BNS Learning Diary 1

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BNS Learning Diary

Date: 24-11-2020
Name: Nishan N
Session 1 and 2
On the first session Gayathri mam had introduced some of the basic aspects of
the subject and proceeded by making groups comprising of 2 students each. A
case was uploaded on moodle which invovled two characters that; One buyer
and one seller. The groups had to go through the case and co ordinate with
each other that is the buyer and seller according to the case. The co ordination
was nothing but the buyer had to contact the seller in order to purchase 3
items which was being sold and eventually crack the deal at a certain
negotiated price. Eventually we had to prepare an excel sheet and mention the
details about how the negotiation was made.
On the second session, We were assessed by Gayathri mam about our
negotiation and were given feedback at the end.
The learnings I have sought from both the sessions are as followed:
1. As I played the role of the seller,I was able to understand the emotions
and interest of the buyer towards the items which were being sold
2. I learned that it isn’t possible to negotiate the deal according to how we
3. I have learnt that we shouldn’t have a lot of assumptions about the
other parties like we shouldn’t assume that the buyer lacks the
knowledge about the items.
4. On various circumstances the deal can be negotiated with an
unexpected outcome. For e.g. If the seller wants to sell the items
urgently then he or she might get a lesser price than expected due to
lack of time to negotiate.
5. For a successful negotiation it is neccesary to proceed with utmost
consideration of both the parties
6. Qualities which can facilitate the process of negotiating:
a) Patience
b) Calmness
c) Persuading skills
d) Understanding the customer
e) Leveraging the situation of the customer

7. Qualities which can disrupt the process of negotiation

a) Impatience
b) Lack of awareness
c) Greediness
d) Lack of consciousness

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