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Activating Prior Knowledge and Building Background


What do I know? What new information do I What new information do I What questions do I still have?
think I will gather? have?

Proper techniques on when to Concept maps and visuals How do you balance student
Activating background introduce connection to mediums are good ways for choice and having a degree of
knowledge is critical to background knowledge. students to reiterate and share continuity and order in the
facilitate a smooth transition their content knowledge in a classroom for inquiry
from what is known to Best methods to activate more appealing and engaging knowledge activities?
connection to newly presented background knowledge. way (“Strategies for Activating
information. Prior Knowledge”, 2014). What is the balance for
How to properly present new activating background in a
Background knowledge helps knowledge to serve as Remember to take into knowledge concise manner
learning come easier due to a background knowledge. consideration the diversity of while still leveling the playing
solid foundation being built the classroom and the wide field for knowledge?
prior. Techniques of reiterating variety of content knowledge.
background knowledge There will never be a How much prior knowledge is
Anticipation images are a prior guaranteed baseline of prior too much prior knowledge?
knowledge activity used in the knowledge (Fisher Et al, (i.e.: they know this so much I
social sciences. 2012). should skip it).

Providing a solid background How often should background

knowledge critical to create an knowledge be activated?
even playing field of Every day or every week?
knowledge to act as a When is it’s use to much?
foundation for instruction (overreliance).
(Shanahan, 2017), (Fisher Et
al, 2012).

Use student content

knowledge as a tool in the
classroom, students become
leaders in classroom (Fisher Et
al, 2012).

Activating background
knowledge heightens
engagement (Shanahan,

Prior knowledge helps with

memory chronology and
sorting of complex subjects in
the mind (Shanahan, 2017).

Specific techniques for Prior

knowledge sharing/activation:

Question station techniques to

extract background knowledge
(“Strategies for Activating Prior
Knowledge”, 2014).

Two-minute talks, concise yet

activates prior knowledge
through recall and interaction
(“Strategies for Activating Prior
Knowledge”, 2014).

Prediction guides, students

deeply involve prior knowledge
to speculate (“Strategies for
Activating Prior Knowledge”,


Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Lapp, D. (2012). Building and activating students’ background knowledge: It’s what they already know

that counts. Retrieved from Building and activating students’ background knowledge: It’s what they already know that counts

Shanahan, T. (2017). Teaching with Challenging Text - Dr. Timothy Shanahan [Video file]. Retrieved from

Strategies for Activating Prior Knowledge. (2014). Retrieved from https://scotlandcte.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/strategies-for-


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