BA6110 Datasheet With SIP 9

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Standard ICs Voltage controlled operational amplifier BA6110/BA6110FS ‘The 8A6110/BAB110FS is @ low-noise, ow-offset programmable operational ampitier, Offering superb linearity over ‘abroad rango, this IC Is cesignad so thatthe forward direction conductivity (Gn) Can be changed, making it ideal for ‘applications such as voltage control amplifiers (VCA), voltage control fiters (VCF} and vottage control oscillators (v00), Distortion reduction circuitry improves the signal-to-noise ratio by a significant 10d at a distortion rate of 0.59 in ‘comparison with products not equipped with this feature, When used as a voliage control amplifier (VGA), a high S/N ratio of 6 dB can be achieved at a distortion rate of 0.5%. ‘The open loop gain Is determined by the control current and an attached gain determining resistance AL, enabling a wide range of sttings. Inaddition, a buit.n lon-mpedance output butler circuit reduces the number of atachments, @Appiications Electronic volume controts \Vottage-contralies impedances \Voltage-controlled ampitiers (VCA) Voltage-controled titers (VCF) Voltage controled oscilators (VCO) ‘Mulipliers ‘Sample holds Schmit tiggers @Features 4) Lowdistortion. (built-in low distortion reduction 4). Built output butter. bias ciode) 55) Variable gm with superb linearity across three de- 2) Lownoise, cade elds 3) Low offset volage. (Ve=3mVau) (@Block diagram Bacto asrr0rs nowm 191 i t i b i ‘Operetona!amplfore/ Comparators Standard ICs BA6110/BA6110FS jintanal circuit configuration diagram gw 1o abate ‘urour ® Naga t ® @x wosibon io (@ Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25) Parameter ‘Synbol_[ unite [Unit Power supply vtage Ve 3 v BAGTIO 3007 Power despaton TOFS Pa 300 |W ‘Operating werporature Top | 20-70 [© ‘Storage temperature ee Maximum contol current ‘em 500 uA “ Recuced by En ar a6a)heaato Teo 5G ea0h AF. “2 Raced by Sa oranch ease Ta ot °C etch 25, ‘@ Electrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta=25T, Vee=15V, Ver=-15V) Parameter ‘Synbol | win] Typ. [Max ar Quiescent arent fe | 08] 80 | 60 Fea | “Pin 7 bias curent www | — oe 6 Fig Distorton THO | — [02 | + | % Jlonma=200¥8, vimbmVems | Fit Forward transmission conductance | gn _| 4800 | 8000 |12000| us |loowran=500 A Fie Pin Gmaximumoutputvolege || Vow | 12 | 14 | — | _V [leowmn=S00 A Figs Pin @maximamouioutvolage __[IVowi| 9 | 11 | — | v [Rma7eo Fig in 6 maximum output current Tow | [900 | 500 | 680 | 1A [teonman=500 4A Figs eee ora. =0 WA, BPE Residual raise + ve 94 | ~90 | com 30ers 258, e4B /0cr}| _ Fit See eer Teowmac=200sA, BPP Rest nse 2 VNe 74 | —66 | dBm eccne as. gee /ocr) | Pet oe Toomna200 4A, BPE Disconiuoss rice | vere 105 | 115 | 0B | a fob wos rocr) | Pet ae eorex 0 4, Vie 20K Leakage lovel jb oak? ene Fat 92 Standard ICs BA6110/BA6110FS @Measurement circuit “Pla rurmbos shown inthe gram ar or Pe BABI10. * @circuit contguration Fos (eference numbers inthe internal circuit configuration diagram are forthe BAB! 10} ‘The BAG110 is configured of an operational amplifier which can control he forward propagation conduc- tance (gn) using the control current, an input bias- compensating diode used to eliminate distortion created by the amplifiers diferential input, a bias set ter, and an output butter. In tho operational amplifier, Pin 1 isthe positive input and Pin 2is the negative input. Pin 4is the control pin which determines the cifferential current. Pin 6 is the output pin which determines the open loop gain using tho external resistor and the contro! curren. This section describes the circutt operation of this op- rational ampli. ‘Transistors Qis and Qrs form the differential input for the operational amplifier, while transistors Q; to Qu: are composed of the current mirror circuits. The currant ‘mirror absorbs current from the ciferential input com- ‘mon emitter which Is equal to the control current flow- Ing into the Pin 4 control pin. ifthe citfrential input Vn = Dat this point, then 1/2 Ic is supplied to the Qra and x collectors and the other half passes through the ‘current mirors (3) and (4). The output of curent mitror (@} which is the differential activo load is inverted by Current mirror (6), and is balanced withthe output of ‘current mirror (4), also an active load. the differential input changes, the current balance ‘changes. The output currentis on Pin 6. An output voltage can be generated using an external resistance, For the open loop gain ofthis operational amplifier, i ‘the Pin 4 control current is ICONTROL and the Pin 6 extemal resistance is Re, then Ay) =gn"Ro= To eliminate the distortion created by the diferentiain- ‘put, the input bias Giode and its bias circult consist of the following : bias diodes D; and De, current mirrors (1) and (2), andthe Pin 3 bias pin current mirror tat consists of the transistors Q: to Qe and the resistance Ri, This cirout eliminates the cistotion that occurs as ‘result of using the differentia input open loop. In the buffer crcult, Pin 7s the butter input and Pin Bis the buffer output Inthe butfor circu, the emitter follower consists of the ‘active load of the NPN transistor, Qv, and its active load, Ow. The Vr difference created by the emitter fot lower is eliminated by the emitter follower which con- sists ofthe PNP transistor Qe and resistor Pe. Also, the ‘gain is determined by the rail ofthe signal source re- sistance Rx and the diode impedance. 193 ‘Opetetonal ameities/ Comparators nm ‘tage cont opsratonal amples Standard ICs BA6110/BA6110FS Si @ Attachments (pin numbers are or tho BAS110) (1) Positive input (Pin 1) This is the differentia! positive input pin. To minimize the cistorion due tothe diode bias, an input resistor is ‘connected in series wit the signal source. By increas- ing the input resistance, distortion is minimized. How: ever, the degree of improvement for resistances great: er than 10k is about the same, An input resistance of 1k@ to 20K0 is recommended (2) Negative input (Pin 2} ‘This the clferential negatve input pin. tis grounded with roughiy the same resistance value as that of the postive input pin. The offset adjustment is also con- ected to this pin. Make sure a sutficientiy high rosis- tances used, 50 as not to disturb the balance of the input resistance {see Figure 9). (2) Input bias diode (Pin 3) ‘The input bias diode current (o) is determined by this pin ‘The IC input impedance when the diode is biased, it the clode bias currents 0, is expressed as follows 6 Toimay (* @ Application examples (pin numbers refer to the BAB! 10) (1) Figure 3 shons a votage-controlled amplifier (AM modulation) as an example of an application of the BATI0. By changing the louima current on Pin 4, the ditferen- tial gain canbe changed. The gain (AV), ifthe resis: tance of Pin 6is RO, is determined by the following equation = AW =o Rom Pe Good linearty can be achieved when contr three docades. By connecting Pin 3 to the Vee by way ofa resistor, the Inputs biased atthe diode and distortion is reduced. ‘The gain in his case is given by the diode impedance FRaand the ratio ofthe input resistance Fix, as shown in the folowing : Ay) =90"PoX leowmer (A) ing over Re FeXRn The diode impadance Re = (26 [le (mA)) @ , sothat the Pin3 bias current ID = (Vec- 1V)/PIN 3. The graph in Figure 3 shows the control current in elation to the (4) Control Pin 4) This pin controls the differential current. By changing the current which flows into this pin the gain ofthe t- ferential amplifier can be changed, (5) Output (Pin 6) Tne atfarental ampitier gain (AV) is determined by the resistor RO connected between the output terminal and the Pin 4 contro terminal, as follows looxreou (mA) Am 9nXRon a Ro Make sure the resistor is solocied based on the de- Sitod maximum output and gain, (8) Butter input (Pin 7) ‘The butfer input consists of tho PNP and NPN emitter {ollower, The bias current is normally about 0.8 yA. ‘Consequently, when used within a small region of con- trol current, we recommend using the high inputim- pedance FET bufier. (7). Butler output resistance (Pin 8) ‘An 11k@ resistors connected between Vee and the ‘output within the IC. When adding an external resis- tance between the GND and the output, make sure the resistor Pe = 33kQ. ‘open loop gain atthe diode bias. nthe same way, Fig- ture 4 shows the control current in relation tothe THD = 0.5% cutput atthe bas point Fig. 5 shows a graph of he control current in relation {o the open gain with no diode bias. Fig. 6 shows a graph of the control current in relation tothe SN rato Fig. 7 shows a graph ofthe diode bias current in rola tion tothe SN rato, Fig, 8 shows a graph ofthe power supply voltage char- acteristics. (2) Figure 9 shows alow pass fiter as an example of ‘an application ofthe BAB110. ‘The cutot frequency fo can be changed by changing the Pin 4 contol current. The cutoff requenoy cis expressed as ¢ Regn (RR) 226 ‘hiss attenuatod by -648/0CT. Fig. 10 shows a graph ofthe leva. in relation tothe cutput characteristics, fom 194 ‘Standard ICs BA6110/BA6110FS ‘@Application exampies (pin numbers refer to the BAB110) (3) Figure 11 shows a voltage-contrlled secondary low pass fiter as an example of an application of tne BABt10, The cutott frequency fo can be changed by changing the Pin 4 control curant. ‘This is attenuated by -1208/OCT. Fig. 12 shows a graph of the leone output character- Isic aeeapc = i im an * Pe numbers ae or he BAB110. Fig2 Voliage-contrlled ampli (electronic volume conto!) (@lectical characteristic curves Saha sath SB ’ 5 2 Seiten eq Sa g4 a a4 "fw | 5 8H 7 ir ice| 8 roe ieee cen Sm (o8 cero MEN 8 Fig.3 Open loop gain control Fig.4 THO 0.5% output controt Fig.5 Open loop gain controt current cane carci cuter cheratorate chrono Roum a Operation plies /Compartors nl Vottage conti operational amples Standard ICs BA6110/BAG110FS 8 é 5 2 cONTRE, CURR torn, (8 PLY VOCE: ie 0 76.8 SN rao - contol curent Fig7 SN raio- code bias curent _Fg.8 Maximum ouput volage- power charscorste characterste supply vltage characte 2 oF ae Baeii0 > 5 owr Fig Vottage conto low pess titer rreauencr tt Fig:10 Low pass titer charactristc i: Rexam Standard ICs BAG110/BA6110FS @Elecvical characteristic cuve Fig: Votago-controled secondary low pase fitor Fig:12 Secondary low pass iter chavectorstics (@£xteral dimensions (Units: mm) aastto BasH0FS siP9 SSOP - A16 ‘Operatonal apie Comparators Hl Votage conto operational amplifiers Notes ‘The contents dascribad inthis catalogue are correct as of March 1997. No unauthorized transmission or reproduction ofthis book, either in whole or in part, is pormtted. © The contants ofthis book are subject to change without notice. Always verily before use that the contents are the latest specifications. If, by any chance, a defect should arise in the equipment as a result of use without verication ofthe specications, ROHM CO.,LTD, ‘can beer no responsibilly whatsoever. © Application circuit diagrams and circuit constants contained in this data book are shown ‘as examples of standard use and operation. When designing for mass production, please ‘pay careful attonton to peripheral concftions. © Anyand all data, including, but not imitad to application circult diagrams, information, and vvrious data, described inthis catalogue are intended only as ilustrations of such devices and not as the specifications for such devices. ROHM CO., LTD., disclaims any warranty ‘that any use of such device shall be free from infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes absolutely no labity n the ‘event of any such infingement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of uch devices. © Upon the gale of any such devices; other than for the buyers right to use such devices itso, resell oF otherwise dispose of the same; no express or implied right or license to practice or commerelally explot any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights ‘owned or controlled by ROHM CO.,LTD, is granted to any such buyer. © The products in this manual are manufactured with siicon as the main materi © The products in this manual are not of radiation resistant design. ‘The products listed in this catalogue are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equip- iment or devices (euch es audio-visual equipmont, office-automation equipment, communiea- tions devices, electrical appliances, and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these prod- ucts with equinment oF devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the ‘malfunction of which would élrectly endanger human life (euch as medical instruments, trans~ portation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controliers, or oth- ‘er safety devices) plesse bo sur to consult with our sales representatives in advance, © Notes when exporting + itis essential to obtain export permission when exporting any of the above products ‘when it fais under the category of stratagic material (or labor) as determined by foreign ‘exchange or foreign rade control laws, + Please be sure to consult with our sales representatives to ascertain whether any prod: vets classified as a strategic material.

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