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Navigation SY – FA SUPER USER => Setup => Asset Systems => Book Controls

Query for Book = SY TN CIM

Click on DFF
Need to add Detail Description to ‘YES’

The Setup is done.

Testing for this setup changes. AP to FA Flow 24-01-2018_2

1) Create Invoice
2) Validate invoice
3) Account invoice
Line Level you this account in default distribution Account



4) Put one of the Distribution account as asset clearing account as shown in screen shot
Create Mass Additions Create (run this Request Set)

1) The above program will import data into FA Mass Additions

Navigation => SY FA Super User => Mass Addition => Prepare Mass Addition =>

There will be 2 line as shown below, one line Queue Status initially will be ‘NEW’ and other line will
be ‘Merge’

Note:- This is a sample Screen shot which we are provide for reference

Queue Status ‘NEW’ line must be changes to post once we execute

Need to create a below screen shots details

Asset Details

Execute “Post Mass Addition”

Once Post Mass Addition” executes successfully then you need to query for Asset with Invoice number
and we can find the Queue as ‘POSTED’
Once Post

1) Once we run the “Run Deprecation” with period close check box.
2) Once we run the “Run Deprecation” with period close check box.

The period on which depreciation has been run is same as the period on which addition entry has
been created hence as per the pro rate convention and depressions method it will create the
depressions entry but will create 0 amount depressions

Once this program is executed.

Navigate to :- SY FA Super User => Assets=> Asset Wrokbench => Find

Click on Financial Inquery Button

Below form will be open

Navigate to Tools => View Accounting

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