [B]
451 Two-Dimensional Drawings [C] Orthographic Drawings [D] Perspective Drawings

452 Architectural Documents that if a client ask you to do, they will be charged for extra [A] 2D [B] 3D [C] 4D [D] 5D

How would you tour your client inside the project, realistically and efficiently? [A] Scale Modelling [B] blow Up Details [C]
453 Animation [D] Interior Perspective

How would you best describe the planning of Villa Rotunda best? [A] Andrea Palladio Works [B] Symmetrical [C]
454 Renaissance [D] Answer not among the choices

455 Space were arranged like rays that comes from a central core [A] De Stijl [B] Radial [C] Clustered [D] Centralized

456 Most spaces where grouped, or gathered closely with related proximity [A] Grid [B] Radial [C] Clustered [D] Centralized

457 If a point is duplicated many times in a sequence of rows, what is formed? [A] Line [B] Plane [C] Dots [D] Vectpr
A series of points multiplied in uniform distances from each other and carried out in uniform distances both vertical and
458 horizontal [A] Uniform Field [B] Plane [C] Line [D] Rectilinear Net

If a line acquires the properties of width, weight and sense of placement, what is it called? [A] Volume [B] Mass [C]
459 Polyhedron [D] Plane

460 What has length, width and height? [A] Point [B] Line [C] Plane [D] Volume

It has two or more intersecting sets of parallel lines with regular spacing and procudes geometric patterns with regular space
461 fields in between as a result of the intersection [A] Radial [B] Grid [C] Linear [D] Star

462 A line is: [A] A shadow [B] has surface [C] Point that has direction [D] 3 dimensional figure

463 A line is: [A] A shadow [B] has surface [C] Point that has direction [D] has mass, no volume

464 Which is the figure which is said to be the most stable? [A] Sphere [B] Cylinder [C] Cone [D] Circle

465 It has 6 planes, different orientation [A] Sphere [B] Cylinder [C] Cube [D] Pentagonal Pyramid

466 It has 6 planes, 8 edges [A] Sphere [B] Cylinder [C] Cube [D] Pentagonal Pyramid

467 Where should the shorter side of a basketball court be oriented? [A] SE-NW [B] NE-SW [C] N-S [D] E-W

What is the space within 3Feet and used in Furniture Design? [A] Intimate Space [B] Personal Space [C] Public Space [D]
468 Social Space

What is the space within 1Foot and used in Furniture Design? [A] Intimate Space [B] Personal Space [C] Public Space [D]
469 Social Space

470 What is used in order to determine the function or use of space? [A] Grid [B] Floor Pattern [C] Threshold [D] Door

is that area within which the individual expects to make purely social contacts on a temporary basis [A] Intimate Space [B]
471 Personal Space [C] Public Space [D] Social Space

Area that is within which the individual does not expect to have a direct contact with others [A] Intimate Space [B] Personal
472 Space [C] Public Space [D] Social Space
Total Score: 188

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