Independent Study Report For BI-5003

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Independent study report for "Introduction to the Old Testament BI-


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TABLE OF CONTENTS - updates automatically by CLR + A ("select all") -> F9

Chapter 1 – Introduction.......................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 – Genesis..............................................................................................................................2
Chapter 3 – Exodus..............................................................................................................................2
Chapter 4 – Leviticus...........................................................................................................................3
Chapter 5 – Numbers............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 6 – Deuteronomy....................................................................................................................3
Chapter 7 – Joshua...............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 8 – Judges...............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 9 – Ruth...................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 10 – Samuel............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 11 – Kings...............................................................................................................................3
SUBMIT PROGRESS REPORT 1 (your document in progress) HERE....................................4
Chapter 12 – Chronicles.......................................................................................................................4
Chapter 13 – Ezra-Nehemiah...............................................................................................................4
Chapter 14 – Esther..............................................................................................................................4
Chapter 15 – Job...................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 16 – Psalms.............................................................................................................................4
Chapter 17 – Proverbs..........................................................................................................................4
Chapter 18 – Ecclesiastes.....................................................................................................................5
Chapter 19 – Song of Songs.................................................................................................................5
SUBMIT PROGRESS REPORT 1 (your document in progress) HERE....................................5
Chapter 20 – Isaiah...............................................................................................................................5
Chapter 21 – Jeremiah..........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 22 – Lamentations...................................................................................................................5
Chapter 23 – Ezekiel............................................................................................................................5
Chapter 24 – Daniel..............................................................................................................................5
Chapter 25 – Hosea..............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 26 – Joel..................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 27 – Amos...............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 28 – Obadiah...........................................................................................................................6
Chapter 29 – Jonah...............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 30 – Micah..............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 31 – Nahum.............................................................................................................................6
Chapter 32 – Habakkuk........................................................................................................................7
Chapter 33 – Zephaniah.......................................................................................................................7
Chapter 34 – Haggai.............................................................................................................................7
Chapter 35 – Zechariah........................................................................................................................7
Chapter 36 – Malachi...........................................................................................................................7
SUBMIT YOUR FINAL REPORT NOW...................................................................................7

- The report consists of your text as answer to the questions
- You should write a sentence or two on every topic (question)
- Use as many pages as you need for proper aswers
- You don't need to use references in your text. All answers are based on the textbook.
- Use full sentences in your answers.
- Be concise. Don't try to write too much.
- In MS Word, update the word count by pressing CTRL + A (select all) and then press F9
- Write your answers book by book. Remember: Use only one or two sentences per answer.
- You can move on faster than required.

Note: This is your main learning activity and assignment for the course.
There is no project paper or exam.

Chapter 1 – Introduction
- Trace the question of OT introductions in recent years.
- Describe the three-fold scope of IOT.
- Explain what makes up the historical background to the OT.
- Explain the minimalist scholarly perspective.
- Identify the hermeneutical cautions when reading the OT.
- Describe the elements of biblical historiography.
- List the aspects of OT poetry.
- Identify the characteristics of genre and story.
- Describe how passages or books might have a theological message.
- Note what OT elements might be taken up in the NT.

Chapter 2 – Genesis
- Evaluate the various historical-critical approaches to Genesis and the Pentateuch.
- Note the lexical, literary, and theological differences that give rise to source-critical questions.
- Explain the importance of ancient Near Eastern background and context to the Genesis and the
- Describe why literary and theological perspectives are essential to understanding Genesis and the
- Identify the different authorial emphases in Genesis 1-11, 12-38, and 39-50.
- Consider how Genesis is taken up in the New Testament.

Chapter 3 – Exodus
- Explain the question of authorship and any evidence related to Moses.
- Describe the two main proposals for the historical exodus.
- Note the historical (archaeological), textual, literary, or theological challenges to identifying the
exodus event.
- Consider the literary divisions and themes set forth in Exodus 1-18, 19-24, and 25-40.
- Note the general layout of the wilderness tabernacle and surrounding Israelite camp.

Chapter 4 – Leviticus
- Explain the similarities and differences of the five offerings.

- Describe the content of the Holiness Code in Leviticus 17-27.

- Note the relationship of the priesthood to the people.
- Consider how priestly and sacrificial expectations are applied to the messiah in the NT.

Chapter 5 – Numbers
- Consider the three literary structures (chronological, topographical, and topical) that Longman and
Dillard set forth.
- Describe how the censuses in Numbers 1 and 26 provide a thematic emphasis to the book.
- Note the instances of rebellion and obedience in the book.
- Describe how the wilderness topos is taken up later in the OT and NT.

Chapter 6 – Deuteronomy
- Note why Deuteronomy receives so much attention from historical-critical scholars.
- Reflect on Deuteronomy as a treaty in comparison to Hittite and Assyrian treaties.
- Consider how the book serves as a bridge between the Pentateuch and the Historical Books
(Former Prophets).
- Describe the figure and expectation of Moses for ancient Israel and later NT writers.

Chapter 7 – Joshua
- Evaluate the question of a Deuteronomistic History.
- Reflect on the various origins and conquest theories for Israel.
- Consider the conquest narrative in light of the Joshua-Judges literary complex
- Explain the ethical implications of holy war, land, and the Canaanites.
- Identify how the themes of conquest and rest are taken up in the NT writings.

Chapter 8 – Judges
- Note the differences between the major and minor judges.
- Describe the “cyclical” or “spiral” decline of the Israelite people.
- Reflect on the question of kingship and tribal relationships.
- Consider how figures such as Samson and Jephthah are portrayed in the NT.

Chapter 9 – Ruth
- Consider how God is an implicit/explicit character in Ruth.
- Note how the names of the figures foreshadow the characters’ role in the book.
- Describe the various legal and social practices evinced in Ruth.
- Reflect on why Ruth is important in the OT and NT contexts.

Chapter 10 – Samuel
- Describe how 1 and 2 Samuel is best read as one book.
- Note how the author sets forth the idea of kingship.
- Identify the various literary elements in Samuel.
- Consider the differences between the MT and LXX versions of Samuel.

Chapter 11 – Kings
- Note the literary relationship of the former prophets Joshua-Judges-Samuel-Kings.
- Evaluate the question of sources and authors.

- Explain the vexing issue of chronology.

- Describe the potential literary and theological relationship between Deuteronomy and Kings.


SUBMIT PROGRESS REPORT 1 (your document in progress) HERE

Note: You can finalize your text later. The grade will be based on your final report.

Chapter 12 – Chronicles
- Reflect on how Chronicles is a synoptic or parallel version of Samuel-Kings.
- Note the theological particulars of the chronicler.
- Describe how genealogy and priesthood play an integral role to postexilic contexts.
- Explain how Israel and Judah are portrayed in Chronicles.

Chapter 13 – Ezra-Nehemiah
- Consider the post-exilic milieu of Ezra-Nehemiah.
- Describe the historical questions of dating and authorship.
- Note the various shifts in the literary complex of these books.
- Explain the importance of temple and wall restoration for Second Temple Judaism.

Chapter 14 – Esther
- Identify some of the ethical and historical challenges to Esther.
- Note the genre and style of the book.
- Consider how the Esther story relates back to the Saul-Agag saga.

Chapter 15 – Job
- Evaluate the question of historical context and identity of the Job character.
- Note the intricate literary relationship among the prose prologue and epilogue and the poetic core
of speeches.
- Consider the changes from one speech cycle to the second and third.
- Explain how Job is a universal wisdom story of suffering and theodicy.

Chapter 16 – Psalms
- Evaluate the question of authorship and psalm titles.
- Note the five-book literary arrangement and the theological implications.
- Consider the various psalm genres.
- Describe the endearing quality of the Psalter for Judaism and Christianity.
- Identify how the Psalter is used by NT writers.

Chapter 17 – Proverbs
- Note the literary and authorial differentiation between Proverbs 1-9 and 11-31.
- Consider how Proverbs serves both the familial and social wisdom contexts.
- Explain the types of wisdom genres and expressions.
- Describe the nature of wisdom literature, Lady Wisdom, and Lady Folly as a theological foil.

Chapter 18 – Ecclesiastes
- Explain the observation of the editorial frame narrative.
- Note the wisdom perspectives between Qoheleth and the narrator.
- Identify the nature of retribution both in this life and the hereafter.
- Consider wisdom in Ecclesiastes with Job and Proverbs.

Chapter 19 – Song of Songs

- Evaluate the genre and literary structure of Songs.
- Consider the role of Solomon in the book.
- Note how ANE love poetry is taken up in the OT and NT.
- Describe the way Jewish and Christian interpreters take up Songs.


SUBMIT PROGRESS REPORT 2 (your document in progress) HERE

Note: You can finalize your text later. The grade will be based on your final report.

Chapter 20 – Isaiah
- Evaluate the question of authorship for Isaiah.
- Note the literary and theological complements in Isaiah 1-39 and 40-66.
- Consider the historical and social context of Isaiah ben Amoz.
- Reflect on the Suffering Servant Songs.
- Describe how Isaiah is taken up in the NT.

Chapter 21 – Jeremiah
- Note the call narrative for Jeremiah.
- Consider the political situation in the late 7th century BC.
- Reflect on the idea of a New Covenant.
- Describe the differences between LXX and MT Jeremiah.
- Explain how Moses and Jeremiah might be associated.

Chapter 22 – Lamentations
- Identify the possible historical context for Lamentations.
- Note the poetic and literary aspects of the book.
- Consider the genre type.
- Describe the writer’s view of Yahweh.

Chapter 23 – Ezekiel
- Reflect on the dating scheme in Ezekiel.
- Note the Davidic expectations set forth by the author.
- Describe the Oracles against the Nations section in chapters 25-32.
- Explain how the prophet engages in performative-prophetic activity.
- Consider the notions of a restored land and temple.

Chapter 24 – Daniel
- Note the genre types of the court narrative in 1-6 and apocalyptic prophecy in 7-12.

- Consider the historical challenges in Daniel.

- Reflect on Daniel and Jewish ethics in the Diaspora.
- Describe how the empires vision relate to Jewish history as an eschatological event.
- Explain how Daniel and the “son of man” imagery is taken up in the NT.

Chapter 25 – Hosea
- Describe how Hosea 1-3 relates to 4-14.
- Identify possible historical associations with the oracles.
- Note how Hosea is the only Israelite prophet to Israel.
- Relate the relationship between the first and second prophetic cycles in 4-11:11 and 11:12-14:8.

Chapter 26 – Joel
- Identify the historical setting for Joel.
- Note the relationship between locust judgment and temple sacrifices.
- Reflect on the literary genre of Joel.
- Consider the Day of Yahweh topos.
- Describe how Joel is set forth in the NT.

Chapter 27 – Amos
- Note how the Judean prophet is received in northern Israel.
- Reflect on aspects of the Oracles against the Nations.
- Consider the various visions in the book.
- Describe expectations for Davidic monarchy and temple restorations.

Chapter 28 – Obadiah
- Note the literary genres and style in the book.
- Identify the historical context of Obadiah.
- Assess the role of Edom and the nations in the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.

Chapter 29 – Jonah
- Assess the attitude and tone of Jonah.
- Consider the poetic hymn of chapter 2.
- Note the relationship between Jonah and Nahum.
- Identify how Jonah is taken up in the Gospels.

Chapter 30 – Micah
- Reflect on the historical context of Micah.
- Note the divine theophany that begins the book.
- Describe the literary style of the book.
- Consider how Micah is used in the NT.

Chapter 31 – Nahum
- Note the divine theophany that begins Nahum.
- Consider the style and tone directed against Nineveh.
- Reflect on the historical setting for Nineveh’s destruction.

Chapter 32 – Habakkuk
- Note the prophetic complaints toward Yahweh.
- Reflect on the way Habakkuk concludes with a divine theophany.
- Consider the historical background of the late 7th century and the oracle.

Chapter 33 – Zephaniah
- Note the relationship between Zephaniah and the Josianic reform.
- Reflect on the Oracles against the Nations in chapter 2.
- Consider the Day of Yahweh theme.
- Describe the expectation of restoration in Zephaniah 3.

Chapter 34 – Haggai
- Assess the relationship between temple building and land fertility.
- Note the political and social milieu of Haggai.
- Reflect on the “Branch” figure in Haggai.

Chapter 35 – Zechariah
- Describe the literary sections of Zechariah 1-8 and 9-14.
- Consider the visionary sequence in chapters 1-6.
- Identify the shepherd imagery in 9-14.
- Note on Zechariah is used in the NT.

Chapter 36 – Malachi
- Consider the identity of “malachi”.
- Note the temple and priestly issues related to the oracles.
- Assess the expectations for Moses and Elijah.



The course grade will be based on your final report.

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