Website Project Details (Contents & Design)

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This project requires advanced CMS developer to build the academic website, develop all sections

and writing website contents from scratch. We are looking for an expert in academic and research
contents with advanced background in research methods and epidemiology.
Academic qualification is required, all details is attached in this post and if you are not willing to pay
attentions for all details and write very specific detailed proposal then this project will not fit with
your ability.

The project budget is $600

The timeline and delivery deadline for the full project files and requirements
To be deliver within 2 days from hiring. (Monday May 4, 2020)
The project has only one main requirements category (the third one):
o First: The academic contents documents requirements:
( Already done and we will provide you with all documents)
o Second: The website scientific contents requirements:
( Already Done and we will provide you with all documents)
o Third: The technical, design and CMS requirements on the website:

This is a Journal club website specialized in COVID-19 research serveries:

Project title: “The COVID-19 rapid response research teams’ initiative platform”
The academic department: Community medicine department

What have been done?

• We have installed the WP and finished from the main outlines of the websites as shown above
• Installed an advanced academic theme that can be used for the journal club website.
• We have set the main pictures for the slideshow bar and you can see that the semi-final
outlook of the website is already done.
• Changed/collected some post picture in the theme that can be used in some sections and
created some sections on the website, using very easy WordPress theme customization tools.
• Collected All team members’ resumes, profile picture and full information.
• We have added 90% of the home page information on the website including the header
photos and information and also footer photos, logos and information. Also, the vision of the
journal club, and where exactly every main content should be located on the website.
• We have added the main menu on the header; as each section in the main menu should be
written from scratch. (We will provide very helpful documents)
• We have a strategic plan and main project file of the journal club which will be very helpful to
understand the main goal of the journal club.
• *Important: The Main Idea of this Website is to launch an official platform for the COVID-19
rapid response research teams and the main objectives of this website are:
1) Provide all researchers with all available open access sources (around 20 sources
categorized in 4-6 sections such as
A) Tracking COVID-19 literature
B) CTR studies maps
C) COVID-19 Guidelines (clinicals, ICU or public health guidelines)
D) Monthly statistics and lines charts of daily cases and infections rates (this can be
as posts or blog sections)
E) Track & Follow WHO platform and tracking the global map of COVID-19
F) Track & Follow Saudi MOH platform and tracking the GCC map of COVID-19
G) Tracking the updated and global news related to COVID-19
All of the above and more creative ideas will be there to put the researchers
on the right track to know where they should start or go on their studies; (We
will help you with most of the open access sources, websites and where you can
search, you will be asked to provide unique ideas that can help the researchers
in GCC countries and Saudi Arabia),

2) This will be the journal club platform to track all ongoing researches in the future
after the end of the COVID-19 platform. As we will add a section on the homepage
where the visitor can track and see the researches in very simple way. (such as a
research title and number with marked icon shows pending or running with green
light to show that no delay.
3) This will be a place where researchers can track all new statistical updates related to
COVID-19, we will not programme it, we will facilitate what is available already
4) We would like to present the journal club and the teams in the best professional way
as we will provide pictures and information that can be added within the website
theme section; the team. (The information of team members should be rewritten
and to proofread all the materials and also write a professional biography for each
member of 14 members, correct the resolution of each profile picture) The installed
academic theme has this section already well-structured.
The detailed requirements to sum up everything:
First: The academic contents documents requirements:
( Already done and we will provide you with all documents)
1. Rewrite, paraphrase and proofreading the main document of the journal club file as some
sections we copy and paste them from other sources. (to be uploaded on the website later
through appropriate way as the schedule of all events is already attached in the main file and
this should be display as upcoming events and also the PDF schedule and PDF Main Journal
club file will be available to be downloaded from the website or the platform visitors)
The main file of the journal club attached

2. Write a strategic plan and project details that has the full idea of the COVID-19 platform that
will be launch (write them in 5 pages): (Should be academic writing through literature reviews
and see the online COVID-19 platforms around the world that specialized too help researchers
around the world and especially in Saudi Arabia and GCC countries. Helpful files will be
Sections in this document: (Should be written from scratch as a grand application).
§ Introduction
§ Rational
§ Market and field analysis (the need for the project)
§ What this project will add
§ Vision
§ Mission
§ Objectives
§ The online sections of the COVID-19 platform (the website)
§ The services that will be provided:
(a) open access sources,
(b) data analysis,
(c) updated statistics of all countries using WHO secondary data (We have done two
Excel sheets file for March 2020 report and April 2020 attached)
(d) Weekly online lectures related to the topic and trending information
(e) Weekly session to support the researchers on their ideas (this related to a plugin
that will be installed as 24/7 services to receive the request of the assistance with
waiting list to set their appointment with the support them during the two weekly
§ The need and requirements from the university: This is an initiative from the
community medicine department that will not require any fund and it comes from our
obligations to the community and society in the public health field as we believe that
we should be part of the global team in the first line against the outbreak of the COVID-
19. The need: We will only need a full-time one secretary employee that will take the
lead on organizing the technical issues and content management of the platform
social media accounts.
Second: The website scientific contents requirements:
( Already done and we will provide you with all documents)
1) You will use all finalized academic contents documents in the previous section to be used
through the right and best way on the website, to be well-presented on the platform.
2) Write the original 4 posts on the website. (they are placed under the header):
We will provided you with 2 Excel files and 2 confidential original article that have done with full
literature reviews and information that can be used to write the 4 posts

3) Write and create all required scientific sections to implement the main project file and the
aim of the COVID-19 platform: For example: The main menu in the header and other
sections that mentioned previously as you have to write a clear and to-the-point contents
with very specific and originality elements for the platform.

4) Organized and write professional biographies for 14 team members profiles (4-6 members
has their profile info. well-written and organized) on the website: Organize 14 profiles and
data-entry their info in the theme (very easy way through the WordPress them editor) and
the technical issues related to this requirement will be discuss in the technical requirement
section below.
Third: The technical, design and CMS requirements on the website: ( You will doo this task)
1) Improve the logo of the Journal club on the header with high quality resolution. We like the
current one, but the marked part is not original, and we would like to change it a bit for the
copyright issues. (All logos will be provided)

2) Install and run all required WP plugin that will be used in the required current/new sections
on the website. (mention in the services)
a. Section: Add feature banners on the HomePage-1 Page (location: before the footer)
and design the main-category banners to look like very professional and advanced gate
(around 150*50 pixel) of all open access sources ( as some of the open access should
take the visitor directly to the outside resources and other could be connected to an
inside page in our website to sum up the recourses and organized them):
(the websites and open access sources and where you can begin conducting the useful websites will be
provided at the end of this document)

o Tracking COVID-19 literature

o CTR studies maps
o COVID-19 Guidelines (clinicals, ICU or public health guidelines)
o Monthly statistics and lines charts of daily cases and infections rates (this can be
as posts or blog sections.
o Follow WHO platform and tracking the global map of COVID-19
o Follow Saudi MOH platform and tracking the local map of COVID-19
o Tracking the updated and global news related to COVID-19

b. Section: (Page or plugin) Data analysis and line charts sections; might be connected to
the following point. From the Excel sheets that will be provided
c. Section: (Page or plugin) Updated statistics of all countries using WHO secondary data
(We have done two Excel sheets file for March 2020 report and April 2020 attached)
d. Section: (Page or plugin) Weekly Online lectures related to the topic and trending
information. Also calendar can be used here, but we would like to connect the online
lecture with online live lecture App directly.
e. Weekly session to support the researchers on their ideas (this related to a plugin that
will be installed as 24/7 services (Like WhatsApp Message or 24/7 customer service
chat) to receive the request of assistance to be listed in the waiting list to set their
appointment with the support team during the weekly sessions)

3) Upload the latest and most important 5-6 global articles related to COVID-19 on the
publications section; there is an installed plugin to add/edit title of each article and its
4) Complete all team members’ profiles (there is an installed plugin and section, all what you
will do after finishing the requirement of the scientific contents is to just enter each
information in the right fill-box for each member.

5) Make clean-touching and design of all profile picture to have the same professional theme
and background with the most possible high resolution. All the required sizes of the profile
picture are on the WP theme profile pictures that we should change the pictures and
accounts according the COVID-19 team)
(All the members information and photos will be uploaded and organized in a google drive folder)

6) Raise the quality of all photos that will be used on the website and make them unique with
the copyright.

7) Remove the theme information on the main page and write (Copyright© 2020 Journal Club,
Community Medicine Department -KAU)

8) Create, design and develop a brief marketing motion Graphic Video about the platform and
its services.

9) Create a twitter account and design a header and profile pic using the updated logo that will
be used other social media accounts later.

10) Follow all scientific and COVID-19 platforms on twitter and the twitter account of the most
important scientific journals (academic/medical). So it will be ready to launch
The COVID-19 platform link:

Please visit this website:

Also all the following domains link to the same platform:

80% done of the platform

The Journal Club
Scientific Committee
Community Medicine Department, KAU

Scientific and academic Open access sources:

o Updated literatures:

o Living mapping and living systematic review of Covid-19 studies

o Clinical Guidelines ( the following is the most important the rest you can find from the
McMaster forum website

o * Very important: You will find all open access sources in this page (you will use
categorize what can be used and helpful for researchers)
The official GCC countries and local platforms:

The official platform for the daily reports and case numbers of COVID-19

The MOH statistical books and they are available on this link:

UAE daily cases from official platform of the UAE MOH

On this page with the timeline of all new cases by the date and here you can some possible

Kuwait daily cases from official platform of the Kuwaiti MOH

On this page you will find some charts too

Qatar has many differences nt websites:

It seems the first one is the official platform but it's not working. They have many private
companies provide the healthcare, so I tried to list them as well. In worst case scenario, we can use
only WHO daily data, but it's better to use both official MOH and WHO data.

Bahrain MOH official platform

Daily cases in Bahrain

Oman Official MOH website and platforms

Daily cases are posted within the MOH daily statements each statement has 2 pages (1st in Arabic
and 2nd in English)

Health Council for GCC countries official platform

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