SWOT Minutes January Meeting 2011

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SWOT Minutes – January 28, 2011

 SWOT: Strengthening Ward One Together

o Began last year
o A way for the community to come together and recognize common needs and ways to
strengthen the community
o Collaborate to share common resources
o Executive Team was created, so that SWOT could truly be collaborative
 Ward 1 School Board Member, Patrick Mara
o Impact: a teacher evaluation tool
 3 done by school officials (ex: principal, assistant principal)
 2 done by master educators (not affiliated with the school)
 Ratings:
 1. Highly Effective (bonus of $3,000-$25,000)
 2. Effective
 3. Minimally Effective
 4. Ineffective
 What needs to be addressed:
 There are no structured plans for improvement for teachers that score
below Highly Effective
 Teachers that need improvement need to know how to get better (via
trainings and professional development); otherwise, this is futile
o Healthy Schools Act
 Providing healthy food in our schools
 Serves a dual purpose of keeping students engaged; almost like an incentive for
students to come to school
o Serious focus needed on the continued professional development of our teachers
 Breakout Groups
o Immediate Needs and Actions as identified by the groups

*Needs* *Actions*
(1) Sharing true truancy numbers (1) Working with attendance and Jim *Needs*
Graham’s office to make sure that
(1) Build relationship with Jim
truancy is reported and protocol
(1) Whois to bring to the partnership?
Graham’s office. Use the resources
followed 23
we have inschools,
public territorial
a partnership. MPDconflict,
(2) What youth will do this summer (2) Have citizens and city officials
level of CH
school accountability, level of
officer. metro stop. Hold school
convene; neighborhood levelcity action
accountability, level of school
board official accountable in school.
with community citizens; tieboard
Contact Gail Oliver (school board).
senior need and youth engagement;
(2) (same as above)
get citizens to reach out to youth
(2) Find productive outlets (work,
(3) Bullying in schools (3) Teachers/staff/faculty need to
programs) for older teensspeak at
(3) Have Connie Spinner
acknowledge the issue; have(3) a Vocational education (UDC speak
SWOT. Fact sheet of programs from
speaker from the Flamboyant to SWOT)
MPD Vocational programs. Encourage
Foundation (teaching for change)
(4) Disconnected youth (4)Integrated services; develop a
(4) Open relationship with DCPS
“cradle to career continuum”(4) Increase transparency (regarding
the school board and DCPS)
o Big Picture Needs and Actions as identified by the groups

 Who We Are
o Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative
o Time Dollar Youth Court
o Mary’s Center
o Concerned Black Men – National Organization
o DC Prevention Center – Wards 1 & 2 at LAYC
o ACLU – National Capitol area
o Columbia Heights Day Initiative
o Columbia Heights Community Marketplace
o Cesar Chavez Prep Charter School
 SWOT Engagement
o Concise communication
o Learn more about SWOT
o Community projects
o Opportunities to network/foster partnerships
o Neighborhood potluck suppers
o Coordinated resources for effective outcomes
 New Trends/Issues - - - School Personnel
o Homelessness
o Need for family services (wrap-around; counseling; case management)
o Need for mentoring
o Summer jobs
o Afterschool activities
 New Trends/Issues - - - CBOs and Other
o Increase in substance abuse
o Youth car theft
o Run aways
o Youth alcohol and tobacco use (Ethiopian community especially)
o Truancy
o Crew (gang) activity
o Increase in discrimination and racism

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