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There are a number of individuals who, in various ways, have helped me during the
course of my project on “Marketing activities of British American tobacco Bangladesh”

First of all I am grateful to the almighty Allah for this blessings and making me able to
accomplish this project report on “Marketing Activities of British American tobacco
Bangladesh “successfully. My gratitude must be shown to some people who directly and
indirectly to complete the report successfully.

Certainly I should acknowledge the contribution of my honorable supervisor Prof. Md.

Abul Kashem, Department of Management Information System, Faculty of Business
Studies, University of Dhaka whose instruction has become a major part of my thinking.
Her brilliant guidance surely his enriched my report very much.

Mahabubur Rahman
Examination Roll: 1201828
Registration No: 1107810
Session: 2011-2012
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Adamjee Cantonment College

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