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South African Journal of Marine Science

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Genetic variation in the bottlenose dolphin

Tursiops truncatus along the KwaZulu/Natal coast,
South Africa

J. A. Goodwin , B. D. Durham , V. M. Peddemors & V. G. Cockcroft

To cite this article: J. A. Goodwin , B. D. Durham , V. M. Peddemors & V. G. Cockcroft

(1996) Genetic variation in the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops�truncatus along the KwaZulu/
Natal coast, South Africa, South African Journal of Marine Science, 17:1, 225-232, DOI:

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S. Afr. J. mar. Sci. 17: 225-232
1996 225




Genetic variability and differentiation of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus population along the
KwaZulu/Natal coast was examined by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. In all, 19 loci, encoding ]4 al-
lozymes, were resolved for 40 specimens. Three loci (15,8%) were polymorphic. Average heterozygosity for
the population corresponded with values determined for other delphinid populations. However, the heterozy-
gous state of the enzyme G6PD was only found in female bottlenose dolphins, suggesting that this enzyme may
be X-linked in delphinids. Cluster analysis indicated a trend towards a north-south dichotomy in the
KwaZulu/Natal population, a result supported by previously reported pollutant data as well as greater variabi]i-
ty and smaller genetic distances in the southern cluster. However, non-significant FIT values implied a lack of
true genetic structure in the KwaZulu/Natal population. It is proposed that the annual influx of bottlenose dol-
phins from the Eastern Cape coast, in response to the migration of pilchard Sardinops sagax, results in the cap-
ture of dolphins "resident" on the KwaZulu/Natal south coast as well as Eastern Cape "migrants". Genetic vari-
ation between two potentially distinct populations may contribute to the elevated variability in the "resident"
dolphins and the weak structuring of the K waZulu/Natal population. Small sample sizes did not permit the eval-
uation of structure between "preferred areas" within K waZulu/Natal.

The need to identify and characterize discrete reflected a significant degree of heterogeneity among
breeding groups within natural populations is impera- nine schools of long-finned pilot whales Globicephala
tive for the effective management and conservation of melaena off the Faroe Islands (Andersen 1988) and re-
such populations and becomes even more critical vealed genetic isolation of northern and southern
where numbers are declining. Inshore populations of forms of short-finned pilot whales Globicephala
the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus along the macrorhynchus off the Pacific coast of Japan (Wada
south-east coast of South Africa are heavily impacted 1988). Population and species differentiation has also
by pollution and effluent runoff from coastal industry been characterized in the Balaenoptera (Danielsd6ttir
and agriculture (Cockcroft et al. 1989). Coupled with et al. 1991, Wada and Numachi 1991). Data from al-
an increasing rate of entrapment of small cetaceans lozyme electrophoresis has been used in conjunction
in gill nets set to capture large sharks on the with long-term observations to differentiate bottlenose
KwaZulu/Natal coast (Cockcroft and Ross 1990), dolphin populations on the levels of local populations,
these factors may be placing portions of the popula- subpopulations and groups (Duffield and Wells 1991).
tion under depletion pressure. This has initiated inten- Additionally, the movement of males between maternal
sive investigation into the structure and dynamics of groups has been identified on the basis of genotype
this population and the effects of continued mortality frequency differences.
in the region. Several independent field studies have indicated
Knowledge of the genetic structure of a population that bottlenose dolphins occur as resident groups with-
is required before marine mammals can be effectively in defined home ranges (Dos Santos and Lacerda
managed and conserved. The assessment of allozyme 1987, Ballance 1990, Scott et al. 1990). Observational
variation and the geographical distribution of allele and genetic data have suggested that inshore bottle-
frequencies can be used to infer bottleneck or disper- nose dolphins may form resident matrifocal groups
sal events which may have influenced the genetic with which males from adjacent groups interact
structure of a population (Murphy et al. 1991), as well (Duffield and Wells 1991). Ross et al. (1987) suggest-
as providing an indication of the genetic fitness of the ed that peaks in sighting rates at certain locations
population and its resilience to major environmental along the K waZulu/N atal coast reflected "preferred
changes. The use of allozyme variability in the deter- areas" inhabited by resident schools of bottlenose dol-
mination of population structure and differentiation in phins. Later, Cockcroft et al. (1990) delimited six
cetaceans has been well documented. Allozyme data areas where sighting frequencies were high. These

* Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Rhodes University, P.O. Box 94, Grahamstown 6139, South Africa
t Department of Biology, University of Nata], King George V Avenue, Durban 400], South Africa
~ Natal Sharks Board, Private Bag 2, Umhlanga Rocks 4320, South Africa
§ Centre for Dolphin Studies, Port E]izabeth Museum, P.O. Box 13147, Humewood 6013, South Africa
Manuscript received: January 1996
226 South African Journal of Marine Science 17 1996





31° 32° E

Fig. 1: The coast of KwaZulu/Natal, showing the location of the subpopulations (Groups 1-6) of the bottlenose
dolphin Tursiops truncatus, according to Cockcroft et al. (1990)
1996 Goodwin et al.: Genetic Variation in Bottlenose Dolphins 227

Table I: Buffer systems and electrophoresis parameters used to resolve presumptive enzyme loci

Enzyme E.C#a Buffer Time (h) Current (rnA)

Fumerase (FUM) TC-Ib 5 35

Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) phosphateC 7 55
Glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI/ TC-I 5 40
Glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) TC-I1d 2,5 45
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) phos/cite 7 43
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-I, LDH-2, LDH-3) TC-I1 5 50
Mannose phosphate isomerase (MPI) phosphate/TC-II 5 50
Malate dehydrogenase (MOH-I, MDH-2) phos-cit 7 50
Malic enzyme (ME) TC-I1 16 13
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) phosphate 5 40
Phosphoglucomutase (PGM-I, PGM-2) phosphate 5 40
Sorbitol deh.rdrogenase (SDH) TC-II 5 50
Superoxide ismutase (SOD) TC-II 5 50
Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH-I, XDH-2) phos-cit 7 50

n Enzyme Commission numbers (International Union of Biochemistry 1984, as given in Murphy et al. 1991)
b Tris-citrate buffer I (Selander et al. 197 I)
CSelander et al. (1971)
d Tris-citrate buffer II (Selander et al. 197 I)
e Phosphate-citrate buffer (Selander el al. 1971)
f Stained with the method of Harris and Hopkinson (1976)

were approximately 37 km long and were termed ed in 200 I!f cold grinding buffer (10 mM Tris, pH
"home ranges". This separation into distinct groups is 8,0) and spun at 10 000 g for 10 seconds to remove
supported by differences in pollution residue levels in tissue debris. Muscle tissue was used to resolve the
bottlenose dolphins from different localities along the loci for malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehy-
coast (Cockcroft et al. 1989) and by the geographically drogenase (LDH) and xanthine dehydrogenase
isolated behaviour of dolphins removing fish from (XDH). Samples were loaded immediately onto 12%
fishermens' lines (Garratt 1980, Ross et al. 1987). w/v starch gels (Sigma) by means of sterile wicks
Despite these observations, knowledge of the true (Whatman No.1) of approximately 3 mm width.
social structure and breeding activity of south-east Electrophoresis was conducted at 13-55 rnA for
African coastal bottlenose dolphins is lacking, thereby 2,5-16 h (Table I). Several buffer systems were tested
precluding an accurate assessment of the effect of cap- to resolve allozyme loci consistently. Phosphate (pH
ture mortality on the genetic fitness of the population. 6,7), phosphate-citrate (pH 6,7), tris-citrate I (pH 6,3)
The current study was undertaken to determine the ge- and tris-citrate II (pH 8,0) (Selander et al. 1971) gave
netic diversity with respect to allozyme variation of the most consistent degree of resolution of alleles
the K waZulu/Natal bottlenose dolphin population and (Table I). The allozyme-specific stains of Murphy et
to investigate the suspected subdivision of the popula- al. (1991) and Harris and Hopkinson (1976) were used
tion into "resident" groups. to reveal alleles (Table I). Stain constituents for man-
nose phosphate isomerase (MPI) were incorporated
into a 2% w/v agar overlay, under which the starch
MATERIAL AND METHODS was incubated. Concentration of the substrate over the
enzyme reduced the incubation time required for this
enzyme, so maintaining sharp resolution of the alleles.
Samples of organ tissue were collected opportunisti- In all, 19 putative loci, encoding 14 enzymes, were
cally from 40 T. truncatus captured incidentally in shark analysed using BIOSYS-l (Release 1.7, Swofford and
nets along the KwaZulu/Natal coast, South Africa Selander 1981). The six "preferred areas" (Cockcroft
(Fig. 1), during the period 1988-1990. Carcasses re- et al. 1990, Fig. 1) represented operational taxonomic
moved from the nets were stored at -20°C pending units (OTUs) in phenetic analysis. Allele frequency
necropsy. Samples of kidney, liver, heart, muscle and estimates were used to measure genetic variability
skin from inside the blowhole were taken routinely (Nei 1978). A locus was considered polymorphic if
from thawed carcasses. These were stored in the frequency of the most common allele did not ex-
polypropylene tubes in liquid nitrogen pending ceed 95%. The X2 goodness-of-fit test for deviation
analyses. from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was performed
Approximately 100 mg of liver tissue was macerat- using the Levene (1949) correction for small sample
228 South African Journal of Marine Science 17 1996

Table II: Genetic diversity of KwaZulu/Natal Tursiops truncatus. The observed and expected heterozygosity, with standard
error (in parenthesis), are shown for each subpopulation (Groups 1-6)

Subpopulation Group Observed (H0) Expected (HE) Number of samples F,S

Zin-Bal I 0,044 (0,031) 0,050 (0,035) 6 0,012

Bal-Dur 2 0,068 (0,041) 0,056 (0,032) 10 -0,210
Ans-Kar 3 0,053 (0,038) 0,081 (0,044) 6 0,350
lfa-Uml 4 0,066 (0,037) 0,063 (0,036) 6 -0,050
Umt-Mar 5 0,100 (0,056) 0,079 (0,043) 7 -0,270
San-Mza 6 0,105 (0,066) 0,088 (0,048) 5 -0,]90

Mean 0,073 (0,045) omo (0,040) 6,7 -0,042

F,S denotes the coefficient of inbreeding (Li and Horvilz ]953)

size. Multilocus deviation from expectations under Hardy- Weinberg expectations was observed for all
random mating within populations was estimated by groups except Group 3 for this locus (X2 = 5,33, df = 1,
F,S = 1- (Ho/HE), where Ho and HE are the observed p = 0,021).
and expected values of heterozygosity respectively. Observed heterozygosity determined by direct
The significance of F,s was tested using X2 = p2 N, count ranged from 0,044 in Group 1 to 0,105 in
with one degree of freedom, where N is the mean sam- Group 6 (Table II). Multi-locus estimates of Ho and
ple size of the six groups studied (Li and Horvitz HE provided no evidence of deviations from random
1953). Population structure was analysed using mating. Although two of the six populations displayed
Wright's (1978) F-statistics. Jack-knifed means and fewer heterozygotes than predicted under random
standard errors of these values were calculated using mating (Table 11), none of the fixation indices (Fd
the method of Weir and Cockerham (1984). These es- differed significantly from zero. The overall F,s was
timation procedures account for the effects of sampling also low (-0,042) and not significantly different
a limited number of individuals within a limited num- from zero (X2 = 0,0 12, df = 1, p > 0,05).
ber of subpopulations, and a simple weighting proce- Mean heterozygosity estimates were generally higher
dure allows the combination of data over all alleles in the southern groups (0,081 ±0,053) than in the north-
and loci. The estimated genetic variance among popu- ern groups (0,056 ±0,036). Testing of these values re-
lations was tested using the relationship X2 = 2NT F, with vealed that they were marginally non-significant
(s-I) degrees of freedom, where NT is the total num- (t = 4,00, df = 2, p = 0,057). This difference in aver-
ber of samples from s populations (Workman and age heterozygosity was suspected to have arisen from
Niswander 1970). The Prevosti coefficient (Wright a bias in the male/female ratio, resulting from the omis-
1978), which uses an arithmetic mean to combine dis- sion of males in the analysis of G6PD. However, there
tances across loci (Swofford and Olsen 1991), was was no significant difference between the number of
calculated for all pairwise distances and the data were males in Groups 1-3 and in Groups 4-6 (t = 1,94,
used to perform UPGMA cluster analysis. df=2,p=0,19).
Genetic distances (Wright 1978) ranged from 0,006
(between Groups 5 and 6) to 0,055 (between Groups
RESULTS 1 and 6). An UPGMA phenogram constructed by
cluster analysis of pairwise distances (Fig. 2) subdi-
vides the Natal bottlenose dolphin population into
Of the 19 putative loci scored, three (15,8%, p < 0,05) two major clusters, corresponding to a northern and
were polymorphic. All three (G6PD, 6PGD and MPI) southern coastal distribution. Average genetic distances
appeared to be diallelic. The faster-migrating allele was within the two clusters suggest that groups from the
designated A and the slower allele B in each zymogram. =
KwaZulufNatal north coast (D 0,033) are more di-
Genotype frequencies for the enzymes 6PGD and vergent than those from the South Coast (D = 0,015,
MPI conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations in all t = 2,85, df= 1, P = 0,046). Jack-knifed means of the
six groups. The heterozygous state of G6PD was FST statistic across all loci were estimated between
found only in female bottlenose dolphins in this study. these two regional clusters to be (0,094 ± 0,120), at-
As this is an X-linked locus in humans (Harris and tributing 9% of the total genetic variation of the popu-
Hopkinson 1976) and pigs (Mitton et al. 1994), males lation to differences between subpopulations. However,
were omitted from the analysis of G6PD in this study. this heterogeneity was not statistically significant
Based on the female sample alone, conformance to (X2 = 0,713, df = 1, p > 0,05). Of the three polymor-
1996 Goodwin et al.: Genetic Variation in Bottlenose Dolphins 229

Zin - Bal

Ans - Kar ] North Coast

Bal- Our

Ifa - Umt

San - Mza ] South Coast

Umt - Mar

0,05 0,03 0,02 0,00


Fig. 2: North-south subdivision of the KwaZululNatal bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus population, shown by
UPGMA cluster analysis (Wright 1978). Subpopulation limits correspond with localities shown in Figure 1

phic loci, only one (MPI) displayed significant popula- served for populations of long-finned pilot whales G.
tion structure (X2 5,37, df =
1, P < 0,025). Insufficient melaena off the Faroe Islands (0,034 ±0,019,
samples prevented a meaningful analysis of the de- Andersen 1988) and short-finned pilot whales G.
gree of structure among the six designated "preferred macrorhynchus off the coast of Japan (0,009 ±0,OO7,
areas" (Cockcroft et al. 1990). Wada 1988). Although the mean heterozygosity of
0,073 ± 0,045 observed for the population under study
is within the range presented for other delphinids
DISCUSSION (0,039 ± 0,133 to 0,093 ± 0,182, Shimura and
Numachi 1987) and is similar to an average value of
0,063 ± 0,051 presented for 12 species of toothed
This study represents the first genetic study of the whales by Shimura and Numachi (1987), interpreta-
K waZulu/N atal population of bottlenose dolphins. tion of the level of variability in the present population
Previous assessments of the dynamics of this species must be conducted with caution. As males were ex-
along the Natal coast were made from aerial surveys cluded from the analysis of G6PD, the remainder of
(Ross et al. 1989, Cockcroft et al. 1991), capture data only two polymorphic enzymes, for which there was a
from shark nets (Cockcroft 1990, 1992), pollutant analy- complete sample set, may bias the genetic variability
sis (Cockcroft et al. 1989) and from small boat observa- estimates. This problem may be resolved by analysing
tions (Peddemors 1995). The degree of representation several more polymorphic loci (Archie 1985). The ob-
by this study may be questioned with regard to the small servation that only female bottlenose dolphins were
sample size (40 individuals). However, the study ac- heterozygous for the enzyme G6PD suggests that this
counts for 4,4% of the estimated 900 animals in the des- enzyme is X-linked in cetaceans, as has been observed
ignated KwaZulu/Natal population (Ross et al. 1989, for humans (Harris and Hopkinson 1976) and pigs
Cockcroft et al. 1991). (Mitton et al. 1994), although this has not been detected
Genetic variability in KwaZulu/Natal bottlenose in previous allozyme studies on cetaceans (Andersen
dolphins appears to be higher than that reported for T. 1988, Danielsd6ttir et al. 1991).
truncatus off the coast of Japan and the North Pacific The diphyletic topology of the UPGMA pheno-
(H = 0,039 ±0,1l3, Shimura and Numachi 1987). gram suggests a geographical structuring of the
Similarly, lower mean heterozygosities have been ob- KwaZulu/Natal bottlenose dolphin population.
230 South African Journal of Marine Science 17 1996

Furthermore, a trend towards a lower average het- Dumford (North Coast) and Green Point (north of
erozygosity and greater average genetic distance with- lfafa) in response to the widening continental shelf
in the KwaZulu/Natal north coast group implies a re- (Heydorn et af. 1978). Over this range, it meanders for
striction in gene flow in this region and greater great distances and is characterized by cyclonic eddies
divergence between adjacent groups. Independent which form inshore of the current boundary (Heydorn
field data support this trend; Cockcroft et al. (1989) et al.1978). If indeed bottlenose dolphins make use of
reported marked differences in residue levels of PCBs, the Current's southward movement, it is likely they
t-DDT and dieldrin in the blubber of bottlenose dol- would do so while it was close inshore and before it
phins caught off K waZulu/Natal's north and south became associated with other disturbances.
coasts. Data from males older than 10 years were re- The extent of this migration coincides with the sub-
analysed, according to the subdivision suggested in division tentatively suggested by allozyme data. It is
that study. Both PCB (t = 4,53, df = 28, p = 0,0001) possible that the KwaZulu/Natal bottlenose dolphins
and DDT (t = 2,83, df = 28, p = 0,008) levels were sig- occupy relatively discrete home ranges, as previously
nificantly higher in males caught north of Ifafa Beach. suggested (Ross et at. 1987, Cockcroft et al. 1990),
However, these trends are not supported by population and that these are characterized by low-level interac-
heterogeneity estimates. Although the calculated F ST tion between groups, maintaining gene flow and pre-
statistic attributes more than 9% of the total variation venting structuring of the population. The weak struc-
to differences between the northern and southern re- turing of the KwaZulu/Natal population suggested here
gions, this difference is not significantly different from may be a result of the influx of animals from the adja-
zero, suggesting that interpopulation differences are cent Eastern Cape population onto the South Coast.
insufficient to account for real subdivision. In that case, one of two scenarios may prevail. In the
Despite the failure of allozyme variation to resolve first case, annual encounters may be characterized by
population structure in bottlenose dolphins, field obser- breeding between animals from the two regions, with
vations provide evidence for a mechanism which may the infusion of genetic variability onto the South Coast.
account for the trend towards subdivision. Peddemors Furthermore, interactions with nonfamilial groups may
(1995) reported substantial seasonal variation in the result in an exchange and relocation of individuals.
distribution and abundance of bottlenose dolphins off The former appears to be responsible for genetic ex-
the KwaZulu/Natal coast. Every year, large schools of change between populations of bottlenose dolphins
several hundred bottlenose dolphins are reported to (Duffield and Wells 1991) and pods of pilot whales
move northwards into that region during winter (Amos et al. 1991), where roving male groups make
(Peddemors 1995). These dolphins appear to be fol- frequent movements between female groups, during
lowing the annual migration of pilchard Sardinops which mating occurs.
sagax (Baird 1971, Heydom et al. 1978). During that Alternatively, there may be two distinct populations
time of year, abundance and catch rates of dolphins in of bottlenose dolphins on the south-east African coast:
shark nets increase on the South Coast (Cockcroft et a KwaZulu/Natal population, consisting predominantly
at. 1990, Peddemors 1995). However, the distribution of animals that reside in home ranges, and an Eastern
into preferred areas, observed prior to the pilchard mi- Cape population, a proportion of which makes an an-
gration, is maintained during the influx of dolphins nual northward migration onto the KwaZulu/Natal
from the south (Peddemors 1995). south coast. At that time, animals from both popula-
Furthermore, the abundance and distribution of bot- tions are caught in shark nets on that coast. With no
tlenose dolphins on KwaZulu/Natal's north coast re- means of differentiating "residents" from "migrants" in
mains similar to that observed during the rest of the the sampling procedure, all samples were analysed as
year, with no evidence of a southward movement in having originated in KwaZulu/Natal. This may have
response to the biotic influx. The north-moving generated a "pseudo-structure" in the genotype fre-
schools appear to migrate as far as Ifafa Beach (Group quency data, confounding the actual lack of structure
4 in this study, Peddemors 1995), despite continued and suggesting subdivision of the population. The use
movement of the pilchard and associated biota past of defined home ranges by bottlenose dolphins has
Durban (Baird 1971). Thereafter, their movements are been described in coastal populations off Argentina
unknown. It is possible that they move offshore and (Wlirsig and Wlirsig 1979), Texas (Shane 1980) and
are entrained in the south-flowing Agulhas Current, as Florida (Shane 1990). Additionally, both short-term
is suspected to occur after the pilchard migration and seasonal shifts in distribution in response to prey
(Heydorn et al. 1978). Why dolphins leave the migrat- movements have been described for coastal popula-
ing shoals in the vicinity of Ifafa Beach is unknown. tions of bottlenose dolphins (see Shane et at. 1986 for
However, the Agulhas Current, which normally lies review).
close inshore, moves farther offshore between Port South-east African bottlenose dolphins follow a
1996 Goodwin et al.: Genetic Variation in Bottlenose Dolphins 231

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