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I was born in Thailand but grew up in India. I spent my childhood and studied in a city 
called Bangalore, for roughly five years and moved back to Thailand during high school, 
MUIDS. As a 10-year-old boy alone in an uncommon country, entirely unaware of this would 
be the turning point of my life. From a quiet boy who doesn't understand basic English, 
would be able to pass all the exams with the merits of top-ten students raking. TISB and 
MUIDS had taught me that everything depends on time and hard work, during those tough 
times It had polished me into an outstanding individual ready to face any difficult challenges. 
During my mid-middle school year, I was introduced to the core class of 
Business-Economic. From then, Business and Economic studies was always my priority. It 
always gives me the joy to learn new strategies and new concepts. Throughout the 
internship at A.C.T ltd. to study the basic real-world work skills to marketing and 
management skills, also the school festival called Student Market. This experience has 
taught me a lot in a variety of different ways, it makes me more open-minded and sees the 
world differently within taking responsibility or to manage time wisely. Along with that, at 
the moment I am studying leadership, economics, and psychology as the main core. I believe 
that this would help me to understand a better image of the world and how people deal 
with their economical issues or the logical thinking way of a business.   
Hailing from a business family, it has been my inspiration since middle school to help 
my family improve and expand their business. International trade of Economic core would 
help me to build the right foundation and skillset from various domains to develop 
incomparable skills. This major is my priority because I believe that I have a very 
international mindset which I think that it will be a good opportunity for me to use these 
skills and develop it for my future career.  
UIBE, one of the top economic and Business universities in China, would be the best 
fit for me to achieve my goals. International trade core is a diverse pool of students and peer 
learning, it would help me to develop and accomplish the skills that are needed for a 
business world along with corporate exposure and live projects. International trade from 
UIBE will pave my path toward achieving my goal. 

The main purpose of this writing was to submit to college and introduce 
myself, why the college should choose you, but for me this writing is also something 
that helps me to understand myself better and see where I want to be in the future. 
SOP writing helps me to know exactly what I wanted to do in college or any further 
academic field. The process of writing this task makes me wonder and doubt myself 
whether I want to go on a business path or not. Finally, I give myself a final thought 
and push myself and turn into this piece of writing. By looking into my past, I could 
see what I enjoy doing most and understand the aspect of my doing. So I feel that by 
writing this piece it encourages and gives me hope to achieve my goals. 

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