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AS media film analysis of action films

Title-The Rock

Starring- Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage

Genre- Action

The film starts off with the sound of non-diegetic music which is a sutal sound of a beat which you
would normally associate with army orientated meaning. This sutal sound indicates that the film is
building up towards a violence of some action. With this non-diegetic sound, there are a series of
takes which it starts off with an established shot of men who are seemed to be dressed in uniform
walking through a field with a dark sky. Then there is a mid-close up of a man sat down in a chair
smoking a cigar with smoke covering his face. This also accompanied with the non-diegetic of a radio
commentary which we associate with it being about a war as it still accompanied with the original
non-diegetic sound. Then there are series of short takes with different camera angle such as close
ups, medium close ups and establishing shots. All of the short takes are accompanied with the
credits of the film who was involved in the making. As many of the cuts are dark in shade of colour,
the credits are in white to make it stand out. Also to reinforce the nature of the film there are props
in the cuts such as American flags, helicopters and id tags which we associate with war. All of which
helps the audience understand the narrative if the film.

Overall the start of the film clearly outline what genre of the film it is and what it involves E.g.
violence, something to do with the army. We can tell this by the non-diegetic music of the opening.
Also the pros used are another indicator of what the film is about.

Therefore when considering the production of our film we will carefully consider the props which we
will use and the non-diegetic which will be in our film as I felt these were the most important factor
which stated this film as an action film.


Starring- Liam Nelson

Genre- Action

The film starts of a non-diegetic sound which sounds like a chime of some kind which gives the feel
sort of a spooky feel to it. Accompanied with the non-diegetic sound is piece of video footage of a
young girl opening gifts, the effect of this is that it gives a hand held feel which makes us feel that we
are looking at someone memory from their point of view, of who we don’t know. Within the video
footage which we see of the girl we see a close up of the girls face of her being happy. As this is
happening the non-diegetic music has turn in to a more of a flowing calm sound which give the
audience a feel that were looking back through someone memory, which is reinforcing the power of
the video footage. Then from the video footage it suddenly cuts to a medium close up of Liam
Nelson sat on the sofa with a distorted face. Which then it cuts to a establishing shot where we can
see the environment which Liam Nelson is in, which seems to be his living room. Then it cuts to a
close up of a girl in a photo frame which indicates that the person in the picture has some significant
to Liam Nelson. After that take of the photo it then cuts to an establishing shot of a busy main road
with cars passing and there is diegetic sound of the hustle and basal of the city.

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