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Hard coal and lignite developed due to carbonization of plant residues. As plants require
sulphur for nutrient uptake it is naturally existent in coal. During combustion, i. e. oxidation of
coal, this sulphur is released in the form of sulphur oxides.

Primary task of flue gas desulphurization is neutralization of these sulphur oxides. This task is
solved according to the latest state of technology thus that a usable desulphurization product is
generated (FGD gypsum: Flue Gas Desulphurization). FGD gypsum has been used for
decades in the building industry as a substitute for natural gypsum for production of gypsum-
based products and cement.

1. Production of FGD gypsum

The de-dusted and denitrified flue gas which is discharged after the combustion of coal from
the combustion kettle gets to a desulphurization unit (absorber).
Different processes are used for desulphurization of the sulphur dioxide released during the
coal combustion. The largest part of the occurring flue-gases are desulphurized in
accordance with the wet process, this means a suspension of milled limestone (or lime
hydrate) and water is injected into the flue gas. The sulphur dioxide existing in the flue-gas
reacts with the limestone forming calcium sulphate dihydrate, this means the real FGD
gypsum. Firstly this FGD gypsum occurs in form of a suspension, that is to say a mixture of
water and gypsum. It is dewatered in the power station and inconvenient impurities such as
salts and other harmful substances such as heavy metals are washed out (annex 1 and 2).

In Europe up to 15 million tons of FGD gypsum incur annually as a by-product. This quantity
is almost entirely used for the production of gypsum-based products and cement. As in the
Eastern European Countries more and more coal-fired power stations are desulphurized for
environmental reasons the FGD gypsum amount will continue to increase there in future.

2. Quality requirements of FGD gypsum

Very early already the European Power Industry and the European Gypsum Industry, to
which the internationally acting Knauf Group belongs, as being the mayor taker of FGD
gypsum have agreed upon “Quality Criteria and Analysis Methods” which FGD gypsum from
European power stations must comply with and which have to be observed. One of those
criteria is the degree of purity of > 95 % of calcium sulphate dihydrate. With that value FGD
gypsum has frequently a considerably higher purity than natural gypsum. Further important
quality criteria are shown in annex 3.

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Further quality requirements

- Registration of FGD gypsum in accordance with REACH:

According to the EC Regulation (EG) No. 1907/2006 dated 18 December 2006 for the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) the member
states of the European Union obliged to have all substances which are produced and
traded within the European Union registered at the ECHA (European Chemical Agency,
Helsinki) until 1 December 2010. Registration of FGD gypsum as calcium sulphate has
been effected in the meantime on schedule. The test results were without any particular

3. Comparison of natural gypsum and FGD gypsum

At the end of the 1980s already the German Power Industry and the Gypsum Industry
commissioned an expertise regarding the comparison of natural gypsum and FGD gypsum
with the sub-title “Examinations for the sanitary evaluation of natural gypsum and FGD
gypsum from coal-fired power stations with respect to their use for the production of building
materials”. Within the framework of this expertise 12 natural gypsum samples and 15 FGD
gypsum samples in total were examined. Examination parameters were 15 heavy metal trace
elements in total as well as the content of polychlorated dioxins and furans as well as
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The experts arrived at the following conclusion:

„The investigations have shown that the differences between natural gypsum and FGD
gypsum are insignificant concerning the chemical composition and the content of
trace elements from the health point of view. The results of the analyses allow the
evaluation that the investigated natural gypsums and FGD gypsums can be used for
the production of building materials without harm to health.“

4. Use of FGD gypsum

As the desulphurization product is a moist particulate calcium sulphate dihydrate, it is in fact

comparable to natural gypsum. However both gypsum types do not have the required setting
properties for the building material “gypsum” in their arising condition. These are only
reached when the residual moisture of the FGD gypsum (approx. 20 %) and three-quarter of
the crystal water contained in the calcium sulphate dihydrate is removed by a thermal
treatment (drying and calcination) in the gypsum plant. This so-called “stucco” forms the
basic product for the known gypsum-based products and building materials including
particularly plasterboards and building plaster.

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Production of plasterboards is effected in a continuous manufacturing process. In a

continuous mixer pasty, flowable gypsum slurry is produced from stucco, water and
additives, which is applied on a cardboard web. From above a second cardboard web is
applied. The gypsum slurry then sets largely on a conveyor line of several hundred meters.
Afterwards the plasterboard is dried, where the excessive mixing water evaporates, which
was necessary for production of a pasty gypsum slurry and for re-hydration to calcium
sulphate dihydrate. Finally the plasterboards are cut into the specified dimensions.

Building plaster

This includes especially wall plaster, secondarily also gypsum dry mortar and joint filler. Main
component is also stucco which is adapted by addition of various additives to the different
favoured fields of application.

Advantages of gypsum-based building materials and products

Gypsum-based building materials and thereof produced building products offer a number of
advantages, particularly an excellent fire protection and a comfortable living climate.

In combination with a variety of possibilities for sound protection and if necessary involving
insulating material gypsum products represent perfect products for an efficient pre-built
interior fitting as well as an interior fitting to be designed individually.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of FGD gypsum in comparison to natural gypsum for

production of plasterboards

- Advantages:
• Lower water evaporation per m² - depending on gypsum type from 300 to 500g/m²
(same surface weight). This results in a significant direct energy saving in plasterboard
• Lower surface weight of the plasterboard, all other parameters being equal – up to
200g/m² depending on market conditions. This also results in a direct significant energy
• Example Immingham 2007 to 2009: Consumption before implementation of FGD
gypsum 3.5 kWh/ m², afterwards 3.0 kWh/ m², a saving of up to 0.5 kWh/m².
• As a consequence of the first two points a higher capacity of plasterboard production
results which generally is between 5 and 8 %. This can be proven in several plants.

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• The entire plasterboard quality is increased by higher strength values, lower bending,
and generally higher adhesion of the cardboard which results in less over-burning of
the front edges (reduction of reject by up to 0.2 %).

- Disadvantages:
• Higher energy demand for gypsum drying due to higher moisture. The increased
demand can be set at a maximum of 40 kcal/kg (experienced data statistically sound).
• Flow properties of FGD gypsum in wet, dried and calcined condition are considerably
more difficult to handle and generally need some mechanical adjustments.

The additional demand in energy for drying is saved by a multiple at the plasterboard dryer
while simultaneously increasing the production capacity and plasterboard quality. The similar
view applies for the area of full plasterboards – see Belgips in Wielsbeke.

(Source: A. Höll, 16.07.2009)

6. Conclusion

More than 20 years ago already, Knauf intensively tackled the question if the use of FGD
gypsum as substitute for natural gypsum would cause any problems with regard to quality of
the gypsum-based products of Knauf as well as with regard to eco- and human toxicology.
Meanwhile Knauf uses more than 6 million tons FGD gypsum per year worldwide, in some
plasterboard plants and gypsum plants with 100 % content in raw material input. No
negative effects on the quality of the gypsum-based products were determined.

The above mentioned examination results and assessments rather confirm, that the use of
FGD gypsum for production of gypsum-based products offers a number of advantages
compared to natural gypsum and especially that FGD gypsum is not associated with health

Dr.-Ing. Jörg Demmich


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