BMGT200 - Voice Over - Revision Session 1 - Spring 2020.ppsx

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Management & International Management Department


Date: MW:23/3/2020
Revision Session1 TTH:24/3/2020
Objective 1.2: Organizations Page 11
Key Takeaways:
 Describe the nature of organizations as work settings. P11
• Organizational purpose
• Organizations as systems
• Organizational performance
• Changing nature of organizations
Discuss what it means to be a manager. p13
• What is a manager?
• Levels of managers
• Types of managers
• Managerial performance


◦ A collection of people working together to achieve a common
◦ Organizations provide useful goods and/or services that
return value to society and satisfy customer needs
Figure 1.1 Organizations as open systems
interact with their environment

Organizational performance
◦ “Value creation” is a very important notion for organizations
◦ Value is created when an organization’s operations adds value
to the original cost of resource inputs
◦ When value creation occurs:
◦ Businesses earn a profit
◦ Nonprofit organizations add wealth to society

Organizational performance
Performance Performance
effectiveness efficiency
• An overall • An output • An input
measure of the measure of task measure of the
quantity and or goal resource costs
quality of work accomplishment associated with
performance goal
with resource accomplishment
utilization taken
into account
Figure 1.2 Productivity and the dimensions of
organizational performance
Workplace changes that provide a context for studying management

Focus on valuing human capital

Demise of “command-and-control”

Emphasis on teamwork

Preeminence of technology

Importance of networking

New workforce expectations

Priorities on sustainability

◦ Directly supports, activates and is responsible for the work of
◦ The people who managers help are the ones whose tasks
represent the real work of the organization

Levels of management
◦ Board of directors make sure the organization is run right
◦ Top managers are responsible for performance of an
organization as a whole or for one of its major parts
◦ Middle managers oversee large departments or divisions
◦ Team leaders supervise non-managerial workers
Figure 1.3 Management levels in a typical
business and non-profit organizations

Types of managers
• Line managers are responsible for work activities that
directly affect organization’s outputs
• Staff managers use technical expertise to advise and support
the efforts of line workers
• Functional managers are responsible for a single area of
• General managers are responsible for more complex units
that include many functional areas
• Administrators work in public and nonprofit organizations
Quality of3: Managers
work life (QWL)
◦ An indicator of the overall quality of human experiences
in the workplace

QWL indicators:
• Respect
• Fair pay
• Safe working conditions
• Opportunities to learn and use new skills
• Room to grow and progress in a career
• Protection of individual rights

The organization as an upside-down pyramid

◦ A manager’s job is to support workers’ efforts
◦ The best managers are known for helping and supporting
◦ Customers at the top served by workers who are supported by
Figure 1.4 The organization viewed as an
upside-down pyramid
• Organizations strive to achieve common purpose, especially
profit through providing useful goods and/or services to

• Organizations operate as systems; Productivity, Effectiveness

and efficiency are critical to organizational performance.

• Managers at all management levels are responsible about

organizational success.

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