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Unit 1 - Task 2 –Writing Task

Luis Andrés Ramos

Code: 94.391.765

Group: 90008_144

Presented to
Tutor: Liby Tatiana Lozano

School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering

National Open and Distance University

Program: English I

Bugalagrande (Valle del cauca) Mar 17 2020

Hello, my name is Luis Andrés Ramos, I am 43 years old, I am proudly Colombian,
at the moment I reside in the municipality of Bugalagrande (Valle del Cauca), but I
am from Tulueño, I live with my family: my wife Nancy, and my two children Brayan
and David, 13 years old and 7 years old, at the moment I am enrolled in CEAD
Palmira in Electronic Engineering, what I like the most is going fishing and what I
don't like is the hypocrisy of the people
Evidence of realization of test: mod 1.
Module 2
Test mod 2.
Test mod 3.
Stage 3:
Escribir 4 oraciones en inglés en las cuales se haga la descripción de las
actividades que realizas en la ciudad que vives (usar las expresiones every
day, every other day, on weekends, on vacation) y en 2 líneas describir el
clima de este lugar. Debe ser una composición propia, respetando las
políticas de plagio de la universidad.

Stage 3: R/

Every day, I get up early, I take a shower, I get ready to go to work, I do all my work
activities, and I return to my house in the afternoon where, after lunch, I start to do
activities at the university or other In some cases I go with my family to my child's
training. His name is David and he is 7 years old and he likes soccer or sometimes
we shop at the supermarket if something is needed at home. On weekends, we
generally travel to Roldanillo, the municipality where my mother-in-law lives, to visit
her on vacation. Leisure activities and I have a great time with my family.
The climate of Bugalagrande municipality where I live is temperate sometimes
drizzle, but most of the time, it is hot more or less about 30 to 32 ° C, it is small and
very rigging. .You can organize river walks or go fishing.

Stage 4:

Describir en un párrafo un lugar el cual hayas visitado. 4 líneas mínimo. Tener en

cuenta que incluya:

Photo of the place, Name of the city or place, where is located? What were you doing
there? How was the weather like? How often did you do things?
E.g.: 2 years ago, I was in Tokyo, Japan. Located in the continent of Asia, I was in a
working travel; the climate was all the time sunny because I went by summer time. I
seldom had the opportunity to know tourists places because of my working schedule.
Stage 4-R/

A year ago I had the opportunity with my family to travel to Cartagena De India’s
capital of the department of Bolívar Colombia, it was a very entertaining trip from the
beginning we met many tourist places, we saw several important monuments of the
city enjoying the splendid sun and kindness of people enjoying a very nice sunset in
the company of mine.

-We analyze how to use the different verbs in their conjugation, if it is a regular
or irregular verb and its different applications in sentences.

-We use the different interactive environments to address the themes of the
course and its applications.

-Through the different activities carried out and with the help of the tutor we
advance in the development of the activity using the different tools for a good
understanding of the topics covered in the units.

British, C. (2016). Present Simple. [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de:. Obtenido de

Council, B. (2016). [Daily Routine] Tomado de. Obtenido de

E-book., I. E. (s.f.). Obtenido de (2020). [El tiempo – The weather] Tomado de. Obtenido de

Online, E. g. (2017). [Present Progressive] Tomado de. Obtenido de

Victoria, U. o. (2008). [Simple Past: Negatives and Questions] Tomado de. Obtenido de

Victoria, U. o. (2008). [Simple Past: Regular verbs] Tomado de. Obtenido de

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