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I. Introduction
A. Briefly talking about myself
B. Why Mahidol?
C. Thesis statement
II. About the course
A. Why this course & why does it interest me
B. Do my current or previous studies relate to the course
III. Work experience or Community service
A. Community service that relevant to the course
IV. Future plans
A. How do I want to use the knowledge and experience that I gain?
B. How does the course relate to what you want to do in the future?
V. Conclusion
A. Reinforcement of what I wrote
“There is always something good even in bad things” this is the quote that I don’t remember
where I heard it from, but since I know it; it contributes to who I am nowadays. My hometown is in
Phetchabun, but since I was in third grade, my parents sent me and my sisters to study in the town and
live with my grandparents. At first, I didn’t use to be far away from my parents and always cried; I never
thought it was a good thing to be apart from the family. However, after I knew the quote, I thought back
to the bad memory and one of them is to live far apart from my parents; surprisingly, tons of marvelous
memories and good reasons for my parent’s decision come to mind. Furthermore, at the same time, the
quote created the weakness and strength in me. My weakness is I’m a sympathetic person, I always
responded when someone asked for help even if it made my life difficult. The quote makes me want to be
a good spot on the bad days for others, that's why I like to help people, which at the same time I see it as
my strength too because my mom says that she is always proud of this.
The reason why I want to learn in the faculty of dentistry, especially at MIDS, is because my aunt
is a dentist and she graduated from Mahidol University. When I was young and had a problem with my
teeth, my aunt was always the one who cured me, because my mom told me that I never let any dentist
take care of it except my aunt. Before the first time I let my aunt be cured, I was scared of the dentist, but
I trusted my aunt so I let her do it, but still, I asked her all the steps for my comfort. She starts to explain
the tools and what she was doing as she treated me, however in an exciting way. After that, I changed my
perspective about dentists, and it became an interesting future for me. Furthermore, the reason I want to
enter Mahidol University is that due to the international ranking it was one of the best colleges with an
international program. I have always studied in an international school since I was in the third grade,
therefore I want to attend a college that has an international program too, and Mahidol University is well
known for this program.
During the covid-19 break, I had the opportunity to do community service at district school,
where the kids are studying for free. I became an English teacher there, and as I got to teach the kids I fell
in love with them. They feel very happy and excited as it is very rare for them to get an opportunity to
learn. I am very proud of myself as I was the one who gave them that opportunity and that sparkling in
their eyes will always be in my memory. This made me realize that I want to continue my education to the
highest level and be the one who created those feelings for others, not just the kid. So, I decided that I
want to become a dentist that is attractive to all ages, like my aunt, so at least I am able to help other
people and at the same time I also have fun with the work I do. Because I believe that the dental field is
just not about curing mouth and teeth, but it is the other way to make people feel confident with
themselves, feel comfortable with their life, and able to spend time with others without painfulness.
After university, I believe that I will go on studying technological development in the dental field.
Nowadays, there are technologies that were adapted with the dental areas, for example, Invisalign, which
is the new way to brace. I believe that in the future the more knowledge, I know about technology the
more it will benefit me. After that, I will work in a hospital until I have enough experience, then go back
to Phetchabun and open the clinic in the district where I live, which is not that much prosperous, for the
people there and take care of my family there too. Furthermore, I also want to develop dental technology
that able to make people’s lives better.
All things considered, I’m interested in the dental field due to the fact that my aunt inspired me
since I was young and I wanted to help others in a way that I am also happy and have fun with it, which I
have a high commitment for becoming a dentist since I was young. Furthermore, I believe that if you are
happy with what you do, you will create the best out of it. Also, I want to use the knowledge and
experience I gained from the university to create an effective clinic that suits every person and developed
a technology that is able to help improve people’s daily life to become more comfortable and well-being.

Feedback from Jidapa Atipakkul

● You should talk more about your academic achievement. What have you learned in high school
relating to what you want to be to show that you have followed your inspiration?
● Check your grammar and spelling

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