Goal 1gain More Muscle and Weight

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GOAl1:Gain more muscle and weight 

● Wish: become more muscular, improve in appearance  
● Outcome: better body posture and feel more confident 
● Obstacle: keep on eating junk food, don't exercise enough 
● Plan: 
a. Having diets plan 
b. Exercise after school (gym) 
c. Forbidden junk food  
How to start:  
- Research on diets plan (food, drink, gym) 
- Deadline 12/Oct/2020 - 12/Nov/2020 
- Keep on every day 
If not achieve my goal with: 
● wouldn't upset me, it would help me to find a better and more suitable 
one for me and it would benefit me in the future because I wouldn't 
make the same mistakes.  
● It helped me to understand myself better and why it didn't work for me.  

Draft Planning:  


12-19/Oct/2020  - Finish research in  - Starting to have a 

one or two day   proper routine will 
- Have a definite  help me to stay 
routine  focused and on 
- Including meal and  task. 
workout routine 

20-27/Oct/2020  - Might find something  - I might feel tired of 

that can boost the  a sudden new 
process  lifestyle, so finding 
something to help 
me with it. will be 

28Oct-4Nov/2020  - Keep the process on  -  

with the routine 
- Might increases the 

05-12Nov/2020  - Deadline is 12/Nov  - finish the process 

- Getting feedback and  and reflect on the 
see the final product  outcome 
- see changes  
*Gym: doing weight, weight lifting, dumbbells, any work workout with 

Research on good diets of how to gain weight and muscle for teenagers. 
Most of the website said that by gaining weight and muscle you should 
exercise, by exercise will make you feel hungry and that food will turn into 
muscle. And it is easier for teenagers to do this process than adults. By 
exercising, I mean Weightlifting and other gym training. 


This would be the workout that I will be doing along with the process.  
Next-Day Expectation: Starting on my food diets, stop eating junk foods. And 
go to the gyms. 

I start my journey by having a diet plan and follow it as much as 
possible. I will try to follow the breakfast plan every day but not for lunch, I 
felt that it was too much for me to do as directed. And dinner is my normal 
meal. Before dinner, I went to the gym to do some work out and cardio. 

Next-Day Expectation: Follow the plan as much as possible and might do some 
research about the workout routine. 

I did some research on a daily workout routine for teenage boys. It's said that I 
should go to the gym every alternate day, not every day. So I will do as said. 
However, my Breakfast was the same as the plan, as well as dinner. But today 
no gym. It said that it is better to have rest than overdoing.   

Next-Day Expectation: Go to the gym. And find any factor that can help with 
the progress. 

I follow the plan to go to the gym every alternate day. Also found that drinking 
a lot of water helps you with muscle and weight gaining. Even to boost your 
energy, I tried to drink 2 liters every day. It was a lot for me, but I kept on 
pushing myself.   

Next-Day Expectation: Play sports to increase my stamina, to help with my 
gym difficulties. Ask people how to increase stamina/ strength. 

21/Oct/2020 - 11/Nov/2020 
I try to put everything together, drinking 2 litres a day, and going to the 
gym on alternate days, having diet meals. Besides I started to run (treadmill) 
every day for 15 minutes, many people who have gone through diet plans told 
me that by running will help you to increase your stamina and also your 
muscle. So I did some research as shown below.  

Besides that, many factors prevent me from doing these like exams, after 
school activities, ROTC, etc. I try my best to stay focused and on routine. 
Next-Day Expectation: I think that this routine will keep going so next time 
would be the outcome/ feedback and asking people about my appearance. 

Today is the deadline that I set to see the difference and how the 
outcome is. I choose to ask my friends about my appearance but I haven't told 
them about my diets or workout, I wanted to know whether they will notice or 
Me: Are there any differences you see 
from me? 
Friend: hmm Yes, you look bigger and 
Me: Do I look like I gained some 
Friend: Yes, not so much but it is still 
noticeable and you also look taller. 
Did I achieve my goal: 
Yes, I did after the amount of hard work and research. Having a definite 
routine and self-resistance help you a lot when dieting. There are plenty of 
responses from my friends that have said the same thing as the text, that I got 
more buff So I feel that having responsibilities play a very important role in the 
"personal development process".  

What Have I learned: 

● Deadline, having a deadline helps me to ensure the work is complete on 
time and encourages a smooth flow of work. The most important thing 
for me is that it set expectations. Deadlines make clear what is expected 
to deliver and when. For me, it also limits the damage like laziness or 
feeling against the goal.   
● Having a routine, this benefits me a lot, I feel that by having a routine I 
feel less tired because my body's used to it and it also relieves my stress 
and makes the process more efficient. As it ​reduces the need to make 
decisions each day. It enables me to know exactly what tasks I need to 
do each day.  
● Having self-confidence, as I got the feedback from friends. It was a relief 
not only because it's an academic project but also my thing that is 
essential for my mental health. The feeling of value. When you're 
confident, you know what you excel at and that you have value. Having 
self-confidence also reduces my negativity on other people's opinion and 
it allows me to be myself.  
● Having ​obstacles, it helps me to grow and challenge me to do better. 
Because I care so much about other opinions, and that is the obstacle for 
me. But in the end, those obstacles help me to be better. 

On the whole, my goal is a long term process where it can't show the 
result day by day. However I set the goal to have a deadline to see whether I 
have achieved it or not, overall the result pays it off. My main aim is to improve 
my appearance and confidence, where the most difficult part is junk food and 
laziness. It was the only two main factors that prevented me from achieving 
my goals. Overall, the result was very pleasing, I achieved my goal and have 
taught myself many new things. 

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