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Pandemic timeline.

The 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19)

epidemic began in late December 2019 in The spread of this coronavirus on a
an animal market in Wuhan, capital of global scale has been of such
On March 28, the secretary of
central China's Hubei Province. Since magnitude that on Wednesday,
health announced the first death
then it has spread rapidly through China March 11, 2020, the WHO classified
from covid-19 in Mexico.
and other countries. Covid-19 as a pandemic.

The first case of COVID-19 was detected Faced with this scenario, on Thursday, March 12, The federal government decreed on March
in Mexico on February 27, 2020 in UNAM announces that it plans to gradually 24 the start of phase 2 of the COVID-19
Mexico City suspend massive activities as of March 23 due to pandemic in the country, after registering
the very probable spread of Covid-19 throughout the first local infections. In this phase,
On February 28, phase 1 of Covid-19
the country. certain economic activities are mainly
suspended, mass congregations are
restricted, and the general population is
recommended to stay at home.

On May 12, COFEPRIS prohibits

Hospital ABC from doing serological On April 30, 64 days after this first
tests for COVID-19, which measure diagnosis, the number of patients
antibodies and are necessary to increased exponentially, reaching a total of
detect possible plasma donors. 19,224 confirmed cases and 1,859 (9.67%)

On May 1, Mexico is the twenty-third country

On May 15, in the face of growing concerns that On April 21, 2020, phase 3 by COVID-19 was
with the highest number of Covid-19
domestic violence is increasing in the country due to started in Mexico, since there was evidence of
infections, climbing twenty-two places since
the quarantine, President Andrés Manuel López active outbreaks and spread in the national
April 1. It has 19,224 infected officers, of
Obrador commented that 90% of calls to 911 for territory with more than a thousand cases
which 11,423 have already recovered and
gender violence are false. However, in April 2020, 267
1,859 have died.
investigation folders for the intentional homicide of a
woman were opened, the highest number of the year
and the highest since 2015. In total, 337 women were
murdered last April, the highest number ever. that
goes from 2020 and that means an average of 11.2
murdered every day.
Pandemic timeline.
On June 1, Mexico is the fifteenth country with On July 1, Mexico is the eleventh country with On July 24, an article is published in Forbes that challenges
the most number of Covid-19 infections, rising the highest number of Covid-19 infections, the idea that the majority of young deaths from Covid-19 in
eight places since May 1, with 90,664 officially climbing four places since June 1, with Mexico are due to chronic health problems such as diabetes,
infected, of which 64,326 have already 231,770 officially infected, of which 138,319 asthma and obesity. The article explains that almost half of
recovered. have already recovered. the dead in Mexico City between the ages of 35-55 did not
have diabetes, asthma or obesity, but what they had in
common is that three-quarters of them were never intubated.

On June 5, the traffic light update for the On July 31, Mexico became the third country
reopening of non-essential activities in the with the most deaths from Covid-19,
On July 19, SEDENA reports the
"New Normal" program was presented, reporting 46,688 deaths caused by this
death of 107 soldiers by Covid-19
showing all states in red (Zacatecas went disease.
from orange to red).

The country celebrates its seventh month of the On August 6, the death toll from COVID-19
On August 13, Mexico registered reaches 50,000.97 The United States
COVID-19 epidemic with 730,317 cases and
500,000 confirmed cases. Department of State classifies Mexico at
76,430 deaths, the Ministry of Health reported.
Which places it among the nations with the maximum risk with the indication not to
highest number of accumulated infections and travel to the country.
deaths in the world.

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