Agreement Deed Bangladesh

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BANGLADESH HI-TECH PARK AUTHORITY (BHTPA) established by Act of Parliament in

2010, (Act no-8) and having its Office at E-14/X, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka being
represented by its Managing Director, hereinafter called the "LESSOR" (which expression shall,
where the context so requires or permits, include its legal representatives, successors- in- interest,
executors and assigns) of the ONE PARTY.


---------------------------------------------------------------- Dhaka-1229 being represented by its

Managing Director/Proprietor, hereinafter called the "LESSEE" (which expression shall, unless
excluded by or repugnant to the context, include their successors in- interest and assigns) of the

AND WHEREAS, the LESSOR has agreed to give on lease an area measuring in all about 1000
(One Thousand) sft. located at 3 rd Floor of the Multitenant building at Sheikh Hasina
Software Technology Park , District- Jessor, Bangladesh.

AND WHEREAS, the Lessee has agreed to take on rent the said demised premises for office
purposes (IT/ITES Business only).

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In consideration of the monthly rent of floor spaces to be occupied by the lessee of the demised
property, 1000 (One Thousand) sft. located at 3rd Floor at Sheikh Hasina Software
Technology Park , District- Jessor, Bangladesh.

1.As per rates and measurement as described in the schedule hereunder: -

S Floor Measurement Rate of Rent per sft Rate of Service Total Rent Per
l Position Approximately per month (in Taka) Charge Per sft Month (In Taka)
(In Sq. Ft with per Month ( In )
common space)

Tk.---------------- only (without VAT and TAX).

The LESSEE will be allowed a grace period of 2 (two) months starting from the
commencement of the Rent Agreement for internal decoration of the said premises and
no rent will be charged by the LESSOR for the said grace period. The LESSEE will have
to provide monthly rent at agreed rate as mentioned under section-01 after the completion
of the grace period.

The LESSOR has accepted the aforesaid rate and this rent sha ll be valid from the date of
handing over of the said premises with a grace period of 2 (two) months starting from the
commencement of the agreement till the end of 05 (five) years from the date of handing
over of the same.

02. The LESSEE hereby agrees with the LESSOR as under: -

a) To deposit to the Lessor three months’ rent in advance of TK. --------/- (------)
only as security deposit and TK ---------/- (------------) only as the 1st months rent
before taking the physical possession of the said space. Authority shall handover
the said space after getting the security deposit and 1st month rent .

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b) To pay to the LESSOR monthly rent TK -----------/- (---------------) only per
month on or before the 7th day of the each month. On expiration of 7 th day of the
each month, the LESSOR must pay 1% fine with said monthly rent. If rent is
unpaid for 3 (three) months or more, the authority will proceed to terminate the
c) To pay Electricity charges as per meter reading, sub- meter reading and bills
respectively or on prorata basis.
d) To pay water rates and other charges as per sub- meter (if available) or
proportionate to the floor space.
e) To use the demised premises for office and for carrying business of software
development and IT enabled services only and not for any other business (Office)
or residential or storage purposes.

f) The Lessee shall not at any time during the said term carry on in the said office or
any part thereof any Hardware, Network, Internet Service Provider (ISP) and non-
software commercial business, noxious, noisome or of offensive trades of business
but to use the said office as an office only and not to store therein any goods or
merchandise of combustible nature and not to do or cause to be done in the said
office or any part hereof any act or thing that may cause annoyance to the other
tenants of the said premises or to the neighbourhood.

g) That the Lessee shall not encumber with boxes or crates of place garbage, rubbish
upon or otherwise obstruct any part of the said premises used in common with the
other tenants.

h) That the Lessee shall not make undue noise in or about the entrance, stairways or
approach to and from the said office.

i) That the Lessee shall not assign, sublet or part with the possession of the said
office or any part thereof.

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j) If the Lessee intends to install any electrical equipment such as air conditioners,
etc they shall do so at their own cost after obtaining written approval of the Lessor
for the same.
k) The Lessee shall not make any alternation or additio n in the premises hereby
leased out without previous permission in writing of the Lessor. Additions and
alternations as may be permitted by the Lessor shall be at the cost of the Lessee.
All fixture and additions placed in or attached to the said premises with the
permission of the Lessor shall be and remain the property of the Lessee and shall
be removed there from by the Lessee prior to the termination of this lease and the
Lessee shall restore the premises to the same condition as that was existing at the
time of entering upon the same under this lease subject to natural wear and tear.
The Lessee shall be responsible for any wilful, careless or negligent damage to the
entrance hall, stairways, corridors, or to any portion of the premises in occupation
or use of the Lessee caused by the Lessee or any member of his staff and/or
visitors to his office and the Lessee shall make good the damage at his own cost to
the satisfaction of the Lessor. The Lessee shall not be allowed to cut/alter the
outside wall/curtain wall of the building for any purpose. Air conditioning unit
shall be installed at specified space.
l) That the lease may be terminated by 3 (three) months notice from either side
without assigning any reason whatsoever and on termination of lease thereo f the
LESSOR and LESSEE will settle the accounts as shall be ascertained after
adjustment of the security money, the accrued rent, breakage/damages, if any, on
the date of such termination of lease.
m) That the lessee shall permit the Lessor and its authorised persons, agent and
surveyors to enter the demised premises at all reasonable times.
n) That the lessee shall not remove any permanent fittings or fixtures or alter electric
wiring and connections without the prior written permission of the LESSOR.
o) That the lessee shall not cause any damage to the demised premises and to keep the
same in good and tenantable condition.
p) That the lessee shall not cut any wall or floor or window without written
permission from the LESSOR.
q) The Lessee will not be allowed to hang any signboard/neon sign/name plate, etc.
on the exterior of the building. Names and addresses of the offices located in the
building will be displayed on the first floor by the LESSOR or at the entrance of
the respective floor by the LESSEE. If the Lessee is interested to fix/install any
signboard/ direction of the concern offices at the respective entrance/ lobby, in that
case permission has to be obtained from the Lessor.
r) That the lessee shall take due and proper care of the demised premises and
maintain the same in good, proper and clean condition at Lessee’s own costs and
expenses and repair any damage to the demised premises immediately other than
normal wear and tear but such cost and expenses may be reimbursed by the
LESSOR if the damage was due to fault of the construction of the building.
s) That the lessee shall not use the entrance halls, landings and common passage in
front of the demised premises, save and except for exit and entry into the demised
premises and not to allow its employees, or visitors to sit in and/or use the same
and not to keep any chair, bench or other piece of furniture therein.
t) That the lessee shall vacate the demised premises upon the expiry of the lease
period i.e. on or before expiry of the 05th years from the date of handing over the

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demised premises and deliver the vacant possession of the demised premises to the
LESSOR and in the event of its failure to do so, the LESSEE, in addition to
payment of usual rent, shall be liable to pay compensation @ TK. 1,000/ (One
thousand) Only per day for unauthorized occupation for every hundred or part of
hundred sft till evicted through due process of law.
u) That the lessee shall deliver vacant possession of the demised premises to the
LESSOR upon the termination of the lease period in the same good order and
condition as at the time of delivery thereof to the LESSEE under these presents,
reasonable wear and tear being always accepted.
v) The LESSEE shall distemper the inside wall/ceiling, paint or varnish the doors,
windows and other wooden fittings of the demised premises at least once in every
3(Three) years, failing which the LESSOR may itself carry out the said work after
giving notice at its own expenses which shall be borne by the LESSEE.
w) The LESSEE shall keep and maintain the demised premises in good order and
condition including the toilet used by them. The glass panes and/or other fixtures
and fittings if broken/damaged shall be replaced by the Lessee at his own cost
without any loss of time.
03. The LESSOR hereby agrees with LESSEE as under:-
a) To ensure payment of all rents Property Tax, Municipal Tax, levies and all other
charges arising due to ownership by BHTPA of the demised premises except the
electricity bills, conservancy charges, water rates and other charges resulting from
consumption and use which shall be paid by the LESSEE .
b) That during the said period of tenancy the LESSEE shall be allowed to enjoy the
leasehold right peacefully and shall not be subject to any interruption by the
LESSOR or any other person(s) whosoever subject to fulfilment of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
c) To keep the demised premises free from any restraint or other legal proceedings
and to keep the lift(s) in workable condition. The LESSOR shall take all
reasonable care for keeping the same in workable conditions but if due to non-
availability of spare parts or failure of electricity or for any other genuine reason
the lift(s) goes out of commission, the LESSOR shall not be responsible for the
d) To maintain the entrance to the building, stairways in good repair and tenantable
conditions except in case of damage arising from the act of negligence of the
Lessee, his agents or employees. For the purpose of so maintaining the office, the
Lessor reserves the right at all reasonable times to enter and inspect the office and
to make any necessary repairs to the office space leased.


a) Notwithstanding the provision stated in this agreement and without prejudice to the
determination of this lease upon the expiry of the lease period, the lease shall be
determined on the happening of any or all of the following events and the LESSOR
shall be entitled to enter upon and take possession of the demised premises without
giving any compensation to the LESSEE: -
i) If the LESSEE does not pay the rent for consecutive 3 (three) months or

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ii) If the LESSEE assigns, sublets in any manner and allows another person(s)
to use and occupy any part or whole of the demised premises.
iii) If the LESSEE violates any of the conditions, covenants with the LESSOR.
b) The LESSOR shall be entitled to determine the lease even before the expiry of the
period of the present lease after giving 15 (fifteen) days, notice in writing if the
LESSEE commits breach of any covenant contained in clause (a) above.
c) Whenever the demised premises or any essential part thereof shall be destroyed by
fire, earthquake, war, civil disturbance or other casualty except destruction by fire
through the negligence of LESSEE, this lease shall in case of total destruction of
the premises being unfit for further lease, immediately stand terminated and in case
of partial destruction or damage may be terminated at the option of LESSEE upon
giving notice in writing to the LESSOR within 15 (fifteen) days after the
occurrence of the event.
d) The monthly rent will be increased @ 20% after every two years.
e) If the LESSEE fail or neglect to perform and observe any of the covenants and
conditions herein contained and on the LESSEE’S part to be observed and
performed or if the LESSEE goes into liquidation is adjudicated insolvent, it shall
be lawful for the LESSOR at any time thereafter to determine this lease and re-enter
the demised premises without intervention of the court.
f) Charges of stamping and registration, if any, of this Agreement shall be borne by
g) The lease period will be 5 (Five) years. On expiry of the present period of lease the
same may be extended by mutual agreement on such terms and conditions as may
be agreed upon by both the parties for any further period. In case the LESSEE
desires to extend the lease, at least three months’ notice in writing before the expiry
of the lease has to be given to the LESSOR.
h) During the period of the lease, the same can be determined by either party by giving
three months’ notice in writing to the other.
i) In the event of any dispute between the parties on the interpretation of this
Agreement or the rights and liabilities of the parties, the matter shall be referred to
two Arbitrators, one each to be nominated by the LESSOR and the LESSEE and in
case of any difference of opinion between the Arbitrators, the matter shall be
referred to an Umpire and his decision shall be final and binding on both the parties.
Any party, hearing aggrieved by the decision of the umpire, may take legal
recourse in a court of law.
j) All payments shall be made by the Lessee through accounts payee Payment
Cheque/Order in favour of Managing Director, BHTPA within the timeline as
stipulated in this agreement.
k) All communications to Lessor shall be in writing addressed to Managing Director,
l) The lessee must take accountability for the security and the clearing of his own office,
but The lessor will take responsibility of the security and the cleaning of his own

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m) The lessee must abide by all the laws set by the national and local authority. The
lessee must also abide by The Bangladesh Hi- Tech Park Authority Act, 2010 (Act No
8 of 2010) and rules, 2015 and any law proclaimed time to time by the authority. If
the lessee violates the national, public or park interest, the lease agreement will be

n) Any notice to be served or demand to be made upon the LESSEE is to be made by

registered post, Courier Service or through peon book and if the LESSEE refuses or
neglects to accept the said notice or demand, the same shall be pasted on the door of
the demised premises and it shall be deemed to have been properly served.

o) The allocation order of the space under consideration issued earlier to Lessee will be
the integral part of this agreement.

p) Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority shall preserv the right/authority to cancel the
deed agreement in case of any urgency.

q) On execution of the lease agreement, the lessee shall have two months time for
interior decoration. The monthly rent for the lessee will be payable at the expiration
of two months from the date of execution of the lease agreement.

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All that office space measuring about approximatly ------------------- (-----------) sft. located at
3rd Floor at Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park , District- Jessor, Bangladesh.

In witness whereof and in confirmation and ratification of all the terms and conditions as set
forth above, both the parties, the LESSOR and the LESSEE do hereby set and subscribe their
respective hands this day, month and year first written above.

This deed has been written in 08 (eight) typed pages in two (2) originals, each retained by both
the parties of appropriate Non-Judicial Stamps and the following witnesses signed in whose
presence the executors executed the Lease Deed.

For & on behalf of THE LESSOR:


Managing Director



For & on behalf of THE LESSEE:

---------------------------- (-----------------)
Managing Director




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