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Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 1

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

1. A started a business by investing Rs. 36,000. After
4 month B joined him with some investment. At the
pkj nw èkokyksaus, d pkjkxkg fdjk; si j fy; kAM us16
end of the year, the total profit was divided between xk; ksadks3 ekg rd] N us20 xk; ksadks4 ekg rd] O
them in the ratio of 9 : 7 how much capital was in- us18 xkk; ksadks6 ekg rd rFkkP us42 xk; ksadks2 ekg
vested by B in the business? rd pjk; kA; fn fdjk; sdhjkf' k esaM dk fgLl k 2400
A ,d O ; ki kj dh ' kq
: v kr esadq y 36000 #- dhi w ¡t h #- gS ] rksKkr djsaO dk fgLl k D; k gksxk\
fuos'k djrk gS A4 ekg dsckn B dq Niw ¡t hfuos'k dj 7. Mr. A opened a workshop investing 40,000. He invested
ml O;ki kj esa' kkfey gkst krk gSrFkk 1 o"kZdsv Ur esa additional amount of 10,000 every year. After two years his
osnksuksaØe' k%9 %7 dsv uq i kr esaykHk i zkIr djrsgS A
a Student B joined him with an amount of 85,000. There after
B did not invest any additional amount. On completion of
Kkr djsaB usfdruh i w ¡t h fuos'k dh\ four year form the opening of workshop they earned an
2. A started some business with Rs. 26000. After 3 amount of 1,95,000. What will be A's share in the earning.-
months B joined him with Rs. 16,000. After some A us40]000 # dhi w ¡t hfuos'k djds, d odZ ' kkW
i ' kq
more time C joined them with Rs. 25,000. At the end dhAml usi zR;sd o"kZ10]000 v frfjDr fuos'k fd, A2
of the year, out of a total profit of Rs. 15,453, C gets
Rs 3825 as his share. How many month after B joined o"kZdsckn ml dk f' k"; B 85]000 #- fuos'k dj ml
the business. did C join? O;ki kj esa' kkfey gksx; k rFkk B usdksbZv frfjDr jkf' k
fuos'kughadhAodZ ' kkW
i dh' kq
#v kr ds4 o"kZckn i zkIr
A us26]000 dhi w ¡t hfuos'kdjds, d O;ki kj ' kq : fd; k 1]95]000 #- dsdq y ykHk esaA dk fgLl k D; k gksxk\
3 ekg dsckn B 16000 #- fuos'k dj ml O;ki kj esa
' kkfey gksx; kAv kSj ml dsdqN l e; ckn C Hkh25]000 8. X and Y entered into a partnership, investing Rs.
16,000 and Rs. 12,000 respectively. After 3 months
fuos'k dj O;ki kj esa' kkfey gksx; kA; fn 15]453 #- ds X withdrew3 Rs. 5000, while Y invested 5000 more.
ykHk esaC dk fgLl k3825 #- gSrksKkr djsaC usB ds After 3 months more Z joins the business with a capital
' kkfey gksusdsfdrusekg ckn O ; ki kj esai zos'k fd; k\ of Rs. 21,000. After a year they obtained a profit of
Rs. 26,400. By what amount does the share of Y ex-
3. A, B and C started a business w3ith their invest- ceed the share of Z.
ments in the ratio 1 : 2 : 4. After 6 month A invested
the half amount more as before and B invested same X rFkk Y usØe' k%16]000 #- rFkk12]000 #- dhi w ¡t h
1 fuos'k djds, d O ; ki kj ' kq
# fd; kA3 ekg dsckn X us
the amount as before while C withdrew th of the
4 5]000 #- oki l fudky fy, t cfd Y us5]000 #- v kS j
their investments. Find the ratio of their prfits at the fuos'k fd, Aml ds3 ekg dsckn Z 21]000 fuos'k dj
end of the year. ml O ; ki kj esa' kkfey gksx; kAKkr djsa26]400 dsokf"kZ d
A, B rFkk C usv i uh i w ¡t h fuos'k djds, d O;ki kj ykHk esaY dk fgLl k] Z dsfgLl sl sfdruk vfèkd gS \
' kq
: fd; kA6 ekg dsckn A usfuosf' kr i w ¡t hdk v kèkk 9. A, B and C are three partners in a business. A,
v fèkd Hkkx v kS j B usv i uh fuof' kr i w
¡t h dscjkcj w3hose money has been used for 4 months, Claims
èkujkf' kv kS
j fuos'kdh] t cfd C usv i uhfuosf' kr i w¡t h 1/8 of the profit, B whose money has been used for
6 months, claims 1/3 of the profit. C had invested
1 Rs. 1560 for 8 months. How much money did A and
dk Hkkx oki l fudky fy; kAKkr djso"kZdsv Ur B contribute?
esamUgsafdl v uq
i kr esaykHk feysxk\ A, B rFkkC us, d O ; ki kj ' kq
# fd; kAA usv i uhi w
¡t h
4. A started a business with Rs. 52,000 and after 4 4 ekg dsfy, fuos'kdj dq y ykHkdk1/8 Hkkx i zkIr
month B joined him with Rs. 39000. At the end of fd; k rFkk B usv i uh i w ¡t h 6 ekg dsfy, fuos'k dj
the year, out of the total profit B received total dq y ykHkdk 1/3 Hkkx i zkIr fd; kAC us1560 #- dh
20,000 including 25% of the profit as comission iw
¡t h8 ekg dsfy, fuos'k dhAKkr dhft , A rFkk B
for managing the business. What amount did A re- usfdruh i w¡t h fuos'k dh\
A us, d O ; ki kj dh' kq
: vkr esa52]000 #- dhi w ¡t hfuos'k 10. A, B and C are three partners in a business. The
profit and B's share is 3/16 of the profit and B's
dhA4 ekg dsckn B 39]000 dh i w ¡t h fuos'k dj ml share is 1/4 of the profit. If B receives Rs. 243, then
O; ki kj esa' kkfey gksx; kAo"kZdsvUr esaO;ki kj l a pkyu ds the amount received by B will be:
fy, dq y ykHkdk25» l fgr 20]000 #- dkdq y fgLl k , d O;ki kj esaA, B rFkk C rhu l k>snkj gS
] A dk
B dksfn; k x; kAKkr djs a
AA dksfdruk ykHk feysxk\ ykHkka
' kdq
y ykHkdk3/16 gS arFkkB dkykHkka' kdqy
5. Anuj kumar makes a profit of 9,00,000, 20% of which ykHk dk 1/4 gS A; fn C dks243 #- dk ykHkka
a ' k feyk
is paid as taxes. If the rest is divided among the partners rksB dksfdruh jkf' k feyh\
1 11. A, B and C become partners in a business. A
P' Q and R in the ratio of 1 : 1 : 2, then the shares of P,,
2 1
Q and R are respectively: contributes of the capital for of the time B
3 4
v uq
t dq ekj 9]00]000 # dk ykHk dekrh gSft l ds contributes 1/5th of the capital for 1/6th of the time
20» Hkkx dkHkqxrku dj ds: i esafd; kt krk gS
A; fn and C the rest of the capital for the whole time. If the
profit is Rs. 1,820, then the A's share in profit is:
' ks"k ykHk P, Q rFkk R dksØe' k%1 : 1 : 2 ds A, B rFkkC , d O; ki kj esal k>snkj cursgS AA i w
a ¡t hdk
v uq i kr esafn; k t krk gS
] rksKkr djsai zR;sd dk fgLl k 1/3 Hkkx] 1/4 l e; dsfy, ns r k gSrFkk B i w ¡t hdk
D; k gS \ 1/5 Hkkx] 1/6 l e; dsfy, ns r k gSv kS
j ' ks"k i w ¡t hC
j sl e; dsfy, nsrk gS A; fn dq
y ykHk 1820 #- dk
6. Four milkmen rented a pasture. M put to graze gS
] rksA dk ykHkka
' k Kkr djsa
16 cows for 3 months and N 42 cows for 4 months,
O 18 cows for 6 months and P 42 cows for 2 12. A and B enter into partnership investing Rs. 48,000
months. If M's share of rent be Rs. 2400, the rent and Rs. 60,000 respectively. After 3 months, A with-
paid by O is.- draws Rs. 8,000 while B invests Rs. 6,000 after 6
months of starting of business. Out of the total amount
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 2

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

of profit, if a gets Rs. 12,000 as his share at the end okf"kZ
d nj l sC;kt ysxk t ksykHk esal sgh fn; k t k, xk
of the year total profit is : rFkk ' ks"k ykHk osfuosf' kr i w
¡t hdsv uq
i kr esack¡Vsxsa
A; fn
A rFkk B us , d O ; ki kj esaØe' k%48]000 #- rFkk , d o"kZdsv Ur esadq y 32940 dk ykHk gq v k gks] rks
60]000 #- dk fuos'k fd; kA3 ekg dsckn A, 8000 ml esal sA dk fgLl k D; k gksxk\
fudky ysrk gSt cfd O;ki kj ' kq # gksusds6 ekg dsckn 18. A and B entered into a partnership, investing Rs
B 6000 #- v kS
j fuos'kdjrkgS A; fn o"kZdsvUr esadq
y 16,000 and Rs 12,000 respectively. After 3 months,
ykHkesal sA dks12000 #- feyk] rksdq y ykHkKkr djsa
\ 'A' withdrew Rs 5000, while 'B' invested Rs 5000
more. After 3 months more, C joins the business
13. M, P and Q together started a business. M invested Rs. with a capital of Rs 21,000. After a year, they
6,500 for 6 months, P invested Rs. 8,400 for 5 months obtained a profit of Rs 26,400. By what amount does
and Q invested Rs. 10,000 for 3 months. M is working the share of B exceed the share of C?
member for which he gets 5% of total profit extra. If the
total gain is Rs. 7,400, then Q's share is :
19. Sita and Gita enter into a partnership. Sita
M, P rFkk Q usfeydj , d O;ki kj ' kq
: fd; kAM us contributes Rs 5,000 while gita contributes Rs
6 eghusdsfy, 6500 #- dkfuos'kfd; k] P us5 eghus 4,000. After 1 monts, Gita Withdraws 1/4th part
dsfy, 8400 #- dkfuos'kfd; k rFkkQ us3 eghusds of her conntribution and after 3 months from
the starting Sita puts Rs 2,000 more. When Gita
fy, 10]000 #- dk fuos'k fd; k 1 O;ki kj l a
Hkkyusds widhdraws her money at the same time, Rita
fy, M dksdq y ykHk dk 5» Hkh feyrk gS A; fn dqy alos joins them with Rs 7,000. If at the end of
ykHk 7400 #- gS
] rksQ dk fgLl k Kkr djsa \ 1 year there is a profit of Rs 1,218, What will
be share of Rita in the profit?
14. A and B started a business by investing Rs. 36000
and Rs. 45000 respectively. After 4 months B
withdraws 4/9 of his investment. Its 5 months 20. B is a sleeping partner and A working. A puts in Rs
After she again invested 11/9 of its original in- 1
vestment. If the total earned profit at the end of 5,000 and B puts in 6,000. A received 12 % of
the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more 2
money as a share of profit and how much? profit for managing the business and rest is divided
in propoftion to their capitals. A's share of profit in
A v kS
j B fdl hO;ki kj esaØe' k%36000 #- rFkk45000 a profit of Rs 880 is
#- yxkrkj ' kq
#v kr djrhgsA4 eghusckn B v i uhi w ¡t h
dk 4/9 Hkkx fudyk ysrh gS Aml ds5 eghusckn og 21. A and B enter into partnership. A supplies whole of
v i uhewy iw¡t hdk 11/9 Hkkx i qu%fuos'k dj nsrhgS A the capital amounting to Rs 45,000 with the
; fn o"kZdsv Ur esa117240 dk ykHk gks] rksykHk esal s condition that the profit are to be equally divided
fdl dksv kS
j fdrus#i ; sv fèkd i zkIr gksa
xs\ and that B pays A interest on half of the capital at
10% per annum, but recives, Rs 120 per month for
15. A, b and C started a business by investing Rs. carrying on the concern. When B's income is one-
24,000, Rs. 32000 and Rs. 18000 respectively. A half of A's income their total yearly profit is
and B are active partners and get 15% and 12% of
total profit and remaining profit is to be distributed 22. A, B and C entered into a partnership by investing
among them in the ratio of their investment. If C Rs 12,000, Rs 15,000 and Rs 18,000, respectively.
got total Rs. 65700 as a profit, what was the total A is also a working partner and getting 15% of the
amount of profit? annual profit for his work. If B and C got Rs 8,500
A, B rFkk C , d O ; ki kj esaØe' k%24]000 #] 32000 and Rs 10,200, respectively from the annual profit
as their shares, what amount did A get from the
# rFkk 18000 # fuos'k djrsgS A A rFkk B l fØ;
a annual profit?
l k>snkj gSrFkk mudksdq y ykHk dk Øe' k%15» rFkk
12» i zkIr gksrkgS A' ks"kykHkdksmuds}kjkfuosf' kr i w ¡t hds23. A, B and C enter into partnership in a business with
vuq i kr esack¡Vfn; kt krkgS A; fnC dksdq
y 65700 # i zkIr capitals of Rs 5,000, Rs 6,000 and Rs 4,000
gqv kgks] rksKkr dhft , fd ykHk dhdq y jkf' k D; kFkh\ respectively. A gets 30 percent of the profit for
managing the business and balance is divided in
16. A and B started a business in part nership by investing proportion to their capitals. At the end of the year,
Rs. 10,000 condition of part nership is that B got Rs. A gets Rs 200 more than B and C together. Find the
100 per month for management of the business. After total profit.
paying 5% interest on the capital annual profit has dis-
tributed in the ratio of their investment. Find the share
of their profit, If the annual profit is Rs. 4000. 24. A and B invest Rs 60,000 and Rs 80,000 in a
business. A receives Rs 100 per month out of Porfit
A v kSj B , d O;ki kj esaØe' k%10]000 #- v kS j 4000 for running the business and the rest of the profit is
#- d hi w¡t hfuos'k d jr sgS a
Al k>snkjhd h' krZgSfd B divided in the ratio of investment. If A receives Rs
dksO;ki kj d h ns[kHkky d sfy, 100 i zfr ekg feysa xsA 3,900 annually, B receives.
d iw ¡t h i j 5» i zfr o"kZdh nj l s C;kt dk
Hkxqrku djusd sckn ykHk d ksmud s}kjk yxk; h x; h 25. A and B enter into a partnership. A puts in the whole
t¡ hdsv uq i kr esack¡V fn; k t k, A4000 #- dsokf"kZ
d capital of Rs 45,000 on the condition that the profits
will be equally divided after which B will pay A
ykHk esal si zR;sd d k fgLl k Kkr dhft , \ interest on half the capital at 10% p.a. and receive
17. Three partners invested Rs. 42000, Rs. 48000 Rs 60 per month from A for carrying on the concern.
and Rs. 32000 respetively. partnership condition What is the yearly profit, if B's income is half of A's
is that, each will the get interest on his capital at income?
the rate of 7% p.a. and the reamining profit will be
divided in the ratio of their capitals. If at the end 26. A and B enter into a partnership with Rs 50,000 and
of the year the total profit is Rs. 32940, then find Rs 60,000 respectively. C joins them after x months
the share of A in profit.- contributing Rs 70,000 and B leaves x months before
the end of the year. If they share the profit in the
fdl h O;ki kj esarhu l k>snkj A, B rFkk C Øe' k% ratio of 20 : 18 : 21. then find the value of x.
42000 #- 48000 # rFkk 32000 # fuos'k djrsgS A
l k>snkjh dh ' krZ; g gSfd i zR;sd v i uh i w
¡t h i j 7»
Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 3

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

1.Rs. 42000 2. Rs. 3 3. 5 : 12 : 14
4. Rs. 20000 5. Rs. 160000, Rs. 240000, Rs. 320000
6. Rs. 5400 7. Rs.110000 8. Rs. 36000
9. Rs.720, Rs. 180 10. Rs. 108 11. Rs. 260
12. Rs. 30000 13. Rs. 1900 14. B, Rs. 13560
15. Rs. 370000 16. Rs. 2000 each 17. None of these
18. ... 19. Rs. 488.7 20. Rs. 460
21. Rs. 9180 22.Rs. 11300 23. Rs. 3000
24. Rs. 3600 25.Rs. 9180 26. 3

Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 5

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar


9:30am to 11am 6:30pm to 8pm

4 oct.
11 am to 12:30 pm

3 1

Contact No. : 9555202436, 9716761136 6

630, 3rd Floor Near Aggarwal Sweets Mukherjee Nagar

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