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      1. Some form of altar.
2. A black candle.
The purpose for the performance of this rite is to
3. The pact.
decondition yourself from previously held beliefs and
4. Symbol of your commitment.
dogmas. The structure is anti Christian, but if you
5. ³Holy´ book or symbol of your previous faith.
need to be free from any other belief system the
6. Instrument to draw blood with.
wording can easily be altered to suit your specific
7. Some type of writing instrument to be used with
need. For example, where the Christian trinity is used,
your blood.
you can substitute Mohammed or Allah or whatever
8. Black robe (optional).
other restrictive godform you were raised with. Where
9. Incense (optional).
the name of Satan is used, you can use Iblis or Melek
Taus as a substitute for the previously Muslim The altar can be anything from a slab of stone to a
readers. Ingenuity is required for people who want to coffee table. The candle is self explanatory. The pact
get rid of Wiccan/neo pagan mindsets. refers to a document that you have written in your
own hand and words that declares your rejection of
The rite can be performed indoors or out, although
and revulsion to your previous path. In it you
outside is preferable due to the symbolism of the
renounce your old god/s and pledge yourself to the
Devil as carnal nature. It should be performed at
new path of allegiance to the Devil as symbol for the
night. Moon phases are irrelevant to the LHP, but if
LHP. At the bottom is to be left a space where you
you feel a specific phase will suit you better, by all
will sign your name in your own blood. The symbol
means use it. The dark of the moon is recommended if
of your commitment can be a ring, a pendant, a
you do.
magickal weapon, anything that resonates with you.
Pentagrams with two points facing up are yourself not only being cleansed from dirt but also
recommended. The book or symbol of your previous from your previous beliefs. Don the black and make
faith should be obvious. The instrument for drawing your way to the chosen place where you have lain out
blood can be a needle, a blade, a knife or a all the paraphernalia on the altar. Light the candle and
hypodermic needle. Your aim isn¶t to scar or do harm the incense if you¶re using it and open the ceremony
to yourself, but to extract enough blood to be able to with a short prayer:
write your full name with. The writing instrument can
³Lord Lucifer, enlightener of man, giver of
be anything that will be able to write in blood, a
knowledge and an unclouded mind, emerge from
fountain pen, a feather with the tip sliced at an angle,
within me and witness this rite. I desire to walk the
a fine paint brush etc. The robe can be made by hand
way that you are the example of. I do away with
or made for you. What is important is the color black
ignorance. I do away with hypocrisy. No longer will I
as symbol for your new union to the forces of
walk the path of self deceit.´
darkness. Incidentally, the candle symbolizes your
new ability to perceive the light in that darkness. Take up the oath that you have written and recite it
Many metaphysical discussions can be begun on the loudly in defiance of your previous existence, then
symbolism of this alone. If you don¶t have the robe, draw your blood and sign the pact with your full
dress in black clothes. Incense can be a joss stick or name. Take the symbol or book of your previous faith
something more involved like resins and aromatic and with all the infernal hatred you can muster, spit
herbs burnt on a coal (the type you use with a hookah upon it, cast it to the ground and tramp upon it
is ideal). These things aren¶t strictly necessary for you grinding it into the dust. If outdoors, the symbol is to
to make a commitment, however for the purpose of be buried in that place, if indoors take it afterwards
this rite they are. and bury it somewhere. Take now the symbol of your
new commitment and place it on your person, saying:
To begin the rite, cleanse yourself physically by
bathing or showering, the whole while envisioning
³The work is done; my foot is set firmly upon the Congratulations! You have embarked on a life long
path. My allegiance with the infernal realm is journey of discovery, knowledge and undefiled
complete. Hail Satan, Hail Lucifer, Hail Myself!´ wisdom.

The symbol is to be carried on you at all times if

possible, but without fail during ritual. At some later
stage you may feel the need to strengthen your
dedication and as such a new symbol may be chosen.
Some will be content with the original artifact for the
rest of their journey, to each their own.

Snuff the candle and cast the ashes of the incense to

the four winds. The pact that you have written and
signed is to be kept in a place that is safe and sacred,
perhaps the inside of a personal altar.

This short rite is designed to break constrictions,

decondition your mind, and mark a definite point from
whence it can be said that you have made a choice to
follow the sinister way. It does not make you a
Satanist, for if you have performed this rite it means
that you have probably always been one. It does,
however confirm to yourself, by yourself what the
reality of your existence is. As the most sacred day to
a Satanist is his/her own birthday, it is recommended
that you perform it on such.

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