Annals of Nuclear Energy: Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo, Isvi Ruben Esparza-Garcia, Alvaro Sanchez

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Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106

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Technical note

Features of a subcritical nuclear reactor

Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo a,⇑, Isvi Ruben Esparza-Garcia a, Alvaro Sanchez b
Unidad Academica de Estudios Nucleares, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, C. Cipres 10, Fracc. La Peñuela, 98068 Zacatecas, Zac., Mexico
Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas del IPN, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 07738 México, DF, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A subcritical nuclear reactor is a device where the nuclear-fission chain reaction is initiated and main-
Received 12 July 2014 tained using an external neutron source. It is a valuable educational and research tool where in a safe
Received in revised form 2 August 2014 way many reactor parameters can be measured. Here, we have used the six-factor formula to calculate
Accepted 4 August 2014
the effective multiplication factor of a subcritical nuclear reactor Nuclear Chicago model 9000. Using
Available online 24 August 2014
the MCNP5 code, a three-dimensional model of the subcritical reactor was developed to estimate the
effective multiplication factor, the neutron spectra, and the total and thermal neutron fluences along
the radial and axial axis. The MCNP5 results of the effective multiplication factor were compared with
those obtained from the six-factor formula. The effective dose and the Ambient dose equivalent, at three
Nuclear reactor sites outside the reactor, were estimated; the Ambient dose equivalent was also measured and compared
keff with the calculated values.
Six-factors formula Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Monte Carlo

1. Introduction To run the reactor a 0.185 GBq 239PuBe isotopic neutron (Vega-
Carrillo et al., 2009) is inserted in the center of a series of rings or
An important parameter in the design of a nuclear reactor is the hexagonal layers of aluminum tubes. In each tube there are five
multiplication factor, k, that is, the amount on neutrons in any gen- hollow rods of fuel or slugs. The main application of this type of
eration-to-the amount of neutrons in the previous generation ratio. reactor is for teaching, training and research.
If the multiplication factor is less than one (k < 1) the nuclear reac- The value of the keff depends upon the amount and type of
tor is subcritical, which is also known as subcritical assembly. If the nuclear fuel as well as the fuel geometry array and it is important
reactor is infinite the k is named infinite multiplication factor, if the to determine its value to avoid criticality accidents (Endo et al.,
reactor is finite the k is known as effective multiplication factor, keff 2011). The keff is the key parameter in the design or characteriza-
(Lamarsh, 1977). tion of subcritical assemblies (Papastefanou, 2004; Talamo et al.,
Any nuclear system, like a nuclear reactor, array of nuclear fuel 2011).
during transport or storage, or even a nuclear war head, containing The aim of this work was to calculate the effective multiplica-
nuclear materials must be analyzed to determine their criticality in tion factor using the six-factor formula; as well as, to estimate
order to verify the proper safety conditions to avoid critical excur- the neutron spectra along the reactor diameter and the keff using
sions (Abderrahim et al., 2010; Pyeon et al., 2007). Monte Carlo methods. The Monte Carlo methods were also used
Accelerator-driven subcritical reactors have been developed to estimate de ambient dose equivalent and the effective dose
and used as neutron sources, for energy production and for spent due to neutrons in three points around the reactor, these values
fuel transmutation (Shahbunder et al., 2010). were compared with measurements done with a neutron area
The Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas has a subcritical reac- monitor.
tor, UAZSNR, Nuclear Chicago model 9000. This is a heterogeneous
reactor, fueled with natural uranium with light water as moderator
2. Materials and methods
and reflector (Maldonado et al., 2008; Papastefanou, 2004). The
system is similar to the ‘‘pickle barrel reactor’’ built at the New
The UAZSNR has 280 aluminum tubes which are arranged in a
York University (Dietrich, 1960).
hexagonal pattern. Each tube contains 5 metallic natural uranium
3 Ø  21.3 cm2 cylinders, or slugs, with 0.1 cm-thick aluminum
cladding. The reactor can be loaded with 312 aluminum tubes;
⇑ Corresponding author. details of its design have been described in literature (Maldonado
E-mail address: (H.R. Vega-Carrillo). et al., 2008; Papastefanou, 2004).
0306-4549/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
102 H.R. Vega-Carrillo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106

PNL,th and PNL,f are the thermal and the fast no leakage probabilities
respectively (Papastefanou, 2004; Lamarsh, 1977; Vega-Carrillo,
The reactor equation, shown in Eq. (2), for cylindrical geometry,
was solved using, the Wigner–Seitz method (Lamarsh, 1977),
through equivalent cells.

r2 U þ B2 U ¼ 0 ð2Þ

In this equation, U = f(r, z) is the neutron distribution along the

radius, r, and the reactor axial axis, z, and B2 is the Buckling. The
non-leakage factors were obtained using the two-group approxima-
tion (Papastefanou, 2004; Lamarsh, 1977; Vega-Carrillo, 2012).
In the assembly, neutrons are increased by the amplification
factor, l, which is calculated using Eq. (3).

Fig. 1. View of the UAZSNR showing the lattice arrangement. 1

l¼ ð3Þ
1  keff

The reactor uses natural water as moderator and reflector, in The subcritical reactor power, P, was calculated using Eq. (4)
the center of the fuel array there is a tube that is used to hold (Shahbunder et al., 2010; Papastefanou, 2004) where m is the aver-
the isotopic neutron source. The fuel and the moderator are con- age neutrons produced during the 235U fission (2.44), w is
tained in a 1.22 Ø  1.52 m2 stainless steel tank. In the Fig. 1 is 3.124E(11) Watt-s/fission, and Q is the neutron source strength.
shown the subcritical reactor.
In this work, two methods were used to determine the keff. In  
Q keff
the first method, the six-factor formula was used and Monte Carlo P¼ : ð4Þ
calculations were carried for the second method.
m w 1  keff
Also, Monte Carlo calculations were used to estimate the neu-
tron spectra in several points along the diameter in the middle
plane of the reactor. With the neutron spectra the total neutron flu- 2.2. Monte carlo calculations
ence and the thermal neutron fluence (E 6 0.414 eV) were also
estimated. A detailed model of the subcritical, as it is shown in Fig. 2, was
2.1. Using the six-factor formula to calculate the keff The MCNP 5 code with the ENDF/B-VI cross section library (X-5
Monte Carlo Team, 2003; Forster et al., 2004) was used, with the
The UAZSNR has 1400 fuel slugs, thus the keff was calculated model with 9 hexagonal rings, 270 aluminum tubes with 1350
using 30, 90, 180, 300, 450, 630, 840, 1080, 1350, 1410 and 1620 slugs, to estimate the neutron spectra (UE(E)) and the total neutron
fuel slugs. The effective multiplication factor, keff, was calculated fluence, along the reactor diameter. Also, this model was used to
using the six factors formula (Papastefanou, 2004; Lamarsh, calculate the effective dose, E, and the Ambient dose equivalent,
1977; Vega-Carrillo, 2012) shown in Eq. (1). The calculations were H⁄(10), at three sites outside the reactor.
performed under MathcadÒ (Mathsoft, 1994). The amount of fuel slugs in the model was modified to estimate
the keff. The amount of hexagonal rings was increased from 1 up to
keff ¼ g e p f PNL;th PNL;f ð1Þ
10 hexagonal rings with 30, 90, 180, 300, 450, 630, 840, 1080,
Here, g is the reproduction factor, e is the fast fission factor, p is the 1350, 1410 and 1620 fuel slugs, in order to compare the keff values
resonance escape probability, f is the thermal utilization factor, with those obtained with six-factor formula.

Fig. 2. Monte Carlo model of the subcritical reactor.

H.R. Vega-Carrillo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106 103

location the dose was measured 20 times and the average was cal-
culated. These values were compared with those obtained with the
Monte Carlo calculations.

3. Results and discussion

In Table 1 are shown the keff values calculated for the three
cases using the six-factor formula and the Monte Carlo methods.
The six-factor formula overestimates the keff probably due the
simplifications of the method and the quality of the data.
If a 3% error is assigned to keff obtained with the six-factor for-
mula and using 3r in the keff estimated with the MCNP5 code, the
differences are not significant.
Fig. 3. Locations where the doses were calculated and measured. In Fig. 4 are shown the keff value, calculated with both methods,
in function of the amount of uranium.
Monte Carlo calculations are in agreement with the keff reported
2.3. Calculating and measuring the dose rates by Maldonado et al. (2008).
Both methods give the same keff when the amount of fuel varies
The model with 270 tubes was used to estimate the ambient from 800 to 1900 kg of uranium. Below 800 kg and above 1900 kg
dose equivalent, H_  ð10Þ, and the anteroposterior effective dose, the differences between both methods are significant, probably
E_ AP , rates at three locations, A, B, and C, around the reactor, these due to the simplifications done with the six-factor formula.
locations are shown in Fig. 3. For these calculations the neutron It can be noticed that regardless the method used in the calcu-
fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients from ICRP 74 (ICRP, 1996) lations, as the amount of fuel is increased the criticality increases.
were used. The Monte Carlo results were multiplied by the source However, even with the largest fuel load used in the calculations
strength, Q = 1.01E(7) s1 (Vega-Carrillo et al., 2014). the assembly remains subcritical.
Using a neutron area monitor LB 6411 (Burgkhardt et al., 1997), Using the case with 1350 fuel slugs the reactor amplification
the Ambient dose equivalent rate was measured while the reactor factor is 5.77 while the reactor power is 61.12 pW per neutron
was on, loaded with 1350 slugs in 270 aluminum tubes. At every emitted by the 239PuBe source.

Table 1
Values of the keff calculated by both methods with the reactor with 1350, 1410, and 1620 fuel slugs.

Al tubes Fuel slugs Fuel mass [kg] keff calculated with the six-factor formula keff calculated with the MCNP5 code
270 1350 2430 0.8498 ± 0.02549 0.8268 ± 0.0007
282 1410 2538 0.8537 ± 0.02561 0.8296 ± 0.0006
324 1620 2916 0.8653 ± 0.02596 0.8374 ± 0.0006





0.2 Monte Carlo

Six factors formula

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Uranium mass [ kg ]

Fig. 4. keff, obtained by both methods, in function of uranium mass.

104 H.R. Vega-Carrillo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106


r = 2.55 cm
10-1 r = 5.10 cm
r = 10.15 cm
r = 62 (outside)
[ n/cm2 - Δ u - Q ] 10-2
Source term




E Φ E(E)




10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102

Neutron energy [ MeV ]

Fig. 5. Nuclear spectra in the middle plane along the UAZSNR radius.

[ n/cm -Q ]

Fluence per source neutron



UAZ Subcritical nuclear reactor


-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Radial axis [ cm ]

Fig. 6. Total and thermal fluencies along the reactor radial axis.

In Fig. 5 are shown the neutron spectra in 3 points in the middle The total and the thermal neutron fluencies, normalized to the
plane along the radius of the reactor with 1350 slugs. Here, is also PuBe source strength, Q, along the reactor radius are shown in
included the neutron spectrum outside the reactor and the relative Fig. 6.
PuBe neutron spectrum used as source term. Here, the last hexagonal ring of fuel ends at 44.5 cm, thus the
For the point closest to the source the spectrum keeps the shape next point beyond is in the water reflector, and the point beyond
of source term neutrons, as the distance is increased, from 0.1 up to 60 cm is outside the reactor. The radial distribution is in agreement
15 MeV the fission spectrum is more clearly defined. In the spectra with measurements reported in literature (Papastefanou, 2004).
can be noticed the thermal neutron spectrum, these spectra have The total neutron fluence distribution in the middle plane of the
approximately the same shape as those reported for subcritical reactor is shown in Fig. 7, while in Fig. 8 is shown the total neutron
assemblies (Talamo et al., 2011). fluence distributions in the upper plane of the reactor.
H.R. Vega-Carrillo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106 105

Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of neutrons in the reactor middle plane with 1350 fuel slugs.

Fig. 8. Spatial distribution of neutrons in the reactor upper plane with 1350 fuel slugs.

Table 2
Calculated and measured doses.

Location E_ AP [lSv/h] MCNP H_  ð10Þ [lSv/h] MCNP H_  ð10Þ [lSv/h] Measured _  ð10Þ
H Measured
H_  ð10Þ

A 20.31 ± 0.61 24.29 ± 0.73 27.2 ± 1.06 1.12

B 12.84 ± 0.39 13.87 ± 0.42 14.32 ± 0.31 1.03
C 1.61 ± 0.05 1.74 ± 0.05 2.78 ± 0.10 1.60

The sharp peak in Fig. 7 is where the neutron source is located. the reactor the difference is only 3%. The largest difference,
The neutron distribution in the middle plane is approximately five 60%, is to 1 m from the reactor container, near the middle plane.
orders of magnitude larger than the neutron distribution at the At all locations the H_  ð10Þ measured is larger than the H_  ð10Þ
upper plane, which is outside the reactor. calculated; this is probably because in the MCNP model the
In Table 2 the calculated and measured dose rates are shown, walls of the laboratory, and a large shield in the room, were
here the measured-to-calculated ratio of H⁄(10) is included. not included, their presence produces neutron room-return
Location A is above the last hexagonal fuel array, here the (Vega-Carrillo et al., 2007a,b) that increases the neutron flux
neutron H_  measured is 12% larger that the H_  ð10Þ estimated and the H⁄(10). Another factor of the difference is that in the cal-
with the MCNP. At site B, located in the middle plane outside culations the fuel was modeled as fresh fuel.
106 H.R. Vega-Carrillo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 101–106

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X-5 Monte Carlo Team, 2003. MCNP-A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport
Code, Version 5, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-CP-03-0245.
This work is part of the project Subcritical Reactors Design, par-
tially supported by the COZCyT. The second author thanks to
CONACyT for the scholarship to obtain the MSc degree.

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