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© Idiomas Católica 2018 (All rights reserved)


Student’s Name:

Teacher’s Name:

Course: English Date: Unit: UNIT 11


Talk about people’s lives

Talk about things you know how to do

 Talk about opinions

First Conversation (11 B)

José: Hello, Mario! I’m Max. Nice to meet you.

Mario: Hi, José! Nice to meet you too.

J: Well, let’s start. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? What can
you do?

M: Well, I'm a college student. I study law. I’m very good at writing
office documents.

J: Uhm, interesting! So, can you use the Word program good? How
much do you practice it?

M: Yes, I can. I usually practice it.

J: Great! Can you master the Excel program?

M: No, I can´t. But I'm at the intermediate level.

J: Very interesting. We will call you later.

M: Thank you!

© Idiomas Católica 2018 (All rights reserved)

Second Conversation (11 C)

Celia: Hi, Juan. Where can we go on vacations?

Juan: Hi, Celia. How about Cancun?

C: Uhmm. I don’t think Cancun is a goo idea.

J: Why not?

C: Because it’s very expensive.

J: Yes, maybe you are right.

C: I think Rio de Janeiro is a great place.

J: I don’t thin so. How about Máncora? What do you think?

C: Ohh! That’s an excellent idea.

J: Well, then we have to pack our bags.

C: Yes, Mancora. Here we go!

For Teacher’s Use

Spelling and
Content: Organization & Cohesion Language: Task Achievement:

Total: / 20 Converted grade: /4

Teacher’s Feedback:

Nota: Idiomas Católica se reserva el derecho de utilizar el contenido de este documento para fines
académicos, salvaguardando la identidad del autor.


My Partner’s name: I like My recommendation
Pictures Better pictures
Story Order and neatness
Conversations Use computer
Distribution Better conversations
Cycle: Order and neatness Focus on objectives
General presentation Improve presentation

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