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Case Studies

Received 3.27.06 | Revisions Received 5.22.06 | Accepted 5.23.06

Recurrent Nephrolithiasis in a 9-Year-Old Child

Monte S. Willis, MD, PhD
(University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC)

Clinical History Past Medical History Principal Laboratory Findings

Patient Non-contributory. Table 1
9 ½ year-old female.
Family History Additional Diagnostic Procedures
Chief Complaint Non-contributory. Renal ultrasonography demonstrated kidneys

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Recurrent kidney stones. that were normal in size and echotexture with
Physical Exam no evidence of hydronephrosis or masses.
History of Present Illness Vital signs: blood pressure, 107/70 mmHg; However, 2 areas of echogenic foci
The child’s parents reported she had temperature, 37.4°C; pulse, 112 bpm. Height: representing renal calculi were identified in the
experienced 2 previous episodes of kidney 134 cm (approximately 50th percentile for right kidney (Image 1). No distinct renal calculi
stones (nephrolithiasis) within the last 10 age/gender); weight, 28.7 kg (approximately were identified in the left kidney.
months. These episodes were associated with 50th percentile for age/gender); body mass
fever, intense abdominal pain, back pain, and index (BMI), 15.8.
vomiting. Kidney stones were identified by CT
scan as the cause of these symptoms.

Table 1_Principal Laboratory Findings
1. What are this patient’s most striking clinical and laboratory
Test Patient’s Result Reference Interval
2. How do you explain these findings? Chemistry
3. What is the differential diagnosis and how can this patient’s Creatinine, serum 0.6 0.4-0.9 mg/dL
clinical and laboratory findings be used to differentiate Creainine, urine (24 h) 486 800-2,800 mg/dL
between these diagnoses? Urinalysis
4. What is this patient’s most likely diagnosis? Macroscopic: Leuckocyte esterase 1+ Negative
Blood/hemoglobin 1+ Negative
5. Under what conditions should this patient’s diagnosis be Microscopic: RBCs/hpf 3-5 Negative
suspected? Crystals Clear, hexagonal Negative
6. What is the epidemiology and basic defect in this patient’s plates
disease? Special Chemistry
Urine amino acid analysis: (Ages 3-15 years)
7. What is the molecular pathogenesis of this patient’s disease? Cystine 796 11-53 µmol/24 h
8. What is the medical therapy used in the treatment of this Lysine 3,665 19-140 µmol/24 h
patient’s condition? Ornithine 966 3-16 µmol/24 h
9. What other treatment modalities have been used in the Arginine 2,116 10-25 µmol/24 h
treatment of this patient’s condition? RBCs, red blood cells; hpf, high power field.

Possible Answers secondary to calculous formation.1 Under high power microscopy,

1. The most striking clinical finding is a history of recurrent unstained RBCs in the urine are normally found in small
kidney stones in a child. Significant laboratory findings include: numbers [0-2 cells/high power field (hpf )]. More than 3
a normal urine (random and 24 hour) creatinine concentration; cells/hpf, as found in this case, is considered abnormal and can
a urinalysis positive for leukocyte esterase, hemoglobin, and red be the result of calculi formation.1 Urine amino acid testing is
blood cells (RBCs); the presence of clear hexagonal crystals on often performed to screen for congenital abnormalities of
urine microscopic analysis (Image 2); and abnormally elevated amino acid metabolism.
urinary concentrations of cystine, ornithine, lysine, and arginine
(Table 1). 3. Four disease entities that exhibit abnormal transport of
the cationic amino acids (ie, cystine, ornithine, lysine, and argi-
2. Leukocyte esterase activity in a urine specimen indicates nine) found in our patient’s urine include: (1) classic cystinuria,
the presence of neutrophil esterolytic activity. Therefore, a posi- (2) lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI), (3) hyperdibasic
tive urine leukocyte esterase test indicates the presence of a sig- aminoaciduria type 1, and (4) isolated lysinuria (lysine malab-
nificant number of intact or lysed neutrophils associated sorption syndrome).2,3 The symptoms of LPI and hyperdibasic
typically with a urinary tract infection. In a patient with recur- aminoaciduria type 1 include vomiting and diarrhea after wean-
rent kidney stones, this may be due to stasis-associated ascend- ing.4,5 The hyperammonemia associated with protein ingestion
ing infection or to a localized mucosal inflammatory response leads to avoidance of high protein foods after which a host of October 2006 䊏 Volume 37 Number 10 䊏 LABMEDICINE 613

Case Studies

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Image 1_Ultrasound of the right kidney illustrating at least 2 Image 2_Example of the clear, hexagonal crystals found in our
echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing which were consis- patient’s urine.
tent with renal calculi (arrows).

medical problems ensue including poor growth, enlarged liver decades.16 In addition, to more accurately quantify urine cystine
and spleen, osteoporosis, muscle hypotonia, and mental retarda- concentration, the solubility of cystine can be enhanced by
tion.5 The single patient with isolated lysinuria identified to date adding sodium bicarbonate to urine samples until the pH is
suffered from growth failure, seizures, and mental retardation. greater than 7.5.17 While a 24-hour urine collection is optimal
Therefore, our patient’s clinical (normal mental status and to determine cystine levels, the cystine/creatinine ratio on a ran-
growth) and laboratory findings rule out LPI, hyperdibasic dom urine sample may distinguish individuals with homozygous
aminoaciduria type 1, and isolated lysinuria as the cause of her disease from heterozygous carriers. A random urine cystine/crea-
recurrent nephrolithiasis, leaving cystinuria as the most likely tine ratio can also be used to monitor therapy. It should be
cause of our patient’s disease. noted, however, that the urinary excretion level of cystine (and
other dibasic amino acids such as ornithine, lysine, arginine)
4. Most likely diagnosis: cystinuria. The patient’s history of does not correlate with the frequency of cystine stone formation.
recurrent nephrolithiasis, the presence of hexagonal crystals in Therefore, whenever possible, it is important to analyze kidney
the urine, and significantly elevated concentrations of cystine, stone content, as renal stones composed of complex mixtures of
ornithine, lysine, and arginine in a 24-hour urine specimen amino acids and other substances can occur, requiring further, or
support the diagnosis of cystinuria. different, interventions than might occur in the presence of pure
cystine stones.
5. The diagnosis of cystinuria should be suspected in pa-
tients with cystine stones, especially if they have a family history 7. There is growing evidence that kidney stone formation is
of cystine nephrolithiasis. Up to 10% of urinary stones that associated with specific mutations in calcium, oxalate, uric acid,
occur in children are caused by cystinuria.6 More than 50% of and cystine transporters in the kidney.18 The molecular basis of
patients with cystinuria develop cystine stones in their lifetime, cystinuria involves 2 mutations in the renal dibasic amino acid
most of which form stones recurrently and require the need for transporter.19,20 The mutation in the SLC3A1 gene, found on
repeated interventions.7 Cystine stones can be detected by ultra- chromosome 2, encodes the rBAT subunit of this transporter
sound and are difficult to visualize by x-ray imaging. Hexagonal (Figure 1). The second mutation in the SLC7A9 gene, found
crystals detected by urinalysis can confirm the diagnosis; how- on chromosome 19, encodes the b0+AT region of the
ever, only 20% to 25% of patients with cystinuria have transporter.Cystinuria has recently been re-classified following
detectable crystals.8 Due to this fact, definitive diagnosis of the identification of these molecular defects into three types:
cystinuria is made by quantifying urine amino acids in a 24- Type A (SLC3A1 mutation only); Type B (SLC7A9 mutation
hour urine specimen using ion-exchange chromatography, high only); or Type AB (having both SLC3A/SLC7A9 mutations).21
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), or tandem mass Abnormalities in one or both of these genes identifies 75% of all
spectrometry (MS/MS).9-11 Simpler methods utilizing colori- affected individuals with cystinuria, suggesting that there remain
metric assays have been described as an economical method for unidentified mutations in the renal di-basic amino acid trans-
population screening for this disease.12,13 porter.18 While progress has been made in identifying the muta-
tions associated with cystinuria, it is not necessary clinically to
6. Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease with a preva- detect these specific underlying mutations by molecular meth-
lence estimated between 1:1,000 to 1:17,000 in the United ods, as they can be accurately predicted based on the results of
States and Europe.14,15 The basic defect in cystinuria is impaired standard laboratory test values.18 Patients with homozygous mu-
transport of dibasic amino acids in the proximal renal tubule. tations in genes associated with cationic amino acid transport
While this defect results in elevated urine concentrations of cys- proteins have urine cystine concentrations exceeding 1,300
tine, ornithine, lysine, and arginine, only cystine is insoluble µmol/L.8,22 Alternatively, healthy individuals excrete less than
enough in urine to form stones, particularly at pH 5-7. A 3-fold 100 µmol/L. Patients with heterozygous mutations may have
increase in solubility occurs when the pH is >8, which is why urine cystine concentrations <100 µmol/L; however, they can be
this disease has been treated by urine alkalinization for nearly 5 distributed in the normal range and extend up to, but typically

614 LABMEDICINE 䊏 Volume 37 Number 10 䊏 October 2006

Case Studies

do not exceed, 1,000 µmol/L.8,22 Recurrent kidney stones (MPG), which effectively cleave the disulfide bond of cystine
(nephrolithiasis) result from a diversity of mechanisms, many to form cysteine (Figure 2), resulting in a 50-fold increase in
of which involve mutations in various transport proteins. In solubility.26-28 High dose ascorbic acid acts similarly by cleaving
contrast to individuals that do not form calcium renal stones, the disulfide bond in cystine. Unfortunately, the treatment of
patients that form stones made primarily of calcium have been patients with cystinuria by these various modalities has limited
shown to have specific mutations in genes (eg, CLCN5 and efficacy, major side effects, and high recurrence rates resulting in
CLCNKB, WNK Kinases, ATPB61, and NPT2) that regulate poor patient compliance and a high risk of renal impairment
renal chloride excretion and reabsorption.18 Similarly, hyperox- over time.
aluria has been associated with mutations in the AGXT and
GRHPR genes and defects in the glyoxalate metabolic 9. In addition to medical therapy to prevent kidney stones,
pathway.18 Moreover, distinct mutations in the cystine transport shock wave lithotripsy, uteroscopy and laser lithotripsy, percuta-
protein genes SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 have been shown to lead to neous nephrolithotome, open surgery, and renal transplantation
cystine stones associated with cystinuria. In addition, hyperuri- can be utilized to remove kidney stones once they are formed.
cosuria, the underlying cause of uric acid stones, has been associ- Shock wave lithotripsy is a non-invasive method to disrupt

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ated with familial clusters of gene mutations in uric acid upper urinary tract stones <1.5 cm in size. Uteroscopy and laser
transport proteins. Taken together, these findings explain the lithotripsy can be used on larger stones (1.5 to 2 cm), while per-
growing appreciation of the role of specific gene mutations in cutaneous nephrolithotomy may be utilized when stones are >2
the pathogenesis of nephrolithiasis.18 cm in diameter. For larger, complex stones, open surgery may be
necessary. Renal transplantation has been performed on patients
8. Medical therapy in the treatment of cystinuria involves with renal failure precipitated by cystine renal stones. Interest-
regular examinations, dietary methionine restriction, and phar- ingly, it appears that recurrent nephrolithiasis does not occur in
macological therapy. Since the metabolism of methionine results transplanted kidneys as would be expected based on the patho-
in cystine, dietary restriction of methionine, found in protein- physiology of this disease.29-32
rich foods, would be ideal. However, such strict restriction is not Patient follow-up: The patient’s parents were instructed to
followed by most patients and not recommended in children, increase the patient’s fluid intake to 3 L/day, alkalinize the urine
as in the present case. However, a low protein diet (<0.8 g pro- with Polycitra-K (potassium citrate, 7.5 mL b.i.d.), and monitor
tein/day) is recommended in concert with a reduction in salt the child’s urine pH. Two months later, no intervening abdomi-
intake, which has been shown to reduce cystine excretion.23 nal, pelvic, or flank pain, or gross hematuria, was reported. Daily
Fluid intake of at least 4-5 L of water per day (3 L in children) urine pH values were consistently in excess of 7, and the child
will dilute urinary cystine concentrations and reduce precipita- had been compliant with her increased fluid intake. No crystals
tion. Intake should ensure diuresis throughout the night, in- were found in her urine, and a renal ultrasound revealed only
cluding the post-micturation period.24,25 Alkalinization of the persistent small stones in the right kidney. LM
urine increases the solubility of cystine, so administration of
potassium citrate is recommended in patients with severe renal Keywords: cystinuria, cystine, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, crys-
disease. To adequately alkalinize the urine, urinary pH determi- tals, inborn errors of metabolism, rBAT, b0+AT
nation should initially be made at least 3 times a day. High alka-
linization of the urine carries the risk of calcium phosphate
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