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St Madoes Primary School, Nursery Class

St Madoes Primary School

Sidlaw Terrace
01738 860332

Possible Roll
Morning Session - 20 children
Afternoon Session - 20 children

Mrs Jane Sheldon - Head Teacher
Mrs Annette Clifford - Nursery Teacher
Mrs Nicola Coulter - Early Childhood Practitioner
(Mon – Wed)
Miss Lynne Telford - Early Childhood Practitioner
(Thur, Fri)
Mrs Ilona Wann - Support for Learning Assistant

Morning Session - 9.20am-11.50am
Afternoon Session - 12.40pm-3.10pm

We hope your child will have a happy time at St Madoes

Primary School, Nursery Class. Please remember, if you
have a problem, no matter how small, do not hesitate to
contact us.

Aims of the Nursery

The aims of the Nursery are:-

•To work in partnership with parents for the benefit of each child so we
can provide continuity from home to Nursery.
•To recognise children as individuals and to encourage them, through
praise, to give the best of themselves.
• To help children become independent and make their own choices and
• To provide a secure, caring environment.
•To build up each child’s confidence and self-esteem.
•To provide new experiences for children in an exciting and stimulating
•To promote an understanding of our multi-cultural society.
•To promote an understanding and awareness of the needs and rights of
disabled individuals in society.
• To ensure that we recognise and encourage development of the
potential of all, regardless of gender, race or ability.

Regular Attendance

Pre-school children will be granted a place for 5 sessions a week. Requests

for fewer sessions in the ante-pre school year can be negotiated. Regular
attendance is important for your child to benefit fully from the Nursery

Please let us know on the first day of absence from school if your child is
ill. An ALERT system run by the school office whereby if we have not
had a message to tell us why a nursery child is absent, we will phone to
ask why. If a child does not attend for over three weeks without an
explained reason, their place may be given away if there is a waiting

There should be a gap of at least 48 hours between the last bout of
sickness and/or diarrhoea and the child returning to nursery

Please always leave an emergency contact number in case of sudden illness.

The school should also be informed if you have planned a holiday during term

Starting Time

A child may start nursery class at the beginning of the school term after
his/her 3rd birthday, except if your child is 3 after end Feb when they must
wait till August. There may be a waiting list to start.
When children start nursery, parents should be prepared to stay until their
child is settled and happy to be without them.

Organisation of the School Day

We would like to ask parents not to bring their child before the starting time
of each session. Children in the morning class can be brought at 9.20 am and
collected at 11.50 am. Afternoon class children can be brought to school at
12.40pm and collected at 3.10pm. Please do not bring your child in later than
the stated times as it disturbs the play session.

If you are unable to collect your child personally, please inform the Nursery
Staff of your replacement, who must be a person over sixteen years of age
and must be known to your child.

Nursery Entrance

The nursery class has a shared entrance located at the rear of the school
building. Please always let the school children in before the morning session
and keep your child well away from the entrance.

Nursery Notice Board

The Nursery Notice Board contains many important notices and information
which will be helpful to parent. Please do look at it frequently. If you would
like any other information please discuss it with the teacher or Head

Open Access

The school operates an Open Door Policy whereby we welcome you into the
Nursery class. If you wish to discuss anything in more detail, please ask for
an appointment with either the Teacher or Head Teacher and will be sure to
see you within 24 hours.

The Curriculum

The nursery curriculum is Curriculum for Excellence 3 - 18. In Primary school

this consists of 3 levels, Early, First and Second. Nursery children will work
at the Early Level and cover 8 curricular areas. Most of the learning is
covered in a cross curricular manner so children will not usually know what
“subject” they are working on. To enable each child to fulfil his/her potential,
the children will be given the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of

These will include opportunities for physical play both indoors and out,
imaginative play, sand/water play, art and craft activities, music and drama,
baking, science and the environment, construction games and toys.
The importance of language development will be stressed in all areas.

Transition to Primary 1

As part of the transition process and following good practice guidelines for
Curriulum for Excellence, Nursery, P1 and P2 children have opportunities to
play and learn together through the Play and Learning projects set up in the
shared area between Nursery and Primary 1.

Our Nursery Class is very much an integrated part of the school and Nursery
children take part in whole school activities such as Paired Reading, Assembly
and concerts.

Reporting to Parents

A Curriculum Evening is held each year for Nursery Parents

There is also a meeting in June for Nursery parents whose children are going
to start Primary one in August.


The Nursery class is included in school policies which are available for all
parents to read. A list of policies is posted on the Nursery notice board


Your child’s progress will be assessed by staff, and you will be kept informed
of his/her progress and development. Please do not hesitate to contact the
school if you have any worries or concerns regarding your child. You will be
invited to the nursery to discuss your child’s progress twice a year, in
November and March and a written report will be given in June. You will also
receive frequent updates by the staff who will approach you informally on a
regular basis. The children’s assessment folders are accessible to parents as
they are kept near on the shelf near the door. Please feel free to look at
your own child’s folder at anytime.


Snacks are provided on a daily basis for your child and will consist of a drink,
together with fruit or a savoury or a sweet item. The nursery staff will
consider the importance of healthy eating at all times and encourage the
children to try out different healthy foods.

The snacks are provided on a self financing basis and a charge of £2.50
per week is made to the parents. This is payable at the nursery at the
beginning of each week in the brown envelope provided. Any extra
monies not used for snacks will be used to benefit the children in other
ways e.g. to purchase equipment, help finance outings etc


Please send your child to nursery in sensible play clothes. In accordance with
the rest of the school, football club shirts are not allowed. Protective aprons
are provided for the children when they are engaged in messy activities but
accidents do occur!

Sweatshirts are available to order – please ask staff.

All weather suits are available to wear on top of play clothes so that children
can play outside in all seasons and weather.

Please provide and label gym shoes for use during P.E, Circle time and games
in the school hall. On designated P.E days we would advise tracksuit bottoms
or trousers for both girls and boys, as these are safer during activities.

As the children will often be going outdoors, their coats and shoes should
always be left in the nursery during class time. On cold days, hats and gloves
should also be provided.

For hygiene reasons we prefer children to change their shoes when they
come to Nursery. They spend a lot of time on the floor so it is not really
suitable to have outdoor shoes on all the time. If you do not wish your child
to wear gym shoes each session, please provide other suitable indoor shoes to
change into.

All jackets, coats, boots and shoes should be clearly labelled.

In case your child gets wet during water play or messy when painting, we ask
you to please provide a spare set of clothes, which can be kept in a labelled
bag provided by the Nursery.

Visits and Outings

Outdoor visits are considered an essential part of the nursery curriculum.

The children will often venture out to explore and discover more about their
world through using the senses. Visits may also be made to places further
away such as the AK Bell Library. However, due to ratios we may need extra
parents to attend.

Visitors, such as the local policeman, school nurse, litter ranger, school nurse
or dental hygienist, may be invited to chat to the children.

Class Notice Board

A notice board for parents is situated within the nursery. We ask that
parents read this board regularly. Details of activities and snack menu will be
written on the class notice board each week.

School Handbook

Further information about the Primary school can be obtained by requesting

a School Handbook

Parents Working in Nursery

When the children have settled into Nursery, parents are welcome to work
with the children. Special interests such as cooking, crafts, gardening can be
shared with the class. Every parent is welcome to stay and join the play once
a term. Parents helping on a regular basis must be “Police checked for
disclosures” please discuss this with the Head Teacher.

Emergency Closure

During severe weather conditions parents should “tune-in” to Radio Tay,

Perth & Kinross website and our own school website for notification of school
closures. If the school has to close during the day you will be contacted.
Please make sure you have given us an emergency number or, where relevant,
the number of your place of work.


The Authority insures against its legal liability for:-

(a) accidental personal injury or

(b) loss or damage to property of third parties

Parents are advised that no insurance cover is maintained for circumstances

in which the council does not have a legal liability. Parents may wish to
consider their own insurance arrangements.

If you would like any further information, please complete the form below.
Thank you.

Jane Sheldon,Head Teacher

February 2011

I have read the Nursery Handbook and would like more information

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