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Data Science with R

If you want to learn R and this workflow for business
analysis, take the R For Business Analysis (DS4B 101-R)
course through Business Science University.

Click the links for

ggplot2 (CS) 

dplyr (CS)  Visualize
stringr (CS) 
lubridate (CS) 
forcats (CS) 
Base R (CS) 
Transform purrr (CS)
Import Tidy (iteration)  Communicate

readr (CS) 
readxl / writexl  tibble (CS)  RMarkdown (CS) 
odbc / DBI  tidyr (CS)  Shiny (CS) 
recipes  broom 
rsample  yardstick 
RStudio IDE (CS) fs (file system)   reticulate (CS) parsnip  dials 
CS = Cheat Sheet

Important Resources
R For Data Science Book:
Rmarkdown Book:
Data Visualization Book: https://r­
More Cheatsheets: 
tidyverse packages:
Connecting to databases: 
RMarkdown website: 
Shiny web applications website:
Jenny Bryan's purrr tutorial:
Business Science University
"Data Science Courses for Business"­

version: 2.0
Data Science with  
Web Applications & the "Shinyverse"

Start Components Concepts  Testing Publish

Shiny (CS)  Widgets  crosstalk  profvis 

Flexdashboard  shinyWidgets  shinyrouter  shinytest  Shiny Server 
htmlWidgets  Async (promises)  shinyloadtest  Connect (Enterprise) 

Flexdashboard Apps Shiny Apps

Flexdashboard is an RMarkdown-based dashboard tool that can be Shiny is an R-Package that enables web app development from R.
used to integrate shiny components at runtime. Development is fast Contains R functions for common HTML structures, UI Controls
and efficient, but layouts are not as open to modification as building (Components/Widgets), and web framework tools. The framework if
an app using Shiny.  highly flexible, but users require more knowledge of HTML & CSS.

Themes, Dashboards, & Examples

Flexdashboard Gallery Shiny Gallery

Themes  shinythemes 
Layouts  shinydashboard 

Semantic Bootstrap 4 Argon

shiny.semantic  argonR 
semantic.dashboard  bs4Dash  argonDash 

Flexdashboard App
Built in DS4B 102-R (Demo Here)

Business Science University
"Data Science Courses for Business"­
Data Science with   Text Analysis & NLP Machine Learning
Special Topics Multi-Threaded/Scalable/Production ML: 
Text Mining with R (Book): tidytext 
NLP:  H2O (CS)
H2O word2vec: Word embeddings Extreme Gradient Boosting: xgboost
text2vec: fast vectorization, topic modeling R + Spark: sparklyr (CS)
udpipe: UDPipe C++ lib in R Sparkling Water (Spark + H2O): rsparkling
Time Series Analysis ML (Tidy): parsnip
ML: caret (CS)
Time-aware tibbles: tibbletime & tsibble
Convert between classes: timetk & tsbox Network Analysis
Time Series Index Summary: timetk Deep Learning
Generating Future Series: timetk Network Data Transformations (Tidy): tidygraph
Network Data Transformations: igraph R Interface to TensorFlow Homepage:
Keras (CS)
Forecasting Network Viz
TF Estimators
TensorFlow (Core)
ARIMA, ETS, etc: forecast & fable
Tidy, glance, augment for forecast models: sweep
ggraph - Graph plotting utilities for ggplot2
Converting forecast prediction to tibble: sweep
Interactive (JavaScript):
networkD3 - D3 Networks in R
plotly (CS) - plotly.js (network graphs) in R Speed & Scale 
Anomaly Detection
Faster than dplyr & pandas: data.table (CS)
Identify anomalies: anomalize Distributed Cluster (Spark): sparklyr (CS)
Parallel Processing: furrr
Geospatial Analysis
Geocoding (getting lat/long, bboxes, & sf's): 
ggmap - Google API (requires key)
Financial Analysis osmdata - OpenStreet Overpass API Python: reticulate (CS) Java: rJava
tmaptools - OpenStreet Nominatum API C++: Rcpp
Simple Features (sf objects): sf (CS) (tidy)
Getting financial data: tidyquant & quantmod Spatial Objects (sp objects): sp (non-tidy)
Quantitative Analysis: tidyquant & xts/TTR
Portfolio Analysis: tidyquant &
Miscellaneous Tools
Geospatial Viz Interactive Plotting: htmlwidgets for R 
Building R Packages: R packages Book
Financial & Time Viz Static:  Pkg Development Tools: devtools (CS)
ggmap - Google API (requires key) R Templates: usethis 
Static: osmplotr - Impressive Maps via OSM Build Web Doc's: pkgdown
tidyquant - Financial ggplot2 geoms tmap - Thematic Maps Advanced Concepts (Advanced R Book)
Interactive: cartography (CS) - Thematic Maps rlang & Tidy Evaluation (CS)
highcharter - highchart.js in R Interactive (JavaScript): Making Blogs & Books:
dygraphs - xts plotting leaflet (CS) - leaflet.js in R blogdown, bookdown
plotly (CS) - plotly.js (financial) in R plotly (CS) - plotly.js (maps) in R Posting Code (GitHub, Stack Overflow): reprex

Business Science University
"Data Science Courses for Business"­

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