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Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273

Effect of methyltrimethoxysilane as a synthesis component

on the hydrophobicity and some physical properties of
silica aerogels
A. Venkateswara Rao *, D. Haranath
Air Glass Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416004, India
Received 24 April 1998; received in revised form 8 September 1998; accepted 22 January 1999


The effects of adding methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS ) to the synthesis formulation on the hydrophobicity and
physical properties of silica aerogels are reported. The molar ratio of the methanol (MeOH ) solvent, water
(H O), and the ammonia (NH OH ) catalyst to tetramethoxysilane (TMOS ) precursor was fixed at
2 4
1TMOS:12MeOH:4H O:3.6×10−3NH OH throughout the experiment and the MTMS/TMOS molar ratio M was
2 4
varied from 0 to 1.55. After gelation, the alcogels were dried supercritically by high-temperature solvent extraction.
The hydrophobicity of the resulting aerogels was tested by measuring the water uptake by the aerogel as a function
of time, after putting them directly on the surface of water. It was found that for M<0.26 the aerogels were less
hydrophobic but more transparent (>90% in the visible range), whereas for M>1.03 the aerogels were more
hydrophobic but semi-transparent to opaque. Aerogels that possessed good hydrophobicity and transparency (~85%
in the visible range) were obtained with an M#0.70. An increase in the MTMS content in the gels shifted the pore
size distribution towards larger pore radii with a broad distribution. In order to determine the thermal stability of
the hydrophobic nature of the aerogels, they were heat-treated in air in the temperature range between 25 and 350°C.
It was found that below 280°C the aerogel samples showed hydrophobic properties, whereas above 280°C the
hydrophobicity vanished. This is due to the disappearance of the CH groups in the aerogels. The aerogels were
characterized by optical transmittance, pore size distribution, BET surface area and infrared spectroscopy measure-
ments. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aerogels; Hydrophobicity; Optical transmittance; Pore size distribution; Specific surface area

1. Introduction aerogels with densities as low as 5 kg m−3 have

been reported [3]. Because of their high porosities
Silica aerogels [1] are extremely porous (>95%) and non-structured nature, aerogels possess very
materials that are normally prepared by supercriti- interesting physical properties, such as a small
cal drying of silica alcogels. Typical porosities of index of refraction (1.01 to 1.1) [4], a low elastic
the aerogels are in the range 80 to 98% [2,3] and modulus (<0.5 MPa) [5,6 ], a low sound velocity
(<100 m s−1) [7], a low thermal conductivity
(~0.01 W m−1 K−1) [8–10] and an excellent
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-231-655571; accessibility of the inner surface through the open
fax: +91-231-656133. porous network. Aerogels can be made as both

1387-1811/99/$ – see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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268 A. Venkateswara Rao, D. Haranath / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces of silica aerogels.

transparent (>90%) and translucent to the visible of water in the pores of the aerogels leads to
light, depending on the sol–gel processing condi- capillary pressures, which eventually destroy the
tions, but they exhibit Rayleigh scattering in the structure of the aerogels. The Si–OH groups pre-
blue region. These properties of aerogels can be sent in the aerogel structure are the main source
utilized for thermal superinsulations in windows of hydrophilicity because they promote the adsorp-
and heat-storage systems, acoustic devices, lumi- tion of water. The replacement of Si–OH groups
nescent solar systems, gas filters, catalysts or cata- by hydrolytically stable Si–R ( R=CH ) groups
lyst supports [11–15]. Despite these interesting inhibits the adsorption of water and, therefore,
properties and practical applications, the large- results in hydrophobic aerogels that will be
scale use of silica aerogels has been limited because unaffected by moisture ( Fig. 1). The hydrophobi-
of their sensitivity to moisture. The concentration city of the aerogels can be achieved by two meth-

Fig. 2. Percentage of water absorbed by the aerogel versus time

for different MTMS/TMOS molar ratios: M=0, 0.26, 0.70 Fig. 3. Optical transmittance (%) of the aerogel as a function
and 1.03. of MTMS/TMOS ratio.
A. Venkateswara Rao, D. Haranath / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273 269

ods: (i) surface chemical modification of the In this way the SiOH groups react towards the
aerogels by gaseous reagents and (ii) surface modi- formation of a permanently hydrophobic silica
fication of the colloidal particles by the incorpora- aerogel surface.
tion of certain chemical additives in the alcosol In order to get transparent silica alco- and aero-
itself [16,17]. However, the former method gels, the molar ratio of methanol (MeOH ) solvent,
involves costly and complicated procedures and water (H O) and the catalyst (NH OH ) to precur-
2 4
the resulting aerogels are less hydrophobic. sor (TMOS ) was kept constant at
Therefore, we have employed the latter method 1TMOS:12MeOH:4H O:3.6×10−3NH OH, and
2 4
and prepared transparent hydrophobic aerogels the molar ratio M of MTMS/TMOS was varied
using tris(hydroxymethyl ) amminomethane from 0 to 1.55. The homogeneous alcosols thus
( TAM ) and methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS ) obtained were transferred to air-tight 90×
[18,19]. In the present paper, we present and 58×15 mm3 rectangular boxes and subjected to
discuss the results on the effects of adding MTMS gelation. After gelation, the alcogels were carefully
to the synthesis formulation on the hydrophobicity removed from the moulds and aged in an MeOH
and some physical properties of silica aerogels. bath for 5 days and then supercritically dried in
an autoclave to obtain hydrophobic aerogels. The
details of the supercritical drying process, including
the pre-pressure of N gas, heating and evacuation
2. Experimental details rates etc., were given in our recent publications
2.1. Sample preparation
2.2. Methods of characterisation
Under basic conditions, it has been found that
the hydrolysis rate of tetramethoxysilane ( TMOS) The hydrophobicity of the resulting aerogels
is faster than that of MTMS [20]. So, in a mixture was tested by measuring the percentage of water
containing TMOS and MTMS, TMOS is preferen- absorbed with time after putting them directly on
tially hydrolysed in the early stages of the reaction, the surface of water. The optical transmittance of
during which MTMS acts as a co-solvent [21]. the aerogels (sample thickness: 10 mm) was mea-
Therefore, the core of the primary particles will sured in the wavelength range 300–900 nm using
not contain any alkyl group. The formation of a a Perkin–Elmer spectrophotometer (model no.
three-dimensional solid SiO network is achieved 783). The pore size distribution (PSD) was mea-
2 sured using a multiple-point nitrogen gas adsorp-
by the hydrolysis and polycondensation of metha-
nolic TMOS in the presence of the ammonia tion BET surface area analyser (Micromeritics,
(NH OH ) catalyst as per the following chemical model ASAP 2000). The amount of N gas
4 2
reaction: adsorbed at various partial pressures (0.05<
p/p <0.3, N molecular cross-sectional area:
MeOH 0 2
16.2 Å2) served to determine the BET surface area,
xSi(OCH ) +2xH O  xSiO +4xCH OH
34 2 2 3 and a single condensation point ( p/p =0.99) was
[NH4OH] 0
used to find the pore diameter. The PSDs were
calculated from the desorption isotherms. All the
When a sufficient amount of TMOS gets experimental results are based on the statistical
hydrolysed, the MTMS hydrolysis becomes faster average of five sets of identical experiments with
and proceeds as follows: reproducibility greater than 95%.

270 A. Venkateswara Rao, D. Haranath / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273

3. Results and discussion optimum M value almost all the surface hydroxyl
groups are replaced by methyl groups, thus result-
3.1. Effect of MTMS/TMOS molar ratio on ing in a very good hydrophobicity.
3.2. Effect of MTMS/TMOS molar ratio on
In order to obtain monolithic, transparent and optical transmittance and PSD
hydrophobic silica aerogels, the MTMS/TMOS
molar ratio M was varied from 0 to 1.55 and its Fig. 3 shows the optical transmittance spectra
effect on the hydrophobicity was studied. Several of four aerogel samples. An increase in MTMS
authors [16,17,24,25] have studied the hydro- content considerably decreased the optical
phobic behaviour of aerogels, but they subjected transmittance and promoted the light scattering
the aerogels to 90–96% humid atmospheres for nature of the aerogels. Initially, in the present
nearly 1 month. In the present study, the aerogels system, MTMS acts as a co-solvent to promote
prepared were put directly on the surface of water hydrolysis and condensation of the TMOS [21].
in a glass beaker that was kept in a closed vessel However, after the formation of a good number
containing water (a rigorous test for hydrophobi- of primary particles, the hydrolysis of MTMS
city) and the increase in weight of the samples proceeds faster and it condenses onto the primary
was measured with a microbalance (sensitivity particles by reacting with surface hydroxyl groups.
~10−6 g) as a function of time ranging from a A small increase in the MTMS content above the
few minutes to several months. optimum value (M#0.70) produces more hetero-
Moreover, an increase of less than 2% in the geneity in the pore structures, which in turn
weight of the aerogels (due to the adsorption of decreases the optical transmittance of the aerogels.
water) has been considered as indicating hydropho- This is due to the fact that, after removing all the
bicity, whereas an increase of more than 2% is hydroxyl groups, the excess MTMS reduces the
considered as indicating a hydrophilic material. In concentration of TMOS, resulting in a low oxide
the case of hydrophobic aerogels, no net increase content in the final hydrolysed product; hence the
in weight was observed even after 6 months, aerogels are mechanically weak in nature.
whereas the hydrophilic aerogels gently absorbed Practically no monolithic and mechanically stable
water and sunk to the bottom of the beaker within aerogel bodies were obtained for M>1.55.
2 to 3 min. The hydrophilic aerogels adsorbed The effect of the MTMS/TMOS molar ratio M
nearly eight to ten times their own weight of water on the PSD of the aerogels for four different M
within 10 min. Fig. 2 shows the percentage of water values is shown in Fig. 4. The PSDs are represented
adsorbed by the aerogel samples with time for the as dV/d( log r) plots, so that the integrated area
four M values of 0, 0.26, 0.70 and 1.03. The under the plot corresponds to the pore volume. It
surface hydroxyl groups are responsible for the is clear from Fig. 4 that an increase in the MTMS
hydrophilic nature of the silica network [26 ] by content in the starting mixture results in a shift of
physically absorbing polar molecules such as the maximum in the pore radii distribution to
water. Incorporation of MTMS in the gels results larger radii. A very narrow PSD is observed in the
in (partial ) dehydroxylation of the silica surface. aerogels with no or little MTMS content, whereas
This further drastically changes the physical, as the distribution becomes broader for higher
well as the chemical, properties of the surface and amounts of MTMS. Here the bulk density of
the bulk. It has been found that when M<0.26 the aerogels had also decreased considerably.
this results in a more transparent (>90% to the Moreover, the inhomogeneity in the aerogel struc-
visible light) but less hydrophobic aerogel; when tured network and larger pore radii give rise to a
M>1.03 this results in the most hydrophobic decrease in the optical transmittance. On the other
but semi-transparent-to-opaque aerogels. Both hand, a sharp and narrow PSDs indicate less
transparent (~85%) and reasonably good hydro- heterogeneity of the porosity and a good connectiv-
phobic aerogels were obtained at M=0.70. At this ity between the particles. It is also clear that the
A. Venkateswara Rao, D. Haranath / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273 271

Fig. 4. PSD of the aerogel samples for four MTMS/TMOS Fig. 5. Specific surface area of the aerogel versus the
molar ratios: M=0, 0.26, 0.70 and 1.03. MTMS/TMOS molar ratio.

bulk density of the resulting aerogel depends solely and then started to decrease considerably. This is
on the amount of MTMS used in the sol–gel because, up to the optimum amount, the MTMS
process. is consumed by the removal of surface hydroxyl
groups attached to the silicon atoms, whereas an
3.3. Effect of MTMS/TMOS molar ratio on the excess of MTMS severely hinders the surface
microstructure and specific surface area smoothness of the particles and results in a
decrease in specific surface area. Our results are
It should be pointed out that the aerogels with consistent with the structural data obtained by
very high specific surface areas were prepared from Schubert et al. [28] from the BET and SAXS
TMOS without any impurities or dopants used in measurements.
the system [27]. However, they cannot be com-
pared with the gels discussed in this paper, because 3.4. Effect of thermal treatment on the
co-hydrolysis of MTMS and TMOS proceeds one hydrophobicity
after the other and thus results in slightly different
microstructures. By introducing organic groups In order to study the thermal stability, hydro-
( like CH , C H , etc.) into the aerogel network, phobic aerogels were heat-treated in air at different
3 2 5
the radius of the primary particles and the cluster temperatures ranging from 25 to 350°C. When
radii are hardly affected, but the surface smooth- heated below 280°C the samples showed hydro-
ness of the particles is considerably altered. This phobic properties, whereas upon heating above
is because the particles are primarily formed by 280°C the hydrophobicity slowly vanished. The IR
the hydrolysis and condensation of TMOS, spectra (Fig. 6) obtained below this critical tem-
whereas the MTMS units subsequently hydrolyse perature (280°C ) show peaks around 3000 cm−1
and condense on the particle surfaces. that correspond to C–H bonds. When the sample
Fig. 5 shows the variation of the specific surface is heated above 280°C, weakening of the C–H
area of the aerogels with the MTMS/TMOS molar bond signals takes place. Since the heating of the
ratio. The specific surface area of the aerogels aerogels was performed in air, oxidation may occur
remained almost constant up to around M=0.80 leading to removal of the CH groups under CO
3 2
272 A. Venkateswara Rao, D. Haranath / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 30 (1999) 267–273

optical transmittance and shifted the PSD towards

larger pore radii. The specific surface area of the
aerogels was found to decrease with an increase in
the MTMS content. The hydrophobic aerogels are
thermally stable up to a temperature of ~280°C.
Above this temperature the hydrophobicity van-
ishes due to the disappearance of the CH groups
by oxidation.


The financial support received from the

University Grants Commission ( UGC ),
Government of India, New Delhi, under the
research project [No. F.10-32/93(SR-I )] on ‘Silica
Fig. 6. IR spectra of the hydrophobic aerogels heated to Aerogels’ is gratefully acknowledged. The authors
different temperatures: (a) 150°C, (b) 280°C and (c) 280°C sincerely thank the referees for their valuable sug-
for 2 h. gestions and corrections, which have considerably
improved the quality of the manuscript. The
authors thank Dr R. Chidambaram, Chairman,
formation. Fig. 6 shows the IR spectra of the Atomic Energy Commission, Government of
aerogel samples heated up to 280 °C and heated India, and Dr S.K. Sikka, Group Director, Solid
for 2 h at that temperature. It is clearly seen that State and Spectroscopy Group, Bhabha Atomic
the intensity of the C–H vibration peak decreases Research Centre, Mumbai, India, for their kind
with time. Hence, it can be concluded that 280°C help in getting the research projects on ‘Aerogels’.
is the approximate temperature above which the
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