Tuck Everlasting ScrapBook

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Table of Contents

1) Characters

2) Theme

3) Moral Lesson

4) Summary

5) Reaction

6) Reflection

7) Recommendation

Winnie Foster-One of the protagonist in
the movie, is the only child of an
overly protective family thus
sets out in the woods to
experience what’s out there

Mae Tuck- The mother of the
Tuck Family, very kind and
hospitable but the only flaw is
she’s very untidy in

Angus Tuck- The father of the
Tuck Family, a very gruff
person and made Winnie love
him the most in the entire family
yet he’s good in keeping secrets
Miles Tuck- Oldest child of the
Tuck family and left together
with Jesse to seek life away with
their parents thus became more
responsible and held jobs such
as carpentry and blacksmithing
Jesse Tuck- Youngest son of the
Tuck Family and the type of
person who does what he wants
based on what he thinks in the
moment, met with Winnie in the
Woods and fell in love in the
The Man in the Yellow Suit-
The Prime antagonist of the
movie, a strange man with no
taste whatsoever in what he
wears and he seeks the fountain of youth
to achieve both youth and
The Toad- Winnie’s first
friend and was only
noticed and realized by
Winnie as she saw that it
seems to follow her
wherever she goes
Winnie’s Family- The
overly protective family of
Winnie and the root why
she left them, after a while
they recognize the change of their
daughter thus gave her the space she
needs to grow
The Constable- The character who
arrested Mae for murdering The Man
with the Bad Taste and was forced to
release Winnie since she was far too
>. Dangers of Ignorance
- The movie “Tuck Everlasting”
trespasses the dangers of Ignorance. As
ignorant people would right away drink
the waters of the fountain and never think
the consequences situated behind it as the
illusion of immortality
deludes their sense of
reality but as time passes
realizes that there is no
goal to achieve through it.
“Power comes with great
responsibility” and being
blinded by greed and self-satisfaction is
never a good thing as thirst for power
always lead to rash and blind decisions
and severe consequences.
Moral Lessons
1. Being Born and Dying are all parts
of Life.

2. Life is meant to be lived no matter

how short or long.

3. Living forever is not as wonderful as

you think.

4. We should not fear death but instead

fear an unlived life.

5. People must live with bearing of the

consequences of their actions and
The Foster Family owns the woods near Treegap wherein the
Tuck Family also lives. Mae Tuck whom was getting ready to meet her
sons had a conversation with Angus Tuck her husband.

Then Winnie who was talking to a toad was brought to a halt after
a strange man wearing a yellow suit asked her some questions but was
disturbed by her grandma. The next day, Winnie ran away from home
and along the way met Jesse and fell in love at sight but was kidnapped
by Jesse’s family and after some explanations and back stories, Winnie
promised to keep her mouth shut.

As for the story, 87 years ago the Tuck Family came to Treegap
and drank from a spring and years later they found out that they couldn’t
age nor die and thus the immortality-giving spring was kept in secrecy.
After the talk, they brought Winnie to their patriarch and after that
Winnie started to freak out but was stopped by Miles after he said that
their horse was stolen.

Meanwhile the guy in a bright-yellow suit who overheard their

talking went to Winnie’s family with a proposal, to trade for their land
for Winnie’s safety. After the trade, he went to the Tuck’s Family and
unveiled his plans but was interrupted only with a shotgun to the face
and cliché happens and Mae who shot the man was arrested by the
passing Constable but was saved by Winnie by being her dummy in jail
and after was found out she was released for being too young. Situation
is solved Tuck’s is out on the run but gave Winnie a bottle o’
immortality water but weeks later Winnie refused to drink it and gave it
to his friend, The Toad.

Flash forward to the 1950, The Tuck’s have returned but only
found out that the Woods burned due to forest fire by lightning, the
spring dried up and Winnie was dead since she didn’t drink the bottle o’
water. - The End -
To be honest, I just skimmed through the
movie and the book of Natalie Babbitt’s book
“Tuck Everlasting” but in all consideration it’s
all good. Why? The plot and theme considers
that life needs to be just the way it is, fate just
mixes everything just right and whether you will
live a short and happy life or a long and boring
journey till your last breath. In relation of me,
my favorite characters was Mae the all-loving
mother who resolves to the most direst actions
to resolve a situation like for example, shooting
a man in the face with a shotgun and lastly is
Jesse, a person who just acts based on the flow
of the wind. Onto my favorite part, it was Mae
shooting that jerk (the man with a poor taste on
choosing colors for his suit) and ending his
delusions that will never work since, well its
fiction. So in the end I think it is just right for
Winnie to not drink that water from the spring
since who likes to bore himself to death? Thus
life just needs to keep on chugging on and on.

Natalie Babbitt’s “Tuck Everlasting” was an
American children’s novel that was published in
1975. It explores the concept of immortality which
might not be as desirable as it may appear to be.

Tuck Everlasting’s concept of immortality

appears to be from a spring or fountain makes the
one who drank from it to be immortal, someone who
is undying, immune to sickness and stopped ageing.
But the side effects of doing so is dire as it shows
that from the movie that Tuck’s were actually
suffering from being immortal as they were branded
as witches by their neighbors and cannot even end
their lives due to one wish of Angus Tuck: “I wish to
go and rest in heaven.”
I support Natalie’s concept of immortality,
achieve the impossible with a price equivalent to it
and it is the consequences that will lead through it,
the suffering of a thousand lifetimes. As they say
“Power comes with great responsibility.”

I personally recommend this movie
for watching to those who wish for the
impossible and awaits for the inevitable
that our actions have their own
equivalent consequences to do so.

My recommendation to people ranges

mostly to children who lost their thought
running wild, teenagers who thinks
running away from their problems will
solve it and to the adults who just does
whatever they want without thinking the
consequences behind it.

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