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Happy and Healthy Ones

Grade level: Second grade Subject: Health (Disease Prevention)

 Standard: 1.0 Students will comprehend concepts related to health

information/disease prevention.
 Objective: Students will learn ways to keep themselves healthy and clean
by learning how to wash their hands properly, and understanding how to be
healthy to prevent getting sick.
 Groups: Three to four students per group.

I. Materials
 Water
 Soap
 UV gel
 UV light
 Paper towels/Towels
 Big bowls
II. Procedures
 Explain to students what makes people sick and what being sick
feels like. Show pictures of bacteria and viruses, explain to them that
they cannot be seen with a naked eye. Then explain to students how
bacteria and viruses can be spread, and lastly, explain to them how it
can be prevented.
 Have students split into groups of three to four. Go over class rules
before the experiment starts. Which are; no playing with water
unless instructed, clean up after themselves, do not make a mess,
only follow the teacher each step (do not get ahead), no screaming or
horse playing.
 Have the students put some UV gel on their hands to represent
viruses and bacteria. Show them what it looks like under the UV
 Have the students wash their hands improperly; no soap, just wetting
their hands. And show them how dirty their hands are still. Then
show them how to wash their hands properly. Scrubbing hands for at
least 20 seconds, with soap, water, and drying.
 Lastly, show them the difference between the improper hand
washing and the proper hand washing technique
III. Assessment
 Students will be graded based on participation and by their

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