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Worksheet for database administration level 2

Project 1: oprate database applicatiopn.

Under this progect the candidate is expected to perform three tasks based on the information provided.

Task 1: create database application

Crete afolder by your name under local disck C:/

Create anew database by the name training under your folder.

Taske2: create tables and relationships under the database

Instruaction: under this task you should be asked to perform the following activities based on the
information provided.

Create the following table and save it under the database training by name saying student.

Field name Data type

S_id text
S_name Text
S_age Number
city Text
I_id text
Reg_date Date_time
position text
tele number

 Set s_id as primary key for student table

 Set the following for the city filed
 Defualt value Addis
 Validation rule in(“addis”,”gondar”,”hrar”)
 Validation text : this is not a valid location
 Set the reg_date to medium date format.
 Set proper input mask for tele field.
 Enter the following data in to student table.

S_id name S_sex S_age Reg_date position tele City

S001 Birtukan F 18 4/1/1999 None 0918700001 Addis
S002 Yared M 22 3/29/1999 None 0918700002 Gondar
S003 mulat m 17 3/15/1999 None 0918700003 Harar

 Sort the student table by s_name field

 Filter female student and save it by femstudent.
Create the following table under the database training and save it by the name instructor.

Field name Data type

I_id Text
I_name Text
I_sex Text
I_status Text
I_salary currency
 Set i_id as aprimary key for instrictor table.
 Enter the following data in to instructor table.

I_id I_name I_sex I_statuse I_salary

i_001 Abera M Bsc 700
I_002 Sindu F Diploma 500
I_003 Tesfaye m Bsc 850

Create relationshipe for student and instructor table.

Task3: create query,form and report

Under this task the trainee is expected to perform the following actvities based on the information

 Create aselect query from student table that selects only the following fields and save it by

S_id S_name S_sex Reg_date city

 Create a select query from student table that display only male student and save it by
 Create two forms for student and instructor tables and save by studentform and instructorform
 Create a report that displays male students from malequery2 and save it by malereport

Compiled by: Angaw.A

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