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December 17th 2010 - Mohamed Bouazizi sets himself alight in Sidi Bouzid,Tunisia
December 18th – Protests start in Sidi Bouzid, first fights with the police start
December 24th – Mohamed Anmari, a protester fatally shot by police during protests in Bouzaine
December 27th – Protest reach Tunisian Capital, Tunis. Starts to spread across the country
December 28th – Tunisian Trade Unions and lawyers join protests. President Ben Ali Calls protestors “extremists and
Mercenaries” in a televised broadcast. Remarks ignored and protests continue.
December 29th – Ben Ali Shuffles Cabinet
December 31st – Tunisian National Lawyers Orders calls for more strikes to protest police action
New Years Day,2011 – Coptic church bombed in Alexandria, Egypt. First signs of unrest in nation.
January 3rd – Protests turn violent in Thala, Tunisia
January 4th - Mohamed Bouazizi dies of his injuries
January 6th – 95% of Tunisia's 8000 Lawyers go on strike
January 10th – Tunisian Govt. announces indefinite closure of schools and universities in a bid to quell protest.
January 14th – Ben Ali Dissolves Govt., declares emergency. Flees Country To Saudi Arabia in the following hours. Prime
Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi takes over as acting president.
January 15th - Ghannouchi gives reins of power to speaker Fouad Mebazza who is given 60 days to form a new govt.
January 17th – Unity govt. announced. Protests continue against Ben Ali's Party RCD
January 22nd - Ghannouchi vowed to hand over power after holding free and transparent elections within 6 months
January 23rd – Police Join Protests over salaries and to assuage blame over political deaths attributed to them under Ben Ali
January 25th - Yawm al-ġaḍab,(Day Of Anger) Protests In Egypt. Tahrir(Liberation) Square occupied in Cairo. Deadly
clashes break out across Egypt. 1 policeman & 2 protestors killed.
January 26th – International Arrest Warrants issued against Ben Ali, his wife and several members of his family
January 28th – Protest against Ghannouchi in Tunisia. Friday of Anger protests in Egypt. Egyptian govt. shuts down Mobile
telephony, Text Messaging and internet blocked. Mohamed ElBaradai joins protests In Tahrir. He is arrested. Violence
breaks out all across the country. ElBaradai released after US exerts financial pressure. Muslim brotherhood Members
January 29th – Mass exodus of tourists from Egypt. US begins to airlift its people out.
January 30th – Army Arrives on scene.. Al Jazeera Egypt told to shut shop by govt.
January 31st – Armed forces refuse to fire on civilians
February 1st - masīrat milyōn (March of the Millions) protests. Around 2 million people join protests in Cairo. Mubarak
states that he would not seek reelection and not hand power over to his son Gamal.
February 2nd – Battle Of Tahrir. Clash Break out between pro-Mubarak and protestors at Tahrir. Many are killed and
wounded. Ban Ki Moon, UN General Secretary calls for end to violence. Obama calls for immediate change. Similar
statements come from David Cameron, British PM. Internet services partially restored
February 3rd – Army clears out flyover in Cairo used by Pro Mubarak activists to bombard Tahrir. Mubarak States in an
interview with ABC's Christiane Amanpour that he is fed up of being in power and the only thing stopping him from doing
so was that he didn’t want the Muslim Brotherhood to benefit from the ensuing chaos.
February 4th - Friday of Departure protests. Over 2 million Egyptians congregate at Tahrir. Christians and Jews form a
human chain to protect Muslims offering prayers at the square. Us starts talks with Egyptian Vice President Suleiman for
the immediate removal of Mubarak. Ahmad Mohamed Mohmoud becomes first journalist to die in the Egyptian protests.
February 6th – Sunday Of Martyrs protest. Egyptian Christians celebrate mass at Tahrir, to counter claims by state run
media that the protestors are mostly Muslim. Muslims form a human chain to reciprocate Gesture of other communities
on Friday of Departure. Muslims later participated in Salat al-Janazah (literally: funeral prayer).Ayman Mohyeldin Al-
Jazeerah Reporter is arrested but later on freed. Suleiman starts talks with opposition leaders, which fail. Protests to

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