Name Class: ENG II P2 Date

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Name Class: ENG II P2 Date

Make sentences with the PRESENT SIMPLE (negative or question):

1. we / have enough time? We has enough time?
2. my dog / not / eat cereal in the morning My dog don’t ate cereal in the morning
3. he / not / read the newspaper he don’t read the newspaper
4. what / you / do at the weekend? What you did at the weekend?

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use each verb only once.

be close do do get have go have meet play relax study swim watch

Raisa ............ be ............ a student. She ......... get ......... up at 7:30. She .......... do.............. usually have
breakfast because she doesn’t feel hungry in the morning. She ........ have............. her first class at 8:30. After that,
she.......... go ........ to the library and......... meet........... until lunchtime. At lunchtime, she often.......... do.......... her
friends and they......... have............... lunch together. After lunch, Raisa ............... have......... some exercise: she
usually ........ swim................ in the pool or .............. play.......... volleyball with her friends. Raisa doesn’t like
studying in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies in the library again. When the library ...... close.......... at nine
o’clock, she goes home and........ relax........ . She usually......... watch............... TV or reads.

Write questions in the PAST SIMPLE TENSE for the answers.

1. A: ___you was born______ in the UK? B: No, I was born in Morocco.

2. A: ______ Where was she born_________? B: She was born in Mexico City.
3. A: __________ When was she born __________? B: She was born in 1990.
4. A: _______ When was he born ______________? B: He was born in 1966.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. There was / were a storm when she was born. 3. Were / Was your siblings there when you were born?
2. She weren’t / wasn’t born on a train. 4. Her aunt wasn’t / weren’t there when she was born.

Rewrite the sentences in the PAST SIMPLE.

1. I don’t finish my breakfast. I don’t finished my breakfast.

2. He plays golf. He played golf.
3. Why does she take the bus? Why does she took the bus?
4. She doesn’t help me. She doesn’t helped me.
5. I call my friend. I called my friend.
6. I need to learn this. I need to learnt this.
7. When do you arrive? When did you arrive?

Complete the sentences with and, but, so, or because.

1. Rosa was tired, (1) _______so________ she sat down.
2. She was tired (2) ______and___________ she hated the stupid rules.
3. The bus driver asked Rosa to get up, _______but________ she said no.
4. The other passengers were white, (4) __________so_______he was polite to them.
5. He wasn’t polite to Rosa (5) _______ because __________ she was black.
6. They called her the first person of Civil Rights ________so_________she was the first person to say no.

7. Rosa did a very brave thing (7) ________so_________ changed the lives of many African Americans,
Name Class: ENG II P2 Date
________but_________ it was difficult for her.

Write questions for the answers.

1. Who _________ asks for maria ___________________________________________? He asked for Mary.
2. What ______________ did they order _______________________? He ordered three large coffees.
3. Who ______________________ call_________________________________? He called Starbucks.

Match the columns.

1. go to work ____6___  g) the evening with friends
2. spend ____4___  h) to work
3. work with famous ___3____  d) people
4. drive ____2___  a) a snack
5. have ____1___  c) by train
6. go ___5____  b) abroad
7. see my ___7____  e) parents
8. brush ___8____  f) my teeth

Complete each sentence below with an adjective from the word bank above.

Intelligent scary amazing difficult awful dangerous cloudy beautiful interesting

1. I love reading an_________ interesting __________ book.

2. The sky looks really ____________ cloudy ___________ today.
3. The toast was so _________ difficult ___________ I could barely eat it.
4. I enjoy doing ____________ amazing ____________ sports.
5. I thought my teacher was ____ Intelligent ___________________ because he knew all the answers.
6. I saw a _______ scary ______ movie that made me have trouble sleeping.
7. The turtle is an animal that is ____ beautiful ___________________.
8. I had a ___________ awful ___________ time getting out of bed in the morning.
9. The car I saw at the races was ______ dangerous ______________.

Match (1 – 6) with (a – f).

1. be interested _6____ e) volleyball
2. be good  ___2__c) at
3. run   ___3__ a) a marathon
4. win   ___1__ d) in
5. take __5___ f) a test
6. play __4___ b) a medal

Write the sentences in the correct order.

1. it’s / I / think / nice. I think it’s nice.
2. don’t / I / know. I don’t know
3. it. / really / like / don’t / I I don’t really like it.
4. awful. / it’s / think / I I think it’s awful.
5. OK. / it’s / I / think I think it’s OK.
Name Class: ENG II P2 Date

Write an article.
Write a short paragraph for a student magazine about an architect you admire.

Read part of a webchat about routines, then answer T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences below.

Rita: ... so your life is really interesting!

Jake: I agree!
Rita: So what about your life, Emma?
Emma: Oh, my life is so busy. I get up at 5:30 every morning.
Rita: Why so early?
Emma: I go jogging every morning when I wake up.
Jake: Even in winter?
Emma: Yes, even in winter, even in the rain and snow.
Rita: That’s great.
Emma: I have breakfast when I get home but I take a shower first, or a bath if it’s cold weather. Then I take the bus
to work.
Jake: What do you do?
Emma: I’m a cook. I cook lunch for a school.
Jake: Wow, that’s great.
Emma: I cook lunch for 300 people!
Rita: OMG that’s a lot!
Jake: Do you work alone? Or do you have a team of people to help you?
Emma: Oh yes, there are five of us working in the kitchen.
Jake: So what do you after lunch?
Emma: After lunch, I usually go home and sleep in the afternoon. At four o’clock, I plan the food for the next day.
Rita: So you only work in the morning?
Emma: Yeah.
Jake: You have lots of free time! What do you do with your free time?
Emma: I go to see a film with friends. I do a lot of exercise. At the weekends, I go out of the city to the country. I
enjoy hiking. I visit my parents sometimes. They live outside the city.
Jake: Really. Do you get lonely?
Rita: Oh, Jake!
True or False
1. Emma is always very busy. T
2. She never jogs in winter. F
3. She has breakfast and then takes a bath or a shower. F
4. She walks to work. F
5. She is a cook. T
6. She works with four people in her kitchen. T
7. She sleeps in the afternoon. T
8. She works at the weekend. F
9. She never sees her parents. F
Name Class: ENG II P2 Date

10. She lives outside the city. F

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