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Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(85 – 100%) (70 – 85%) (65 – 70%) (65% and below)

Content and Postings provide comprehensive Postings provide moderate Postings provide minimal Postings show no
Creativity insight and reflective thought insight, understanding and insight, understanding and evidence of insight,
about the topic by building a reflective thought about the reflective thought about the understanding or
 40% of total score focused argument around a topic. topic. reflective thought
specific issue making an about the topic.
oppositional statement
supported by personal
experience or related research.
Reader Postings are written in a style Postings are written in a Postings are written in a Postings do not reflect
Engagement that is appealing and appropriate style that is generally style that does not fully an awareness of the
for the intended audience and a appropriate for the consider the audience, and audience and it is
consistent voice is evident intended audience and an the author’s voice is difficult difficult to identify the
throughout. attempt is made to use a to identify. author’s voice.
 20% of total score
consistent voice.
Text Layout, Use Selects and inserts high quality Selects and inserts graphics Selects and inserts many Does not insert any
of Graphics and graphics and multimedia when and multimedia that are low-quality graphics and graphics, or uses only
Multimedia appropriate to enhance the mostly high quality and multimedia which do not low-quality graphics
content’s visual appeal and enhance and clarify the enhance the content. and multimedia, which
increase readability. content. do not enhance the
 20% of total score
Quality of Writing Written responses are free of Written responses are Written responses include Written responses
and Proofreading grammatical, spelling or largely free of grammatical, some grammatical, spelling contain numerous
punctuation errors.  The style of spelling or punctuation or punctuation errors that grammatical, spelling
 5% of total score writing facilitates errors.  The style of writing distract the reader.  or punctuation errors. 
communication.  generally facilitates The style of writing
communication. does not facilitate
good communication.
Departmentof Management & HR
Assessment Rubrics
Blog writing Grading Rubric
25% Identifies and demonstrates a Identifies and demonstrates an Identifies and demonstrates
Identification of Main sophisticated understanding of the accomplished understanding of acceptable understanding of some of
main issues/problems in the case most of the issues/problems. the issues/problems in the case
Issues / Problems
study. study.
35% Presents an insightful and thorough Presents a thorough analysis of Presents a superficial or incomplete
Analysis and Evaluation analysis of all identified most of the issues identified; analysis of some of the identified
issues/problems; includes all missing some necessary issues; omits necessary calculations.
of Issues / Problems
necessary calculations. calculations.
20% Supports diagnosis and opinions with Supports diagnosis and opinions Little or no action suggested and/or
Recommendations / strong arguments and well with limited reasoning and inappropriate solutions proposed to
documented evidence; presents a evidence; presents a somewhat the issues in the case study.
Implementation Plan
balanced and critical view; one-sided argument; demonstrates
interpretation is both reasonable and little engagement with ideas
objective. presented.
10% Makes appropriate and powerful Makes appropriate but somewhat Makes inappropriate or little
Links to Course Readings connections between identified vague connections between connection between issues identified
issues/ problems and the strategic identified issues/problems and and the concepts studied in the
and Additional Research
concepts studied in the course concepts studied in readings and readings; supplements case study, if
readings and lectures; supplements lectures; demonstrates limited at all, with incomplete research and
case study with relevant and command of the analytical tools documentation.
thoughtful research and documents all studied; supplements case study
sources of information with limited research.
10% Demonstrates clarity, conciseness and Occasional grammar or spelling Writing is unfocused, rambling, or
Writing Mechanics and correctness; formatting is appropriate errors, but still a clear presentation contains serious errors; poorly
and writing is free of grammar and of ideas; lacks organization organized and does not follow
Formatting Guidelines
spelling errors. specified guidelines.

Case Study Grading Rubric

Written Report Grading Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Below Expectations
>85% 70 – 85% < 70%
Reasoning and Clear and accurate answers; Reasons support answers with some / Weak reasons and/or irrelevant or
Analysis insightful, specific. an important reason(s) overlooked; confusing reasons given that don't
general examination and assessment. support the answers; incomplete
35% of Score answers.

Focus on Topic Answers address the questions clearly The answers are not as detailed Some of the documentation relates to
and fully, showing higher level and/or concise as needed; and/ or use the assigned topic; misuses or uses
25% of Score analysis and synthesis of concepts and limited course vocabulary. limited course vocabulary.
uses course vocabulary.

Accuracy of All facts are accurate and relate back All facts are accurate and relate back No direct quotes or "work consulted"
Facts and Citations to the answer. Provided 2-5 citations to the answer, yet there was a used or referred to in the paper.
throughout paper using the text, disproportionate amount of opinion Incorrect facts and / or citations.
20% of Score interview and or other related based statements then facts. Provided
documentation. 2-5 citations throughout paper using
the text, interview and or other
related documentation.

Mechanics/ Use of correct grammar, spelling, and Enough errors to distract the reader; Numerous errors, paper hard to read;
Organization punctuation; well organized; one idea organization problems; questions not questions are not stated before
follows another in a logical sequence stated before answers; and / or answers; format details are not
20% of Score with clear transitions; questions format difficult to navigate. adhered to.
stated before answers; format easy to

Student Presentation Rubric

Criteria Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent

Organization Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents Student presents information
understand presentation following presentation information in logical in logical, interesting sequence
25% of Score because there is no because student jumps sequence which audience which the audience can follow
sequence of information around can follow
Subject Student does not have grasp Student is uncomfortable Student is at ease with Student demonstrate full
Knowledge of information; student with information and is able expected answers to all knowledge (more than
cannot answer questions to answer only rudimentary questions, but fails to required) by answering all
35% of Score about subject questions elaborate class questions with
explanations and elaboration
Quality of Presentation has four or Presentation has three Presentation has no more Presentation has no
Visual Aids more spelling errors and/or misspellings and/or than two misspellings and/ misspellings or grammatical
grammatical errors. Poor or grammatical errors. or grammatical errors. errors. Graphics explain and
15% of Score no graphics used Occasional graphics used Graphics relate to text and reinforce screen text and
presentation presentation
Elocution Student mumbles, Student’s voice is low. Student’s voice is clear. Student uses a clear voice and
incorrectly pronounces Student incorrectly Student pronounces most correct, precise pronunciation
15% of Score terms, and speaks to quietly pronounces some terms. words correctly. Most of terms so that all audience
for students in the back of Audience members have audience members can hear members can hear
class to hear difficulty hearing
Eye Contact& Student reads all of report Student occasionally uses Student maintains eye Student maintains eye contact
Body Language with no eye contact eye contact, but still reads contact most of the time but with audience , seldom
most of report frequently returns to notes returning to notes
10% of Score
Online/In-Class Participation/Preparation Rubric
Behavior Student is awake and engaged in Student is awake and engaged in Student is awake most of the time but Student frequently sleeps
class on a daily basis. Student class nearly every day, and shows has fallen asleep or has been distracting and/or disrupts class.
shows no disruptive behavior. no disruptive behavior. for a few classes.

Always= every single day Often= 2-3 times per week

Usually= on most days Sometimes= 1-2 times/ month
Frequently= 4+ times per week Rarely= 1-2 times per quarter
LMS Discussion Forum Participation/Preparation Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor No Credit/No

100 points 80 points 60 points 40 points Submission

Content Discussion postings Discussion postings Discussion Discussion postings do Student did not
50 % actively stimulate contribute to the class' postings not contribute to attempt activity
and sustain further ongoing conversations sometimes ongoing conversations
discussion by as evidenced by contribute to or respond to peers'
building on peers' stimulating additional ongoing postings. There is no
responses including discussion with limited conversations as evidence of replies to
— affirming supporting experience evidenced by questions.
statements or or research stimulating =================
references to ================ additional Discussion postings are
relevant research Discussion postings discussion with at midpoint or later in
or respond to most limited the week/module or
— asking related postings of peers within supporting contributions are only
questions or, a 48 hour period. experience or posted on the last day of
— making an research. the module.
supported by any
experience or
related research.
Attitude & Etiquette Written Written interactions on Some of the Written interactions on Student did not
20 % interactions on the the discussion forum written the discussion forum attempt activity
discussion forum show respect and interactions on show disrespect for the
show respect, interest in the the discussion viewpoints of others.
interest, and viewpoints of others. board show
sensitivity to peers' respect and
gender, cultural interest in the
and linguistic viewpoints of
background. others.
Quality of Written responses Written responses are Written Written responses Student did not
Writing/Proofreading are free of largely free of responses include contain numerous attempt activity
20 % grammatical, grammatical, spelling or some grammatical, spelling or
spelling or punctuation errors. The grammatical, punctuation errors. The
punctuation errors. style of writing spelling or style of writing does not
The style of writing generally facilitates punctuation facilitate effective
facilitates communication. errors that communication.
communication. distract the
Timeliness/Frequency Meets posting All required posts with All required posts Missing required posts Student did not
10 % timeline guidelines no more than one late. with several late and/or all late. attempt activity.
in syllabus or or missing
special assignment. required posts.
- Points are awarded “Per Forum Post”.
- 100 points = 1 mark

Writing Assignment Rubric

Criteria Below Expectations Proficient Exemplary

Reasoning and Weak reasons and/or Reasons support answers with some / an Clear and accurate answers; insightful,
Analysis irrelevant or confusing important reason(s) overlooked; general specific.
reasons given that don't examination and assessment.
40% support the answers;
incomplete answers.

Focus on Topic Some of the documentation The answers are not as detailed and/or concise as Answers address the questions clearly and
relates to the assigned topic; needed; and/ or use limited course vocabulary. fully, showing higher level analysis and
20 % misuses or uses limited course synthesis of concepts and uses course
vocabulary. vocabulary.
Accuracy of No direct quotes or "work All facts are accurate and relate back to the All facts are accurate and relate back to
Facts and consulted" used or referred to answer, yet there was a disproportionate amount the answer. Provided 2-5 citations
Citations in the paper. Incorrect facts of opinion based statements then facts. Provided throughout paper using the text,
and / or citations. 2-5 citations throughout paper using the text, interview and or other related
10% interview and or other related documentation. documentation.

Mechanics/ Numerous errors, paper hard Enough errors to distract the reader; organization Use of correct grammar, spelling, and
Organization to read; questions are not problems; questions not stated before answers; punctuation; well organized; one idea
stated before answers; format and / or format difficult to navigate. follows another in a logical sequence with
10 % details are not adhered to. clear transitions; questions stated before
answers; format easy to navigate.

Article Review Rubrics

Criteria Exemplary Effective Minimal Unsatisfactory

Content of In depth and well organized Content is adequately Content is minimally Content is not organized
content organized and comprehensive organized Length requirement is not
Meets length requirement Length requirement is met Length requirement is not met; poor content
50% with quality content with adequate content met; minimal content Incomplete summary
Excellent summary Adequate summary Basic summary Evidence of plagiarism
Appropriate Relevant to assigned subject Relevant to assigned subject Minimal relevance to assigned Not relevant to assigned
Topic matter and peer interest matter subject matter subject matter
Article content exceeds Article content meets Article content fails to meet Fails to meet content
25% requirements expectations all requirements requirements

Article has great significance Article has some significance Article has little significance Article has no significance
Student summary exceeds Student summary meets Summary meets minimal Summary does not meet
Significance to average peer perspective and project expectations expectations minimal expectations
Class / understanding Some understanding of Little understanding of No understanding of article’s
Relativity to Student displays article’s relevance to topic article’s relevance to topic relevance
understanding of article’s
relevance to topic

Article Article formatted well Article formatted above Article attached to summary No article
Submission Display of article includes average Partial documentation of
correct citation Display of article includes article
10% correct citation

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