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Cry, Dear Friend, On the Death of a Noble Profession

-Sanjay Kumar

D elhi University Teacher's Association (DUTA),

one of the strongest unions of university teachers
in the country, suffered a humiliating setback
recently. On 15 November 2010, Justice Manmohan of
Delhi High Court ordered the DUTA to call off its strike
civilised and a man (sic) of compassion' (emphasis added).
People protest not when they want more - for that
negotiation is the best tactic. They rise up when some
aspect of social life strikes them as unjustified. A survey of
recent protests and strikes in the country will surely reveal
against semester system for science courses introduced by that the majority of them were not for new demands, but in
the administration this year. Teachers are back in lecture response to the management, bureaucracy or state power
halls, students on benches are getting ready for breaking their earlier promises or violating existing rules.
examinations, administration has its writ running back in This clearly was the case with the Delhi University (DU)
the university; all is quiet on the campus front. The new struggle where university bureaucracy flouted established
Vice-Chancellor would have hardly expected a more norms to push through the semester system. Liberatory
docile environment to establish his authority. ideologies from radical Gandhism to Marxism have held
The DUTA struggle was done in by the pincer movement the right to protest, and protest in ways not predetermined
of the bureaucracy and judiciary. While the former by powers that be (like a dharna at Jantar Mantar) but in
remained adamant and did not come for any sort of ways that make rulers change their ways, fundamental to
negotiations, the latter determined the teacher's strike to be the social nature of humans. If the purpose of education is
blackmail. The Indian judiciary in many recent not to make humans disciplined subjects, but inquisitive
judgements has held protest marches, hartals, strikes, and and questioning beings in the Socratic sense, then it is
so on, illegal. Its argument is that by disrupting regular obvious that education is implicated within protests.
social life, these amount to holding hostage the Asking questions involves finding answers. And in many
fundamental rights of citizens. The bureaucracy and cases of social injustice, protest, rather than negotiations,
judiciary are two important pillars of any liberal governing is the only way to arrive at justice. Going on strike, that is,
order. The former in its ideal Weberian type gives rational not doing what the social system requires one to do, is
form to the operation of state power and class rule under surely one way of protest. It is an assertion of the moral
liberalism. The main purpose of the latter is the provision autonomy of protesting subjects, confronting which
of argued justifications for the existing status quo, or to hegemonic powers often get baffled, as were the colonial
bring social reality back within rules if the deviations British when faced with Gandhi led general Hartals, or
become too embarrassing, as has happened with the 2-G Nehru on the boycott of his public meeting in Kohima by
spectrum scam recently. The reality of the Indian Nagas in 1953. If the injustice of powers that be, and
bureaucracy and judiciary rarely matches its liberal ideal. protests and strikes against it, are so integral to our life as
Our corrupt bureaucracy lords over its citizens, brazenly conscious social beings, can higher education teaching
and violently if they happen to be poor, Dalit or adivasi. remain aloof from them? When it is ordained to teachers
Our judiciary in many cases relies not on evidence and 'Thou shalt not strike', no matter how much injustice you
arguments but on sentiments and hearsay, as it did in the may see in university administration, against yourself,
recent Babari Masjid title suit, or on 'extraneous against students, against karamcharis, then something of
considerations', as commented recently by the Supreme the very moral basis of teaching is undercut.
Court about the mess in the Allahabad High Court. The For once, Delhi University's teachers' struggle this time
prime responsibility of the judiciary to ensure governance around was not for pay and promotion parity with higher
is abundantly manifest in the interim order of the Delhi bureaucracy. They were fighting against the semester
High Court when it says 'that in a democratic body polity, system on matters of academic and administrative
governance is the primary factor', or when it claims that principles. On way to introducing this system the previous
education results in a person becoming 'disciplined, VC had flouted all democratic norms built in to university

CRITIQUE December 2010 9

statutes. When his pet project could not be introduced new knowledge for students, demands that the power
through discussion and debate in Academic and Executive relationship between teacher and students in higher
Councils of the University, he used his emergency powers education is fundamentally different from that in
to forcefully hoist it on the University. Course Committees management or bureaucracy. It is based on persuasion, and
were arbitrarily (de)formed by departmental Head-Of- rational argumentation, rather than authority to punish; it is
Departments (HoDs) to make new syllabi. These are a hack continuously interactive, rather than tied down in rules
job, cut and pasted from old annual mode syllabi. Semester established once and for all. Students in a class learn best
systems have been around in the country for many years. when they have respect for teacher's learning and moral
IITs have always had them, and some of them are about standing, and every higher education teacher knows these
fifty years old. All professional courses in the country are can not be earned by command. In a way, every class
semester based. Most of the post graduate courses in basic setting in higher education is unique, it results from a
sciences and humanities too are taught in this mode. If special relationship established between a teacher and
conceived, structured and offered properly, the modular students. Every higher education teacher is an employee,
nature of semester system provides students great freedom but an employee whose work takes place best when away
to choose courses and plan their own education. They do from the monitoring gaze of the employer. A teacher not
not need to submit to one groove decided right in the enjoying full respect from the system which employs
beginning when they join university. The shorter duration her/him cannot teach. That is why best higher education
of semester system requires courses to be covered at a administrators have long found that it is best to give full
faster pace, but students are also evaluated continuously autonomy to higher education teachers in class. The full
and internally, reducing the possibility of results professional autonomy comes along with full
depending only on rote learning, question paper guessing responsibility for ensuring that students learn. Again, the
and selective preparation. In a properly implemented very nature of learning in higher education means that the
semester system, teachers get greater freedom to select moment this responsibility is seen as a burden the entire
their own course readings. Internal evaluation frees them exercise collapses. A teacher of higher education has to
from the chore of preparing students for answering enjoy her/his profession. That many, perhaps a majority of
questions prepared by an anonymous paper setter. The higher education teachers, do not reach this ideal is a fact.
virtues of a semester system come to the fore when number But that in no way detracts from the potentially very
of students is small, and all of them are doing a course special place of higher education teaching in the world of
taught by the same teacher. These conditions are obviously professions. If the moral fibre of a society can be judged by
not met in University of Delhi, in which all the the way it treats its weakest, something about it can also be
undergraduate teaching takes place in more than 80 said by the way it treats its teachers. And, signs from higher
affiliated colleges. The positive features of semester education in India are not at all positive in this regard.
system are not what excite mandarins of the University The ominous process of college teaching getting pushed to
Grant's Commission and the HRD Ministry. They are the margins of the education system, ceasing to be a
taken in by the success of this system in professional creditable profession, has been around for some time.
courses like the MBAs, where its short duration and Outside central universities like DU, teachers of state
modular nature permits quick learning of marketable colleges work under same conditions as the bureaucracy.
skills. They want it because it gels better with the market Teachers of trust-run colleges are treated little more than
demands of an expanding capitalist economy. Giving paid functionaries. They have little say in admissions and
greater autonomy to students and teachers will general administration of colleges. A majority of teachers
compromise their power. of private professional colleges are temporary contract
Higher education teaching to students who are adults, and employees. They are considered mere providers of
hence, morally and intellectually autonomous, is a very profitable skills. In the DU itself college teachers are
specific social setting. It is not an arena of public marginal to the University administration which has so
discussion between equals, because teacher-student much influence on their profession. The twenty three
relationship is asymmetrical; the teacher is the boss and member Executive Council has only two teacher
she/he is the only one finally responsible for ensuring that representatives. More than one fifty member Academic
suitable and adequate learning does take place in her/his Council has only twenty six teacher representatives. Both
class. Yet the very nature of what gets created in a class, i.e. these deliberative bodies are stuffed with University

10 December 2010 CRITIQUE

bureaucracy and faculty and departmental academic percentile in the country. As if the feudal and caste legacies
officials. Course committees are prerogatives of of the profession were not enough, the emerging class
departmental HODs. Their meetings are sporadic and character of upper middle classes in the country is
decisions prdetermined. An exercise most humiliating to undermining nobility of higher education teaching. The
college teachers takes place every year before results are single-minded focus on enjoying fruits of current
prepared. A near secret committee of the University, whose capitalism, from consumerism of shopping malls, to moral
composition and working formulae are not public smugness of media, to advertised social responsibility of
knowledge, sits down to 'moderate' the internal evaluation the NGO sector, to supine deference before culturally
marks given by college teachers to the students they teach. hegemonic West, to the fundamentalist Hindutva virus, to
This means that while asking college teachers to evaluate the gung ho nationalist streak, all these real characters of
students on a continuous basis, the university the new Indian privilegentsia ensure that teachers of higher
administration does not trust them and has kept within its education in India are themselves complicit in the
prerogative to sit on judgment over what they in their much degradation of their profession. After all, what else could
more interactive assessment of students have decided. explain the indifference of DU college teachers to the
University practice lacks even basic decency of human plight of their students who were thrown out of their
interaction. If evaluation given by a teacher has to be hostels so that Common Wealth Games mafiaoso could
modified, then at least she/he should be informed, make some more money! Or, is it not a fact that one of the
consulted and provided reasons for changes. reasons DUTA strike fizzled so quickly was the threat of
It will be disingenuous to blame every body else but the 'no work no salary' by the university administration! q
teachers themselves for the current state of higher ...........................................................................................
education profession. As a highly skilled worker, and Dr. Sanjay Kumar teaches Physics at St. Stephens College,
especially after the VI Pay Commission, every higher University of Delhi
education teacher earns an income in the upper two

Apolitical Intellectuals
By Otto Rene Castillo
One day on Greek mythology, “What did you do when the poor
The apolitical or regarding their self-disgust suffered, when tenderness
Intellectuals when someone within them and life
Of my country begins to die burned out in them?”
the coward's death.
will be interrogated Apolitical intellectuals
by the simplest They'll be asked nothing of my sweet country,
of our people. about their absurd you will not be able to answer.
They will be asked born in the shadow A vulture of silence
what they did of the total lie. will eat your gut.
when their nation died out
slowly, On that day Your own misery
like a sweet fire, the simple men will come. will pick at your soul.
small and alone.
Those who had no place And you will be mute
No one will ask them in the books and poems
about their dress, of the apolitical intellectuals, in your shame.
their long siestas but daily delivered
after lunch, their bread and milk,
no one will want to know their tortillas and eggs,
about their sterile combats (Translated by Margaret Randall, from
with “the idea those who mended their clothes, the Curbstone Press anthology Poetry
Like Bread)
of the nothing” those who drove their cars,
no one will care about who cared for their dogs and gardens (Otto Rene Castillo, born 1936, was a
their higher financial learning. and worked for them, Guatemalan revolutionary, a guerilla
They won't be questioned and they'll ask: fighter, and a poet.)

CRITIQUE December 2010 11

Another Education Is Possible: An Account of the Struggle
against Neoliberal Restructuring at the University of Sussex
-Ryan Powell

T he transformation of British Universities from

places of learning and enquiry into supermarkets,
where knowledge is a commodity, (the production
of which is driven by the needs of the market), has picked
up pace in the past several years. For a long time
will be a sever limiting of the scope and depth of
intellectual enquiry and will signal the end universities as
places where academic knowledge and research is
recognised to have inherent value, in Britain. Students will
suffer as the quality of their education is steadily eroded,as
universities in the UK were entirely state-funded and free degrees focus more and more on teaching marketable
for all. Since then, fees have been introduced in three skills rather than independent and critical enquiry.
phases. At the first stage, the maximum any university However, this will cease to be a concern for many: as with
could charge stood at £1000 . The second phase began in the further rising of fees, university education will cease to
2006 when the cap on tuition fees was raised by Tony be a viable option for students from poorer backgrounds.
Blair's government to £3300 . We are currently entering Already, going to university means signing on to years of
what may well be the final phase, where tuition fees will debt for amajority of students. With the anticipated
either go up to something around £7000 , or the cap on fees increases in fees, this debt will simply be too much for
will be abolished completely allowing universities to most to afford. Higher education will therefore again
charge as high a price as they can get away with. This will become an avenue which is open only to the rich,
mean that universities will have to compete with each other deepening already profound class divisions.
for students and research funding. For the past three years I have been a student at the
Governments across Europe have seized upon the University of Sussex where the cut backs from the VC and
opportunity provided by the financial crisis to slash public management have been particularly fierce and
spending across the board. With the election of a ideologically driven. It is on the actions the students and
Conservative/Liberal coalition (both parties ideologically workers have taken here in opposition to this restructuring
committed to giving the market free reign) in the UK, the that I will focus. The cuts faced here are by no means
speed and depth of these cuts will exceed what was unique, nor is the resistance mounted against them. Sussex
anticipated under the Labour government, with higher is a symptom of wider forces and the events here are
education being hit particularly hard. Vice-chancellors exemplary of the national struggle against the privatisation
(VCs) know what is coming: that universities will soon of education.
exist in a competitive market and so will have to be made
Sussex is renowned as a radical university which draws
profitable in order to survive. Instead of opposing this,
students due to its critical approach to research and
however, VCs have jumped on the opportunity to make
teaching. Sense it's founding in the 1960s, its strengths
education a business and have begun to undertake the task
have been in the arts and the social and physical sciences.
of restructuring with gusto, cutting everything but their
However, the market cares not for history and neither does
our VC. During the past three years, the VCand university
The effects of restructuring universities to be profit-driven management have sought to restructure the university
will be disastrous for both academics and students and is a entirely to stream line it with the needs of the market. £ 5
symptom of the process of subordination of social interests million of spending cuts are to be made this year, in
to those of the market, which is the hallmark of neo- addition to the 3 million already made in the previous year.
liberalism. It is clear, however, that these spending cuts are not an
The restructuring we face will severely limit academic “unfortunate necessity” but rather part of a project of an
freedom by insisting that research is profitable and ideological restructuring. This is exemplified in the fact
teaching determined by the needs of the market. The result that, while management have closed departments such as

12 December 2010 CRITIQUE

Linguistics, American studies and Life Sciences, which society face similar attacks and therefore made efforts to
are seen as having little marketability, they are seeking to build links of solidarity with workers and trade unions
expand Media Studies and pour money into opening an throughout the city as well as on campus, raising the slogan
entirely new Business School- a subject which Sussex has “Students and Workers- Unite and Fight!”. This was and
had no history of teaching. An even more glaring example continues to be a very important aspect of the campaign.
can be seen in management's 112 million pound building We see political resistance as itself an educational process
and refurbishment projects. and intend to create a space where the experiences and
It is, of course, the workers who are expected to pay for the lessons learned in the course of various struggles can be
£ 8 million of planned cuts. 115 workers are to face shared between students and workers from different areas
compulsory redundancy, many more are to effectively lose of society. The nature of the campaign was to be
their jobs by being put onto temporary contracts and pedagogical, and as well as resisting the encroachment of
wages, and pensions are to be slashed. At the same time, knowledge, we hoped to envision a different kind of
the top 14 managers have continued to raise their salaries education, one which would grow out of and further, in
and now earn a combined £ 2.1 million a year with the VC turn, political struggle. As put by Paulo Feire: “education
making £ 222,000 a year, despite only working at the either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate
university 3 days a week.
Thankfully the culture of radicalism at Sussex does
not exist in the academic sphere alone. It is also a
culture of resistance and of political action.
Students at Sussex have a high level of political
consciousness and despite political differences,
always come together when it counts.
The current campaign against management
spending cuts is exemplary of this culture of
resistance. It has existed, in different forms, for
around 5 years. However, it is only in the past year,
with the immediate threat of major job losses and
course closures across the university that large
numbers of students have been mobilised and teachers
and their union (UCU) have felt able to take industrial
action. The reason for this is that whereas earlier the
management would strike down individual courses or integration of the
would axe a few jobs by merging courses, they have now y o u n g e r
come down on the university community as a whole. generation into
by Bhagwati the logic of the
Building on its predecessor “Sussex Not for Sale”, the new
present system...
campaign “Stop The Cuts” (STC) was launched during a
or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which
mass meeting in 2009. It was broadly accepted during the
men and women deal critically and creatively with reality
initial stages of this campaign that radical action was
and discover how to participate in the transformation of
needed in the form of mass demonstrations and
their world”.
occupations and that the campaign would build towards
such actions. However, we recognised that students alone Although the campaign is not directly anti-capitalist, it is
did not have the power would to protect jobs and reverse widely accepted that educational systems reflect the
the cut backs we faced, and decided that all strategy ought society they exist within, and so in imagining a different
to be conceived with the aim of building the movement and form of education, we are also envisioning a different form
encouraging the workers of the university to go out on an of society.
all-out, indefinite strike. We also recognised that the cuts The first task of the campaign was to raise the awareness of
we were not an isolated case and that other sectors of the student body and to create a space where we could

CRITIQUE December 2010 13

discuss the cuts which were taking place and where that we had barricaded them in and were holding them
students, academics and other workers from different areas hostage. In actuality we had given flyers to all staff
of the university could share experiences of cuts within members explaining why we felt the action was
their sectors. This was done through the organisation of necessary,asking them to calmly leave; we even posted one
mass meetings where students, academics and other under the door of the self-imposed “hostages”. On these
workers were invited to share a platform and discuss the grounds the riot police came with dogs and pepper spray in
cuts they faced. As well as being informative, these an effort to intimidate students from taking part in
meetings were useful for creating links between students legitimate demonstrations. They did not forcibly remove
and their lecturers, between workers of different unions, use (despite the urging of the VC) but did make it
and for giving them support by showing them that the impossible for use to secure the space. After much
students were with them. These meetings were also used as argumentation amongst the occupiers inside (some people
a forum for discussion for the course of the movement, and saying they didn't believe in voting) it was decided that we
to decide upon future action to be taken. could not hold the space and that we should leave in a block
The first occupation of the campaign came off the back of a while there was a crowd and cameras outside. In the course
mass demonstration attended by around 500 people. For of the day 3 students were arrested.
this occupation we chose a large room known as the This was a controversial occupation as the decision to
Conference Centre. This was chosen due to the fact that it occupy had not been made at an open STC meeting but at a
is not actually a part of the University, although located on smaller meeting, called by an Anarchist group, which was
its grounds, but is rented out for business meetings and not advertised and to which many who have been active in
functions at extortionate rates. By occupying this space we the campaign were not invited and were unaware of. As a
were therefore able to have a direct fiscal impact on result we did not have the numbers to hold the space for any
management. We held this space for two days and anight period of time. The occupation also resulted in the
during which time demonstrations of students and suspension of six students from taking part in university
lecturers were organised outside in support of the activities and management taking out a court injunction
occupiers. The Conference Centre is located on the top making occupations a criminal offence. We were not
story of a 5-story building. During one such demonstration divided by these events however and seized this
we lowered down a bucket filled with money we had victimisation as an opportunity, mobilising huge support at
collected for UCUs strike fund to a union leader below. Sussex and university campuses across the country for the
UCU, the largest union on campus, has formalised an in- six suspended students, dubbed the “Sussex Six”.
depth alternative proposal which would allow for the The biggest demonstration of the campaign so far was held
required money to be saved whilst minimising job losses to protest the suspensions. It involved over 700 people and
and maintaining the integrity of the institution. However, a high number of staff members attended to show their
this has been dismissed by management categorically. support. During this demonstration it was decided that we
During the summer term therefore, when all attempts at should occupy again in defiance of the court injunction
negotiation had been exhausted, UCU voted showing that we did not recognise its legitimacy. Without
overwhelmingly to take industrial action. On the day this any previous planning we occupied a large lecture theatre
vote took place around 80 students occupied the (Arts A2) which, just the year before, had been occupied
administration building of the university in an act of for a week in solidarity with the people of Gaza during
solidarity and support for the strike which we had been Israel's campaign of mass slaughter.
calling for.
Around 300 people from the demonstration packed into
In occupying this building we forced management out of the lecture theatre. Our first collective decision was to
their ivory tower and, for a short period, kicked them out as write a list of demands (very simple: 1. Reinstate the
they planned to do to 115 workers. Not all of the Sussex Six 2. No redundancies) and a letter to management
management would relinquish their citadel so easily and a requesting that a high ranking member of management
bizarre situation unfolded where a low level member of come into the occupied space to collect our demands in
management locked himself and several other staff person and stating that we would not leave or negotiate
members info an office and then called the police saying until this happened. Amazingly two members of upper

14 December 2010 CRITIQUE

management agreed to this. They entered the lecture hall management has shown that they will not listen to
through the back door and had to walk the whole length of suggestions and are not interested in our concerns; they do
the room, pact past capacity with protesting students, to not care about the people who make up the University or the
reach the podium where they were handed demands. The proud history of our institution. They have their own agenda
room was silent with anticipation as they entered and and, with the support of the state, seek to bulldoze it through.
remained so until the second the demands were handed
We have so far been successful in reducing the number of
over when it erupted into cheering. They were asked to
redundancies from 115 to 100 and management have
make a statement but preferred to leave hurriedly and
agreed to make as many of these as possible “voluntary”.
without a word.
This shows just how far we have to go and the extent to
Over the next week we used this space for a continuous which we will have to escalate worker and student
programme of talks, discussions and workshops on a great militancy to achieve our goals. The first priority of our
number of issues, mostly relating to the role of education in movement is saving jobs and protecting the workers of the
society, its potential as a tool of liberation and the role it university from attacks on their livelihoods. For this, the
could play in a society based on human needs rather than unions need to go on all-out, indefinite strike. When this is
profit. We also invited speakers to talk on subjects such as combined with student strikes and occupations we can stop
the history of student protest, art and protest movements, the institution from functioning and show the management
and the role of universities in the neoliberal world. As well that it is our university and they cannot afford to ignore us.
as discussion of a more academic nature we also
However the drive towards neoliberal restructuring is not
encouraged workers from the university to speak about the
isolated to individual universities and their vice
cuts and redundancies they faced and gave over a day for
chancellors but is the result of an agenda formed and
the discussion of the UCUs alternative proposals.
imposed by the state. The government seeks to
Cleaners, porters, computer technicians, lecturers and
simultaneously reduce its fiscal responsibilities and to
associate teachers all entered the occupied space to give
subordinate the needs of society to those of the market for
talks and contribute to discussions. Even the security
the benefit of the rich. With a conservative government in
guards supported us despite our actions making them have
power ideologically committed to privatisation and cutting
to do over time, although would not join discussions for
government spending this trend will intensify in the years
fear of losing their jobs. Workers from the city of Brighton
ahead. Keeping higher education in the public domain
bin workers union (GMB) and the rail and transport
will therefore require resistance at the national scale and as
workers union (RMT) also addressed the occupation and
part of a wider fight back against the government's efforts
offered their solidarity for our struggle.
to make ordinary people pay for the financial crisis. This
We left occupation after 7 days at 6.30 am on the first of movement has already begun and on November 10th 2010,
two days of strike action by UCU in order to join the picket 52,000 people have taken to the streets of London, with a
lines. The day had an atmosphere of jubilation, it felt like a large group of protestors storming the conservative parties
culmination of the worker/ student unity we had been head quarters, in protest of the proposed rise in tuition fees.
building and both lectures and students were excited to be
In the course of resistance the seeds for an alternative
standing shoulder to shoulder on the picket line. On same
education, and an alternative society to that envisioned by
day management announced that the suspensions had been
the coalition of cutters and the capitalist class, will
dropped and so the Sussex Six came onto campus together
continue to grow.
and joined the picket line giving the campaign its firstsmall
but realvictory. Another education is possible- but we are going to have to
fight for it.q
The strike took place at the end of the year, only lasted two
days and was not able to seriously disrupt the functioning For more information on the Stop the Cuts campaign visit:
of the university. But it was a start. UCU going on strike
has strengthened the confidence of workers and their ...........................................................................................
unions here and has put industrial action on the table at the
Ryan Powell is a student in the University of Sussex and is
University of Sussex as a means by which workers can
a member of Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK.
resist the attacks they are currently facing. The

CRITIQUE December 2010 15

Writing on the Walls of People
-Seram Rojesh

T he Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA),

was passed in the Parliament in 1958. AFSPA can
be looked at not only as a problem for those people
who live under this law, but as an aspect of neocolonialism,
militaristic and the undemocratic nature of the Indian
Manipur strongly opposed the Act and even said that
AFSPA was a lawless law and it would degenerate society.
After the whole of Manipur was declared a “disturbed
area” in 1980, Manipur has been technically under the
direct rule of Indian armed forces. With legal impunity in
State. It does not say that it is to counter the “armed their hand, Indian Armed Forces (IAF) started extensive
rebellion” or that it is an “anti-terror law”. The Supreme military operations in Manipur. They came at midnight to
Court said that it was required for national interest and it targeted houses in search of suspected people, knocking
was not due to the armed rebellion. The AFSPA has its on the door while people were asleep in their houses, and
roots in British colonial ordinance, called the Armed took away people for interrogation. Many such people got
Forces (Special Powers) Ordinance promulgated in 1942 killed, tortured and disappeared in custody. People's lives,
to assist in suppressing the "Quit India Movement". security, dignity and humanity are being terrorized and
The AFSPA itself began as the Armed Forces (Assam and threatened in the name of counter-insurgency operations in
Manipur) Special Powers Ordinance, 1958, that came into Manipur by the Indian State for the protection of the Indian
force in May 1958, and was passed by Parliament in Nation. Some kind of power and collective fight by the
September of that year. It has only six clauses. Clause 1 people has always existed, to secure the dignity and life of
defines the name of the act. Clause 2 defines the armed the people through resistance in every human society in the
forces are under the law, including all the central forces - history of mankind. In a similar way, women in Manipur in
the Army, Navy and Air forces. Clause 3 defines the power the 1980s came together and transformed the already
to declare a disturbed area. The real law is in clauses 4, 5 existing Nisha Band Movement (Anti-Alcohol/Drug
and 6. Clause 4 allows a non-commissioned officer to movement) into the Meira Paibe movement (“women's
shoot a person dead on the basis of suspicion, to destroy a torch bearer”). A women's movement for protecting and
property or any place, to arrest a person without an arrest securing the lives, physical health, and dignity from
warrant. Clause 5 allows an arrested person to be kept humiliation at the hand of state's armed forces. Civil
detained for an unlimited time and does not define the society movements, particularly Meira Paibi, Mothers'
number of days and time permitted. Clause 6 says no Associations and students' organisations in Manipur have
prosecution suit or other legal proceeding shall be always called for the repeal of the AFSPA.
instituted, except with the previous sanction of the central But these did not reach the kind of mass participation and
government, with respect of anything done or purported to powerful protest that surfaced in the 2004 Manorama
be done in exercise of the powers conferred by this Act. protest. People have fresh memories of the two major
atrocities and massacres by IAF on the innocent people of
In Manipur, the AFSPA declared Tamenglong district a
Manipur recorded in the 1980s. One is the 1984
disturbed area for the first time in 1961 and later extended
Heirangoithong massacre when the armed forces opened
to other hill areas of Manipur. Since 1980, in the last 30
fire on an audience who were watching volleyball and
years, all parts of Manipur has been under the extra-
killed 13 peoples, injuring more than 50 people. The
constitutional law of AFSPA. In 2004, after the Manorama
sounds of the clapping and joyful cheers of the audience in
protest, Government of Manipur denotified 7
the playground were immediately replaced by the voices
constituencies in Imphal from “disturbed areas”as a result
of crying people and the pain of the injured people and the
of the pressure of the people's protest and also to save the
last, dying call of the people fatally injured. The Numbul
Congress Government.
River's water just flowing behind the volleyball ground
People's movements against the Act has had its ups and flowed red with blood. The second incident fresh in public
downs and even reached an extreme point. From the very memory was the Oinam massacre in 1987 at Oinam village
moment of the enactment of the AFSPA-1958, within the of Senapati district in Manipur, where 15 people were
House of the Parliament, a Member of the Parliament from killed, and the villagers were tortured for three months and

28 December 2010 CRITIQUE

forced to work in the army camp. A number of women the Students' Union at that time. Netaje's killing became
were raped, molested, and women's bodies were frisked by very clear evidence that state forces had been doing extra-
the Indian soldiers on their duty of operation, and a judicial killing deliberately, and we saw this as the right
pregnant woman was even forced to deliver her child at the time to stop and demand, No Further Killing! Punish
public ground where 100s of villagers were forced to Those State Forces Who Takes the Law into their Hand”.
assemble. None of the armed forces involved in the One can observe that it was the first major mass protest
atrocities of operation and massacre were punished and across the population, particularly from the student's
rather they are protected by the impunity of the AFSPA. In community. Meira Paibi and common people came on to
1992, Central Reserve Police Forces (CRPF) massacred 8 the streets and the fight for justice continued for nearly one
autorickshaw drivers and one MBBS student from month. There was a call for the boycott of annual Class X
Arunachal Pradesh at RIMS hospital (a central examination by the All Manipur Students' Union (AMSU).
government hospital) premises. Some of the Hindi Higher secondary students groups were the major actors in
speaking non-Manipuri workers who were standing along this movement under the AMSU. The government of
with the auto drivers were separated before the gunning Manipur was forced to agree to the four major demands of
down. A medical student from Arunachal Pradesh was also the movement. One, to conducting an independent judicial
killed because he looked like the Manipuri auto drivers, inquiry headed by a retired High Court judge. Two, that 1
even though he had shown his identity card to prove where lakh rupees should be given as compensation to the family
he was from. All the sequences of the way of cold blooded of Netaji. Three, that a stone monument should be build
massacre was recorded in the RIMS Massacre Inquiry after the cremation of his symbolic body represented by
Commission which acknowledges the racial character of traditional wood inside his school premises. Netaji's dead
the killing in its report. Human rights organisations, body had been cremated without his family members, as an
students' organisations and Meira Paibes called for justice “unclaimed body” by the state forces, without the rituals.
and compensation. They were demanding a judicial Lastly, that a library should be built in the name of Netaji
inquiry of the RIMS massacre. But the call for repeal of the inside his school. It was a major success of the student's
Act was not very popular among the common masses in and Meira Paibes' movement in Manipur, even though
the case of RIMS massacre, which was evident in the way more than 70 public offices were burnt and many
that they were to protest on the street. Since 1995, after the government vehicles were destroyed and burned down by
Manipur State Commando Forces were set up as part of the the supporters of the movement. Some of the 30 boys and
counter-insurgency operation forces, many youths were girls studying in class XI/XII, mostly higher secondary
reported to have been killed in encounters. It became so student's union leaders, decided not to go back to their
common that a civilian was named a militant after being home until and unless justice was materialised. Police
killed. People in Manipur, civil society organisations, and came to every student leaders' house who involved in the
particularly students' organisation noticed what was movement to arrest and this police action indirectly
happening but could not do much without any evidence. supported our decisions not to go back home. I went back
People were waiting for the right time to express their home after almost 20 days when I was informed that my
anger. grandfather had expired. I could not see him at his last
In 1996, February 28, the Manipur police commands led moment. Finally, the government of Manipur officially
by Sub-Inspector Mr. Krishnatombi and Rajendro killed suspended all those state forces that were suspected to have
Hijam Netaji, a Class XI science student at Johnston involved in the killing. People were expecting at least
Higher Secondary while he was waiting for his bus to some positive actions from the judicial inquiry. One of the
school in his school uniform. He was a brilliant student and suspended sub-inspector Mr. Rajendro was killed in a
secured 71% in class X and wanted to become a doctor. heavy cross fire with some cadres of United National
There was no any way that state forces could have claimed Liberation front (UNLF) and insurgent organisation in
that he was also a militant killed in encounter. Some miles Manipur, before the announcement of the inquiry's
from the bus stop where Netaji was killed, two other commission report, at a place called Wangoi in Manipur. It
persons were also killed. One was reported to be one of the was proved that his suspension was only a formality on
student in the school I studied in, Ram Lal Paul Higher paper, and that he was on duty in uniform. After his death,
Secondary School in Imphal. I was studying in class XI- the inquiry commission was halted and nobody knows
Arts in that school and was also the General Secretary of what happened to it till date. Gradually people realised that

CRITIQUE December 2010 29

the judicial inquiry was one of government's tactics to buy completely naked with a banner saying 'Indian Army Rape
time, and its credibility was lost. Us'. After the Manorama rape and murder, people realised
that there was no use to an arrest memo. This time people
On the other side, the Indian Army and the Indian
did not ask for compensation, or a judicial inquiry, but
Paramilitary forces have extensively expanded their
asked directly for the repeal of the AFSPA-1958. This time,
military operation in both the hills and valleys since 1980.
people start saying, “Go Back Indian Army”, “We Want
They took away people in front of his/her family members
Freedom from AFSPA and Atrocities from the Armed
from his house and later claimed that the person had
Forces.” But common people in Manipur are still not
already been released from custody. Such people never
saying “Quit Manipur” or for Azadi, as seen in Kashmir.
come back and finally disappeared. Since the
However, it will not be long before the common people
disappearance of Mr. Loken and Mr. Lokendro since 1980,
start saying “Quit Manipur” if this kind of oppression and
many other people have disappeared. In some cases, the
subjugation under the AFSPA goes on in Manipur.
people who had disappeared had never been arrested.
People had no any evidence in paper to prove that their In the last 50 years or so, we have seen in Manipur how the
sons had been taken away by IAF because they never common people's consciousness have gradually
issued arrest memos to the family till 1998. People developed against the AFSPA. After many demands for
believed that if the arrest memo was issued in every arrest, judicial inquiries, compensation, arrest memos, the repeal
than there would be no further disappearance cases. In of the AFSPA and freedom from army rule, it still goes
1998, a 15 years old school boy who was studying in Class unnoticed by the media and scholars across Indian
VIII disappeared . This time, under the leadership of universities. This discourse of protest and the people's
AMSU and Meira Paibes, a big campaign and protest were consciousness in Manipur has been outside the academic
organized in many parts of Manipur. Finally, the agitation discourse and public discourse of this country. This is the
came to a conclusion with the assurance from the failure on the part of the researchers and the academic
government and military officials that issuing an arrest community, and the political thinkers of this country. Now,
memo would be made mandatory. It was a major retired army and police officials who have worked in
psychological relief for the every people in Manipur who 'disturbed territories' are being relied on for information
live in fear of losing family. People felt a little confident and analysis by scholars. If scholars had used research
that there would be no more disappearances in Manipur. capacities and made intervention in the policy matters in
The confidence would not last long in Manipur, as two these 'disturbed areas', the situation would have been much
other cases of disappearance, of Mr Khundrakpam Yaima better. It was only after the 2004 Manorama protest that
and Mohammad Kayab Ali occurred in 1999. someintellectuals and academics outside Manipur, in
Since 1974, after the gang rape of Miss Vally Rose by one various universities in India and abroad, noticed that there
of the Majors of Indian armed forces, women in Manipur was a political community that existed in the far corner of
have been subjected to sexual assault, which seems to be a Manipur. Why do people call for the repeal of this Act?
common occurrence in many military-oppressed societies. Some of the reasons are that Armed Forces (Manipur and
A mother was raped in front of her disfigured son inside Assam) Special Powers Act, 1958 is one of the most
their home, while her husband was gunned down by the dangerous and draconian laws enacted by the post-
IAF as she was being raped. Many women were raped in independent Indian Parliament to suppress, oppress and
Manipur till 2004. In 2004, Miss Manorama was arrested repress nationalities which are racially different from
and tortured in front of her mother and her brother, late at others in mainland India. This was later extended to the
night on 10 July. In the Manorama case, IAF issued an Muslim majority state of Kashmir in India. It is a racist law.
arrest memo before she was taken away by the armed With the implementation of the AFSPA, in the last 62 years
forces. Her family was told that she would be released on in many parts of the country, it can be seen that in India,
the following day. In the arrest memo, nothing was laws are being made on the basis of the region, race, and
mentioned to have been recovered from Manorama's religion. There is no one rule of law across the country. All
possession by IAF. The next morning, she was found dead, the fundamental rights in the disturbed area have been
lying on the hillside. Her body was not properly clothed. totally suspended. People in the disturbed area live without
She had been shot with 7 bullets; one bullet had been fired basic fundamental rights which are enjoyed by other
at her vagina , obviously to abolish the evidence of rape. Indians who live in non-disturbed areas, which excludes a
Mothers of Manipur in grief protested at Kangla, large part of the tribal areas in north, south and central

30 December 2010 CRITIQUE

India, who are also have been exploited and oppressed by of dignity and respect for the life of a human being under
Indian capitalist state with the support of the multinational the AFSPA. This is why Irom Sharmila challenges the
companies. The state order which is supposed to be an power of the state which destroys lives, being on an
instrument of protection and security of the common indefinite fast for the last ten years. Irom Sharmila is still
people has become an instrument of death and humiliation in judicial custody in Imphal, since the Indian state force-
for the people who are living under the shadow of the feeds her to assert its power. People are not allowed to visit
AFSPA- 1958. People in the 'disturbed area' are politically her freely. She has not met her mother in the last ten years.
excluded even though they are within the territory of India. In the neighboring country of our nation, Burma, the pro-
Just as Dalits are socially excluded from the Hindu social democracy leader Ms Aung San Suu Kyi was released
order even though they have been living with Hindu recently, from 7 years of continuous house arrest. She has
society from centuries. spent 15 years under house arrestduringthe Burmese
There is no other country in the world which has as military regime. Interestingly, in the case of Burma, every
draconian and fascist a law as AFSPA in India. It is the subject of the Burmese State is subject to the same rule of
shortest law of the world, and the most dangerous law of law under the military regime. AFSPA is a classical
the world. It is worse that any other anti-terror law which example of the suspension of the rule of law, on the basis of
was enacted around the world after the 9/11 such as the religion and race and region.
Patriot Act or theUK Security Act . It rejects the very idea To conclude, if the ruling clasess of India, who claim to
of constitution of India . The very fundamental problem of love the idea of the Indian nation, have no courage to say,
this Act is that in the areas under the AFSPA, all people are let people decide their own destiny to solve their problems,
treated as criminal/militant/terrorist or a threat to the and and come out in support for those fighting for their
nation by birth. So, everybody then needs to prove that right to self-determination, be it in Kashmir, Manipur, or
they are not a threat to the nation or a militant. It contradicts Nagaland , they should at least have the courage to say, let
the basic right granted to non-AFSPA areas that everybody us treat them equally under the rule of law , i.e., repeal the
should be treated innocent until and unless a person is Act and stop the neo-colonial of the state. The state of
proved to be a criminal by the rule of law. That is why exception cannot be the way of governance. Politics and
Mohamad Kasav, a lone Pakistani terrorist, is still under the principles of the state should be based on the principle
trial that seeks to prove that he is a terrorist. So, technically of securing the existence of people, and not crushing
speaking, a position of a terrorist from Pakistan or any people's aspiration, dignity and well-being. q
other country is better in Mumbai or any non-AFSPA states
than in Manipur of Kashmir or any other territory that is ...........................................................................................
characterised as a 'disturbed area'i. There is no possibility Seram Rojesh is researcher & political activist

CRITIQUE December 2010 31

Organising Revolutionary Dissent: Glimpses into the Praxis of
Korean Students' Movement under Military Dictatorship
- Bonojit Hussain

T oday Professor Kim is a well-respected

progressive academic in one of the numerous
Universities of Seoul, where I have also spent my
last three years – first as a student and then as a Research
Program Officer/Faculty. But I never had the opportunity
adding to the trauma of young Mr. Kim and his comrades.
Why wouldn't they have felt so? After all, the 1980s were
the period when in South Korea the revolutionary fervor
was at its height, especially among students and young
industrial workers. Only few years ago, in June 1987,
to chat with Professor Kim about politics. He spoke only
armed with the revolutionary ideas of Marx, Lenin,
Korean and Russian; and I spoke only English and
Trotsky and Gramsci, students and young workers
'unintelligible' Korean.
marched on to the streets in what is now known as the
But Professor Kim is well known among students as the “Great Labour Offensive”, bringing down a brutal
'nutty professor' who, as a graduate student, went to authoritarian 'fascist' military regime of three decades to its
Moscow to study in the early 1990s. As the rumour goes, knees.
study was just an excuse for him- in reality he wanted to II.
(un)confirm his worst nightmare : whether the Soviet
Union has truly collapsed or was yet another western Way back in 1945, soon after Korea's liberation from
capitalist propaganda. Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945), Korea was divided
along the 38th parallel. It was not only a geographical
To anyone today it would appear that he was 'crazy'. After division between the capitalist-oriented 'right-wing'-
all, why do you need to go to Moscow to see for yourself 'south' and a socialist-oriented 'left-wing'-'North'; it also
whether the Soviet Union has collapsed or not? The whole led to extreme polarisation of social forces along the 'right -
world read about it in newspapers and saw images of it on wing' and 'left-wing' lines. The United States Military
television. I would have also thought that this Prof. Kim Government (1945-48) in the South and subsequently Pro-
guy is crazy if I had not become a student of the US Syngman Rhee-led Government (1948-60) had
contemporary labour and student movements of Korea. systematically decimated the working class movement,
It was not just “young” Mr. Kim who was shocked at the popular political dissidents and anybody who was
demise of the Soviet Union; there were thousands and suspected of being sympathetic to left-wing ideas. The
thousands of other Korean student activists who could not Korean Civil War (1950-53) between the North and South
believe it, and they felt as if the grounds beneath them had further facilitated the complete annihilation of even
slipped away. moderate political dissent and left-wing ideas in the South.
Only pro-governmental right-wing organisations could
Starting in the late 1970s, in the East, China traversed the
exist without the threat of death or imprisonment. The
path toward market liberalism, followed by Uncle Ho's
tumultuous period from 1945 to 1960 had laid strong
revolutionary Vietnam; towards the West, the Berlin Wall
foundations for “Anti-Communist Regimentation” of
said “good bye to Lenin”, ushering in many a multi-
South Korean society and an extremely repressive
colored “revolutions” in various formerly communist
authoritarian state.
republics of Eastern Europe.
In April of 1960, students, mostly in Seoul, rose up against
In 1989 the rock band The Scorpions sang the now famous
the oppressive and 'corrupt' Sygman Rhee Regime which
song “Winds of Change”, commemorating the fall of
led to the installation of a short-lived democratic
Berlin Wall and perhaps the demise of the then existing
government. However, in early 1961, General Park Chung
Hee led a coup and established a military regime which
And then, of course, the Soviet Union fell apart in 1992, was to stand out among all the dictatorships across the

32 December 2010 CRITIQUE

post-colonial world not only for its absolute control over and universities.
the populace but also for the rapid industrialisation it
The rapid industrialisation and the internationally
applauded economic growth rate (which came to be known
Under the military regime of General Park Chung Hee, as the Miracle on River Han) relied heavily on the “Anti-
from 1961 onwards, the South Korean society and Communist Regimentation” of the society and the
economy had embarked upon a very compressed and state- possibility it opened up for mobilization of a docile and
led top-down transformation. Since the early 1960s, the disciplined labor force.
South Korean economy and society under went a
During this 'great transformation', young women and men
transformation which is no less significant than the “great
were becoming wage laborer and entering the factories
transformation” that Karl Polanyi has described for
without any political and cultural resources of the pre-
nineteenth-century Europe. Rapid industrialisation and
existing working class movement or consciousness
subsequent proletarianisation of a mammoth scale turned
(remember; the organised working class movement and
millions of farmers and their sons and daughters into wage
any political dissent was completely annihilated). Like in
workers in urban factories. The temporally compressed
all other sectors of the society, these young women and
nature of the transformation of a whole society within a
men entered the factories as atomised workers. In a very
generation and the magnitude of the change produced by
perverse way, it was like what Marx said in a different
this in South Korea is comparable to what took a whole
context that, “the tradition of all dead generations weighs
century in most European societies. Just to give you a
like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”
sense of the magnitude: 1 out of 10 South Koreans were
engaged in service sector or industries and the rest were Devoid of any political and cultural resources of
engaged in agriculture in 1959; by 1985, only 1 out of 10 resistance, these young workers worked under terrible
persons was engaged in agriculture and the rest were conditions. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the wages of
engaged in either the service sector or industry. South Korean workers were lower than in any other Asian
countries and South Korea had the longest working hours
The war (1950-53) was not over, it ended in a truce. Under
(55 hours per week) and the highest industrial accident rate
the pretext of 'constant military threat' from North Korea,
in the world (these are of course official data).
the State was able to mobilise the entire populace and
restructure social relations. Every aspect of social and Any industrial conflicts were identified as tantamount to
economic life was disciplined along the militaristic lines. communist politics and no institutional channels were
Schools and universities were run like military garrisons; allowed for resolving the grievances of the work force.
military-like dresses, anti-raid drills, anti-communist song These were the labour laws backed by brute force like
sessions were made an every day part of school life, lynching, executions, abductions, torture, intimidation,
starting from elementary level. and the rape of anyone who tried to organize workers. The
police, the army, the Korean Central Intelligence Agency
Factories were also structured along the lines of military
(KCIA), special units of police in civilian dress called the
garrisons. Workers had to wear gray uniforms. Their hair
'White Skeleton Brigade' (Baekgoldan), and special
had to be cut short. Their ranks were revealed by the shape
company hired mercenaries called the “Save-the-
of their name tags which were pinned on the left breast
Company-Squads” (Gusadae) were used to monitor and
pocket. They came to the factory before 8:00 A.M,
identify any “trouble maker”.
accompanied by marching music blaring from loud
speakers. The factory cafeteria which provided lunch was III.
divided into sections for different ranks of workers. On the afternoon of 13 November 1970, a dozen workers
Sections of workers were referred to by numbers like 2nd in the sweatshop district of Pyunghwa Market in western
squad, 3rd platoon, 4th column and so on, instead of their Seoul came together for a protest. The protest was
functions or production lines. organized by a young 22 year old worker called Chun Tae
The pervasive influence of the military did not stop at the Il. Soon the police and market security came in to break up
level of outward forms but penetrated more deeply to the protest; while the protesters refused to budge, Chun Tae
shape the dominant pattern of authority relations and Il disappeared for a few minutes. When he returned he was
institutional culture. “Do as you are told to do with no holding in one hand a can of kerosene and in the other hand
questions and no excuse allowed” became the dominant a copy of the 'Labour Standards Law'. He set himself on
institutional norm that pervaded industrial firms, schools fire while shouting from within the flames that engulfed

CRITIQUE December 2010 33

him: “We are not machines!”, “Let us rest on Sunday!”, discipline. But the period did see some efforts of
“Don't exploit workers!”, “Abide by the Labor Standards unionising among the workers who were predominantly
Law”. young women.
Chun Tae Il had stumbled upon the booklet called “Labour Chun Tae Il's sacrifice did send ripples across different
Standards Law” a few years before this in a second-hand sections of the society and came as a brute reminder to the
book shop, much to his delight; to his surprise, he learnt rest of the society that the high rate of economic
from this booklet that workers are entitled to certain rights development came at a great price paid by the members of
like 'rest on Sunday'. He pinned great hope on the law and a nascent working class.
petitioned different
The first to plunge into
authorities, until he was fed up
organising workers were the
and thought it necessary to
church group. Two church
under take the extreme step of
organisations played the most
self-immolation. While he was
significant role in the efforts
being carried to the hospital, he
to organise democratic and
begged his fellow workers:
independent workers union:
“Please don't waste my life”.
the Catholic “Jeunesse
His dying words were
Ouvnere Chretienne” (JOC)
addressed to his mother-
and the Protestant “Urban
“Mom, please accomplish the
Industrial Mission” (UIM).
work which I haven't
JOC and UIM recruited a
succeeded in accomplishing”.
significant number of
This was the phase of export- Christian students and youths
oriented industrialisation in who would go to shanty towns
South Korea where a majority and working class
of the factory workers were neighbourhoods to run
young women. Even Chun Tae clandestine educational
Il embarked upon labour programs and night schools to
activism out of deep humanist educate the workers and
concern with the plight of all helped them in forming
the young female apprentices unions.
under him. Once he wrote to
his friend; “how can these Schools and university
young apprentice bear such campuses became fertile
long hours of work? ... At this grounds for anti-government
age of 14, they are only a c t i v i s m . To d o d g e
children, and then they often surveillance and anti-
get scolded by the tailor for not communist witch hunts, these
finishing their job on time, and during lunch time, they eat students operated through small reading groups on
from their tiny packed lunch box they brought from home, campuses and through campus educational programs
just like an elephant eating biscuits”. provided by religious organisations. Whenever vacation
and semester breaks allowed for it, students started going
After Chun Tae Il's self-immolation, several other workers
to shanty towns and working class ghettos to work amidst
attempted it and self-immolation became a recurring
workers to uplift them from their plight.
theme of the Korean working class struggle throughout
1970s. However, this great individual sacrifice only They were vilified as pro-communist and were often
generated short-lived public sympathy. It was still quite imprisoned along with workers. But they didn't necessarily
early for a development of a organized working class think of their activities as part of the labour movement, nor
movement. Most of the workers were predominantly did the issue of labour called for a fundamental re-thinking
neophyte industrial workers from the rural setting, busy of their lives and privilege- when the time arrived to return
adapting to their new environment and industrial to their schools and jobs, they went back without any

34 December 2010 CRITIQUE

hesitation, and so did the members of National Democratic Mobile Strike Task Force till the wee hours of 27 May in
Federation of Youth, an organization accused of planning the Provincial building of Gwangju city.
to overthrow the South Korean Government in the mid
During the Gwangju People's Uprising, 59.9 percent of the
injured, 59.2 percent of the dead, 58 percent of the arrested,
There was ample discontent among the student community and 80 percent of the People's Militia were workers,
when their hair, skirt length and what they read, wrote and peasants and lumpen proletariat. The disproportionate
sang were the subject matter of state censorship. There was sacrifice made by the working class and lumpen proletariat
a complete strangulation of popular and youth culture; in during an uprising started by students became a metaphor
1975 alone, 45 pop songs were banned for their supposedly for the intellectuals' “inherent weakness” and workers'
“negative influence on national security and citizen's “inherent revolutionary qualities”. A metaphor that
unity”. immediately became the central theme of popular
However, it was not state censorship on youth culture that literature as a popular short story after the uprising puts it:
was the driving force behind students plunging into “remember those who remained in the provincial building.
working class shanties to educate and help organize You have to remember who participated, who fought, and
workers. It was out of a deep sense of Christian who died … then you will know what kind of people make
humanitarian concern and due to Confucian moral and history … that knowledge will become your strength”.
ethical discourse embedded in Korean society. Korean The shame of fleeing the provincial building drove the
Confucianism emphasizes that an educated elite should former President of Chonnam University Students'
provide leadership for society by setting a moral example Association to his death after a prolonged hunger strike in
in wisdom and virtue. Traditionally Korean intellectuals prison. The “truth” of the Gwangju Uprising turned out to
have regarded their role to be that of 'the conscience of be immense source of guilt for the students and
society' or as the 'watchman in the darkness'. This gets intellectuals. Students started using self-deprecatory
beautifully reflected in the popular traditional phrase - words like “weakling intellectual” (hakppiri) and
“conscience without action is useless'. “watered down ink” (mongmul) to refer to their “inherent
IV. weakness”.

Entering the 1980s, the landscape of student movement The post-Gwangju guilt and despair along with other
changed dramatically. Students no longer looked at socio-political developments had irrevocably changed the
industrial labour as only the object of humanitarian student movement – it had to be “REVOLUTIONARY”.
concerns. Involvement in labour ('Labour Praxis' or The irrevocable changes did not happen only at the level of
nodong hyonjang) was privileged as the most important praxis. The intellectual atmosphere within the student
form of praxis. Not only were the workers hailed as the true movement also underwent iconoclastic changes. The
revolutionary subject, but labour also acquired the aura of atmosphere was perhaps very similar to the May 4th
the inevitability of a revolution. Movement of 1919 in China. Students started smuggling in
This fundamental re-orientation came about because of the Marxist, Anarcho-Marxist and North Korean Jucheist
Gwangju People's Uprising of 18 May 1980 and the literature from Japan; suddenly they were trying to grapple
subsequent massacre by the Korean Army. with a century of development of Marxist philosophy in
couple of years and at times in couple of months.
The Gwangju People's Uprising, initially an ordinary
students' protest organised by the Chonnam University Even within academia, owing to alleged American
Students' Association demanding the lifting of martial law, involvement in the massacre of Gwangju Uprising,
turned into a citywide rebellion. The citizens of Gwangju intellectuals shunned Pro-US developmentalist,
city organised a city wide commune that lasted for 9 days neoclassical approaches in favour of various strands of
until the South Korean Army crushed the rebellion and Marxism, resulting in a Marxist intellectual movement
recaptured the city killing over 1000 people. With arms which engulfed disciplines like economics, history,
looted from provincial police armoury, a People's Militia sociology, journalism, geography etc. Various Marxist
(Mobile Strike Task Force) was organised to repeal and research institutes like Women's Society for the Study of
resist the regular para-troopers of South Korean Army. Korean Society, Korean Association for the Study of
When the regular para-troopers made their final assault on Industrial Society, Korean Institute on Farming and
the night of 26 May, the last battle was fought by the Fishing Community, Social Philosophy Study Room,

CRITIQUE December 2010 35

Historical Research Institute and so on also sprung up. were not as great as they believed it to be at the time. There
Several critical journals also made appearances in the were conflicting aspirations: the neo-Gramscian aspiration
intellectual horizon. for an organic fusion with the workers versus the Leninist
one to lead them; while across camps most organizations
There was also a great hurry to publish contemporary
operated in clandestine fashion, some like the 'Sonoryon'
Marxist works. For example, Yi-Tae-bok, the leader of
openly defined itself as a revolutionary organization – a
National league of Democratic Workers (Jeonmin
revolutionary act in itself in the sociopolitical context of
Noryeon), ran Gwangmin Publishing House and published
South Korea at that time.
the works of Herbert Marcuse, Christopher Hill and
Maurice Doob, for which he was charged with the Students becoming factory worker was the core emphasis
violation of the National Security Law for encouraging of Labour Praxis. Labour Praxis was not something that
“anti-state class struggle”. was just restricted to the radical students' movement, but
was almost a prerequisite for even the members of
Ideologically, the radical student movement consisted of
religion-inspired students' organization. In fact it was a
three distinct camps: NL (National Liberation) who
Christian students' organization – Korean Student
adhered to Kim Il Sung's Jucheism; NDR (National
Christian Federation – who brought out the first extensive
Democratic Revolution) and PDR (People's Democratic
manual for would-be-Hakchul entitled “Guideline for
Revolution), both of which adhered to Marxism-Leninism.
Factory Activism”.
At the level of praxis there were two distinct opposing
However, becoming a Hakchul was a great challenge for
camps. The first was the “small-group movement” camp
the students at an individual level. They had to adjust to the
which stressed the importance of fostering class
harsh life of a factory worker, which even in 1980s evoked
consciousness among rank and file workers and producing
the Dickensian image of a “blighted patch of humanity”
a nucleus of worker-activists with advanced class
and “murderous” low wages, harsh working conditions
consciousness (sonjin nodongja) that would be capable of
and crammed 'chicken coop' housing. Students also had to
leading the working class movement in the future. This
forge their identity papers to become workers, true
camp was of the opinion that any large scale political
identities divulged meant languishing in prison or
mobilisation of workers at that period was impractical and
“purification camps” run by the military owing to the
immature, considering the political circumstances under
infamous “third party intervention” clause in the labour
which even legitimate unions could not operate.
laws of 1980. But the biggest challenge, as can be gathered
The opposing camp was the “area-based labour from accounts of former hakchul, was to confront their
movement” who criticized the former camp for putting too parents. Many student activists underwent immense
much emphasis on education and preparatory work while trauma in being pulled between their parents' expectation
neglecting the immediate importance of the “Revolution”. out of them and their own sense of obligation to bring
This camp insisted that the task at hand was to mobilize the about revolutionary changes.
“explosive energy of the masses of workers” at the level of
Despite these challenges thousands and thousands of
industrial area rather than individual factories, and develop
students did become hakchul. According to one estimate
political organisation that would be capable of
there were around 3000 hakchul in early 1980s and 10,000
coordinating revolutionary insurrection at the regional and
by late 1980s only in metropolitan Seoul. There were so
national level.
many in factory towns of metropolitan Seoul that they
Student activists who adhered to the “small group would unknowingly bump into each other. In the mid
movement” entered factories as “hakchul nodongja” or 1980s, when Kim Seung-Kyung left her prestigious
student-turned-workers (hakchul henceforth) and worked university to become a hakchul, she recalls: “I went to at a
diligently at the lowest level of Labour Praxis (nodong small electronic factory with 140 workers in Inchon. And
hyonjang), raising consciousness among workers. On the guess what? Of those 140 workers, there were about 10
other hand, adherents of the “area-based movement” disguised workers. Immediately, I could tell who were
engaged in political struggle to form regional labour activists (hwalddonga). That small factory was over-
organisation in open defiance. However, the “area-based” flowing with 'hwalddonga”.
camp also considered it a prerequisite for student activists
to have experience of being a factory worker for their
regional political struggle. In hindsight, it's easy to The Daewoo group was the fourth largest South Korean
comprehend that the divergence between the two camps conglomerate in the mid 1980s. Daewoo witnessed two

36 December 2010 CRITIQUE

historic highly organised and aggressive strikes, reaching historical heights in the post-civil war era in
unprecedented in any Korean conglomerate. In August South Korea. There were, of course, socio-cultural and
1984 in a Daewoo Auto Plant twenty miles west of Seoul, political factors for this, as well as structural changes in the
workers' brewing resentment burst out in spontaneous Korean economy, such as a move towards heavy industries
protest over unfair bonuses and the failure of the pro- from late 1970s onwards. But as the historic Daewoo
management union to uphold the workers interest. Song strikes and Guro solidarity strike demonstrated, hakchul
Kyung Pyung, a hakchul, took the leadership and skillfully constituted a critical element in labour activism and within
channeled workers resentment to the larger issues of the working class movement. The post-Gwangju student
industrial relations and union representation. The movement did play a major role in radicalising and
management learnt that Song was a hakchul and fired him. organising workers and leading various strikes. And all of
Motivated by Song Kyung Pyung's dedication to the cause, it culminated into the “Great Labour Offensive” of 1987,
rank and file workers had formed a rebel union committee which along with the general civil and students' uprising
and prepared for major confrontation with the brought down the brutal “military-conglomerate”
management. dictatorship.
Come April (the month of wage increase negotiations) Here it is worth keeping in mind that when the student
1985, the rebel union committee had asked for 18 percent movement in South Korea got radicalised with
wage increase. And they demanded that a young worker revolutionary zeal and Marxist-Leninist ideas,
Hong Young-Pyo should lead the negotiation. Workers had revolutionary politics was in a world historical retreat.
already been on strike for six days and the strike was While post-war South Korean students had their first
turning more aggressive and violent. Not seeing any easy encounter with Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Gramsci, radical
resolution, the management called for a negotiation with students and intellectuals across the world were shunning
the rebel representative. Two men were sitting across a Marxism and moving towards Post-Marxism and
table in a meeting room in the plant. On one side of the postmodernism.
table was Kim Woo Jung, Chairperson of Daewoo Groups
The reality of fall of Berlin wall and the collapse of the
and on the other side was a young man of 28 wearing a red
Soviet Union came as a brutal shock to students in South
ribbon on his forehead, Hong Young-pyo, representative of
Korea. It was in this contradictory context that the likes of
the striking workers. Negotiation between Chairman Kim
“Young” Mr. Kim had to find ways of going to Moscow to
and Hong lasted through two nights and the workers won a
see for themselves whether the “Socialist Paradise” had
ten percent wage increase with other benefits. Hong was
collapsed or not.
neither a typical worker nor a union leader; he was an ex-
student who majored in Philosophy but left university to Soon, ideological disillusionment prevailed. Some went
become a hakchul in the early 1980s. back to their pre-hakchul days and resumed their studies;
some jumped onto the bandwagon of “Post-Marxism and
Soon enough the Daewoo strikes had spillover effects
Postmodernism” and gradually moved towards NGOs.
across heavy and chemical industries. But then two months
But some remained within the working class movement
later, an even more significant strike took place in Guro
which grew more and more militant and radical through
Industrial Park in suburban Seoul. In June, Daewoo
out the 1990s.
Apparel, a medium size garment factory, fired two hakchul
– Lee Sun-Ju and Shim Sang-Jung - for being involved in Today, in 2010, South Korean working class movement
night school activities (yahak) leading to their arrest by like elsewhere is at a crossroad as a result of intense
police. On June 24 workers across factories in the offensive from the State and capital. But still it remains the
industrial park went on a Solidarity Strike. Sadly, by June most organised, most militant and radical working class
29 the strike ended with massive police crackdown and movement across the post-colonial world. As for the
mass dismissal of workers. But the Guro Solidarity Strike radical student movement today, only a marginal
owing to its overtly political nature electrified the nascent Trotskyite student group exists. q
working class movement by bringing about tremendous ...........................................................................................
solidarity amongst workers across industries and factories;
it also had a huge impact on the Democratisation Bonojit Hussain is formerly a Research Professor at Sung
Movement. Kong Hoe University, Seoul, South Korea.

By mid 1980s the working class movement was taking

shape and class consciousness among workers was

CRITIQUE December 2010 37

UID: Facility or Calamity?
-Jean Drèze

I t is quite likely that someone will be knocking at your

door a few weeks from now and asking for your
fingerprints. If you agree, your fingerprints will enter a
national database, along with personal characteristics (age,
sex, occupation, and so on) that have already been
many other documents. For instance, the Planning
Commission proposal for the National Food Security Act
argues for “mandatory use of UID numbers which are
expected to become operational by the end of 2010" (don't
miss the optimistic time frame). No UID, no food!
collected from you, unless you were missed in the “Census Similarly, UIDAI's concept note on NREGA assumes that
Household Listing” earlier this year. “each citizen needs to provide his UID before claiming
The purpose of this exercise is to build the National employment”. Thus, Aadhaar will also be a condition for
Population Register (NPR). In due course, your UID the right to work - so much for its voluntary nature.
(Unique Identity Number, or “Aadhaar”) will be added to Now, if the UID is compulsory, then everyone should have
it. This will make it possible to link the NPR with other a right to free, convenient and reliable enrolment. The
Aadhaar-enabled databases, from tax returns to bank enrolment process, however, is all set to be a hit-or-miss
records and SIM registers. This includes the Home affair, with no guarantee of timely and hassle-free
Ministry's NATGRID, smoothly linking 21 national inclusion. UIDAI hopes to enrol about half of India's
databases. population in the next four years – what about the other
For intelligence agencies, this is a dream. Imagine, half?
everyone's fingerprints at the click of a mouse, that too Nor is there any guarantee of reliability. Anyone familiar
with demographic information and all the rest! Should any with the way things work in rural India would expect the
suspicious person book a flight, or use a cyber café, or any UID database to be full of errors. There is a sobering lesson
of the services that will soon require an Aadhaar number, here from the BPL Census. A recent World Bank study
she will be on their radar. If, say, Arundhati Roy makes found rampant anomalies in the BPL list: “A common
another trip to Dantewada, she will be picked up on arrival problem was erroneous information entered for household
like a ripe plum. Fantastic! members. In one district of Rajasthan, more than 50 per
So, when the Unique Identification Authority of India cent of the household members were listed as sisters-in-
(UIDAI) tells us that the UID data (the “Central Identities law”.
Data Repository”) will be safe and confidential, it is a half- Will the UID database be more reliable? Don't bet on it.
truth. The confidentiality of the Repository itself is not a And it is not clear how the errors will be corrected as they
minor issue, considering that UIDAI can authorize “any emerge. Under the proposed National Identification
entity” to maintain it, and that it can be accessed not only Authority of India Bill (“NIDAI Bill”), if someone finds
by intelligence agencies but also by any Ministry. But that her “identity information” is wrong, she is supposed to
more importantly, the UID will help to integrate vast “request the Authority” to correct it, upon which the
amounts of personal data, available to government Authority “may, if it is satisfied, make such alteration as
agencies with few restrictions. may be required”. There is a legal obligation to alert the
Confidentiality is not the only half-truth propagated by Authority, but no right to correction!
UIDAI. Another one is that Aadhaar is not compulsory – it The Aadhaar juggernaut is rolling on regardless (without
is just a voluntary “facility”. UIDAI's concept note stresses any legal safeguards in place), fuelled by mesmerizing
that "enrolment will not be mandated". But there is a catch: claims about the social applications of UID. A prime
"...benefits and services that are linked to the UID will example is UID's invasion of the National Rural
ensure demand for the number". This is like selling bottled Employment Guarantee Act. NREGA workers are barely
water in a village after poisoning the well, and claiming recovering from the chaotic rush to bank payments of
that people are buying water voluntarily. The next sentence wages. Aadhaar is likely to be the next ordeal. The local
is also ominous: "This will not, however, preclude administration is going to be hijacked by enrolment drives.
governments or Registrars from mandating enrolment." NREGA works or payments will come to a standstill where
That UID is, in effect, going to be compulsory is clear from workers are waiting for their Aadhaar number. Others will

38 December 2010 CRITIQUE

be the victim of unreliable technology, inadequate IT Bill”, starting with why it was drafted by UIDAI itself. Not
facilities, or data errors. And for what? Gradual, people- surprisingly, the draft Bill gives enormous powers to
friendly introduction of innovative technologies would UIDAI's successor, the NIDAI, with minimal safeguards.
serve NREGA better than the UID tamasha. To illustrate, the Bill empowers NIDAI to decide the
The real game plan, for social policy, seems to be a massive biometric and demographic information required for an
transition to “conditional cash transfers” (CCTs). There is Aadhaar number (Section 23); “specify the usage and
more than a hint of this “revolutionary” (sic) plan in applicability of the Aadhaar number for delivery of various
Nandan Nilekani's book Imagining India. Since then, benefits and services” (Section 23); authorize whoever it
CCTs have become the rage in policy circles. A recent wishes to “maintain the Central Identities Data
Planning Commission document argues that successful Repository” (Section 7) or even exercise any of its own
CCTs require “a biometric identification system”, made “powers and functions” (Section 51); and dictate all the
possible by “the initiation of a Unique Identification relevant “regulations” (Section 54). Ordinary citizens, for
System (UID) for the entire population…”. The same their part, are powerless: they have no right to a UID
document recommends a string of mega-CCTs, including number except on the NIDAI's terms, no right to correction
cash transfers to replace the Public Distribution System. of inaccurate data, and – last but not least - no specific
means of grievance redressal. In fact, believe it or not, the
If the backroom boys have their way, India's public Bill states (Section 46) that “no court shall take cognizance
services as we know them will soon be history, and every of any offence punishable under this Act” except based on
citizen will just have a Smart Card - food stamps, health a complaint authorised by NIDAI!
insurance, school vouchers, conditional maternity
entitlements and all that rolled into one. This approach may So, is UID a facility or a calamity? The question is, for
or may not work (that's incidental), but business at least whom is it one or the other. For intelligence agencies, the
will prosper. As Wall Street Journal says about Rashtriya corporate sector, and NIDAI, it will be a facility and a
Swasthya Bhima Yojana (a pioneer CCT project, for health blessing. For ordinary citizens, especially the poor and
insurance), “the plan presents a way for insurance marginalised, it could well be a calamity. q
companies to market themselves and develop brand ...........................................................................................
awareness”. Jean Drèze is a renowned Economist & also member of
The biggest danger of UID, however, lies in a restriction of National Advisory Committee
civil liberties. As one observer aptly put it, Aadhaar is
creating “the infrastructure of authoritarianism” – an
unprecedented degree of state surveillance (and potential
control) of the citizens. This infrastructure may or may not
be used for sinister designs. But can we take a chance, in a
country where state agencies have such an awful record of
arbitrariness, brutality and impunity?
Mr. Nilekani is no Big Brother, but the real toughies are not
far behind – like Captain Raghu Raman (of Mahindra
Special Services Group), who is quietly building
NATGRID for the Home Ministry. Raman believes that
growing inequality is a “powder keg waiting for a spark”,
and advocates corporate takeover of internal security
(including a “private territorial army”), to enable the
“commercial czars” to “protect their empires”. Even Mr.
Nilekani is not beyond a little compromise with thought
control. His propaganda blitz, orchestrated by PR firms,
would be the envy of Baba Ramdev. And criticisms are not
taken kindly. Within hours of an enlightening critique of
UID (written by Dr. Reetika Khera) appearing in a leading
national daily, on 30 August 2010, Nilekani called the
editors. Is it an accident that two editorials supportive of
UID appeared in the same newspaper within two days?
There are equally troubling questions about the “NIDAI

CRITIQUE December 2010 39

Value and its Other in Electronic Culture:
Slave Ships and Private Galleons
-Raqs Media Collective

T he slave ships have come ashore,and are

offloading their precious cargo on the docks,and
are waiting to take other goods in exchange.Out
in the high seas the pirates are waiting in agile vessels
anchored in the bays of islands not visible on the map.
And so, even if stockpiled inventories far outnumber sales,
even if theatres run empty,electronic warehouses choke
with unsold products, and media channels pile losses upon
losses,the promotion of the latest desirable cultural good
premises itself on the fact that if you don't buy it,
you won'
They wait for the tall ships to cross the channel on their have something that everyone else ( or at lease anyone
return journeys and then strike under cover of darkness, worth considering)has,and if you don' t buy it '
recovering abundance from scarcity, restoring the nothing ('
while stocks last'), everyone else will buy it before you,
that is mined for gold,into the void depths of the sea. and then you it won' t be yours to buy any longer.Hence,
buy it,even if it costs you a fortune.
“The bank hath benefit of the interest on all moneys which If you 'accessed' the worth of that good by other means ( as
it creates out of nothing….” you would have traditionally,given that it is a cultural or
William Paterson,founder of the Bank of England,in a intellectual good), or by payment of a lesser sum of money
prospectus written to the Bank' s potential investors,
1694 in exchange for a replica which gave you the same results
For capitalism to be what it is,large amounts of wealth and '
gave access to the same worth', you would be doing
need to be generated out of nothing. something wrong.Typically,you would either have
worked out how to crack the code that imprisons the value
This is as true today as it was in 1694. If then,the '
of the good,and made its equivalent for yourself,or you
essentially consisted of ' new worlds', 'new lands'and
would have paid someone a far lesser sum of money for a
'other people' that capital could mould in its own image,
good enough copy.It could be a CD,a DVD,a text,a
then today the void is the relatively uncharted terrain of
game, perhaps a string of code.
information,the high seas of data and culture,which
precisely because for millennia they have grown through a After all, information - and all things that carry
process of the exchange of ideas and expressions information inscribed into them,like all cultural and
undertaken essentially in the spirit of gift giving,are now informational goods -is the gold,silver,tin,rubber,and
up for grabs for a new rule of the commodity. They are like cotton of our times.They are the primary commodities
the rain forests of ideas ? containing many centuries of a which add ' value' to the world of material goods. They are
biological diversity of cross fertilised cultures and the signs that rule over all things,they are the engines of
information systems,making them prime targets for the desire; they apportion the values that accrue to goods from
pharmaceutical corporations of knowledge. their real or notional scarcity.

The spirit of the age demands the making of scarce goods In sharp contrast,the counterfeit item,the pirated good,
out of things,such as stories,ideas,images,music and the unauthorised copy that stalks each manufactured sign
numerical expressions which were until recently and cultural good openly,in the back streets and grey
considered inexhaustible, even when shared, and markets of every global city or small town, defies the laws
abundantly so,by all humanity.The zero,after all did not that govern the making of money out of nothing today.It
cease to be an expression with some use in the context in does so by challenging the real or presumed scarcity of any
which it emerged when it passed from one culture of good with its ubiquity -the lush,fecund abundance of the
mathematics to another.Were the zero to be discovered copy. Which can pass from hand to hand, from user to user
today,it would promptly beg the question as to whose to user in such a way as to reveal the spectre of ' high
property it could become.There is money to be made out values' to be the nothing other than the processed illusion
of nothing. that it is.

40 December 2010 CRITIQUE

The idea that a cultural good can be marked as an ' original', haemorrhaged. However, the contemporary digital
that it is therefore of higher value,is in turn premised on environment does tend to give to this process an
the idea that goods once sold ( or purchased, or in any other unprecedented velocity.Unlike commodities,gifts can
way transacted) perish,at least in an economic sense. Here, accrue value to themselves as they pass from one person to
it is held that the transaction,and the transference of another in a network of gift exchange. The ethnography of
ownership onto the person of the consumer that it entails, the gift exchange in the Trobriand Islands,famously
'consumes'the value of the good.It is as if the life of a known as the Kula Ring, is an instance of this
thing is short- circuited when it is sold.It can no longer phenomenon; as is,
in a less exotic sense the ways in which
enter the chain of circulation ( except at a diminished heirlooms add value to themselves as they pass down
value)as a thing that could be used for different purposes generations.In a digital environment it is not necessarily
by different people.Hence,once bought,an object the patina of age or prestige that will lend value to a digital
becomes,' second- hand', 'used', '
depreciated'or in some object as it passes between persons,rather,it is the
general sense, '
degraded'. possibility that it will be improved,refined,and have
While this may be true of some material goods,( and is things added to it through usage ( without doing any
strictly true only for rapidly perishable goods)it is difficult damage to an always available earlier iteration of the
to imagine how it can be true for non material goods today object itself,which can be recovered through the layers
?a recording of sounds or images,an arrangement of text that gather to a work in a palimpsest).
or numbers, or a piece of software,loses nothing when it is It is this fact that gives to electronic piracy,and to any act
reproduced,or is passed on from one user to another in a that frees information from the prison of artificial or
digital environment.We are well aware of the fact that illusory ' originality', its true cutting edge. It does so not out
with the arrival of digital encoding of information,it no of any radical intent to subvert the laws of property and the
longer makes sense to distinguish between an original commodity,but because it makes eminent common sense
(which attains only the status of an event, or an instance of for people to share information in any community through
its first emergence)and a copy, because the act of making networks of informal sociality,especially if the act of
of copies in and of itself need not involve any perceivable sharing brings with it no depreciation in the value of that
loss of information. which is shared.Rather,the person who shares more
In fact,with each instance of a data object moving from gathers prestige to herself,and by now we are all
person to person, the information content contained within accustomed to extraordinary feats of electronic generosity
it may actually increase. It does not make sense to speak of (which sometimes carry with them an aura of ' bravado') as
'end users' of digital information;rather it would be more means of earning reputations within tightly knit online
accurate to speak of custodians who nurture pieces of communities.The new pirates are just as desirous of
information when they receive them,as part of a chronicles of their adventurous heroism as their
networked community of receivers who are also always ancestors! The shadow of the pirate galleon sneaks in on
givers ?of users,who are also potentially,if not actually, the slave ship,and the slaves stir restless in the hold.
producers. Thus, each person who becomes a custodian of In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,when
the 'material' has the possibility of adding to it something Capitalism was but a rash young beast,still taking
that was not present before, before passing on a copy. It is catastrophic baby beast steps out into the world,there
in this way for instance, that ever-lengthening play lists of were two prime engines that propelled its progress.The
music make their way from hand to hand,or rather first amongst these were the institutions of slavery,( its
between disc to disc in a community of aficionados. still- born precursor, off which it still nourished)and later,
There is nothing new in this process.The epics,stories, indentured labour, both of which could produce high
songs and sagas that represent in some ways the collective volumes of primary commodities like cotton,tobacco,
heritage of humanity have survived only because their sugar,rubber and minerals in ' new worlds'( which were
custodians took care not to lock them into a system of ' end then processed to produce other goods)at low costs. There
usage', and embellished them,adding to their health and was of course also outright the allied institution of plunder
vitality,before passing them on to others.When codes or which worked just as well,and was often engineered
languages closed in on themselves, allowing no through the mechanisms of war and conquest,( early
'interpolations'or trespasses after a point,they rapidly slaves were essentially prisoners of undeclared wars)so as

CRITIQUE December 2010 41

to later found plantations,mines,banks and of course,a increasingly chaotic world.Typically,even though they
few parliaments. sell the fantasies of place and identity in an increasingly
The second was the expropriation of the commons, which enmeshed world, they are produced in a global
'freed'large territories for capitalist agriculture,logging, everywhere,and delivered through electronic pipelines
mining,and speculation in land,and created at the same everywhere, and when necessary more or less
time a vast army of the dispossessed who were then ' freed' instantaneously,through telecommunication networks.
to become wage earners in new industrializing areas at Their ubiquity,and their global reach is also the hallmark
home or abroad,or criminalized through harsh laws that of their greatest vulnerability;for like their precursors,
imposed penal servitude in the ' colonies'. Tall ships cargo of the tall ships of the new economy is just as
carrying slaves, indentured labourers, or the new '
workers' vulnerable to attacks of piracy. The new electronic pirates
(freemen or convicts), and large holds of primary are located in the precise interstices of the global culture
commodities,gold,silver,cotton,sugar,opium crossed economy,which are the nodes that make the network
the seas,and sometimes fell prey to pirate ships.The viable in the first place.If we cannot imagine a global
crews of these ships often consisted of runaway slaves, media industry without the technology that made possible
mutinous convicts, and the otherwise adventurous the phenomenon known as ' peer- to-peer networking'on
dispossessed of the then known world.They would intranets,then it is precisely the same technology on the
ransack the tall ships,and set their commodities into other Internet that renders any attempt to police the distribution
conduits of usage and exchange,setting off eddies and channels of media content in the interests of proprietary
convulsions in the then global economic system. agencies almost impossible.

Piracy was troublesome in the way it led to sudden re- Just as the piracy of the past disturbed the equilibrium
distributions of wealth,which even if they were minor, composed of slavery, indentured labour, the expropriation
were considered enough of a menace to make the mastery of the commons,the factory system and penal servitude,
of the high seas a top military and political priority in the the electronic piracy of the present is destined to wreck the
external policies of the leading mercantile powers.In a culture industry either by making the economic and social
way,piracy was as troublesome then,as what is costs of policing content prohibitive,or by ushering in a
considered to be “piracy”today.It not only plundered diversity of new protocols of usage,distribution and re-
plunder,it also advocated a ' pirate ethic'of the high seas, production of cultural and intellectual content that will
where the laws of emerging nation states were held in make the whole enterprise of making vast sums of money
abeyance,where slaves became captains,and mutineers out of the '
nothing' of data and culture a difficult business.
founded precarious and momentary island pseudo- The culture industry,by insisting on stricter anti- piracy
republics that abolished private property and the formal laws and instituting harsher protocols of encryption,is at
institutions of the state; not because they were best buying itself some time. Their ships have been struck,
ideologically committed to an anarchist programme,but and are sinking. For the foreseeable future, the pirates will
because it was convenient and expeditious to dispense be hoisting their standards, stowing away the ' nothings' of
with laws and the other paraphernalia of the state in the culture to their grey market archipelagos of the global
wilderness of the high seas,so as to better undertake the information commons that mark the map of the high seas
serious 'business'of redistributing the wealth of the world. of data with their volcanic peaks of electronic
abundance. q
Today,intellectual property,the new cluster of primary
commodities made up of culture and information,is also ...........................................................................................
brought into the world through trans- continental networks Raqs Media Collective is collective of artists, media
of new ' indentured'labour,made in virtual vessels that practitioners, curators, researchers, editors, and catalysts
pass each other in the global working night,on the high of cultural processes. They are based in SARAI, Centre
seas of data.These tall ships of our times that fly many for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi. The article
flags of convenience are the software sweatshops,the was published in the Raqs Media website in 2003.
media networks, the vast armadas of the culture industries
and the lifestyle factories.They produce high value
primary commodities, stars, stories,
sagas, software, idols,
lifestyles,and other ways of ordering meaning in an

42 December 2010 CRITIQUE

Eye On Queering Studies
-Diepiriyie Sungumote kuku-Siemons

F ew people appreciate having groups of people in

crowds surprised by their presence: pointing at
them, staring at them, talking about them, gaping at
them as they pass on their way, hearing loud comments
made about them to others in the gawking groups. This
homosexual intercourse. Socially, effeminate men are
stigmatized, and even traditional queer identities are
marginalized. Until a relatively recent surge of activism to
fight IPC section 377, queer women in India were largely
invisible even in anti-queer rhetoric. Ruth Vanita has
crude description approximates a knee-jerk response to written an informative treatise about lesbian couples
difference. On the female body, for example, this is committing suicide together, seeking togetherness in the
described as eve-teasing, and denounced as a disgusting afterlife since their families in collusion with agents of the
manifestation of sexism. Yet, fascination about the state vehemently denied them this freedom on earth. In
feminine body is reflected in a variety of aspects of our practice, IPC Section 377 reduced queerness to the moral
lives, especially the fantasies we project onto big and small judgment of bestiality or paedophilia. The targeting of the
screens. Heteropatriarchal men and women repeatedly male penetrative sex acts is reminiscent of the way in
humiliate and punish the feminine body on these screens: which the state inherently subordinates female sexuality-
fantasies of sexual coercion slip into an elixir of romantic the queer woman is absolutely invisible before the law.
submission and is celebrated as marital bliss. His Only recently has queerness earned pop-cultural currency,
masculinity conquered her femininity. Is there any wonder yet the exchange of fame and stardom ebbs and flows more
that the sexism regularly projected in films reverberates in than empires and modern economics. By fixing our gaze
virtually every other area of life? on how gender, race/caste and class collide- and not just
Unlike race, caste and class, gender is more rigorously transgress- we are better able to note the contours of
performed, where infants the world over are commonly patriarchal hegemony.
donned in colors and designs deemed appropriate to their Somewhat comparatively, in the way in which
heteropatriarchal gender role. For example, dawning an Political Correctness conceals white-skin privilege,
infant in pink and pastels identifies the baby as a future aspects of one's religious or caste in India are quietly
wife, and adults respond to her accordingly throughout her signified in various ways (for e.g., in surnames), or in so-
adolescence, particularly at the onset of puberty. Though called civil conversation (for e.g., on more than one
we normatively socialize girls and boys differently, occasion I have been assaulted with: “I'm Brahmin but I
difficulties in adult cross-gender communication forms an don't believe in caste”. I have yet to hear: “I'm Dalit and
entire self-help section of popular literature; legislation caste doesn't matter”). What's more, the myth of
and law enforcement dedicate specific resources to deal meritocracy sells itself to many on the belief that just
with husbands who physically, emotionally and sexually anyone can achieve anything, if they try. That belief
abuse their wives. Perhaps not so ironically, ethnographies effectively conceals nepotism and the nexus of gender,
of those who themselves cross normative gender roles class and caste. Similarly, patriarchal socialization denies
could serve as a dense pool of research to unpack boys many opportunities to learn and practice nurturing
heteronormative roles, yet same-gender identity has been and empathy in a non-competitive environment. Far too
heretofore dominated by HIV/AIDS discourse or else often, boys are denied basic care-taking and domestic
deemed pathological. In contrast, queerness potentially skills, justifying a specific sort of inter-dependence in
unhinges sex from normative gender roles, and this marriage, parenting, and the reproduction of inequality.
precisely disrupts the patriarchal order by implying that Even for men for whom those lessons may have been
men can be sexually objectified. important, the very persistence of sexism would imply a
Until July 2009, criminal law in India was used by the sheer lack of valourization and internalization of
state to deny the very plausibility of adult consensual feminism. Lest the tone of modern consumerism intoxicate

CRITIQUE December 2010 43

our senses, we should be clear that just as sure as access has been stubbed, pedestrians have jumped from the
individuals do not move about the physical world in pavement, gangs of boys have teased and taunted, groups
fragmented pieces, and many spend portions of their adult of schoolgirls have picked and prodded, whole crowds
emotional lives piecing together those parts irrationally have stopped and stared. People are often surprised that I
ripped apart, so too should social theory engage social (dare) look back, that I take as much curiosity in them as
difference in its totality. In practice, this means more they demonstrate in me. Unless I offer a disarming grin,
interdisciplinary studies, research and collaboration. when I look back at people in public places, they seem
shocked or even threatened and move away quickly,
For example, in mapping safe spaces for queer people
gathering their kids and hurriedly moving along.
in Delhi, cultural geography not only encouraged my use
of Internet cartographic tools, but also, crucially, provided Recognizing the curiosity of host country nationals has yet
me a language with which to and curate my menagerie of to satiate my own fascination and intellectual interest in
spaces. Then, in looking at urbanity and gender, marketing this intense gaze. Certainly, regional/cultural variability
and other economic data pointed me in the direction of and degrees of urbanity influence the social distancing of
emerging trends. The Internet is emerging as a prime this interrogative gaze. It has roughly been my experience,
academic meeting space, given its sociability, ports of for example, that smiles are offered in Kerala whereas they
exchange, and currency as its own terrain. The Internet is are extracted from the public in Delhi. This may be implicit
its own galaxy; its greater integration into human society knowledge for someone socialized in the region. The
will certainly pose new and exciting queries for all our nature of the public gaze in Delhi presents itself as hostile;
disciplines. stone faces concealing any intentions, or perhaps afraid to
'chance' a liminal, ephemeral space between two strangers
Diss orientation: Firangi at DU that is immediately broken down in other parts of the
Arriving at D.U. a few short years ago from abroad, country.
there was no orientation session, nor any printed or At one point, I used a camera to investigate the nature
Internet material that explained the full registration and of this gaze, placing the lens as the spectator watching the
visa application process which involved several bureaus
watcher. Ultimately the videos culminated in a video series
spread across the campus and city. Hence, no single
on YouTube. Admittedly, the videos reflect a very nascent
individual could have possibly possessed enough
stage in my life as an expatriate in India. The videos are not
information to offer an overall picture of the bureaucratic
benevolent and reflect a frustration with being 'marked' in
necessities involved in pursuing a research degree at Delhi
public, and an intense need to frame this marking in
University. Moreover, the Foreign Students' Office- which
another context. The videos have provoked many sharp
has dramatically improved- had no permanent staff and no
reactions from users, many of whom defend the gawking
individual who could directly liaise with the Foreign
Registration Office or Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). as sheer curiosity. In most of the videos, 'race' is only
This proved prohibitive and humiliating when I first went mentioned in the title: “Look, a Negro.” Yet, several users
to the MHA to deal with my visa. Upon pressing for have specifically charged that the gawking is sheer
information regarding the visa application process from curiosity, while few immediately identify internalized
the only available attendant, I was abruptly rejected. The oppression (and therefore hatred/fear of the dark 'other').
attendant barged into the waiting room held my application What is curious is that all these responses were provoked
high in the air and yelled that my case had been denied. by videos that literally show pedestrians in Delhi simply
This demonstration swiftly put everyone in their place, and watching. The videos feel tense in their intense, fixed gaze,
a silent hum quickly cast over the unventilated crowded yet eerily calm amidst the noisy sounds of the city. On the
area. My husband followed the attendant back to his office video, Let's stop-n-gawk LIVE ON the DELHI Metro, one
where the man persisted: “It's their race,” he said. The user commented:
attendant's unambiguousness was strangely satisfying you've got some balls posting all these cheapshit
when compared to the widely ambivalent situations I had videos on youtube and disrespecting my
faced when denied a rental property by a landlord who countrymen on why they dont treat you with
actually smiled in my face just after telling the respect.I can answer that for you im pretty sure 1.
accompanying property dealer that he did not want to rent youre a dirty NIGGER and we refer to you all as
to Blacks.
HABSHI in our country that means dark unclean
Doors have literally been slammed in my face, library barbarians. 2. INDIA is ARYAN and worships

44 December 2010 CRITIQUE

ANCIENT ARYAN GODS. Yes white skin is rich chapter on communal power, pleasure and inversion in
important to us and we look down upon NIGGERS my own research.
as not worth mixing with. 3. On top of that you're For one year, I wrote India's first and only regularly
GAY. Haha isnt that the icing on your cake. featured Gay and Lesbian column in a mainstream
It is impolite. Certainly, for me, it is more than magasine. This increased my public profile as a human
unfriendly to have such epithets directed at me, and worse rights' activist, which was then amplified through a series
as an adult. Yet the comments do not persecute me, per se, of appearances on national news television shows where I
but an imago- those things that naturally threaten the user's was invited to speak exclusively on racism or homophobia
idealised Indian social order: the dark and queer 'other'. in India. Following the racialised violence against Indians
Beastly! In addition, this is mentioned in all caps to drill the in Australia, a national weekly news magazine invited me
severity of not only difference, but also a supremacy that is for an interview, photo session, and the opportunity to
not to be altered- in spite of modernity. With India's growth publish an article on racism in India. As the initial
rate, municipal infrastructure projects mean that the television appearances and even this magazine project
ground literally shakes beneath an urban dweller's feet. were presented to me, it felt as though I was expected to
Economic aftershocks cause daily waves in our urban trash locals on a lack of respect for Africans.
existence. Commutes accelerate, then shuffle. Jobs and Rather than calling out 'hypocrisy', I suggested that
rents soar, then food prices surpass even their rise. The moral leadership would be a more effective and
higher and faster the rise, the more clear and prescient need sustainable means of responding to domestic and foreign
to define a “we,” particularly when confronted with racism since it requires change at home. Instead of blame,
difference. The narrow and narrower “we” is distilled and we might ask ourselves to account for our own tolerance.
reproduced. In place of marking difference, we might seek common
When I see myself reflected in India's popular culture- ground. Hence, this is a disposition towards dealing with
fantasies as virile Black sportsmen or exotic dark muses, I difference rooted in a principle best articulated by
am also interested in the “we” on the other side of the Buddhism in relieving human suffering. The corporeality
fence: the spectator. This is not to lament the martyrdom of of difference may provoke uncertainty in many alongside
the dark queer 'other', but to acknowledge that the process their fascination and curiosity. Without faith, uncertainty
of determining who gets to be inside the circle of “we” breeds fear. Yet, if we take as much interest and fascination
becomes increasingly unfair. Or, rather, the modern “we” in our own flesh and our own corporeality, we might see
becomes increasingly fair. For example, Sunday that fear is something we all share, and hence we should
Matrimonials in English dailies are covered with young demonstrate this understanding through compassion.
men and women measured by skin tone- and miraculously Tolerance is taught and requires constant cultivation.
not one chocolate or mahogany colored single surfs for a For this cultivation, we are all individually and collectively
mate. Internet sites like reproduce 'caste' right accountable. We are accountable to maintain a youthful
on their homepages, though the site's PR reclaims fewer spirit, and an open mind. We must give our youth the tools
and fewer users choose mates based on that caste as to engage with others, so that they do not just stop and stare
criteria. I am more interested in the “we” turning in on and are not halted by their own fear or apprehension.
itself, taking a closer look, and opening itself to Effective communication across differences is always
renegotiating the terms of the fence. dynamic and dialectic. In research, this translates into
Choosing to deal with such daily battles more wisely. physically moving our own bodies into places and spaces
than with silence, I joined activist groups that dealt with that may discomfort us. Just as a spelunker surveying a
cross-platform oppression. I was intent upon exploring not cavern may have to crawl, climb and squeeze, it is
only the source of fascination with the dark queer other, but important that we as ethnographers map out those tight
also the sheer manner in which any society confronts spots in order that spectators may more fully appreciate the
alterity. To sustain myself financially, I worked as a Mammoth Caves. q
consultant with various international health intervention
and development NGOs. This work afforded me the
opportunity to conduct field research throughout southern Diepiriyie Sungumote kuku-Siemons is an African
India, and even facilitated my fieldwork in the Tamilian American Doctoral scholar in the Department of
transgender festival Koovagam. This experience elicited a Sociology, University of Delhi

CRITIQUE December 2010 45

Draft Manifesto of
New Socialist Initiative/Inqilabi Socialist Front

Y ou are invited to read, evaluate and comment on

the Draft Manifesto of the New Socialist
Initiative – an ideological-political platform in
the making. Another proposed name for this upcoming
platform is Inqilabi Socialist Front.
parts of the left movement from coming to grips with the
changing times. A revolutionary movement must proceed
from the actually existing conditions of the present and it
must proceed towards building a future that resonates with
the claims and the desires of the working people. Such a
The Draft Manifesto is an outcome of the intense process future can only be a freshly envisioned socialist future.
that has been underway for the last several years among a The Draft Manifesto is an attempt to address this issue and
group of Marxist activists and intellectuals active in and confront this challenge. We appeal to you to consider it,
engaged with the revolutionary left movement in India. It criticize it, and improve it. We appeal to you to become a
has been prepared as a first step towards the launching of a part of the process that has shaped this manifesto and that
platform that will articulate, confront and address the aims to create this new platform - one that will speak on
enormous challenges presented by the rapidly changing behalf of the revolutionary left in a new voice and with a
times. The politics of opposing capitalism have to be fresh promise.
reworked and strategies for replacing it with socialism are National Convening Committee
to be redesigned. Socialism, furthermore, is to be freshly
envisioned with the aim of taking the society and the New Socialist Initiative/Inqilabi Socialist Front
humanity to higher levels of creativity, productivity,
equality, democracy, prosperity, sustainability and This is the Preface to the Draft Manifesto which has
freedom. been recently published by the New Socialist
The world is a very different place than it was a century ago Initiative. Copies are available both in Hindi and in
or even half a century ago. Revolutionary left became a English. Translations to various other Indian
global force in the last century under the conditions of languages are in the process. The Manifesto lays
imperialist colonialism and indigenous feudalisms. But out our basic approach and broad understandings.
these are no longer the mainstream conditions of the world the Manifesto has evolved over a period of 3-4
today. Colonialism has been forced out of the stage of
years and has been mush discussed and debated
history and feudalisms, wherever they exist, have been
relegated to the margins of the political and economic over in many meetings, both organisationally and
systems. Imperialism has fashioned a new modus operandi otherwise.
that better serves its interests in the postcolonial
The New Socialist Initiative holds regular bi-
conditions. Capitalism reigns supreme and has, for the first
annual residential meetings in the months of June-
time, succeeded in penetrating and taking under its fold
every country and every society on the planet. For the first July and December-January in different parts of the
time in history revolutions directly confronting capitalist country. The meeting is a 3 to 5 days process
systems and bourgeois democracies are on the agenda. wherein intensive and detailed discussions and
Revolutionary left has to prepare for this altogether new presentations on various issues are deliberated
condition and forge a suitable strategy and a new language. upon, with a conscious effort to understand these
Lessons and the strategies of the previous century,
processes with a view to bring in progressive
important as they are, will no longer suffice.
changes, both in theory and in practice. Friends and
Dogma invariably feeds on populism. Both sidestep the comrades from all parts of the country come
truth and both work against the real interests of the
together in these meetings.
working people. Together they conspire to prevent large

48 December 2010 CRITIQUE

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