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Pre – Intermediate A2

I. Reading
Read the text below and answer the questions

Archaeologists identify the mummy of a lost Egyptian queen

By Melissa Kong

Egyptian archaeologists announced on Wednesday that they have identified a mummy discovered in 1903 as
that of Queen Hatshepsut (hat-shep-soot), Egypt’s most powerful female pharaoh. The mummy was originally
found in the Valley of the Kings, a sacred burial site for kings and powerful nobles located on the west bank of
the Nile River in Egypt.

Although the mummy was discovered more than a century ago, it remained in a tomb until this past spring,
when it was brought to the Cairo Museum for testing.
A Powerful Ruler’s Legacy

Queen Hatshepsut was the only woman to rule ancient Egypt while the kingdom was at the height of its wealth
and power, from about 1502 to 1482 B.C.

Of all the female pharaohs–including Cleopatra and Nefertiti–Hatshepsut’s reign was the longest and most
successful. While in power, she established trade routes and built hundreds of monuments and temples
throughout Egypt.

Despite her prosperous reign, both her mummy and her legacy were virtually erased from Egyptian history.
Many historians believe that Tuthmose III, Hatshepsut’s stepson, destroyed records and monuments bearing
her name. It may have been his revenge. It is believed that she stole the throne from him. Finding the mummy
of this powerful queen may provide details about an important part of Egyptian history.

1. The mummy was found in Egypt on Wednesday.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

2. Hatshepsut’s mummy was found near the River Nile.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

3. The mummy has been in a museum since it was discovered.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False
4. She was the only queen of Egypt.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

5. She built all her temples in the Valley of the Kings.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

6. Historians don’t know many things about her.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

7. Tuthmose III killed the queen.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

8. Her mummy may help historians to understand what happened.

a. ___ True
b. ___ False

II. Use of English

Answer the following questions. Select the correct option:

9. He _________ wear his uniform today because it _________ dirty.

a. ___ didn’t / did

b. ___ wasn’t / was
c. ___ was / wasn’t
d. ___ didn’t / was

10. Where ______ you __________ yesterday?

a. ___ did / go
b. ___ did / went
c. ___ was / go
d. ___ were / go
11. He _________ his seat and _________ to wait for his friends.

a. ___ take / start

b. ___ was took / started
c. ___ took / started
d. ___ was take / was start

12. We ________ pizza for lunch.

a. ___ eat
b. ___ ate
c. ___ did eat
d. ___ was eat

13. Lisa: ________ you got any siblings?

Patrick: Yes, I ________.

a. ___ Have / have

b. ___ Are / are
c. ___ Are / am
d. ___ Can / have

14. Lisa: Where do you park your car?

Patrick: We ___________ a big garden. We park our car there.

a. ___ has got

b. ___ have got
c. ___ haven’t got
d. ___ hasn’t got

15. John _________ dark hair and brown eyes.

a. ___ is
b. ___ have got
c. ___ of
d. ___ has got

16. Have you ___________ been to Japan?

a. ___ ever
b. ___ yet
c. ___ since
d. ___ for

17. Some students ____________ finished their writings yet.

a. ___ has
b. ___ hasn't
c. ___ haven't
d. ___ were

18. I need to buy a new mobile phone but I _________ which brand I'll buy.
a. ___ haven't decide
b. ___ wasn't decided
c. ___ hasn't decided
d. ___ haven't decided

19. Sue ________ a quitar lessons. Se is taking her lesson now.

a. ___ started
b. ___ have started
c. ___ has started
d. ___ starts

20 . I_____________ a cup of tea for you. It is on the table.

a. ___ made
b. ___have made
c. ___ make
d. ___ am making

22. Pete ____________ his glasses. He hasn't got his glasses now.
a. ____ have lost
b. ____ lost
c. ____ was lost
d. ____ has lost

23. They ______________ about the students who failed in exams.

a. ____ was talking
b. ___ were talking
c. ___ were talked
d. ___ talks

24. One of the teachers ______________ my opinion about extra courses on Saturdays.
a. ___ was asking
b. ___ were asking
c. ____ asked
d. ____ were asked
25. They _________ when you _________ for remote control.
a. ___ aren't listening / were asking
b. ___ weren't listening / were asking
c. ___ weren't listening / asked
d. ___ listened / asked

26. They _________ a new bridge over that river last year.
a. ___ build
b. ___ built
c. ___ was build
d. ___ was building

27. Their aunt _________ bring his children so they _________ meet with their cousins.
a. ___ did / didn’t
b. ___ wasn’t / did
c. ____ didn’t / didn’t
d. ____ wasn’t / weren’t

28. Their house _________ every year.

a. ___ is painting
b. ___ was painted
c. ___ is painted
d. ___ been painted

29. Bananas ____________ in India.

a. ___ are growing
b. ___ are grown
c. ____ have grown
d. ___ was grown
30. Thousands of cars ___________ every year.
a. ____ are produced
b. ____ producing
c. ____ produced
d. ___ were producing

31. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ______________ by J K Rowling

a. ____ was written
b. ___ written
c. ___ wrote

32. The gold ____________________ in a cave near the top of the mountain.
a. ___ was discovered
b. ___ discovered

33. This clock ...... in 1750

a. ___ is made
b. ___ was made
c. ___ is making
d. ___ will be made

34. I don't have ......... to do today.

a. ___ nothing
b. ___ anything
c. ___ everything
d. ___ any

35. Are there ......... dogs in the house?

a. ____ something
b. ____ nothing
c. ____ any
d. ____ anybody

36. There is ......... I need to do tomorrow afternoon.

a. ____ any
b. ____ anything
c. ___ yet
d. ____ something

37. My friend doesn't know ......... about her birthday party!

a. ___ something
b. ___ nothing
c. ___ anything
d. ___ anyone

38. It's ____.

a. ___ Amazon
b. ___ the Amazon

39. I'm going to ____.

a. ___ bed
b. ___ the bed
NOMBRE: __________________________________________________ NIVEL: INTERMEDIATE A2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


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