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A History of Sand Control in the Teak Field

D. J. Likwartz, SPE-AIME, Amoco International Oil Co.

Amoco Trinidad Oil Co. discovered the Teak field, lo- The sand distributions obtained by sieve analysis
cated 25 miles off the east coast of Trinidad (see Fig. were then used to determine the proper size screens and
1); in Sept. 1968, and production began from four wells gravel to be used. Based on the sand distributions
on the Teak A platform ip Jan. 1972. As of March 1 , shown in Fig. 2, initial recommendations calied for the
197 5, 34 wells had beeri drilled from three platforms to use of three sand-control systems. These were an un-
develop the field. Some type of sand control had been packed 0.008- to 0.015- to 0.025-in. triple-wrap screen,
installed in 28 of these wells. Amoco Trinidad has two a 0.016-in. single-wrap screen packed with 0.017- to
other oil fields on production - Samaan and Poui 0.033-in. gravel, and a 0.020-in. single-wrap screen
- but neither has experienced any significant sand packed with 0. 040-' to 0. 060-in. gravel.
problems. Other methods tested included several additional
The Teak field is a highly faulted anticlinal structure single-wrap screen and gravel combinations as well as
containing 40 productive fault blocks. The sands and both unpacked and packed triple-wrap screens. The cur-
shales in this north-south trending anticline were de- rent techniques involve packing 0.020-in. single-wrap
posited by the Orinoco River in Venezuela .. The Teak screens with 0.040- to 0.060-in. angular gravel in both
field contains 14 oil-productive horizons of Pliocene open-hole ahd cased-hole completions.
and Miocene age found at depths ranging from 4,200 to
12,200 ft. The shallowest eight horizons are unconsoli- Initial Triple-Wrap Screen Compietions
dated sands requiring sand control. Starting with the Two types of sand control were initially used in
shallowest horizon, these sands are named T, T -1 , U, Trinidad from late 1971 until mid-1972. One type was
MM-0/1, MM-0/2, MM-1/2, MM-2, and MM-4; the an unpacked 0.008- to 0.015- to 0.025-in. triple-wrap
first three of these have the most severe sarid problems. screen (see Fig. 3) developed by Amoco Production Re-
The sands are among the finest grained discovered search Co .1 and the other was a single-wrap screen with
anywhere and are often appropriately compared with a gravel pack. The theory behind the triple-wrap screen
talCum powder. As seen in Fig. 2, 10 to 29 percent of was that the formation would "self-pack" around the
the fiiles will pass through a 0.0017-in. screen opening, screens as" the well was produced. The multiple wraps
which is the smallest screeri size used in a standard of different gauge openings were expected to bridge the
sieve analysis. Composite sand samples obtained from largest sand grains at the outer screen, intermediate size
rubber sleeve cores were used in these sieve analyses. grains at the middle screen, and the smallest grains at
Since rubber sleeve cores can be recovered in a rela- the innermost screen. Thus, the 3 or 4 days of expen-
tively undisturbed state, these samples are considered to sive rig time required for a conventional gravel pack
be the best for distribution analysis. would be eliminated.

In the Teak field, extensive testing over a 3 Vz-year period has resulted in techniques that keep
sand production to a trace while allowing the wells to be produced at rates exceeding 5,000
BOPD; As of March 1975, these sand-control methods have enabled production of 44 million
bbl of oil from eight unconsolidated sand horizons.


Triple-wrap screens were run in 8 of the first 13 wells face samples. As of March 1 , 197 5, each of these three
completed in the Teak field (Table 1). Since the wells wells had produced an additional 2.7 to 2.9 million bbl
had been completed with 9%-in. production casing, the of oil without significant sand problems.
triple-wrap screens were wrapped on 4V2-in. tubing. The triple-wrap screens in Teak A No. 11 were pulled
This provided a 2-in. annular space to be packed with when the well sanded up after producing 2,126,000 bbl
formation sand. of oil over an 18-month period. Six holes were found
At first, a number of the triple-wrap screens appeared in the triple-wrap screens. Since Teak A No. 11 had a
to be working satisfactorily as 4,000 to 6,000 BOPD similar production history to the other three MM-0/1
were being produced with only a trace of sand from wells, a second set of triple-wrap screens were also run
Teak A Nos. 3, 10, 11, and 12 in the MM-0/1 horizon into this well. However, by this time research had con-
and Nos. 8 and 9 in the MM-1/2 and MM-2 horizons. cluded that a smaller-gauge screen should be used be-
However, during the next 9 months, triple-wrap screens cause of the large amount of fines in the formations. In
were retrieved from three of the MM-0/1 wells when it an effort to control these fines better, the new triple-
became necessary to pull the tubing strings to replace wrap screens had smaller openings with spacings of
the subsurface safety-valve equipment. A fourth well, 0.006- to 0.012- to 0.020-in. As of March 1, 1975,
Teak A No. 8, was worked over during the same period Teak A No. 11 has produced 1,111,000 bbl of oil since
to exclude water production. the workover.
Inspection of the triple- wrap screens as they were In contrast to the experience in the MM -0/1 and
pulled from the wells indicated that the annular space deeper horizons, the performance of the 0.008- to
between the triple-wrap screens and the casing had not 0.015- to 0.025-in. triple-wrap screens in Teak A Nos.
been completely packed with formation sand as desired. 5 and 6 in the shallower T-1 and U horizons was com-
As seen in Table 1 , 5 to 10 holes were found in each set pletely unsatisfactory. In fact, the triple-wrap screen in
of triple-wrap screens from these four wells and several Teak A No. 6 failed after only 21 days of production.
had only a 0.25-in.-thick sheath of tightly packed for- This is probably because of the lower clay content of
mation sand around them. the T-1 and U horizons compared with the MM-0/1.
Identical 0.008- to 0.015- to 0.025-in. triple-wrap The MM-0/1 horizon is also more consolidated because
screens were rerun in the three MM-0/1 wells since they it is deeper and is composed of interbedded sands and
had each produced in excess of 1,000,000 bbl of oil shales, while the T -1 and U horizons are massive clean
with only trace amounts of sand being detected in sur- sands.
Fig. 4 is a picture of one of these screens taken im-
mediately after it was pulled from the well. The holes in
the screen correspond to the spacing and phasing of the
perforations. The triple-wrap screens pulled from Teak
A Nos. 5 and 6 contained 48 and 13 holes, respectively.
In addition, these two wells produced substantial quan-
tities of sand that eroded numerous choke assemblies
and several flowlines and helped fill up the separators
and 16-in. pipeline to shore.
Initial Gravel-Pack Completions
The other type of sand control used initially consisted
of gravel packing the annulus between a single-wrap
Fig. 1 -Amoco Trinidad operations. screen and the production casing. As seen in Table 2,
various combinations of screen and gravel size were
tried in the five wells. None of these combinations
Cumulative Weight Percent
100 100 prove-d satisfactory. Teak A No. 2 sanded up four times
90 MM-1/2Sand 0 90

80 ~----~U~S_a_n_d~0----~~-----4 80
MM-01 Sand b.
70 70
60 ~----------------+;----..:'------4 60 Gauge Spacing Lugs

50 50
40 ~--------------~~~-----4 40
Outer Wrap
30 30
Middle Wrap
20 ~--------------*-~-------4 20
Inner Wrap
10 10

~ :Z ~s; ~~ i ~~N~
a <:! <:!a aa q aaaa
Screening Opening, Inches
Fig. 2 - Sieve analysis for Trinidad sand. Fig. 3- Sketch of triple-wrap screen.

SEPTEMBER, 1976 973

Producing Cumulative Screen
Life Production Average Perforations Gauge
Horizon (months) (thousand bbl) (BOPD) (ft) ~ Comments
Teak A-3 MM-0/1 9 1,166 4,320 60 0.008 Ten holes in screens.
Teak A-3 MM-0/1 28V2· 2,928 3,385 60 0.008 Still producing.
Teak A-5 T-1 17 671 (oil) 1,340 98 0.008 One sand cleanout and a
184i(water) workover. 48 holes in screens.
Teak A-6 u 4V2 32 400 69 0.008 Shut in 4 months - sanded
up twice; 13 holes in screens.
Teak A-8 MM-1/2 6 480 (oil) 2,630 78 0.008 Two sand cleanouts and a
40 (water)l workover. Five holes in
Teak A-9 MM-1/2 and 2 36 3,390 3,120 68 0.008 Still producing.
Teak A-10 MM-0/1 8V2· 1,025 4,020 85 0.008 Nine holes in screens.
Teak A-10 MM-0/1 28 2,715 3,185 85 0.008 Still producing.
Teak A-11 MM-0/1 18 2,126 3,940 66 0.008 One sand cleanout. Six holes
in screens.
Teak A-11 MM-0/1 17 1'111 2,150 66 0.006 Still producing.
Teak A-12 MM-0/1 8V2· 1,018 3,990 75 0.008 Five holes in screens.
Teak A-12 MM-0/1 26 2,760 3,500 75 0.008 Still producing.

and Teak A No. 6 sanded up once, while Teak A No. 4 telltale joint, a retrievable gravel-pack packer, and a
and Teak B No. 5 had low flow rates and low flowing crossover assembly. The gravel-pack assemblies were
tubing pressures. Teak A Nos. 2 and 6 also periodically run on well cleaned tubing or drillpipe using a min-
produced substantial amounts of sand that created imum amount of pipe dope to prevent plugging of
numerous problems with surface facilities. the screens .
During this initial period we also observed, as others 2 The crossover technique was used with a 2¥s-in.
had previously, that water production tended to aggra- wash string run inside the single-wrap screen to within a
vate or create sand problems in the wells. A good few feet of the bull plug. Upon screenout, the running
example of this was Teak A No. 7, which had been string was pulled up far enough to allow excess gravel
completed without sand control and produced little sand to be reversed out of the hole. After waiting 1 hour, the
until water production began, whereupon the well im- running string was restung into the packer and the
mediately sanded up and died. A workover to shut off gravel pack was pressure tested again. If the test was
water and gravel pack the well was only partially suc- satisfactory, the running string was retrieved and the
cessful, so Teak A No. 7 was subsequently recompleted 41h-in. completion string was run. On the other hand,
to the MM-1/2 horizon. if fluid could be pumped into the well at pressures
Another example of the phenomenon was observed in significantly lower than the screenout pressure, addi-
Teak A No. 1, which had been completed in the MM-2
horizon, also without sand control. This well produced
624,000 bbl of oil over a period of 11 months with no
problems. However, once water cut increased to 30
percent, Teak A No. 1 started to produce sand. A suc-
cessful water shut-off was performed in Sept. 1973,
after the well had produced 936,000 bbl of oil.
Since the horizons are fresh-water sensitive, filtered
sea water containing 10-percent calcium chloride was
used to carry the gravel in all the wells except Teak B
No. 5, where SF-100 was used. SF-100 is a blown as- ·
phalt oil-base fluid containing emulsifiers, viscosifiers,
and filtration control materials. SF-100 was tried be-
cause it has a higher viscosity and, thus, better carrying
capacity than the filtered sea water; and because its fil-
trate loss is diesel, it does not cause clay swelling.
Five-micron elements were used in the filter units and
these elements were inspected after every gravel-pack
While gravel packing Teak A No. 2, we added lost
circulation material (asbestos) to control high fluid loss ..
It subsequently took 3 months to get the well to flow.
This experience lends support to the theory advanced by
others 3- 5 that any fluid used in gravel packing must be
completely solids-free to prevent plugging at the forma-
tion gravel-pack interface.
The gravel-pack assemblies consisted of a bull plug
on bottom, ribbed single-wrap screen wrapped on Fig. 4-:- Triple-wrap screen recovered from Teak A-6,
41h-in,. tubing, one or two blank joints of tubing, a April1972.


tiona! gravel was placed until a satisfactory pack was ing of sand of different sizes reduces permeability sub-
obtained. stantially and can cause plugging of the perforations.
The total well production must then flow through suc-
Research Project cessively fewer perforations at ever-increasing ve-
The failure of the first two sand-control methods to locities, eventually cutting out the screens. Amoco
control formation sand satisfactorily while allowinR Trinidad's experience indicated large pressure draw-
maximum well productivity prompted a re-evaluation of downs with the initial gravel packs supporting these
the entire problem. Because of the high cost of comple- conclusions. ·
tion and workover operations using the platform drilling The initial prepack was placed in concentrations of Vz.
rigs and the even more costly loss of production in the to ¥1. lb of gravel per gallon using SF-100 as the carry-
event of a sand-control failure, we decided to try to de- ing fluid. However, to minimize permeability reduction
termine optimum sand-control techniques in the lab- caused by the prepack gravel mixing with formation
oratory rather than in the field. As a result, Amoco sand, the slurry prepack technique or a modification of
Trinidad funded a 2lh-year research project to be con- it has been used on all wells since July 1973.
ducted by Amoco Production Research and assigned The slurry pack technique 12 involves suspending high
engineering personnel to work on it continuously, start- concentrations of gravel (up to 15 lb per gallon of fluid)
ing in June 1972. in a viscous fluid (200 to 1,000 cp) and pumping the
Since this research project was reviewed in a separate resulting slurry through the perforations at slow rates
technical paper, 6 none of the details will be discussed (0.5 to 1.0 bbl/min). The slow injection rate yields plug
here. However, reference will be made to the project. flow that reduces formation disturbance and minimizes
gravel and formation sand intermingling. A tackifying
Perforation· Washing agent such as Sanfix is used to provide enough adhe-
At the same time that the research project was getting siveness between gravel particles to allow pumping the
under way, three improvements were made to the mixture as a continuous slurry. Eight wells have been
sand-control procedures. Starting with Teak A No. slurry-prepacked using a high-viscosity (2,800 Saybolt
13 in Aug. 1972, all wells have had the perforations universal seconds), refined oil product called Texol K
washed 7•8 to ensure that all were open. A home-made as the carrying fluid.
tool with a 5-ft spacing between two sets of Guiber- In the modified slurry pack technique, a 250-cp vis-
son cups was used until a Halliburton SIP tool with cosity crude oil produced from the Guapo field in
1-ft spacing could be obtained. The perforations were Trinidad was used to place the gravel. The Guapo crude
washed a minimum of 5 min/ft starting with the bot- was tested for compatibility with the formation crude
tom perforation and progres!)ing upward. SF-100 was and for solids content before it was used in the field.
used to wash perforations in the first seven wells, but Gravel concentrations of 1 to 3 lb/ gal have been
filtered sea water has been used exclusively since the pumped at 0.25 to 1.0 bbl/min. So far, no difference in
beginning of 1973. The use of SF-100 was discontinued productivity has been detected for either prepack
to eliminate any possibility of creating an emulsion technique.
with the formation fluids, although no evidence of this In both methods the bottom 5 to 15 ft of perforations
had been found. were packed first using open-ended tubing or drillpipe;
then gravel· was dumped inside the casing to cover these
Prepacking perforations. Prepacking thus progressed upward in 10-
In conjunction with perforation washing, prepacking to 40-sack stages over similar intervals in an attempt to
with gravel behind the casing was instituted to prevent insure that all the perforations had been packed. All
formation sand from intruding into the annular gravel prepacking was done below the fracture pressure of the
pack. Hill 9 and others 10• 11 had found that this intermix- formations.


Producing Cumulative Perfo- Screen
Life Production Average rations Gravel Pack Gauge
_W_e_l_l_ Horizon (months) (thousand bbl) (BOPD) __l!!L Sacks s·ize (in.) ~ Comments
Teak A-2 U 30 1,811 1,985 60 81 0.040 to 0.060 0.012 Four sand cleanouts
and a workover.
Eight holes in
Teak A-4 MM-0/2 7 122 590 54 63 0.017 to 0.033 0.016 Shut in 1 month -
low flowing tubing
pressure. No holes
in screens.
Teak A-6 U 64 2,120 70 64 0.040 to 0.060 0.020 One sand cleanout
and shut in 6V2·
months. Three holes
in screens.
Teak A-7 MM-4 127 (oil) 980 20 38 0.040 to 0.060 0.020 Recompleted to
76 (water) MM-1 /2. Eight holes
in screen.
Teak B-5 T 180 (oil) 440 25 47 0.017 to 0.033 0.012 Shut in 4 months-
18 (water) low flowing tubing

SEPTEMBER, 1976 975

The prepacks were designed to place a minimum of
one sack of gravel per foot of perforations; however, as
seen in Table 3, this was only achieved about one-third
of the time.
Initially, a 0.012-in. single-wrap screen with a 0.017-
to 0.033-in. prepack and gravel pack was used in the
shallow U horizon (Teak A Nos. 6 and 8) and a 0.020-
in. single-wrap screen with a 0.017- to 0.033-in. pre-
pack and 0.040- to 0.060-in. gravel pack in the MM-0/1
and the deeper horizons (Teak A Nos. 4 and 14). How-
ever, the research project confirmed that the highest
flow capacity and lowest sand production were obtained
with prepacks using the larger gravel. Therefore, the
current combination used is a 0. 020-in. single-wrap
C\IOC\100 00000 00 000
screen and 0.040- to 0.060-in. prepack and gravel ,..-C\1,..-C\JC\1
pack for all horizons. Nine wells were completed in cicicicici ociooo oo coo
this manner.
0 MOMOO 00000 00 000
coco coco co coco coco co
00000 00000 00 000
Screen Centralization ci ooocio ooooo 00 coo
.8 . . .8.8 .8.8.8
The third improvement involved centralizing all screens 0
(single-wrap or triple-wrap), blank joints, and telltale 0
00000 00000 00
co coo
en 00000 00000
joints on both ends to obtain a more uniform ·pack z
around the entire gravel-pack assembly. This was coo MMO

deemed necessary because all the wells except Teak A ~


No. 1 were directional wells with an average deviation :E
0 0 0
of 23° from vertical. The centralizers provided a clear- · 0 a. a. a.
0 al al al
ance of 0. 1 in. less than the drift diameter of the 9%-in. c :::1
:::1 :::1
casing. In addition, the newest screens contained a third w
set of centralizers in the middle of each joint to provide 0 0
added stiffness and, thus, standoff. ~ 0
00000 000
ocicioo co ocici
A comparison of Tables 2 and 3 shows the marked .8 . . .8.8 .8.8.8
improvement in producing rates and the reduction in ~

sand problems resulting from the introduction of the 0 ooooo ociooo 00 coo
three improvements into the operations. In particular, "cz
<( ~~co,..._ co C:OC:OC\1010 C\10
this marked the first time that a well completed in the U u C\IC:O C\1 OLOLO C\1 MC\1
horizon had produced at rates exceeding 2,000 BOPD c &1.l -.:1' M
for any length of time without sanding up. In addition, 0 en
sand cut out fewer chokes and flowlines and the ~ 0
separators required cleaning out about half as often as w (5:S co,..._
0 C\I,...._OLOC\1
coco coco,..._
a: C\1 COC\1-.:1'
The recent Teak C No. 2 recompletion appears to be I ~
an exception to the good performance experienced with w 0 1000010 100000 00
..J 0 CO LOCOCO-.:!' C:OC:OOLOO mc:o
the 0.020-in. single-wrap screens and 0.040- to 0.060- m C\1 ,...._ocomo
C\1 C\1~~ C\1~
in. angular gravel. However, because of the extremely 1-
rapid sandups of 600 to 1,200 ft of 41h-in. tubing, we
believe that failure of the gravel-pack assembly itself
has occurred. This assembly will be replaced as soon as
a workover rig is available on the platform.
Additional Triple-Wrap Screen
Completions c:
Ol -en "'
"() a.>..c: ~
In addition to the original 0.008- to 0.015- to 0.025-in. :::1:!::: 'E C\1 C\1 O>LO
triple-wrap screens run in 1972, four more wells on the e E
a.. -
Teak C platform were completed with unpacked 0.006-
to 0.012- to 0.020-in. triple-wrap screens in early 1973. c:l ::>~
N -0C\1
Teak C No. 1 sanded up after producing only 3 months ·;::
and was worked over. The triple-wrap screens were ~ ::;;:
found to be plugged with sand and had 20 holes eroded
in them. Teak C No. 3 has sanded up twice and Teak C M-.:1'
coc:oc:o,..-,..- ~LO,..-C\1,...._ ,.....,.....,.....
<i:<i:<i:<i:<i: <(a)c.)c.)c.) c.) c.) c.)
No. 2 once. Teak C Nos. 1 and 2 were subsequently .::t:..::t:..::t:..::t:..::t:. .::t:..::t:..::t:..::t:..::t:. .::t:..::t:..::t:.

recompleted early this year when both zones had been alalalalal alalalalal alalal
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
Next, based on the field experience discussed above
and early results obtained in the research project, we
concluded that the triple-wrap screens would have to be hollow carrier with extended aluminum ports to achieve
packed to work satisfactorily. This type of completion minimum standoff. The theory of the extended port at-
still offered a savings of about 1 to 1% -days of rig time, tachment was that it would provide a chamber of ~ir
since a prepack was not used. Therefore, six wells were rather than a column of liquid through which to fire the
completed in this manner including Teak A No. 7, jet that would provide deeper penetration into the for-
which was packed twice with 0.030- to 0.050;:in. glass mation. The jets were phased 180° and yielded 0.75-
beads. (See Table 4.) in.-diameter hole-S. Eleven wells have been perforated
Four holes were found in the first triple-wrap screen with 4 JSPF using this gun. Eight of these were in
pulled from Teak A No. 7 and, although the well 9%-in. casing and three in 7-in. liners. A 12th well was
sanded up 2 months after the second glass-bead pack perforated with 8 JSPF to insure adequate penetration
was made, it had proquced 1,522,000 bbl of oil and through 13%-in. casing.
209,000 bbl of water as of March 1, 197 5. In fact, The other gun used was a 2 1/16-in. big-hole link jet
every one of the wells completed in this manner sanded perforator. This capsule-type gun was phased 1800 and
up at least once and Teak A No. 1 and Teak C No. 1 also yielded 0.75-in.-diameter holes. Three wells have
were also stimulateq with acid to improve productivity. been perforated with 4 JSPF and one well with 8 JSPF,
Finally, it was proved conclusively in the laboratory all in 9%-in. casing.
that an annulus pack by itself was not satisfactory for Before using these guns in Trinidad, both were
use in Trinidad because of the high pressure drop evaluated to determine hole size, depth of penetration,
through perforation~ filled with a mixture of formation and possible casing damage. Their performance has
sand and gravel. Since triple-wrap screen costs about been completely satisfactory and no evidence of casing
four times as much as screen, now triple- damage has been found.
wrap screens are run only in wells where the bottom-hole
pressure is too low to allow gravel packing. Two exam- Open-Hole Completions
ples of this were Teak A Nos. 4 and 8 shown in Table 4. The most significant improvement made was the intro-
duction of open-hole gravel packing with the comple-
Large-Diameter Perforating tion of Teak C No. 12 in July 1974. This technique had
In a further attempt to red~ce fluid velocity into the not been used before that time for a n].lmber of reasons.
well bore, 13,14 large-diameter jets to perforate all wells to The primary one was that the large number of faults in
be completed with sand-control equipment came into the Teak field made it extremely difficult to predict for-
use in mid-1973. We also felt that larger-diameter holes mation· tops accurately. Another important factor was
would make it easier to wash the perforations and pre- that almost all the sands were underlain ·by water and
pack the wells. Before that time, the wells had been there was a high risk of coning water that would be dif-
perforated with either 4-ln.-deep penetrating jets with ficult to shut off. This has indeed been a problem in
120° phasing or 5-in.-deep penetrating jets with 90° several wells. A third reason was that the producing
phasing. Both of these hollow carrier guns carried four mechanism of the reservoirs was unknown and solution
0.5-in. jet shots per foot (JSPF). gas drive reservoirs would result in high-GOR wells
One of the new guns consisted of a 5-in.-diameter that would be difficult to work over. Finally, most wells


Producing Cumulative Perfo- Screen
Life Production Average rations Gravel Pack Gauge
Well Horizon (months) (thousand bbl) (BOPD) _l!!L Sacks Size (in.) ~ Comments
Teak A-1 MM-2 17 394 670 10 38 0.040 to 0.060 0.006 One sand cleanout,
two acid
Teak A-4 MM-0/2 9 284 1,050 54 None 0.006 Now on gas lift.
Teak A-5 T-1 5 115 (oil) 720 20 48 0.017 to 0.033 0.006 Two sand cleanouts
30< (water) and· a workover. Two
holes in screen.
Teak A-7 MM-1/2 6 664 3,690 45 38 0.030 to 0.050 0.008 One sand cleanout
and a workover. Four
holes in screens.
Teak A-7 MM-1/2 20 1,522 (oil) 2,500 20 50 0.030 to 0.050 0.006 One sand cleanout.
209 (water)
Teak A-8 MM-1/2 46 (oil) 1,535 36 None 0.00€? One sand cleanout
19 (water) and recompletion.
One hole in screens.
Teak C-1 MM-1 /2 3 267 2,960 30 None 0.006 Sanded up and a
workover. Twenty
holes in screens.
T~ak C-1 MM-1/2 14 566 1,330 30 55 0.040 to 0.060 0.006 Two sand cleanouts
and recompletion.
Five holes in screens.
Teak C-2 MM-0/1 20 1,066 1,780 50 None 0.006 One sand cleanout
and recompletion.
One hole in screens.
Teak C-3 u 21 1,981 3,100 50 None 0.006 Two sand cleanouts.
Teak C-4 MM-1/2 20 1,356 2,230 54 None 0.006 Still producing.
Teak C-6 MM-0/1 171!2 1,725 1,405 55 73 0.040 to 0.060 0.006 One sand c~eanout.

SEPTEMBER, 1976 977

Producing Cumulative Interval Screen
Life Production Average Open Gravel Pack Gauge
Well Horizon (months) (thousand bbl) BOPD ____®___ ·sacks Size (in.) ___Q!!l_ Comments
Teak C-5 u 1 64 2,280 67 90 0.040 to 0.060 0.020
Teak C-12 T TY2 996 4,400 53 70 0.040 to 0.060 0.020 48 psi drawdown.
Teak C-13 u 6 762 4,175 118 160 0.040 to 0.060 0.020 165 psi drawdown.

have several productive horizons and many of them had timum combination for gravel packing all the horizons
not been completed in the deepest horizon. in the Teak field.
Teak C No. 12 was drilled about ~0 ft into the pro- 4. Unpacked triple-wrap screens did not perform
ducing horizon; then, sand was dumped into the hole satisfactorily in Trinidad wells.
to protect the pay while 9%-in. casing was set and 5. Fluids used in sand-control operations must be
cemented at the top of the producing horizon. After drill- completely solids-free and must be compatible with
ing out the shoe, the drilling mud was displaced with both the formation fluids and reservoir rock.
filtered sea water containing 10-percent calcium chlo- 6. Perforations must be washed to insure that all of
ride that was used to clean out the sand and underream them are open.
the hole to a diameter of 14 in. A 0.020-in. single- 7. Water production created or aggravated sand prob-
wrap screen, two blank joints of tubing, and telltale lems in the wells.
joi11t were run with the gravel-pack packer set in the
casing above the completion interval. The well was Acknowledgment
then packed with 0;040- to 0.060-in. angular gravel car- The author thanks the management of Amoco Interna-
ried in filtered sea water. tional Oil Co. for permission to publish the results of
As seen in Table 5, two additional wells have been the various sand-control operations conducted in the
completed in this manner. In the case of Teak C No. 5, Teak field.
this also involved milling a window in 13 3/s-in. casing
previously set in a noncommercial well and side- References
tracking the well to a productive fault block. The suc- 1. Spurlock, J. W. and Demski, D. B.: "A New Approach to the
cess of the three open-hole completions in the shallow T Sand Control Problem - A Multilayer, Wire-Wrapped Sand
Screen," paper SPE 4014 presented at the SPE-AIME 47th An-
and U horizons becol?es apparent when they are com- nual Fall Meeting, San Antonio, Oct. 8-11, 1972.
pared with previous sand-control techniques used in 2. Rogers, E. B., Jr.: "Sand Control in Oil and Gas Wells," Oil
these highly unconsolidated formations. and Gas J. (Nov. 1971) 54-60.
Earlier wells had produced from the T horizon at sus- 3. Cirigliano, J. and Leiback, R. E.: "Gravel Packing in Ven-
ezuela," Proc., Seventh World Pet. Cong., Mexico City (1967)
tained oil rates of less than 1,500 BOPD accompani~d Sec. III, 407-418.
by high pressure drops as determined by BHP surveys. 4. Schwartz, D. H.: "Successful Sand Control Design for High-
The wells were also characterized by low flowing tub- Rate Oil and Water Wells," J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1968) 1193-
ing pressures and considerable sand problems. 1198.
In contrast, Teak C No. 12 has averaged 4,400 5. Aubert, C. F., Jr., and Bercegeay, E. P.: "Field Tested Methods
Improve Sand Control," World Oil (Jan. 1971) 58-61.
BOPD for more than 71/z ·months and is currently pro- 6. Holman, G. B.: "Evaluation of Control Techniques for Uncon-
ducing 5,100 BOPD with a drawdown of only 48 psi. solidated Silty Sands," J. Pet. Tech. (Sept. 1976) 979-984.
Likewise, Teak C No. 13, which is an open-hole com- 7. Suman, G. 0., Jr.: "Perforations- A Prime Source of Well
pletion in the U horizon, has averaged 4,175 BOPD for Performance Problems," J. Pet. Tech. (April 1972) 399-411.
8. Bruist, E. H.: "Better Performance of Gulf Coast Wells," paper
6 months and is currently producing 4,300 BOPD. Teak SPE 4777 presented at the SPE-AIME Symposium on Formation
C No. 5 is a new completion in the U horizon that is Damage Control, New Orleans, Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 1974.
now producing 5,000 BOPD. The drawdo.wns measured 9. Hill, K. E.: "Factors Affecting the Use of Gravel in Oil Wells,"
in these open-hole completions were 10 to 15 percent of Drilling and Prod. Prac., API (1941) 134-143.
10. Sohn, H. Y. and Moreland, C.: "The Effect of Particle Size Dis-
those measured in other wells completed in these hori-
tribution on Packing Density," Cdn. J. Chern. Eng. (June 1968)
zons with other types of sand controL These wells have 45.
produced only trace amounts of sand. 11. Sparlin, D. D.: "Sand and Gravel- A Study of Their Per-
meabilities," paper SPE 4772 presented at the SPE-AIME Sym-
Sum~fry and Conclusions posium on Formation Damage Control, New Orleans, Jan. 30-
Feb. 1, 1974.
The performance of 50 sand-control operations carried 12. Sparlin, D. D. and Copeland, T.: "Pressure Packing With Con-
out in 28 wells in the Teak field over a period of 31fz · centrated Gravel Slurry," paper SPE 4033 presented at the
years has been reviewed. During this time, a number of SPE-AIME 47th Annual Fall Meeting, San Antonio, Oct. 8-11,
improvements were made that resulted in a substantial 1972.
13. Williams, B. B., Elliott, L. S., and Weaver, R. H.: "Productiv-
increase in oil productivity accompanied by a marked ity of Inside Casing Gravel-Pack Completions," J. Pet. Tech.
reduction in sand problems. Based on this experience, (April 1972) 419-425.
the following q:mclusions can be drawn: 14. Saucier, R. J.: "Considerations in Gravel Pack Design," J. Pet.
1. Open-hole gravel packs yielded· the highest pro- Tech. (Feb. 1974) 205-212; Trans., AIME, 257. JPT
ductivity and least sand production of any method used.
2. In a cased-hole gravel pack, the well has to be
prepacked to prevent formation sand from plugging the Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office July 28,
1975. Paper accepted for publication Jan. 6, 1976. Revised manuscript received
perforations and invading the annular gravel pack. May 24, 1976. Paper (SPE 5657) was first presented at the SPE-AIME 50th An-
nual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in Dallas, Sept. 28-0ct. 1,
3. A 0.020-in. single;.wrap screen packed with 0.040- 1975. © Copyright 1976 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petro-
to 0.060-in. angular gravel was found to be ·the op- leum Engineers, Inc.


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